JUNE 7, 2020 Ǎnjǘdžǔǖǔdžǂǎdždž Ǖljǔǐǖljlj Ǐǖǔ Ǘdžǃǔnjǖdž Jeannette Marie Smith Dǂnjǎǚ 7:15 ǂ.Ǎ

JUNE 7, 2020 Ǎnjǘdžǔǖǔdžǂǎdždž Ǖljǔǐǖljlj Ǐǖǔ Ǘdžǃǔnjǖdž Jeannette Marie Smith Dǂnjǎǚ 7:15 ǂ.Ǎ

Tljdž RdžǗdžǓdžǏDž GǂǓǓdžǕǕ M. O’BǓNJdžǏ, J.C.L. DdžǂDŽǐǏ CljǓNJǔ J. DNJGǓǂDžǐ, M.D. Next Week: 724 CǂǎǑ SǕǓdždžǕ Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ, LǐǖNJǔNJǂǏǂ 70130 Corpus Christi 504.525.4413 Thursday, June 11: ǔǕǑǂǕǓNJDŽnj@ǂǓDŽljǏǐ.ǐǓLj 6pm ~ Solemn High Mass and ǘǘǘ.ǐǍDžǔǕǑǂǕǓNJDŽnjǔ.ǐǓLj outdoor sidewalk procession (no reservations required) St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ HNJǔǕǐǓNJDŽ LǂǏDžǎǂǓnj Sunday, June 14: EǔǕǂǃǍNJǔljdžDž 1851 Normal Mass Schedule St. John the Baptist Masses 9:15am ~ Mass and Benediction with Saturday 4 p.m., Sunday 9:15 a.m. RdžǗ. RǂǏDžǚ RǐǖǙ, CljǂǑǍǂNJǏ First Holy Communion (If you are not friends or family of First 1139 OǓdžǕljǂ CǂǔǕǍdž HǂǍdžǚ BǍǗDž. Ndžǘ OǓǍdžǂǏǔ, LǐǖNJǔNJǂǏǂ 70113 Communicants, please make reservations to goldensteeple.com attend on our website) WdžǍDŽǐǎdž Ǖǐ ǐǖǓ VNJǔNJǕǐǓǔ SǖǏDžǂǚ, JǖǏdž 7, 2020 Please make St. Patrick’s your spiritual home whenever you are in New Orleans. VǐǍ. LXVI Nǐ. 23 PǂǓNJǔlj Ndžǘǔ UǑDŽǐǎNJǏLj SǑdžDŽNJǂǍ Mǂǔǔdžǔ (LǂǕNJǏ) Requiem June 9, 7:15 a.m. SǕǂLJLJ ǂǏDž CǐǏǕǂDŽǕǔ Corpus Christi June 11, 6:00 p.m. 504.525.4413 External Solemnity of Corpus Christi June 14, 9:15 a.m. Fax: 504.568.1324 Sacred Heart of Jesus June 19, 6:30 p.m. Clergy Most Precious Blood of our Lord July 1, 6:30 p.m. Rev. Fr. Garrett M. O’Brien ~ [email protected], ext. 1004 Requiem July 17, 7:15 a.m. Deacon Chris DiGrado ~ [email protected] Transfiguration of our Lord August 6, 6:30 p.m. Office Manager Mrs. Jan Merington ~ [email protected], ext. 1002 Sacramental Coordinator BǂǏǏǔ ǐLJ MǂǕǓNJǎǐǏǚ Mrs. Paige A. Saleun ~ [email protected], ext. 1001 Please pray for those preparing for the Organist and Choirmaster Sacrament of Holy Matrimony! Mr. B. Andrew Mills ~ [email protected], ext. 1003 Mǂǔǔ PǓǐǑdžǓǔ St. Patrick Church JUNE 13TH, 2020 EǙǕǓǂǐǓDžNJǏǂǓǚ FǐǓǎNSǖǏDžǂǚ ǂǕ 9:15 ǂ.ǎ. Caroline Marie Reuter & Trinity Sunday Gregory Joseph Barry OǓDžNJǏǂǓǚ FǐǓǎNAǍǍ ǐǕljdžǓ Mǂǔǔdžǔ The Most Holy Trinity PǓǐLJdžǔǔNJǐǏ ǐLJ FǂNJǕlj We welcome the newest member of the Catholic Church; Mǂǔǔ GǖNJDždžǍNJǏdžǔ Please keep Asher in your We are still dispensed from Sunday Mass obligation, so if you are compromised in any way, feel ill or have been in contact prayers as he makes his Profession of Faith. with someone who has been ill, please stay home. Please bring your own disinfecting wipes and sanitizer. MAY 11, 2020 We recommend wearing a mask during Mass. If you choose to Marshall Asher Wabrek receive Communion, please remove the mask. Please maintain social distancing at all times, especially during Communion. Pews are roped off every other and if possible, SǂDŽǓǂǎdžǏǕ ǐLJ BǂǑǕNJǔǎ please sit 6’ off center aisle. We welcome the newest member’s As people depart from Mass, social distancing must be of the Catholic Church; observed and social gatherings are not allowed in Reynolds Hall we ask for your prayers for Julia and her family! or on the sidewalk in front of church. Mǂǔǔ ǘNJǍǍ DŽǐǏǕNJǏǖdž Ǖǐ ǃdž JUNE 7, 2020 ǍNJǗdžǔǕǓdžǂǎdžDž ǕljǓǐǖLjlj ǐǖǓ ǘdžǃǔNJǕdž Jeannette Marie Smith DǂNJǍǚ 7:15 ǂ.ǎ. SǖǏDžǂǚ 9:15 ǂ.ǎ. ʧ 11 ǂ.ǎ. SǕ. PǂǕǓNJDŽnj’ǔ Mǂǔǔdžǔ SǕdžǘǂǓDžǔljNJǑ Saturday 8 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) FNJǏǂǏDŽNJǂǍ UǑDžǂǕdž: 5:30 p.m. (Anticipated Mass) Mǂǚ 31, 2020 Sunday 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) SǕ. JǐljǏ Ǖljdž BǂǑǕNJǔǕ 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. (Extraordinary Form) & 5:30 p.m. 1st Collection (Operating Costs) $1,004 2nd Collection (Restoration & Maintenance) $140 Monday-Friday 7:15 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) & 11:30 a.m. Peter’ Pence $279 Holy Days Please check the bulletin and online calendar for Holy Day schedules and any Mass schedule changes. SǕ. PǂǕǓNJDŽnj’ǔ CljǖǓDŽlj 1st Collection (Operating Costs) $5,149 CǐǏLJdžǔǔNJǐǏǔ 2nd Collection (Restoration & Maintenance) $526 30 minutes prior to Masses and by appointment. Peter’s Pence $1,183 DdžǗǐǕNJǐǏǔ OǏǍNJǏdž GNJǗNJǏLj Novena after the 11:30 a.m. Mass Wednesdays Adoration and Rosary after the 11:30 a.m. Mass Daily St. Patrick’s is now offering ways to give electronically. Scan this QR BǂǑǕNJǔǎǔ code to be automatically directed to Please call the office to schedule your Baptism. our online giving page or find us online at oldstpatricks.org. WdžDžDžNJǏLjǔ Thank you for your generous Please call Paige Saleun at the parish office for wedding inquiries support of St. Patrick’s! at least 6 – 8 months prior to the wedding date. If you would like to receive future electronic communications, please send your email address to: [email protected] IǏ MdžǎǐǓǚ ǐLJ The Ahmed Families Leta Fayard Michell & Walk Families Allen-Kauffman Family Capt. Joseph & Condalaura Fletchas Nassau & Foster Families Walter G. Amstutz Miss Katherine Foster Beverly Beter Orillion & Family Freddie Andras Odis and Imogene Fowler Robert O'Sullivan Lucille Andras Joseph Robert Fritscher, Jr. Paul & Mary Isabella Poitevin August Babin and Son Arthur Aaron Frost Redmann & Rapier Families Ronald P. Barreca Michael Mark Gahagan Jeremy Reed Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Barry Gates & Reaney Families Anna Morovich Rickoll The Beall Family Adolph & Angelina Gattuso Jack Markem Riley, Jr. Walt and James Birdsall Mr. & Mrs. Lambert J. Gonzales, Jr. Roy A. Robichaux, Sr. Liguori & Elise Birrcher Graugnard-St. Pierre Families Roussel and Sherman Families Boes & Bravender Families Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Valsin Guillotte Lucy & Howard Scanlan Freddie Z. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hageney Gladys & Louis Schwartz Leanora Goodyear Breecher William D. Hebeisen Carl & Marjorie Sklamba Louis Breecher, Sr. Frank Casper Hemelt Smith, Salles and Barkerding Families Mr. & Mrs. Lawernce C. Britto Miss Patricia Hepler Leonardo Spalluto Lawton Douglas Brunson & Family Hoormann, Fischer & Clement Families John D. Sparck Mr. & Mrs. Peter Butler Jeffrey C. Houin, Sr. The Steim & Schaetz Families Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Carter, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Houin Mitchell D. Stella Emily Cercena Bessie & Allen Jeansonne W. Gilbert Stroud, Jr. Patricia Stassi Chassanoil Frank Emil Johnson W.G. & Sadie Stroud Jane O. Chatelain The Johnston & Pitre Families Anna & Joseph Szabo Fr. Wilfredo T. Comellas Wendy Ann Kirkland Patrick F. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Cook, Jr James S. Klazynski, Sr. Charles & Sadie Thomas Robert & Elizabeth Crosby Belinda Christine Lazaro Hilton & Mary Toups Mrs. Irma V. Dalton William & Delta Lazaro, Sr. Mark Anthony Toups Mr. George Paul "GP" Dalton Brenda & Gregory M. Lewis Salvador Trentacoste Maurice & Helen Dance Capt. Hillary P. Lincoln Lucille Cashio Tuminello Alice Mae de Montluzin The Luccioni Family Peter John Vandercook Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Dittmer Mitchell Dragutin Lulich Hank Vosbein Maxine Amelia Ditto Renée & John Lulich, Jr. & Family Versie & Leona Wallace Wayne W. Dilzell Elvera & Sidney Martin Amanda Magner Waring Drell & Douroux Families Masson & Paulin Families Mary Helen Wentz Ernest W. Duhe, Jr. Bob & Lillie Maurin Harold J. Wheeler Dupin-Szostak Families Leonora V. Maurice Rev. Anthony J. White Mr. & Mrs. Theophile A. Duroncelet, Sr. Norma Cameron McClellan Walter Mitchell Whiteside Henry Eikel, III McCrossen & Neely Families Robert & Lillian Wilson Robert E. Elmwood, Major, USMC, Ret Capt. Bob McGuire Jonathan Philip Wilson Daniel Farrell, Sr. & Martha Nolan Albert G. & Cecelia M. Messina Wingfield, Hernandez & Spencer Jack H. & Cynthia Young ST. PATRICK’S PASCHAL CANDLE Donated in memory of Lucy and Howard Scanlan & Bessie and Allen Jeansonne ST. PATRICK’S SANCTUARY CANDLE Donated in honor of Asher Wabrek If you would like to add a name CANDLES AT THE ALTAR OF THE SACRED HEART to the In Memory of list, statue Burning in memory of Coronavirus Victims or altar candles CANDLES AT THE ALTAR OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MOTHER please call the parish office Donated in honor of Tammy O’Brien at (504) 525-4413. CANDLE AT THE STATUE OF ST. PATRICK If you notice an error in Donated in memory of Ben Bragg the names as printed, CANDLE AT THE STATUE OF ST. JOSEPH Donated in memory of Lucy and Howard Scanlan & Bessie and Allen Jeansonne please alert the office ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH SANCTUARY CANDLE as soon as possible. Donated in memory of PǓǂǚdžǓ PǓǂǚdžǓǔ LJǐǓ Ǖljdž FǂNJǕljLJǖǍ For the sick of our parish and those who have Mǂǔǔ IǏǕdžǏǕNJǐǏǔ ǘNJǍǍ ǃdž ǑǓǂǚdžDž DžǖǓNJǏLj PǓNJǗǂǕdž Mǂǔǔdžǔ asked for our prayers, especially: Saturday, June 6 Melinda Andrews; April; Stephen Bailey; G. Barbe; Elliana Belew; Karen SǕ. JǐljǏ Ǖljdž BǂǑǕNJǔǕ CljǖǓDŽlj O’Keefe Belew; Harold Berrigan; Fr. Ian Bozant; D. Burt; The Call Family; 4 p.m. In Memory of List; John Sparck; St. Lucy Society The Casey Family; Belle Cashio; Tony Clesi; Collen Collet; Howard Living and Deceased; Lois L. Walk; Nola Wolsch Comeaux; Those suffering from Covid19; Brendan David; Mark Dupre; Elias SǕ. PǂǕǓNJDŽnj’ǔ CljǖǓDŽlj Ebrahim; Andrew Englande; Margaret Fanning; Gregory Frabier; Stephani 8 a.m. Intention of Deacon Rusty Bruce Frabier; Mary R. Gates; Kathleen Gaudet; R. Gautraux; Audra Guilbeaux; 5:30 p.m. Allan E. “Pops” Amundson, Jr.; In Memory of List; Sharon Haile; Joyce Harris; Cy Hoormann; Emi Hunley; Earline Huster; Captain Hillary Lincoln; Daniel Joseph Walters Anna Jobes; The Jones Family; Danny Kiffe; Fr. Stanley Klores; Stewart Sunday, June 7 Lagarde; Donald G. Lambert; Sharon W. Lambert; Meredith Landry; Jake SǕ. JǐljǏ Ǖljdž BǂǑǕNJǔǕ CljǖǓDŽlj Lemmon; Albert Leonhard; Stephen Andrew Losee; Garry Luccioni; The 9:15 a.m. Tom Benson Mahaffie Families; The Martinez Family; The Matherne Family; Daniel Mead; SǕ. PǂǕǓNJDŽnj’ǔ CljǖǓDŽlj Maxwell Mears; Laura S. Melancon; Olivia Merington; Vickie Middleton; 8 a.m. Pro Populo—For the People of the Parish Steven V. Murphy & Family; Tammy O’Brien; Tracy O’Dell; Dr. A. Forrest Pendleton; Marcella Pierce; Eric C. Pitre; Thomas Plunkett; Chilton Porter; 9:15 a.m. Amstutz Family; Mr. & Mrs. William Andre; Louis- John Provensano; Bridget Redmann; Richards Family; Herbie Robertson; Charles de Bourbon; Intention of Rev.

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