Lesson C 浪漫爱情片 (浪漫愛情片) 卡通片 kătōngpiàn 词汇 Cíhuì làngmàn àiqíngpiàn n. animation,cartoon Vocabulary n. romance 电影分类 Diànyǐng Fēnlèi Film Genres 联络工具 Liánluò Gōngjù Communication Tools 喜剧片 (喜劇片) 悲剧片 (悲劇片) xǐjùpiàn n. comedy bēijùpiàn n. tragedy 电邮 (電郵) 短信 duănxìn n. diànyóu n. email (the text message short form of 电子 邮件 diànzǐ yóujiàn) 功夫片 gōngfupiàn 恐怖片 kǒngbùpiàn n. kung-fu fi lm n. horror fi lm 视频 (視頻) shìpín 聊天室 liáotiānshì n. video n. chat room 动作片 (動作片) 科幻片 kēhuànpiàn dòngzuòpiàn n. action n. sci-fi fi lm 论坛 (論壇) lùntán n. bulletin board system (BBS) 记录片 (記錄片) 剧情片 (劇情片) jìlùpiàn jùqíngpiàn n. drama n. documentary 98 yì bǎi sān shí liù yì bǎi sān shí liù 99 Unit 2 Lesson C A: 喂 ,美 美 。 Adjectives Wéi, Měiměi. Hello, Meimei. B: 哈�,小兰,有什么事? (哈囉,小 蘭,有 什 麼事?) 肉麻 ròumá disgusting Hālou, Xiăolán, yǒu shénme shì? Hello, Xiaolan. What’s up? Adverbs 最近 zuìjìn recently; lately 你没收到我的电邮吗? 只是 zhǐshì merely; simply; just; only Nǐ méi shōudào wǒde diànyóu ma? 其实 (其實) Didn’t you get my email? qíshí in fact; actually Idiomatic Expression 除了…以外, 都/也… chúle…yǐwài, dōu/ yě except for; besides 对 不 起 ,我 最 近 没 有 上 网 。 Expressions Duìbùqǐ, wǒ zuìjìn méiyǒu shàngwăng. 怎么了 (怎麼了) zěnme le What’s up? What’s wrong? Sorry, I haven’t been online lately. nothing; don’t mention it; 没什么 (沒什麼) méi shénme like 没关系 méi guānxi A: 嘿 ,大 山 ,有 什 么 事 ? (嘿 ,大 山 ,有 什 麼事?) Measure Words Hēi, Dàshān, yǒu shénme shì? Hey, Dashan, what’s up? B: 我想问你周末要不要去打冰球。 (我想問你週末要不要去打冰球。) 部 bù used for fi lms or a volume of books Wǒ xiăng wèn nǐ zhōumò yào búyào qù dă bīngqiú. I wanted to ask if you want to play hockey this weekend. 封 fēng used for letters, emails A: 我哪里都不想去。 (我哪里都不想去。) 条 (條) tiáo used for text messages Wǒ nălǐ dōu bùxiăng qù. I don’t want to go anywhere. Nouns . 问题 (問題) wèntí problem; question A: 你喜欢吃什么菜? (你喜歡吃什麼菜?) 兴趣 (興趣) Nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme cài? What do you like to eat? xìngqù interest B: 什么菜我都喜欢吃。 (什麼菜我都喜歡吃。) Prepositions Shénme cài wǒ dōu xǐhuan chī. I like to eat anything. 对 (對) duì to; toward 对, 我对音乐很有兴趣。 Verbs 你对音乐有兴趣吗? Duì, wǒ duì yīnyuè hěn yǒu xìngqù. I’m very interested in music. 发 (發) fā to send; to distribute Nǐ duì yīnyuè yǒu xìngqù ma? What are you interested in? Verb-Complements 收到 shōudào to receive; to get 100 yì bǎi sān shí liù yì bǎi sān shí liù 101 Unit 2 Lesson C 1 看电影 Kàn Diànyǐng Watching Movies 3 个人问题 Gèrén Wèntí Personal Questions A person is talking about what he feels when he watches different kinds of movies. Match the Answer the following questions in Chinese. emotions to the movies below. 1. 你常常给朋友发短信吗? Nǐ chángcháng gěi péngyou fā duǎnxìn ma? A. 难过nánguò B. 兴奋 xīngfèn 2. 你的学校有论坛吗? Nǐde xuéxiào yǒu lùntán ma? C. 紧张jǐnzhāng D. 心情好xīnqíng hăo 3. 你喜欢什么电影? Nǐ xǐhuan shénme diànyǐng? 4. 你最近想看哪部电影? Nǐ zuìjìn xiǎng kàn něibù diànyǐng? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 你看过中国的功夫 片吗? Nǐ kànguo Zhōngguó de gōngfupiàn ma? 6. 你对什么事情有兴 趣? Nǐ duì shénme shìqing yǒu xìngqù? 句型介绍 Jùxíng Jièshào Language Patterns The Negative Question Pattern “没(有)…吗? méi(yǒu)…ma? ” 现代人的生活 Xiàndàirén de Shēnghuó Modern Skype This pattern is used to ask about something that might have happened in the past and about which the speaker is 2 unsure of. The negative word of 没(有) méi(yǒu) is used to form the negation of a completed action. You will hear a dialogue about a teenager and the tools she uses to communicate with others. Subject + 没(有) méi(yǒu) + Verb Phrase + 吗 ma? Write down the letters in the order you hear them. A: 我好饿。 Wǒ hăo è. A. B. C. B: 你没有吃晚饭吗? Nǐ méiyǒu chī wănfàn ma? 他今天没有来上课吗? Tā jīntiān méiyǒu lái shàngkè ma? To ask about things that have not happened yet, and about which you, the speaker, are unsure, the same pattern, but with the non-past negative “不 bù/ bú”, can be used. Subject + 不 bù/ bú + Verb Phrase + 吗 ma? 放 学 了!你 不 马 上 回 家 吗 ? Fàngxué le! Nǐ bù D. E. măshàng huíjiā ma? 明天要考试,你今天晚上不念书吗? Míngtiān yào kăoshì, nǐ jīntiān wănshang bú niànshū ma? 中国长 城 102 yì bǎi sān shí liù yì bǎi sān shí liù 103 Unit 2 Lesson C The Question Word 什么时候 shénme shíhou Question Words followed by 都dōu /也 yě to express We learned in level 1, Unit 3, Lesson C about the word order for time words. The question word 什么时候 inclusiveness or exclusiveness shénme shíhou is also viewed as a time word, so it is usually placed after the subject. As in the English language words like whoever, whatever, wherever, 都 dōu follows a question word such as 谁 shéi, 什么 shénme, 哪 nă, the meaning becomes “every” or “any” to express inclusiveness. Subject + 什么时候 shénme shíhou + Verb Phrase? A: 你明天什么时候来我家? Nǐ míngtiān shénme shíhou lái wǒ jiā? Subject + Question Word + 都 dōu / 也 yě + Verb B: 下午三点。 Xiàwŭ sāndiăn. 你什么时候都可以来我家。 Nǐ shénme shíhou dōu kěyǐ lái wǒ jiā. A: 你要 什么时候学中文? Nǐ yào shénme shíhou xué Zhōngwén? B: 我要下个学期学。 Wǒ yào xiàge xuéqī xué. A: 你想吃什么菜? Nǐ xiăng chī shénme cài? B: 我什么菜都想吃。 Wǒ shénme cài dōu xiăng chī. The Pattern of “ Verb + 不 bù/ bú + Verb ” To express exclusiveness, add a 不 bù/ bú or 没 méi after the 都 dōu or 也 yě and the meaning becomes “nothing” , “no one”, “nowhere”. 也 yě often In English, to phrase a “one-or-the-other” question as a statement, just substitutes for 都dōu in this pattern, especially when the verb is negative. add a “if” to connect the choices to the statement. In Chinese, however, the conjunctions 要是 yàoshì or 如果 rúguǒ do not have the same 他 心 情 不 好 ,谁 都 不 想 见 。 Tā xīnqíng bù hăo, shéi 中国长 城 function. For sentences like those mentioned above, use the “V不 bù/ dōu bù xiăng jiàn. bú V” question form because it offers a choice between something and 我今天哪里都不想去,我想在家。 Wǒ jīntiān nălǐ dōu bù xiăng qù, wǒ xiăng zài jiā. its negation. 不 Subject + Verb + Sentence with bù/ bú The Pattern 除了…以外, 都/也… chúle…yǐwài, dōu/ yě … 我想知道他去不去。 Wǒ xiăng zhīdào tā qù bú qù. to indicate inclusiveness and exclusiveness 他不知道你喜不喜欢 这 本书。 Tā bù zhīdào nǐ 除了 chúle expresses exclusiveness. In the pattern “除了…以外, 都… chúle…yǐwài, dōu…,” the first clause xǐvw bù xǐhuan zhèi běn shū. indicates an exception, and 都 dōu is placed in the second clause to refer to the rest. It means “besides” when The same applies to auxiliary verbs and adjectives. followed by a positive statement. 请问你明天能不能来。 Qǐngwèn nǐ míngtiān néng 除了chúle…以外 yǐwài, Subject + Question Word + (Noun) + 都 dōu + Verb bù néng lái. 她 在中国 住了多久 ? 除 了 猪 肉 以 外 ,我 什 么 都 吃 。 Chúle zhūròu yǐwài, wǒ shénme dōu chī. 他 不 确定这部电影好不好 看。 Tā bú quèdìng zhèi 除 了 滑 雪 以 外 ,我 什 么 运 动 都 喜 欢 。 Chúle huáxuě yǐwài, wǒ shénme yùndòng dōu bù diànyǐng hăo bù hăokàn. xǐhuan. When followed by a negative statement, it means “except for, apart from”. The Pattern “对…(没)有兴趣 duì…(méi)yǒu xìngqù ” 除 了 以外 , 也 This pattern means “to be interested in….” The preposition 对 duì is used to introduce the object and must be chúle… yǐwài Subject + Question Word + Noun + yě + placed after the subject. 不 bù / 没 méi + Verb Subject + 对 duì + something + (没)有兴趣 (méi)yǒu xìngqù 除 了 猪 肉 以 外 ,我 什 么 肉 也 不 吃 。 Chúle zhūròu yǐwài, wǒ shénme ròu yě bùchī. 你对什么运动有兴趣? Nǐ duì shénme yùndòng yǒu xìngqù? 除了滑雪以外,我什么运动都不喜欢。 Chúle huáxuě yǐwài, wǒ shénme yùndòng dōu bù xǐhuan. 我对唱歌很有兴趣,所以这个学期我想参加合唱团。 Wǒ duì chànggē hěn yǒu xìngqù, suǒyǐ zhèi ge xuéqī wǒ xiăng cānjiā héchàngtuán. 104 yì bǎi sān shí liù yì bǎi sān shí liù 105 Unit 2 Lesson C 会话 Huìhuà 4 吴森喜欢的电影 Wú Sēn Xǐhuan de Diànyǐng The Movies Wu Sen likes Dialogue Select the kind of movie Wu Sen likes based on the dialogue. 讨论电影 Tăolùn Diànyǐng Talking about Movies A. B. C. Qian Yongli is calling Wu Sen from home. How to Keep in Touch 钱永 利: 喂,吴森, 我是钱永利。 Qián Yǒnglì: Wéi, Wú Sēn, Wǒ shì Qián Yǒnglì. 5 联络方法 Liánluò Fāngfă 吴森: 嘿,永利,有什么事? Wú Sēn: Hēi, Yǒnglì, yǒu shénme shì? Select the method Qian Yongli uses to contact Wu Sen based on the dialogue. 钱永 利: 你没收 到我 发的短信 吗? Qián Yǒnglì: Nǐ méi shōudào wǒ fāde duănxìn ma? 吴森: 没有,我的手机最近有点儿问 Wú Sēn: Shénme shíhou? Méiyǒu, wǒde shǒujī A. B. C. 题 。怎 么了 ? zuìjìn yǒudiănr wèntí. Zěnme le? 钱永 利: 没什么,我只是要问你明天想 Qián Yǒnglì: Méi shénme, wǒ zhǐshì yào wèn nǐ 不想去看电影。 míngtiān xiăng bùxiăng qù kàn diànyǐng. 吴森: 你想看 哪 部电影? Wú Sēn: Nǐ xiăng kàn něibù diànyǐng? 钱永 利: 我 不 知 道 。你 对 什 么 电 影 有 兴 Qián Yǒnglì: Wǒ bù zhīdào. Nǐ duì shénme diànyǐng 趣? yǒu xìngqù? 吴森: 什 么 电 影 我 都 喜 欢 ,你 呢 ? Wú Sēn: Shénme diànyǐng wǒ dōu xǐhuan, nǐ ne? 关键词 Guānjiàncí Keywords 钱永 利: 我 喜欢 恐 怖片。 Qián Yǒnglì: Wǒ xǐhuan kǒngbùpiàn. 6 Complete each statement according to the dialogue. 吴森: 喔 ,除 了 恐 怖 片 ,什 么 电 影 我 Wú Sēn: Ō, chúle kǒngbùpiàn, shénme diànyǐng 都看。 wǒ dōu kàn.
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