NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR * S1.50 Thursday, February 5, 2015 niksheraldspectator.com Tasteslikesummer liTERARY MINDS Park Ridge event heading back for another year Page 8 MIKE ISAACS/PONR PRESS Telling their story in six words Niles North students take on the challenge ofexplaining who they are with an added twist, Page 12 HIGH TIMES KIRThMON F. DOZIER/AP RauHer issues marijuana licenses GEOFF SCHEEPER/P$ONEER PRESS In this 2014 file photo. Jackson Adams digs into an ear of corn. The annual Taste of Park Ridge will begin on July 9 andend July 11. 20 cultivation centers allowed. Page 17 ©2015 Chicago Thixine Media Group S3UN FOOD isNOI>1O 0969 . doja THE HEALING POWER isia .0.L>4W:KW VT gggCL9600 [ o T]SHNdd :5) OF TORTILLA SOUP 11. 5IO-Js101 Leah Eskin on the strong medicine of a great bowl of soup, Bill St. John on Portu- gil's world ofwines and Mario Batali adds pancetta to a magical celery salad Friday, February 6 ¡s National Wear Red Day. Celebrate with us WED, FEB. 4440N, FEB. 9! THE WEAR RED SALE WEAR RED GETAN 0/ EXTRA /O OR, PURCHASE AN EXCLUSIVE RED DRESS PIN FOR $2 & GET AN EXTRA 20% OFF TO BEN EFIT** GO RED FOR WOMEN® SAVINGS OFF SELECT REGULAR, SALE & CLEARANCE PURCHASES THROUGHOUT THE STORE OR, TAKE AN EXTRA 15% OFF SELECT REGULAR, SALE & CLEARANCE HOME ITEMS, FiNE AND FASHION JEWELPY & ALL SALE & CLEARANCE WATCHES. EXCLUSIOP4S APPLY; SEE BELOW; VISIT MACYS.COMIGORED FOR MORE INFORMATION. EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT WEARING EXTRA SAVINGS ON SALE & CLEARANCE WOW! PASS APPAREL! (EXCEPT SPECIALS & SUPER BUYS) RED, YOU CAN STILL SAVE! EXTRA 15 OFF sEE:- SALE & CECE APPAREL FOR AIM, HER & KIDS PLL'S FINE & FASHION JEWELRY & SELECT HOME ITEMS EXTRA EXTRA 10% OFF SALE & CLEARANCE IVATCHES, SHOES, COATS, SUITS, DRESSES INTIMATES, SWIM FOR HER; MEN'S SUIT SEPARATES & SPORTCOATS Alsoexdudes: Deals ofthe Day. Doorbusters. 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Terms & onditions at rnacysxom/mobilehelp PrIvacy policyt mays.com/pnvacypolicy WHEN YOU USE YOUR VALID 2/4-2/9/2015 MACY'S CARD OR PASS 'EXCLUSIONS APPLY; SEE PASS. 00004006100318120116 *m FREE SHIPPING EVERY DAY EXTRA 10%-20% OFF FREE RETURNS AT MACYS.COM! FREE SHIPPIP4G WITH $99 PURCHASE USE PROMO CODE: RED FOR EXTRA SAViNGS; OFFER VALID 214-219F2015. EXCLUSIONS APPLY; SEE MACYS.COM FOR DETAILS. FREE RETURNS BY MAIL OR IN-STORE U.S. ONLY. EXCWSIONS APPLY; DETAILS AT MACYS.COM/FREEREÌ1JRNS BUY THE DRESSES BELOW AND A PORTION OF THE PRICE WILL BENEFIT GO RED FOR WOMEN! THAUA KENSIE CALVIN Fit & flare dress. SODI Misses. S99. KLEIN Wrap dress wth This item is not Ponte sheath hardware detad. on sale Macy's dress, Misses. Misses. 89.50. card/pass Orig., * 1814784. discount price break This itm is doesn't apply. 79.99, not on sale Macy's will * 1059502. & Macy's card/pass donate 10% Macy's will discount doesn't ofthe price donate 10% apply. Macy's wUf for every ofthe price donate i 0% of the dress sold for every price for every now-3/31/15. dress sold dress so'd now-2/28/15, rtow-2/28'15. tb mccy *_p the magic of gMng MACV'S IS A PROUD' NATIONAL SPONSOR.U REG & ORIG PRICES ARE OFFERING PRIC[5 AND SAVINGS MAY NOT BE BASED ON A(TUASA1E. SOME ORIG. PRICES NOT IN EFFECT DURING THE PAST9ODAYS. WEARRED SALE PRICES IN EFFE(TV4-2/9f2015, EXCEPT AS NOTED. Intermed,ate prke reductions may have bren taken. Dug/Now tem will remain at adveciied pne aller event and are available while supplies last Adverthed merdiandise may not be carried al your local Macy'and selection may vary by store. Pricey and merdiandise may differ at mays.om. 'SAVlNGSWHENYOIJ WEAR RfDOfl BUY REDDRtSSPIN EI(IUDLS: Dealsotthe Day, Doorbuoten, Everyday VaIsesIEDY), speaab superbuyo, cmmews/Iragrawes, ewrk4ecirone, Doorcoenings, furniture, mattresses, nags *Jsoexdudev. all reguIarpreed.bridge&desgncr handbags& droes. athletvapparel. d,oes&crosone. All-Clad, prodwt offered by rendon wtiovperatt' leased depanrnentsin anyofouttorev including. Rurbevry. DalIaCowboys merdiandivo, &sci, ongthamp, ouniiIion, Newfra, Nican Field; Banding. (oach,dessgnerportswear. Dooney& Beute, Dyson,Eileen lidrer, Empore Annam. Ghuqa, Hriskeh, lmçuhe, foxy, kale spade, taoslr, alue. laurenlPolo/Ralph (auren/Demm& Supply, teQeuset, levi'v, liadro, t«ker Room by s, Marchesa, MkhaelAram, MICHAEL Mkhael kOrS/Mkhael tors, Not Yew Dauqhtec's Jeam, Osai Room, SeIeIed tkrnsed Depts. Sperry, Spann, sieciinq flatware, Swaiovsbi, Tommy Bahama, Iuin 18 SImp, Vera Wanq. Wacoa watthe Waterfwd (hina/Qystal/Silvrr, WÙSthOÇ, Not valid oit bridal saloin, gift cardr gourmet foods,jewelry trunk show paymenton credit a«ennts ¡xevrnus purchase, restau,ant rcvices. spenal orders, peoal pprchase winy. Cannot be combmed with anysavmç paskoupon,extra dovoont or undO ohm, en(ept opemnq a new MarySa«ovmt. EXTRA SAV1NGS%APPIJED TO RELXICEDPRIS. EXIP SA'9NGS VAUDTHROUGH ¿(Sf2015. 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WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM Seniing the community since 1991. r 4 Cat gt o N lLES FIERALD- SPECTATOR your tablet? Bob Fleck, Publisher/General Mannger App makers appeal to John Puterbaugh, Editor felines with games 312-222-3331; jputerbaugh®tiibpub.com that let them hunt Jill McDermott,, Vice President of Advertising critters on the screen. 224-500-2419; [email protected] See Health & Family MAIUNG ADOESS PUBUCATION INFORMATIOI4: 435 N. Michigan Ave. Hiles Herald-Spectator (USPS 390-680) Chicago. ft 60611 is published 52 issues per year by Chicago Tribune Media Group, ADV(RflSING 435 North Michigan Avenue Chicago. o DisIay- 312-283-7056 Illinois, 60611. Single copy: $150. C*ìssthed 866-399-0537 Periodicals postage paid at Aurora IL (mat suburban.cIass()tnbpub.com and additional mailing offices. One- legals suburban.te9aI)thbpub.com year subscription: $52.00. In-county 0it.añes 866-399-0537 only. 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FULLEP/AP MARINO REALTORS 0 Qnkiy 5800 Dempster - Morton Grove (847) 967-5500 (OUTSIDE ILLINOIS CALL 1-800253-0021) The Gold Standard www.century2l manuio.coni ARARE FIM IUBIY IE fl's 4ortno thtneSu4ieib gity ei lto 1 txt li own Fblfl hX lt ties Caty toil 7 rumn bldc theeth i) corumlelt to everything (I Sdwi t11 67' tlblt Mu togibl tÌiq sun S Sana Win ropwtTh îw swste [el-lt ktIthltì15 n ttetìinii lae a*died buiant aO np Fat-m kittwi willi 3 fis wttli iseúvunetj fttxxS i Yr cinetwal yewun ltjtlUTt. blnÌ & ufy a'a Scemien Idi tellS FtI taddieti baratwi willi 4go titem. lull lath. afthty tous & lor çyjs wtV diwf sajYceittil 5bBtJ & rEniw ipfadt w_ 2 cdetztnid gage Bituly tew&aped re yd Awl .thinr the hum pa, hai, S249tx resnyiadte street y .5OOO Tm 0 hlit A gift suretosweeten their day.
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