Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 1967 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [23 NOVEMBER] Questions 1877 Answer:- (1 and 2) "The former Executive Com­ mittee of the Q.A.T.B. submitted a super­ annuation scheme for consideration, but no finality was reached prior to the decision to introduce legislation to provide for the Ambulance Services Act. It was then deemed desirable that further consideration of the matter should be deferred until the new Act, providing for the appoint­ ment of the State Council of the Q.A.T.B. came into operation. This matter, together with the documents considered by the former Executive Committee, has been referred to the State Council of the Q.A.T.B., and I understand was discussed at the November meeting of that body. I have not been advised of any further developments." ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINT­ MENT TO PUBLIC SERVICE Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- What are the minimum requirements for (a) males and (b) females for appointment to professional or clerical positions in the Public Service from (i) Senior and (ii) Junior pub]i,c examinations? Answer:- "The minimum requirements for appoint­ ment to positions in the Public Service for males and females are contained in Public Service Regulations 88 and 89. Clauses 17 of both Regulations were recently amended to provide, inter alia, that the Com­ missioner may accept a person as being THUR.SDA Y, 23 NOVEMBER, 1967 qualified for appointment to the Public Service where that person has obtained a total score of not less than eighteen (based Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, upon the gradings prescribed in the Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair matriculation rules of the University of at 11 a.m. Queensland) in the one Senior Public Examination in five subjects including QUESTIONS English, with a grading of three or more in each subject. This amendment takes SUPERANNUATION SCHEME FOR QUEENS­ effect as from January 1, 1968." LAND AMBULANCE TRANSPORT BRIGADE Mr. Hm.lbion, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Health,- YOLK CoLOUR IN FIXING EGG PRICES ( 1) Following a meeting of the State lVIr. Coburn for Mr. Aikens, pursuant to Council of the Queensland Ambulance notice, asked The Minister for Primary Transport Brigade on November 1, is it Industries,- proposed to implement a superannuation ( 1) Did the Egg Marketing Board or scheme? If so, (a) will this operate from appropriate authority increase the price of July 1, 1968, and (b) who is responsible eggs containing red yolks and, if so, how for deciding the basis of the scheme and is the colour of the yolk of eggs in the the commencement date? shell determined and what factual basis exists for the belief that consumers prefer (2) Did the previous State Executive of eggs with red yolks? the Q.A.T.B. present for his consideration a unanimously recommended scheme sub­ (2) If the colour of the yolk is to be mitted by the State Government Insurance the yardstick for quality and customer Office? If so (a) when was it received preference, will an inquiry be conducted to and (b) was it approved and, if not, why determine just what coloured yolk the not? majority of customers really prefer? 1878 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions Answers:- Answers:­ ( 1) "The Egg Marketing Board has (1) "Yes." created a differential in the prices it pays to growers for eggs with satisfactory and (2) "The report in question disclosed unsatisfactory yolk colour, but the satis­ that there are insufficient children at factory yclk colour is not red, but a dark Karumba at present to justify the provision yellow. Both red yolks and pale yellow of a State school. The interested parties yolks are considered to be unsatisfactory. are aware that a further application should The colour of the yolk of eggs in shell is be made to the Regional Director of determined by examination of samples Education, Longreach, when there are from growers' consignments. The Egg sufficient children in the area. Action is Matketing Board had received complaints being initiated, however, to over a number of years regarding the pale to meet the need for a yolks often associated with a predominantly arises." wheat or grain sorghum diet, and to deter­ mine consumer preference for yolk colour, conducted a survey amongst housewives iNTERSTATE CONCESSIONAL RAIL FARES who were asked to indicate there pre­ FOR PENSIONERS ferences from a graded colour chart." 1\ir. Davies for Mr. pursuam to notice, asked The Minister Trans- (2) "Yolk colour which can be con­ port,- trolled by dietary adjustment, is not a factor ( 1) Has any discussion taken place. influencing egg quality, but is purely a between the New South Wales Minister matter of consumer preference. As indi­ for Transport and himself concerning cated in ( 1), the Board has already con­ reciprocal half-fare rail tickets for pen­ ducted an inquiry to determine customers' sioners? If so, when will he be in preference. in this respect." position to issue a statement? (2) If no discussion has taken place. PAYMENT OF ABOVE-AWARD RATES BY will he discuss the matter with his counter­ LOCAL AUTHORITIES part in New South Wales? pursuant to notice, asked Answer:- Local Government,- (1 and 2) "I would refer the Honourable ( 1) Are Local Authorities required to Member to my reply of September 26 .. pay only those salaries and/ or wages to 1967, to a Question on this matter asked employees as are fixed by law? by the Honourable Member for Towns­ ville South. The position is unchanged."' (2) In the event of a Local Authority paying salaries and/or wages above those fixed by law, are the members of that JUNIOR HoMECRAFT EXAMINATION Local Authority jointly and severally PAPERS responsible for the payment of the Mr. Bromley, pursuant to notice, asked difference? The Minister for Education,- As I have received complaints con­ Answers:- cerning the questions and setting out of the (1) "Local authorities are required to Junior homecraft papers and as parents pay salaries and/ or wages in accordance have informed me that certain students with the relevant industrial awards." have not been taught the subjects, nor are they printed in Junior textbooks, thus (2) "There is no bar in law to a local causing undue worry to the pupils, will authority paying salaries and/or wages in (a) have the papers investigated and excess of the minimum provided by the arrange to have set marking standards relevant industrial awards." accord with the papers? Answer:- PROVISION OF SCHOOL AT KARUMBA "(a) The papers have been reviewed b} Mr. Bromley for Mr. WaUis-Smith, pur­ a Committee of Examiners. The opinion suant to notice, asked The Minister for of this committee is:-(i) No question was Education,- too difficult for Grade 10 students. Answering of questions did not call Further to his Answer to my Question knowledge outside the syllabus. Some on September 27 regarding the provision questions did not call for exact repro­ of a school at Karumba,- duction of text-book material, but were ( I) Has he received the Regional designed to test students' ability to reason Director's report? from facts which would have been absorbed in class instruction. (b) The (2) Has he made a decision concerning marking scheme adopted by examiners will the building of a school there and, if so, ensure that all reasonable attempts by when will the school be established? students will receive credit." Questions [23 NOVEMBER] Questions 1879 DECLARATION OF MCK!NLAY SHIRE AS PROVISION OF WATER-COOLER, DROUGHT-STRICKEN AREA RICHMOND RAILWAY STATION Mr. Lonergan, pursuant to notice, asked pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Primary Industries,- Transport,- ( 1) Is he aware that the McKinlay Shire In view of the high temperatures in Council area is suffering the effects of North-Western Queensland, will a severe drought? water-cooler be installed at railway station, as has been done (2) Will he take immediate action to at many stations where the heat is not so have the Shire declared drought-stricken? oppressive? If not, why are railwaymen in hot isolated areas so discriminated against? Answers:- Answer:- "1 am aware that adverse conditions "There is no discrimination against men the general area of the McKinlay Shire. In June 1966 the western portion working j,n hot and isolated areas. Indeed of the Shire was declared drought-stricken the policy in recent years has been to and the following month the rest of the improve amenities at an accelerated rate Shire was included. However as funds permit. As far as the provision March 1967 following an improvement of a water-cooler at Richmond Station is weather conditions only the eastern section concerned, it will be considered in the of Shire was left in the declared an1enities programme." drought area. At the end of September last a was received from the inspector of PROVISION OF PEDESTRIAN GATEWAY, Julia Creek that feed was becoming WYNNUM STATE HIGH SCHOOL scarce and the overall in the Mr. Davies for Mr. Harris, pursuant to Shire was again notice, asked The Minister for Education,­ recent approach As Works Department employees are at of the Graziers' employed at the Wynnum State Association and supporting recommenda- School, will he consider my request tions from the Honourable Member for of year to have a pedestrian gateway Flinders, my Departmental stock inspectors installed at the entrance to the school in in the area made various recommendations an endeavour to eliminate the existing to the Railway Department and yesterday dangerous congestion, especially as evi­ my received written advice denced during the disastrous fire which from Commissioner for Railways that occurred at the school on November 19? in addition to some other districts, the whole of the area from Quarrells to Answer:- Oorindi will be declared drought-stricken "Action will be taken to re-submit this as from proposal to the Department of Works for further consideration in relation to avail­ able funds." STOCK-PROOFING OF RAILWAY FENCES CHARTERS TOWER5-HUGHENDEN LINE ' INSTALLATION OF BooM GATES, LlNDUM Mr.
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