
, Take a trip 10 Island Summer iJreSI!nteo at the A1 uarlum 01 tHe PSGiiIlC·1 Experience Jich culluraltraditi wil- ness fascinating marine life and dis­ '" . cover why islands are some 0 the most special places on Earth. C6~ U~!t 1M athlt~To~t)ta May 23-September 1, 2003. , WlTIl FRIENDLY SERVICE AND GREAT PRICES. FINDLAV TOVOTA IS A CAN'T-MISS DESTINATION. WE ARE TilE LARGEST TOVOTA DEALERS.UP· IN NEVADA AND TIlE WESTERN REGION. IF YOU'RE IN TilE MARkET FOR A NEW OR PRE-OWNED VEIlICLE. ,COME TO FINDLAV TOVOTA. , '(f) $5 OFF Regular AriiJ/aq . Adult Admission TOVO'~ • Present thi~ (oupon at the AquamHll ticket Will· d o w ilild receive i5 off Ihe reguli\r adult admission ~ • prict'. lirnit (4) d is(ounh per selected olf el. Not good wi th any other ofler. Not v<llid ill oil-site ~ location s. Distribut io n o f Ihis coupon all AquiHium 566-2586' WWW.FINDLAYTOVOTA.COM • IN TilE VALLEV AUTOMALL grounds IS prohihlted No cas h value Valiet AQ1JARI UM through September 1. 2003. D·RBO O.Tm PAC I FIC . ADvaNce TiCKets: (562) 590-3100 100 AQUARIU M WAY · LONG BEACH. CA 90802 www.aQUariUMOFPaCiFiC.OrG IUlA I/ ' AUKAKE 2003 3 A Note from the Editor C o N I I N I ." •••••••• • • • JULY - IULA I . A UGU ST - 'AUKAKE IOHANA® MEL O ZEKI. PH.D. )-__________ <fami!z-) lmmedi ale ly fol lowin g Ihe lasl issue V OL U ME 7 ISSUE 6 J ul yl t\llgU~[ O ~ MAUl: RICH IN CULTURE the proverbial "whe n it rains. it ~~<US) & BEAUTY • _ ••••••••••••••.. 7 Publisher I Ed itor Mel Ozeki. Ph .D. pours" has befall e n me with a seri es ~"'" of roller coasle r highs. 1. My LANAIAN IN HALL OF FAME ... 28 [email protected] heartfe lt gratitude to fri e nds and Managing Ed itor Emily Ozcki s ubscribers who sent thoughtful cmily@oh:'lnam'lgazinc.com FEATU RE S condo le nces on m y father' s passing : it is greatly appreciated Art Director I Design Cindy Temp le and humbling . Thank yo u~ 2. Being seate d on a two-week PAT MORITA: "MANHOLES" [email protected] c riminal tria l tha t he lped m e learn that patriotism begins by be ing a "good" citizen - "taking the time" lO serve a nd then. CHALLENGE EVERYBODY . .......16 Marketi ng taking due care in deciding the accused ' s fate - an Suz Aguiar (Kalla' i) 808·651-1251 A SALUTE TO OUR U . S. & ex pe ri e nce that a ll s hould experi e nce. 3. Accepting to se rve suz<l nnc @ohanumagnzinc.com HAWAIIAN FLAGS ... ..........26-27 on the Nevada De pt. of Education Bias Reviev.. r Grou p to Vance Cannon (Las Vcg;ls) 702·892·81 11 d e te rmine that s tandardized tests incorpo rate divers ity of HAWAI'I [email protected] backgrounds , c ultura l traditions and viewpoi n ts . 4. Accepting a second community service invitation. S her iff "MIGHTY MO:" A MUST- SEE Photog raphy Brian Jan is/Photolcc hnik Bill Young's Mullic ullUral Advisory Board . (Mahala 10 Dr. AT PEARL .6 phOlolcciln ik.com 1702 <~52-83 1 I Aida Aguirre. Dep!. of Educ. for #3 and #4.) 5. Mulliple­ year advertising e xtensions. and multiple-yea r s ubscription HAWAI'I MAI<ES PITCH I N CALI F. .9 Film Output I Printcr Ncvada Color Litho renewals, including o ne for three years . Mahalo agaill~ • The Seple mber/Oclober issue will be a ve ry specia l one ' Vrb sitc: ohallamagazillc.com D EPA R T MEN TS 'OJ-JAN;\ (family)® Magazinc (I SSN 1090-5 I 89) for because of IwO blockbuster slOries . The first is the Jul y/A ugu st 2003. Publi shed bi -mon thly (six UH/UNLV football game in Las Vegas September 19 ALOHA FROM SO. CALIFORNIA .13 times/year) by 'OUANA. 2-.J.85 W. W igwam Ave. 6pm, The game was shifled to Friday nite. ES PN will # 11 2 La s Vegas. NV 89 I 23- 1684. Ph 702-434-0544: te levise to a nationa l audience: expect 30. 000 Hawaiians in CALENDAR .21 Fax 702--.J.35-856 1. Periodicals postage paid al Las Boyd Stadium! We hope to m ake o ur presence kno w n before Vegas. NY. Entries also in Honolulu. HI. POST­ the game with a s pecial boon to adve rti sers. If you have a CLASSIFIED . .... ..22 MASTER: Pl ease se nd address c hanges to 'OHANA. lailgale pany pl anned. conl acl us fo r a supply of free P.O. Box 230910. La s Vegas . NV 89 123-00 16. SUB­ EDITOR'S NOTES ....... .5 SC RIPTION: Annual subscription is $ 25 mainland magazine s. w hic h inc lud e reviews by bot h coac hes. The US : $27 Hawaii. Pe rsonal (.:h~t· k or money o rder. A ll second w ill be a review of Kaua'i native General Eric ISLAND HOPPING . , ... .. ..... .. .10 c hange of addresses must be received by Jan . 15. Shinseki's completion of his four-year tour as Army March 15 . etc . New subscription requests after Chief of Staff. I<ANAI<A N I E L E .14 Pe riod ica l mailing in Ja nua ry. Marc h. elc. w ill get • Met S teve Seitz . former Malli s urfe r nov.' sa les director. a t first magazine about 60 days latcr. unless additional Best Wes te rn in San Jo se. Rated .3 -Diamond. it has many LV POTPOURRI .19 $3 for first-c lass postage senL Firsl hack isslLe . $6: addit ional copies. $ ) eac h . a meniti e s found in upscale hote ls but at a s urpris ingl y LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . 12 11/{fllill; price. ISLAND BOOI<S & ARTISTS .18 • John and L inda Robinson a re a mo ng the fin est c Ollpk:-. ; we' ve had the hOll o r to know. Thoug h they wa lk w ith king ~ . NINTH ISLAND . 20 they have the c o mlllo n touc h w hi c h is a s pe cial h lessing . Jo hn resigned as A D to spe nd Ill ore time w irh Lind,!. w ho RECI PES . .... .. .20 has e ndu red se ve ral life-threatening hou t:- afte r s u rgery : she's fin e now but has mo re pr ()c~ dur e;-, to unde rgo. Th i~ switc h <11 so a ll ows Jo hn to foe ti :>. on his foothall prog ram. NEXT ISSUE: w hi eh h(' \' i('w s .. IS hi s hest in hi s firth Se ason . TEL BOB 5B5 B722 • FAX BOB 6B5 8322 • www.eBoB.com TITANIC UH AT UNLV GR ID BATTLE SEPT. 19 670 A UA HI STREET SUITE 1-38 HONOLULU, HI 96B13 GENERAL ERIC SHINSEK I - SHU NN ED BY SECDEF Me Ke(//ollu PIIII/e ilu i/(/ /-fd Oklc:c. COVER PHOTO: Maui Ocean Center ' O H A N A I ULA I /' AUKAKE 2003 5 (family or persona l god). The center "Mighty Mo" - A Majestic Lady pays reverence and by Emily Ozeki, MaJlagillg Editor respect for Hawaii 's he Battleship Missouri , nicknamed "Mighty Mo," cu.ltural past by hav­ Tthough retired from active service, is still a ing kahu (guardi an majestic lady in Pearl Harbor. a nd caretaker) Alongside with the Battleship Ari zo na, th ey Charles Maxwell symboli ze both the beginning and end to World War bless each shark th at II. The Ari zo na was sunk on Dec. 7, 194 1 in the attack is brought In or at Pearl Harbor. The unconditional surrender of th e re leased to the Japanese aboard the Missouri in Tokyo Bay on Sept. ocean. Maxwell and 2, 1945, with General Douglas MacArthur presiding, Sam K a'ai are two marked its closure. c ultura l advisors >coll1illlled 011 page 17 who share the ir by Mel & Emily Ozeki 111an(l '0 (knowledge) Open Ocean £ \·hibif (Editor's Note: Mau; has its unique beauty and charm 1101 in the cente r's available a ll the two other Neighbor Islallds that Ive numerous programs. jealllred ea rliel: Th e places and activities visited 0 11 Mau; were limited because of tim e. Accordingly, we also had to forego Lema'i and Moloka'i. which constitute the tri-island county of Mau L A Tip of the Coconut Papale to tlte following en tities that made th is trip possible: Aloha Airlines, Keali 'i Brown of the Malli Visitors Bureau, Ka 'allapali Beach Hotel, 'OHANA Maui Islallder, alld Malti Seaside for accommodarions.) ,..A nyone v isiting Maui , ni cknamed The Valley Isle. '.l'"\should see Maui Ocean Center in Ma'aJaea, th e larges t tropica l aquarium in th e Wes tern hemisphere. • Soft &Delicious Beef Steak Nuggets • AVariety of Jerkies • Li-Hing Goodies • Nuts & Dried Fruits • Candies Wire Coml Bout/lief The Center also has a 50-fOOL lo ng tunne l inside a 750.000 ga llon exh ibit th at enabl es gues ts to see th e fish eyeball­ to-eyeball. MOC A family owned store since 1994, The Beef Jerky Store is Dolph ill Fal/s. Mall; Occan Center can be co ntacted at located in the heart of Downtown Las Vegas. We accommodate 808 - 270-7070; Aptly named "The H awaii an Aquarium," it's th e onl y info @ m aui oceal1- the deep-rooted tradition of taking "O-Miyage" (gifts) home to marin e park in th e U.S.
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