••••• ''^'•^-\ 6DIT0RIRL Amidst the speculation about the ^onlntS timing of the federal and Queensland elections, students may be unaware PLAYING PAPAL POLITICS 5 that one election date has been TIM LOW looks at the secretive activities of the National Civic Council firmly decided - the election of Amnesty International it a human rights office bearers for the next University REAGAN 7 organisation which campaigns for the release of Queensland Union council. KJAZ PERRY profiles the person who may become America's first cowboy president of political pritotters and for the abolition Between Monday 22 September and of torture and the death penalty. Friday 26 September students will PLANT BREEDERS' RIGHTS 9 This column details the circumstances of be expected to vote for a wide range Sinister legislation is threatening ttie world's seed supplies. one or two political prisoners 'adopted" by of office bearers to govern the union GORDON CLARIDGE reports Amnesty. Interested persons are invited to respond to the instructions given below. next year. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST 11 Many students ignore the elections, An edited version of Ralph Nader's address at Queensland University Amnesty has heard that Mahmoud feeling they are irrelevant to most students. Abassov has been executed. According to And for Uiose who never eat in the re­ CAN'T STOP THE MYSTIC 15 reports, his family was informed of his fectory, join university clubs, partake in How psychic is "clair-audient" Doris Stokes? execution in July 1980. Activities workshops, attend joint efforts, PETER STEINH EUER reviews her Brisbane perfonnance Mr. Abassov was one of four men sen­ and have no interest in restructuring, this tenced to death by a Ukrainian court in June may be the case. But if you are reading BOLSHEVIKS IN BRISBANE 16 1978 for economic crimes. Two of the men, this editorial then the election will at least Historian ERIC FRIED documents the communist presence in Gabriel Spiashvili and Ella Mikhailishvili, affect you, because one of the' elected Brisbane's early history have had their sentences commuted to IS positions is the editorship of Semper. years unprisonment. The fate of the fourth The student newspaper has changed man, Raphael Adziashvili, is not know. dramatically over the years, and may Amnesty remains concerned that he may change dramatically again next year, SEMPER is B non-profit poli­ Gotch Pty Ltd.. Brisbane articles and gr^hics provided tical and cultural magazine ADVERTISING REP: Kevin Semper and the authors aro also be executed; his appeal for pardon was depending on who become the next rejected by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR editors. If you loved or hated Semper based at the University of Pennant, phone 371 2568 duly acknowledged. The ex­ Queensland. PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE ceptions are creative writing earlier this year. now is the chance to have some input into EDITOR: Tim Low Pat Comt)en, Tom Poole and copyrighted graphics Write to Mr. Brezhnev expressmg concern its future directions. All fulltime, part- NEWS EDITOR: Kjaz Perry Semper Magzina welcomes which may not tie reproduced time, and many external students are LAYOUT and COVER: Matt contributions and letters, but without written perminion of at reports that Mahmoud Abassov has been entitled to vote. Maws on does not assume any respon­ the authors. executed. Appeals on behalf of Pahpael SECRETARY: Anne Jones sibility for unsolicited manu­ Adziashvili; please urge Mr. Brezhnev to TYPESETTING: Marie Blanch scripts, photographs and Address ill enqulriai to: exercise his constitutional authority to *** PRINTERS: Mirror illustrations. Semper Magazine, Newspapers Ltd., 367 373 Semper is copyright, St. Lucia, University of Qld Union grant clemency and commute the death Brunswick St., Valley Queensland, 1980. Non-profit St. Lucia. Old. 4067. sentence passed on Mr. Adziashvili. In the last Semper, two pages were DISTRIBUTORS: Gordon and publications may reprint Ph: 371 1611 or 371 2568. If you write as an Amnesty member, devoted to the education policies of the please reiterate Amnesty's total opposition federal Labor opposition. In the next to the death penalty in all cases without issue we hope to present the future reservation on the grounds that it is a cruel, education policies of the federal govern­ inhuman and degrading punishment and a ment. Semper wrote to the Federal violation of the right to life as guaranteed Education Minister, Wal Fife, about a \£m^ by article 3 of the United Nations Universal month ago, inviting him to submit a policy E)eclaration of Human Rights. statement to Semper. He has not yet replied. many conservative REVELATIONS Apart from mild con­ USSR (SSSR) Christians have been caught tempt on my part for this Students interested in the education g, Moskva, Kreml policies of the Australian Democrats are by its pull in recent years. past-time, I am con­ I wish to make some But to look for the end cerned that such flashers Yego Prevoskhoditehtvu referred to the interview witli Don Chipp comments in reply to of the war although an Predsedatelyu Prezidiuma Verkhovnoga in Semper No. 1 (13 March 1980). Copies will eventually resort to John Jiggin's recent inviting and exciting hope is Soveia SSR of this issue can be collected free of charge more physical or violent article entitled Signs of only half the story. "The means of gaining satis­ Leonidu Ilyichu Brezhuevu from the Semper office. secularist of course will faction. the Lines. argue that eschatological Jiggins uses the words expectation is merely a "crazies", "magic'' and device to delude, but that is I would thus suggest "fantasies" in an attempt to to ignore the Christ of that any women confronted discredit Christian belief in history. The Resurrection by the Dutton Park flasher FIJIAN NITE should rightiy understood to either: the Second Coming and be a signal that the decisive 20 September, 7.30pm • 1am derides the notion of divine battie in the conflict with (a) write an anonymous cataclysmic retribution. end has been won. I agree It is true that the content letter of complaint to the !n the Mam Refectory at that the doctrine of the police, detailing times, des­ the University of Queensland of Revelation is violent but Second Coming affords no a God of 'Truth could not be excuse to ignore the cription etc, or more explicit concerning here-and-now and the (b) make a similar anony­ the ultimate end of those mous phone call to the $5 single non-spiritual aspects of the police. 'Floor shows who prosecute his people. human being. To not warn the wicked I stress 'anonymous' in 'Live band would be dishonest. both cases, as the onus 'Island supper -STEVEN WESTBROOK It is true that those who needs to be on the police MNMRVVIAM *DJ and Disco neglect the overall theme of to act. Should the flayer 'Door prizes Revelation and concentrate be apprehended, I would CAP! 'XXXX, etc. on symbolic interpretation FLASHING pity any woman who was create a great deal of required to give evidence in CHARCOAL GRILLS court against him: the ex­ trouble at times. It is On Tuesday 29th using marinated meat Contact Clubs andSociaties in tho Union Building certainly true tliat periences of women in­ University of Quaon^land particulariy in the July my wife - a volved in rape cases show kebabs. Reformation context the student at UQ - was clearly where magesterial Good VEGETARIAN results were sometimes dire. confronted and pursued prejudice lies. MEALS and HOME­ But the book of Revelation through Dutton Park en Perhaps enough -com­ MADE DESSERTS. is not end; rather misuse plaints, however, will catise of it is. Such things as Cohn route to the ferry bya some action by the police. mentions have been the "flasher" (yet another). -EX-STUDENT exception rather than the The gentleman in Highgate Hill OPENING HOURS rule and furthermore one question was young - must take into account Evenings: the fact that during the late about 25 - dark hair Mon • Sat 6-9.30 SCIENCE FACULTY Middle Ages the Bible was and wore a track suit to Fri. last orders 10.30 BALL withheld from all save the disguise himself as a Lunch: priests and millenarian jogger. 12-2 Mon-Fri. UNI CYCLE SHOP speculation assumed less The Science Faculty Ball violent forms as the I am infonmed that such will be held at the Greek All Quality Brands of Cycles Reformation spread its Community Centre on 26 liberating flame. This being people are a regular occun- at Competitive Prices ence in Dutton Park: it is September, Air Freight will said it must be admitted be playing supported by < 8iimwooi M that millenarian regarded as a bit of a "joke" • Parts • Repairs by the men that I laiow - Strings and Things. Tickets TOOWOM preoccupations increase are $15 each which includes evidently young female Phone: 370 2542 during times of economic food and table wine and Phone 3708106 distress and rapid social students are fair game for available from the Science The University, St Lucia. change and predictably the attentions of flashers. Faculty. The Fuhrer Principle What do politicians like Joh Bjelke-Petersen mean when they refer to "the people"? Philosopher and ALP federal election candidate DEANE WELLS* posed this question, and suggests some interesting answers. We often give ourselves away in a manner unexpected. Politicians, in particular, often reveal - quite un­ intentionally - that they are acting on a set of assumptions that they would really rather keep to them­ selves. In particular, when politicians talk about "the people" their remarks often tell us a good deal more about their authors than their authors intended. Political ideas have a way of hanging together. Sometimes there is a key Uiat will enable us to decipher a politician's programme; often the key is what tiie^ politician or political writer says about "the people".
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