FORIVI ULA FORUiiVI THE IFl JOURNAL MAY/JUNE 1999 FORMULA FORUM :ai'iliii..': application available from the VOLUME X Sesretary, Will Dennis. For NUMBER 3 I##.# ,.::''.,:, rules, send a check for $7.50, *lfla Alr fi*clf/g payable to IFI to cover cost of printing and mailing- SCOTT GARLAND Operations Director. lFr tNc. Formula Forum CI 1999 Interrtational Formula One nxECUT,ryE 45438 Clubhouse Drive Pylon Air Racing Inc. All COMMITTEE Temecula, CA 9259? rights reserved. 9091693-2408 JON SHARP sgarland@fl owserve. com Formula Forum is the official President. publication of International 44210 Galion Ave, TOM DeHART Formula One Pylon Air Lancaster,CA 93536 Technical Director. Racing, Inc., A Texas Non- 6611723-7636 P.O.Box 1431. Profit Corporation. Memtrer [email protected] Klamath Falls, OR 97601 of the International Council of 54U883-3320 Air $hows and the Air Racing DAVID HOOVER Council of the United States. Vice President. Website: //www.ifl.com 107 Williams Lane JIM STEYENSON Foster City, CA 94AM Pilot Committee. 4532 de Articles appearing herein are 6501573-1323 Costa Oro Ave., Oxnard, 93035 the opinion of the authors and [email protected] CA DISCLAIMER 805/985-2041 not necessarily the opinion of . IFl Inc. WILL DANNIS Secretary Contributions should be sent I t0 Main Street, Suite B DAN GILBERT Technical Committee. to the Editor, Bill Rogerc at Willits, CA 95490 CONTRIBUTION$ 926 Rawkide flatc' 70'il456-0576 12508 Jewell Sreet. Newbury Parko CA 91310. \[email protected] Bellville, MI 4811t 734/699-5649 PhoneffAX; 805i498-0846, email text to [email protected] DIRECTORS Tod onZip or PC floppies in WP,Word or .rtfl TRISH SHARP WARD GARI.,AND Promotions Director. Procedure Cornmittee. 42528 7tr. Membership in IF1 is oper to 44210 Galion Ave. $.E., Lancaster, CA 93535 pilots, owners, crews, and Lancaster, CA 93536 MEMBEREHIP technical people active in 661/723-7636 &as1722-047? Formuls One Air Racing. [email protected] [email protected] Members $50, Non-voting Associate Members $25- Rules package and CONTENTS 3. President's Page Jon $harp 4. Pitot Profile Dave Morss 6" Centerfold Dave Morss aircraft COVER PHOTO 8. sth Column Editorial 9. Letters Anita lnfante/ARCUS - Neal Nurmi photo Dave Morss Reno'98 10. Odds 11- ForSale FORMALA FORUM, MAY 1999 President's Page the class will be 10laps. It is viewed that Jon Sharp In early April, RARA called all finals presidents for a meeting in-Reno. this will add a twist of sffategy to our They had several topics they were format. On a positive note RARA has focused on. The fust being the rookie raised our purse money up to $65k fi'om school. 'W'e spent several hours 62.5K in 1998, In addition, the course "discussing" the feasibility of a will be available on Surtday afternoon mandatory fiaining program. We for practice ard qualifying. Some other emph*sized the problems that will hit changes: there will be a new announcing IFl directly on the nose: impact to tearn for '99, wi& 2 annoutcers on the growth and stability of the {ield were stage end one 0n the back side of the ncolor cited as casualties to the requirement. race course doing commentary". Reno saw merit in IFl's points, and We are in the process of gering agreed to take our issues back to the packages to the new team to introduce board for resolution. We are trying to them to tle "fastest 4 cylinder vehicles get a definitive answer one way or the in the world". The Unlimited corxse other soon. We'll send out a special will be about a mile shorter than in the "chat" letter when we Set a commit- past. So that's all for now. ment. Standby to standby. The o&er item that popped up was not a topic of May Speed be withyou! Jon discussion, per se, but we picked it up from their "pre telease" schedule. PROMOTIONS , Trish $harp RARA has trimmed our laces by one for years 9 total 1999, In past we've had The'Westem Village prices have gone have Your board races, in'99 we'll 8. up to $79 per night. They werent willing ort to ccntact about 40 made a major e to work with us on a price break for a pilot owners regarding the "active" Soup. Actually, none of the hotels will, and sugges- subject fielding opinions since they feel that they will filltheir 8 races. tions on how to 'nformat" Scott rooms an),\ ray, at any rate they ask, that we Garland made the suggestion during the race week. However, lve about our last approaoh RARA using have made a group reservation at the praotice/qual session as a first race. Motel6 in Rero. Here's the info: There were several other ideas presented and we will approach RARA Motel6 Reno Central The meet to discuss options. board will 886 N. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89512 again by telecon the second week in 775-786-9852 We'll May to finatize a fonnat for'99. 30 rocur block held until Aug. lOdt to get news out ASAP make every effort Arrival date: Sept. 10th, departure date: on the changing tide of racing. Sept. lgth...there will be room available ttrough the Z0th. Call the hotel directly Boardhas been New Business: The & tell them you are part of the can discussing and fielding ideas of what lnternational Forrnula One Block; also be done to enhance aPPeal at(aces. refer to ressruatioo # 47?83?'72GP. With considerable discussion, and polling the "active" pilot/owners your of Prices: $39.99 single (me person) , unanimously Board of Directors voted S43.99 dbl. (2 people), a5.99 triple (3), the number to implement a change in of & $47.99 for 4 people in a room. laps for each race at Reno '99 to the Trish ine: Heat races will be 8 and FORMUI}I FORUM, MAY 1999 Pilot Profile Dave Morss Bill Rogers Dave Morss, the subject of this month's He is a member of the Society of Profile, has been a staunchsupporter of Experimental Test Pilots and has made IFI for many years. One of the hitiat flights on 20 new homebuilts and challenges of Fl management is to high performance factory experimentals, provide enough airplanes to meet ow including Lancair IV, Legend and Thunder commitrrent to a promoter. In 1989, I Mustang. begged Dave to support the race in Albuquerque at the last minute; Dave With experience covering everything from flew his Shoestring cross county allthe the smallest homebuilt to DC-7s anid,747s, way from California with a race prop in ahighlight was flying a Wildcat fromthe the aft fuselage and raced it without a carrier USS Carl Vinson offPearl Harbor spinneq since there wasn't room for one. in 1995. Having already been involved for This is the kind of dedication that Dave a number of years in soaring and as a has always shown. His enormous flight instructor and airshow performer, experience was invaluable as he took on this veteran pilot with over 20,000 hours the unenviable job of Pilot Chairman became actively involved in point-to-point from 1990 t'rll last year. He introduced air racing and established several speed in-Aight coaching and pilot qual using records, with six still on the record books his own Lancair. Turning rervous, today... all the while competing in pylon first-time rookies into competent racers racing in both Formula One and Biplane takes an unusual combination of skill, classes. firmness and teaching ability that is Dave's forte'. He frst raced Fl at Reao in 1984 and placed 5th in the Silver Race with his Cassutt llM #99, 'MIS TRY RACER'. With his parher, Sil Piccolotto, slab wing *VIDEO IIIM, #66 CASSUTT" was added to the stable in '86. Over the years, with the help of long-time crewchief Paul O'Dea" Morss made extensive modifications and improve-ments to his two earliest Cassutts but achieved only modest racing success. He rescued a Shoestring from the ceiling of awinery, andraced ita;s#Z4, 'WOODSTOCK' in '87 in the distinctive red and yellow scheme of his stable. With tlree racers at one time, tansportation was handled by a vintage red, white and blue school bus.. Dave likes to tell the story of Paul in the back working on the plane as ihey came over the Donner Pass. They had hooked the die grinder to the bus air John Garrett photo Dave Morss system and the loss ofpressure caused the Dave, 44, is the President of Myriad brake waming light to flash, necessitating Research of Redwood City, Califomiq a delay till level ground was reached. and is in great demand as a test pilot. FORMULA FORUM, MAY 1999 A long wing was built for his next #99 following month at the Reno national *FAST plane, LANE EXT" and flolvn on championships with a 3rd place finish in #66 until the radical fuselage with tandem the Gold Race at 230.205 m/h ir *COOL centerline wheels was ready. He struggled RLINNINGS". This was a with questionable ground handling for three remarkable achievement, although more years until a disinte-grating firewall recent "improvements" seem to havg doomed the experiment. However, his slowed the plane down. For '99 he enthusiasm with these planes was not vows to go back to the more successful always matched with commensurate results. con{iguration. With his new plane fine-tuned, the veteran pilot should He then began building the ultimate indeed be back as a top contender. machine, TURMOIL,another radical destgr ofpod and tail boom configuration, but Dave has been responsible for the Fl weight and balance discrepancies could not debuts ofseveral new pilots, including be resolved and the project was abandoned.
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