Cultural Heritage Conservation in China's Historically and Culturally

Cultural Heritage Conservation in China's Historically and Culturally

Index Abercrombie, Patrick 5# 5:;, 55>, 5>= adaptive reuse #5, :", ;#, <:, #"=, beilong #??, :#;, ::", :A?, :A5–:AA #>;, :?#–:?:, :?A, :?;, A#:, A:A, Blossom Hill Inn #>;, 5?:, 5?A, A:= A:" Boerschmann, Ernst ; Ai, Buchan <;, >", #?> “Book oF Changes” (Zhou yi) #5> American #=, 5A, ==, 5#=, 5"#, 5<:, “Book oF Rites” (Liji) #;= 5># “Book oF Songs” (Shijing) >:, #>" American Council oF Learned Boxer Uprising :; Societies 5A branding :, #?, :>5, 5#A, 5>=, A:# American DeFense-Harvard brick carvings #?#, #5:, #5A, #5<– Group 5A #A#, #=#, ::<, :":, :<:, :<", 5A< “Amongst the Mountains and Bridge No. < 5>;, 5>> Waters” #5" British =", 5#=, 5>?, 5>< Analects oF ConFucius #5:, #5< Buddhism ", >A, #:;, :?:, ::5 Anhui Guild Hall #?;, #?<, #A? Buddhist >5, >", >;, #?:, #?A, #:;, Antiquities Protection Law :< #5A, #;", #;;, :?:, :?", :::–::5, architectural history ;, :>, 5?, 55 ::>, :5?, :>A, 55?, 5==, A#> artistic value ::–:", 5:, =A, >A, ##5, built heritage #, :, ;, >, #5, :A, ">– ##"–##<, #:#, #:=-#:;, #":, :?=, =#, ;A, ;<, <>, #?#, #?", ##;, #A:, :::, ::<, :5=, :5<, :A?–:A:, :A", #A;, #=#, #;5, #<#, #>#, :?#, :?", :<", 5#5, 5:<, 5A:–5A5, 5A<–5A>, :=", :=>, :<=, 5:#, 5:5, 55;–55<, 5";, 5><, A##, A#<–A#> 5A?, 5A>, 5"#–5"5, 5""–5=?, 5=A, authenticity #?, A:, ">, =:–=;, ;=, 5=<, 5;", 5;;, 5<", 5<<, A?A, A##, <5, >:–>5, #5A, #"#, #"5, #=?, #=:, A#5, A:#–A:: #=>, #;5, :?=–:?;, :=;, :;", :<5, Bund 5"" :<=, 5#5–5#A, 55", 5=:, A#:, A#=, Burra Charter A, #> A#<, A:? Authorized Heritage Discourse 5 axiality #?:, #:<, :?=, ::A, 5#:, A#; Cai, Yuanpei :5A Cang Street Prison No. 5 #"5, #=A ceremonial gateways :" Ba jing ##?–###, #"<, ::5, 5=A Chang, Jian 5== Bai, Juyi >:, ##5, :A; Changzhou District School #;"–#;; Baichi Building :AA, :A;, :<A, :>" Chen Family Decorated Archway Baiyun Nunnery :>: :5: Beaux-Arts tradition :> Chen, Qubing :5:–:55, :A5–:AA, Beijing #, >, :;, 5?, 5:–55, 5=, 5<, :A;, :"?, :=<, :>", 5#5 A?, AA, A=–A;, "#, =", ;<, #A5, #<;, Chen, Wangdao :5:, :<A, :># ""# Index Chen, YiFei 5#>, 5:<, 55?, 5==, 5<:, :?=–:?;, :#:–:#5, ::5–::A, :"<– 5<", A??, A?:–A?5, A#;, A:5 :">, :=5, :=", :=;, :=>–:;?, :;5, Chen, Yizhen :5: :<;, 5?", 5?;, 5?>, 5#5, 5"", 5"<– Chen, Zhanxiang 5?–5# 5=?, 5=>, A?:, A?>, A#", A#<–A#>, Cheng, Xueqi #?;–#?<, A#< A:"–A:= Cheng Xueqi Memorial Temple conservation planning #:, :", 5;, #?<, :?= #A>, :">, 5"= Chengdu AA, #<; Conservation Regulations #>, "5, China Cultural Heritage Society "# "", "<, =;, ;#, ;5, <?, :=?, 5"= China Principles A, #>, :5–:", A:, conservation system :, ;, #<, ::–:5, =#–=:, ="–=;, ;?, ;:, ;A–;", ;;– 5A, 5=–5;, A5, A<, "?, ":, =:, =;– <#, <5, #?A, #?>–##?, ##;, #"?, #">, =<, >;, #?5, #A:, #AA–#A", #A;– #;A, :A:, :=5, 5A#, A#<–A:?, A:: #A<, :"=–:";, :">, :=5, 5#", 55<, Chinese conservation movement :, 5"5, 5"", 5";–5"<, 5=? ;, :< construction control area #":–#"5, Chongben Hall :5?, :5=, :5<, :A:, #;A :"?, :"5, :"A, :"", :"<, :;<, :;>, construction control zone =>–;?, :<", :<<, :>?, :>", 5#5–5#A, A#<– #AA–#A", 5"> A#> continuity #?, ">, =#, =>, ;;, >", Chuanxin Lane :#;–:#<, 5#: :?5, :"?, :=;, 5=:–5=5 Civil War :, 5: controlled bufFer zone :=" Classical Gardens oF Suzhou :=, core protection area ";, ">, =>, ;:– #?5, #?" ;5, #":–#"5, #;5–#;A, :=", :=>, Colored Glaze Art Museum 5<= A#= community participation #5, A:= Couple’s Garden Retreat :=, #?5, ConFucian <=, #;"–#;=, ::<, :5#, #?"–#?=, #?<, ###, ##A–##=, #:<, :;>–:<?, 5:", 55:–555, 55", A#; #5#–#5:, #5A–#5<, #A:, #A;, #";– ConFucianism #;= #=:, #=A, #;>–#<#, :?5, :?=–:?;, ConFucius #5:, #5>, 555 :A#, A#>–A:# conservation :–#A, #;–:?, ::–:5, courtyard-building components :", :;–:<, 5?, 5:–5A, 5=–AA, A=– >;–><, #:#, :?", ::A, :AA "?–";, ">, =#–;", ;<–<?, <:–<5, creative class 5># <=, >=, #?5, #A:–#"=, #">, #=#– creative industry #=, #>5–#>A, :?#, #;?–#;", #;;, #<5, #<", #<;, #<>, 5:?, 55?, 55;, 5":, 5=A, 5;A, 5;;, #>A, #><–:??, :?5, :?=–:?;, :?>, 5<?, 5>?–5>>, A?#, A?<, A#: :""–:";, :">–:=:, :=A, :=;, :;#– creative industry parks :?, 5":, 5>:, :;A, :;=–:;>, :<A, :<=, :>#, :>", 5>A–5>;, A?:, A#5 :>;, :>>, 5?5–5?", 5?;–5?<, 5#5, cultural heritage :, A–=, >–#?, #5– 5#", 5:?, 55;, 55>, 5"#–5"5, 5"A– #A, ::–:5, :;, 5:, 5A, 5;, A?, A", 5";, 5=?–5=5, 5=>, 5;5–5;A, 5;=, "=–";, ">, =5, =;, >?, >:, #?A, 5;>, A?>, A##–A#:, A#", A:?–A:A, #:A, #AA, #A>–#"5, #;<, #<?, #<>– A:= #>?, #>", :#?, :=5, :=", :=;–:=>, conservation plan 5, #:, #<, ::, :", :;;, :<A, :>", 5#", 5A>, 5<A, 5<<, 5;, ";, =;, =>, ;:, <<, >:–>A, >;, 5>5, A?A, A?;, A?>, A##, A#>, A:=– ##;, #A;, #A>–#"?, #":–#"5, #""– A:; #"=, #">, #=5, #=", #;A, #;<, #<A, cultural identity #? "": Index cultural landscape A, <, A?, ==, ;;, 55", 55;–55<, 5A?, 5"#–5":, 5";, <:–<5, #":, #"=, #<5, :=;, 5=A, 5">–5=:, 5=A–5==, 5=<–5;?, 5;:, 5=; 5;=–5<#, 5<A–5<", 5>#–5>A, 5>=, cultural relic entities 5A, 5=, :"< 5>>–A??, A?:, A?A, A?>, A#:–A#5, cultural relics :, A, <, #>, :5, :;, 55, A:?–A:5, A:=–A:; 5;, A:, AA–A", A<–A>, ":–"5, "", Ding, Chunzhi #;? =<, ;?, #A;, #"?, #;A, #<<–#<>, #>#, Ding Mansion #;?–#;A, #>5, :?;, #>", :";–:">, :<A, :>=–:><, 5"", A:? A#" Dingxiang Lane >?, :?" Cultural Relics Protection Law #>, Dong Family Yizhuang #="–#==, :5, 5;, A", A<, "5, =;, ;?–;:, ;", #>A, :?; ;;–;>, #A;, #A>, #"5, #;5, #;;, Dong, Jianhong A= :=5, 5?>, A#", A:?, A:: DraFting Requirements #<, 5;, =>, Cultural Revolution :, <, 5;, >:, #": #=#, #;=, :"?, :;<, :<A, :>:, :>", Du You Hall Yuan Mansion #=# 5#5, 5<: Du, Yuesheng #?<, 55> cultural signiFicance "–=, #A, ::– :=, =:, =>–;?, >5, #?A, #";, :?", :#5, ::?, :A<, :"?, 5#:, 5:", 5:<, 5";, 5">, A#?–A##, A#=, A#<–A#>, “Emptiness and substance” #?: A:#, A:5 environmental elements #5, :5, :", cultural value :, A, ::, :A–:", ";– ";, ">, =:, =<–>#, >5–>A, #5=, "<, =5, =>, <:, <<, >A, #?#, #?5, #AA–#A", #"#–#":, #=?, #<#, #>=, #?", #5?–#5#, #5A, #5=, #5<, #A#, :?", ::?, :=", 5#:, 5::–5:5, 5=?, #"#, #=:, :?=, :::–::5, ::<, :5<, A#?, A#=–A#;, A:A :A", :"?, :"5, :=;, :<5, 5??, 5#5, Er, Dongqiang 5<5–5<" 5A>–5"?, 5<#, A##, A#<–A#> Er Dongqiang Art Center 5;;, 5<A– 5<" Erjing Lane 5:5, 5:=, 5=", A?A European 5, AA, A<, ==, ;A, ;<, #5?, Da Liuzhi Lane ># #<", :?5, 5A;, 5<A Da Liuzhi Lane Yang Mansion #:A Da Xinqiao Lane >#, #=A Dai, Fugu #5<, #=: Daru Lane >#, #A#, #"=, #;?, #;: Fairbank, John K. 5# development #, 5, "–#<, :?, :A, 5#, Fan Family Double Lane :#;–:#< 55, 5=–A?, A:–A5, A=–":, "A, "<, Fang, Jiamo <;, #?< ==–=;, =>, ;A, ;>, <:–<5, <"–<=, Fei, Gong ::" >A, #?"–#?=, ##5, #5<, #A:–#A5, Fei, Xiaotong #5, :#?, :<; #A;, #A>–#"#, #""–#"=, #=5–#=A, fengshui #:, #:<, :A", :A;, 5#5, 5:", #;:–#;5, #;;–#;<, #<:–#<5, #<", 5A; #<>, #>#, #>5–#>A, :?#–:?:, :?=– Five Dynasties period 5:= :?;, :?>, :##, :#", :#;, :"?, :""– Florida, Richard 5># :"=, :">, :=#–:=5, :=;, :=>, :;A, Forbidden City 5#, 5=–5;, 5> :<?, :<A, :<;–:<<, :>?–:>#, 5??, Former Chen Family Mansion 5?=, 5?>, 5##–5#:, 5#A–5#", 5#<, :<A–:<=, :># ""5 Index Former Residence of Chen Qubing Han, Chong #?>, #5; :A?, :"?, :;?, :;<, :<#, :<A, :>", Han dynasty >:, :;", 55:, 5<= A#< Han, Shisheng #5; Former Residence of Fang Jiamo Hangzhou A, ::, AA, "#, <=–<;, #?", #:A, #:> ##?, #A5, 5==, A??, A:# Former Residence of Gu Jiegang Hani Rice Terraces A #"; Hanshan Temple #AA Former Residence of Hong Jun Haoge Hall :AA, :A;, :"? #";–#"<, #;>, #>#–#>: Hardoon, Silas Aaron 55< Former Residence of Pan Shi’en He Family Grave :=5, :=> #::–#:5, #:<, #A#, #";–#"<, #;", He, Shaoji #5" #;>, :?;, :5< HeFang Street "#–": Former Residence oF Sun Yat-sen HengFu Hall ::#, 5?=–5?> 5"A historic and cultural block :5, "?, Former Residence of Wang "A, ";–"<, =:, =;–=>, ;#–;A, <<– Shao’ao :5:–:55 >?, #A", #A;, #"?–#":, #=5, #;<, Four Legal Prerequisites ;?, #A; #<5, :?=, :#5, ::A, :=5, :=", :=>, “Four Noble Ones” #A? 5<?, A#"–A#; Four Olds 5;, :;> historic and cultural protected areas French :?, :>, =", :"", 5<5 A<–"?, #A5 French Concession #?<–#?>, 5#=, historic streets "?, ";–">, =:, #A", 5#<, 55<, A?:, A## A#= Fuguan Bridge :;? historic townscape "?, "5–"A, ";– "<, =>–;?, ;:–;A, <<, >?, >5, >;, #A5, #A", #A;, #A>, #":, #"A–#"", #;A, #;;, ::?, :"<, :=?–:=#, :;5, Gao, Xu :5: :<?, 5#5, 5">, 5;5–5;A, A#=–A#;, Gate oF Art 5:<–5:>, 5==, 5<", A#; A:#–A::, A:" Ge Yuan :A= historic trees #5, :?", ::?–::#, :A#, Gengle Hall :5A, :5<, :A=, :">, 5:5, A#= :<#–:<5, :>?, :>A, 5#A, A:# Historic Urban Landscape =, #;, Genhe Guesthouse 5?=–5?; 5<, A?, #"?, :=:, 5:5, A:"–A:= Global Strategy 5, < historic wells :", >A, #<#, ::?, :::, graduated privacy #??, :?=, ::", :=", 5::, A#? 5#:, 5::, A#?, A#; historical buildings #:, #A, :5, A>, Grand Canal <=, #A", #A;, ::> "5–";, ">–=?, =:, =>, ;#, ;5, ;>– Gu, Jiegang #?<, #"<–#">, #;>, A#< <?, >;, #?<, #:#, #A>, #"#–#":, #""– Guo, Shaoyu <;, #?> #"=, #=A, #;A, #;;, :?;, ::#, ::A– Guo, Zhan =A ::=, ::<, :5?, :5=, :A5, :"<, :=", :;#–:;:, :<", :<;, 5?#–5?:, 5?A, 5?;, 5?>, 55;, 5"5, 5""–5">, 5=5, Hall name :", #??–#?#, #?A, #:#, A?>, A#:, A#"–A#;, A#>, A::–A:" #5<, #=:, :?", ::<, :55, :;", 5:", historical sites A=–A;, #": 5:<, A#;, A#> historical value :, ::–:A, A"–A=, Hall oF Notables From Pingjiang A>, ";–">, <#, <<, >A–>", >;, #?", #;>, #>: #?<, #?>, ###–##:, ##<, #"#, #;;, ""A Index :?=, :#<, ::?, ::", :5?–:5#, :55– 5::, 5:", 55#, 55<, 5A#, 5A5, 5A", 5A;, :5A, :5=, :">, :=;, :<", :>"–:>=, 5A>, 5"?, 5":, 5">, 5=#, 5=A, 5;#– 5??, 5?;, 5#5, 5:5, 55<–55>, 5A#, 5;:, 5;"–5;;, 5;<–5;>, 5<#, A?#, 5=?–5=#, 5<:, 5><, A##, A#< A?>, A##–A#:, A#=–A#; Historically and Culturally Famous housing reform #, :=?, 5;> (HCF) Cities :, =, ##, #5, #<–:?, Hu Xiangshi Lane >#, >=, A#; :5, :", :;, 55, 5=–5;, A5–"?, ":– Huancui Shanzhuang/Huancui Villa

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