pnVilic Edition LEAGUE OF NATIONS CONVENTION FOR LIMITING THE MANUFACTURE AND REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS OF JULY 13th, 1931 ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF DANGEROUS DRUGS IN 1940 Statement issued by the Supervisory Body under Article 5 GENEVA, 1939 Publications of the Supervisory Body. The Supervisory Body was set up under Article 5, paragraph 6, of the 1931 Convention for the Limitation of the Manufacture and Regulation of the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs. It is composed of four members appointed respectively by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, the Permanent Central Board, the Health Committee of the League of Nations and the Office international d'Hygiène publique in Paris. Its object is to examine the estimates of the narcotic requirements supplied by Governments and to draw up such estimates itself, as far as possible, for the countries or territories in whose case estimates have not been submitted. Estimated World Requirements of Dangerous Drugs in 1935. Statement issued by the Supervisory Body under Article 5 (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 4 .X I .5 ).................................................. 3/6 $0.90 F ir s t S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N . P . 1 9 3 5 .X I .3 )................................................................................................. i/_ $0.25 S econ d S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1935.X I . 5 ) ............................................................................................ i/_ $0.23 Third Supplement (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1935.XI.7) 1/6 Î0.40 Fourth Supplement (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1935.XI.12) 1/- $0.2=; F ifth S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1936.X I.2 ) ................................................................................................. 6d. $0.1 ■■ Sixth Supplement (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1936.XI.4).............................................. .................................................. 6d. fo .i Estimated World Requirements of Dangerous Drugs in 1936. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1936.XI.9) . 3 /- $0.7-, F ir st S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 6 .X I .5 )................................................................................................. 1/6 $0.40 S econ d S u p p lem en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 6 .X I .9 )............................................................................................ 6d. $0.15 T h ird S u p p lem en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 6 .X I.1 6 )............................................................................................ gd. $0.20 F ou rth S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1936.X I.18) ........................................................................................ 6d. $0.15 F ifth S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N . P . 1 9 3 6 .X I .2 2 ) ............................................................................................. 6d. Jo.15 S ix th S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1937.XI.1) ............................................................................................ gd. $0.20 S even th S u p p le m en t (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1937.X I.2) ........................................................................................ 6d. $0.15 Estimated World Requirements of Dangerous Drugs in 1937. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1936.XI.23) . 2/6 $0.60 Estimated World Requirements of Dangerous Drugs in 1938. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1937.XI.7) . 2/6 to.60 Estimated World Requirements of Dangerous Drugs in 1939. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1938.XI.6) . 2/6 }o.6o Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium. Rules of Procedure (as amended by the Advisory Committee at its Fifth Session, May-June 1923). (O .C .i2 3 (i)).......................................................................................................................................................................... id . $0.03 M inutes of the First to Twenty-fourth Session, published up to date at prices varying from 3/6 to 12/- $0.90 to $3.00 Reports to the Council on the worK of the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium. First to Twenty- fourth Session. At prices varying f r o m .................................................................................................3d. to 3 /- $0.05 to $0.75 Permanent Central Opium Board. Prelim inary Report to the Council on the WorK accomplished by the Permanent Central Opium Board during its Third, Fourth and Fifth Sessions, 1929 and 1930. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1930.XI.3) .... 6d. to .15 Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Sixth and Seventh Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1929. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 0 .X I.7 )..................................................................... 2/6 $0.60 Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1930. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 1 .X I.9 )................................................... 4 /- $1.00 Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1932 supplied in virtue of the Opium Convention signed at Geneva on February 19th, 1925. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1933.XI.4)....................... 4 /- fi.o o Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1931. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1932.X I.6 ) ................................ gd. $0.15 Annex to the Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1931. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1932.XI.7) . 4/- |i.oo Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first Sessions and on the Statistics for the Year 1933, supplied in virtue of the Opium Convention signed at Geneva on February 19th, 1935. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1934.XI.4)....................... 5/6 |l-4 ° Report to the Council on the WorK of the Central Board during its Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Sessions, supplied in virtue of the Geneva Opium Convention of February igth, 1925, and the Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs of July 13th, 1931. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1935.XI.8)............................ 1 /- Î0.25 Report to the Council. Statistics relating to the Year 1934 furnished to the Central Opium Board under the Terms of the 1925 and 1931 Conventions (including the Statement called for in Article 14, paragraph 3, of the 1931 Convention). (Ser. L.o.N. P. i g 3 6 .X I .i ) ....................................................... 7 /- Report to the Council. Statistics relating to the Year 1935 furnished to the Permanent Central Opium Board under the terms of the 1925 and 1931 Conventions (including the statement called for in Article 14, paragraph 3, of the 1931 Convention). (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 6 .X I.2 1 )................... 7 /- f i -75 Report to the Council on the Statistics of Narcotics for the Year 1936 and the WorK of the Board during 1937. Issued in compliance with the terms of the Geneva Opium Convention, signed on February 19th, 1925, and the Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, signed at Geneva on July 13th, 1931. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1937.XI.8)....................... 7/6 $2.00 Report to the Council on the Statistics of Narcotics for the Year 1937 and the WorK of the Board during 1938. ((Ser. L.o.N. P. 1938.X I .5 ) .............................................................................................................. 7/6 Î2.00 A B C o f N a rco tic D r u g s , b y Dr. O. Anselmino. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1 9 3 1 .X I.1 ).......................................... 1/3 t°-3° [Communicated to the Council and Official No.: C « 3 7 9 . M a 2 9 2 a 1939. XI. the Members of the League.] (O. S.B./Statement 1940). (Public edition.) Geneva, December 30th, 1939. LEAGUE OF NATIONS CONVENTION FOR LIMITING THE MANUFACTURE AND REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS OF JULY 13™, 1931 ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF DANGEROUS DRUGS IN 1940 Statement issued by the Supervisory Body under Article 5 Series of League of Nations Publications XI. OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS 1939. XI. 9. The Supervisory Body is constituted under Article 5 of the Convention as follows : Appointed by the Advisory Committee of the League of Nations on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs : Sir Malcolm D e l e v in g n e , K.C.B., K.C.V.O. (President). Appointed by the Permanent Central Opium Board : Mr. Herbert L. May. Appointed by the Health Committee of the League of Nations: Professor M. T if f e n e a u . Appointed by the Office international d'Hygiène publique : Dr. H. Ca r r iè r e . Extract from. Article 5 of the Convention. “ 7. After examination by the Supervisory Body as provided in paragraph 6 above of the estimates furnished, and after the determination by that Body as provided in Article 2 of the estimates for each country or territory on behalf of which no estimates have been furnished, the Supervisory Body shall forward, not later than November 1st in each year, through the intermediary of the Secretary-General, to all the Members of the League of Nations and non-member States referred to in Article 27, a statement containing the estimates for each country or territory, and, so far as the Supervisory Body may consider necessary, an account of any explanations given or required in accordance with paragraph 6 above, and any observations which the Supervisory Body may desire to make in respect of any such estimate or explanation, or request for an explanation.” 4336 — S.d.N. 750 (F.) 700 (A.).
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