i Foreword Multi dimensional Action for Development (MADE) Nepal has been contributing for the development of country since 1993. During the last 24 years of its journey, it has served in remote and rural communities of Nepal. Throughout the years, we have inclined to serve, with an integrated approach for poverty reduction. Significant achievements have been made in the area of livelihood improvement, food security, disaster risk management, local level institutional development and policy advocacy. Moreover, nutrition, sanitation, women empowerment, child development, gender empowerment and good governance are few cross cutting areas that MADE-Nepal has been covering. In this endeavor, MADE-Nepal has been privileged to serve more than 70,000 households and their families across 37 districts till date and we are honored to have been able to work together with hundreds of grassroots’ institutions across the country. We are pleased to present this annual report, which provides a brief account of the major projects implemented and the key results achieved by MADE-Nepal in the fiscal year 2016/17. It also includes executive summery comprising with food security and nutrition, disaster risk management, social mobilization and capacity building, institutional development and advocacy and networking. Similarly, organizational profile, geographical coverage, lesson learnt and celebration of silver jubilee are some of the major topics of the report. Sustainable livelihood assistance project implemented in partnership with CCS Italy since November 2016, Muchchok Recovery Project since 2015 funded by IM Swedish Development Partner, improving resilience through livelihood improvement since 2015 in partnership with LWR and strengthening small enterprise since 2016 at different districts had been came to end. The period also marked the beginning of two new projects -Improving livelihood resilience of earthquake affected communities, Gorakha funder by LWR and integrated approach to address under nutrition in western Terai district - Nawalparasi, Nepal. Despite some unforeseen and challenging circumstances, MADE-Nepal has been successful in achieving its targets set for 2016/17. For this, we would like to acknowledge the individuals at grassroots, CBOs, private sector organizations and also public institutions that got involved and put their heavy efforts in making the programmes successful. We are learning every day from our work and enhancing our efforts based on prior experiences. As we set forth the development journey, coordination and collaboration with and support from DDC, SWC, DADO, DLSO, DEO, others concerned government line agencies, civil society and communities have been immensely valuable and we must thank all of them. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all MADE-Nepal staffs across the country. They have been taking several challenges, working tirelessly and wish to be true change makers with their utmost efforts. And, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our funding partners for their continuous support and cooperation without which our efforts would not have succeeded. Though we could not name everyone individually, we would like to thank every single person who has contributed directly and indirectly in preparation of this report. Thank you all. Mr Baburam Acharya (KC) Mr Min Raj Bhandari Chairperson Executive Director ii Editorial MADE-Nepal’s Annual Report 2016/17 has been commenced in this shape after restless engagement and support from different personnel. It has included major projects, activities and programmes accomplished by the organization during the year. It also covered the geographical coverage and lesson learnt for the whole year. Adding executive summary and glance of silver jubilee celebration are few novelty of the report that readers can expedite and perceive their feeling accordingly. Since the inception, MADE-Nepal has been facing different ups and down in the course of community development. It has encountered with sweet and bitter experiences on community mobilization and dealing different developmental issues. Wherever the experiences we have, we strongly committed to our strategic framework and organizational vision to the community people, partners, donors and government. We believe that the true essence of this report must be of the community, students, researchers, donors, staffs and all developmental practitioners. However, due to immense duties and unavoidable circumstances among directors, coordinators and publication team, we could not flourish the report more presentable, precise and analytical manner. Nevertheless, we were able to muster contribution from all staffs and likeminded persons of the organization. So we would like to salute those involved directly and indirectly in the preparation of this annual report 2016/17. Finally, we are thankful to board of director, executive director and concerned project coordinators for their invaluable support in the designing and preparation of the report. We hope our commitment to community development for making prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali will always be pushing us continuously in a positive direction. Thanking you. Mr. Omkar Raj Pandey Coordinator Publication and documentation Section iii Table of content SN Subjects Page No Forward ii Editorial iii Abbreviation/Acronyms iv Geographical Coverage vi 1.0 Introduction of MADE-Nepal 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Mission 1 1.4 Goal 1 1.5 Objectives 1 1.6 Strategy 2 1.7 Working Approach 2 1.8 Guiding Principle 2 1.9 Working Areas 3 2.0 Summary of the project 4 3.0 Executive Summary 5 3.1 Food security and nutrition 5 3.2 Disaster Risk Reduction 5 3.3 Social mobilization and Capacity Building 6 3.4 Institutional Development 6 3.5 Advocacy and Lobbying 6 4.0 Project wise progress and Achievement 8 4.1 Sahaj-NAMDP 8 4.2 Muchchok Resilience Project Phage-I 12 4.3 Muchchok Recovery Project, Gorakha 14 4.4 Social and economic empowerment of small holders marginalized 16 community, Nawalparashi 4.5 Sustainable livelihood assistance to remote communities in Chitwan and 18 Makwanpur districts, Nepal 4.6 Lease land intervention for improved livelihood of poor landless and 20 disadvantage people ‘An innovative Project’ 4.7 LGCDP-Social Mobilization Program 21 5.0 Celebration of MADE-Nepal’s Silver Jubilee 23 6.0 Human Resources of MADE-Nepal 24 7.0 Partners and Funders 26 8.0 Board of Directors 27 9.0 Account Management Committee 27 Table-1: Intervention and partnership 8 Table -2: Partnership Progress and Achievement 9 iv Abbreviation/Acronyms ACF Action Contre La Faim (Action Against Hunger) AFU Agriculture and Forest University CAC Citizen Awareness Center CBO Community Based Organization CCS Centro Cooperazione Sviluppo onlus CFUG Community Forest Users Group CGNSS Chaudhary Groups North-South Seed CSO Civil Society Organization DADO District Agriculture Development Office DDC District Development Committee DDRC District Disaster Response Committee DEO District Education Office DFO District Forest Office DLSO District Livestock Service Office DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ECD Early Childhood Development ED Executive Director ESCR Economic Social and Cultural Right FGD Focus Group Discussion GATE Global Agri-Tech Nepal GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GO Government Organization HH Household HSS Higher Secondary School IGAs Income Generating Activities IM Individuell Manniskohjalp INGO International Non Government Organization JGWICO Jaluke Ghumaune Water Irrigation Consumer Organization JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JuRI Justice and Right Institute KC Khatri Chhetri LGCDP Local Governance Community Development Program LHRD Local Human Resource Development LIP Livelihood Improvement Program LSS Living Standard Survey LWR Lutheran World Relief MADE-Nepal Multidimensional Action for Development-Nepal MoFALD Ministry of Federal Afair and Local Development MSD Market System Development MT Metric Ton NAMDP Nepal Agriculture Market Development Program NASIC Nepal Agro-Seed and Input Company NGO Non Governmental Organization NRs Nepalese Rupees OP Open Pollinated PAF Poverty Alleviation Fund PC Project Coordinator PDNA Post Disaster Need Assessment v PTA Parent Teacher Association RBA Right Based Approach RBM Result Based Management SMC School Management Committee SS Secondary School SSDC Siddhartha Social Development Center SWC Social Welfare Council VDC Village Development Committee VLDRC Village Level Disaster Recovery Committee WCF Ward Citizen Forum vi Geographical coverage i Introduction of MADE-Nepal Background judicious use and management of locally available natural and physical resources for ith a view of green revolution sustainable development are the additional initiatives perceived by the multi- features of the programs. Widely recognized disciplinary professionals from MADE-Nepal initiatives are agriculture Chitwan, Multi-Dimensional Action W diversification, commercialization of high value for Development-Nepal has been crops, lease land intervention for landless formed and registered in 1993 as a non-profit people, street youth employment program, making organization under the NGO Registration urban waste management, sustainable Act, 2034 of Government of Nepal. Now MADE- community based organizations promotion, Nepal has significantly expanded to become one disaster risk reduction, advocacy etc. of fastest growing and respected Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) in Nepal. MADE-Nepal has grown its institutional and Working among underprivileged
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