United Nations A/74/ PV.10 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-fourth session 10th plenary meeting Friday, 27 September 2019, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Muhammad-Bande ................................. (Nigeria) The meeting was called to order at 4.20 p.m. as witnessed firsthand by the 120 delegations that recently participated in the ministerial conference of Agenda item 8 (continued) the Non-Aligned Movement held in Venezuela — very much despite the media war that powerful media General debate corporations have unleashed to tarnish the reputation Address by Ms. Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, of Bolivarian Venezuela and despite the attempted Vice-President of the Bolivarian Republic coups d’état by extremist Venezuelan political factions, of Venezuela including even assassination attempts against the Head of State, the entire military and political command The President: The Assembly will now hear and the Venezuelan State authorities, as well as an address by the Vice-President of the Bolivarian Ambassadors accredited in the country. Republic of Venezuela. The world media says nothing, which is why I Ms. Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, Vice-President of the commend this space in which peoples can speak to Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, was escorted to one another, as they are unable to access that same the rostrum. apparatus, which is exclusively at the service of The President: I have great pleasure in welcoming the world hegemonic Power and its satellites. The Her Excellency Ms. Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, world media says nothing about the social-protection Vice-President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, system in Venezuela, which covers almost 19 million and inviting her to address the General Assembly. Venezuelan women and men without distinction. This model of inclusion, justice and social protection Ms. Rodríguez Gómez (Bolivarian Republic has been designated as a target for destruction by the of Venezuela) (spoke in Spanish): I greet with great Government of the United States of America, and is the respect everyone meeting in this Hall, which is sacred true threat posed to its model of capitalist supremacism for public international law. I come on behalf of the one The Bolivarian model runs intrinsically contrary to the Venezuela, which is worthy, brave and does not kneel project set in motion by the Monroe Doctrine, which before any imperial Power. I convey the greetings of seeks to show that the rest of the Americas is the United President Nicolás Maduro Moros and the Venezuelan States backyard. people, as well as the Bolivarian tidings of the spirit of Within the framework of extraordinary social our Commander, Hugo Chávez Frías. programmes, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable We have come here with the purpose of announcing Development stands out as a joint commitment of the some very good news about the Bolivarian Republic of General Assembly and as the way forward for this Venezuela. The first item is that Venezuela is at peace, Organization. Here, in this home of the international This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 19-29467 (E) *1929467* A /74/PV.10 27/09/2019 community, we encourage the development of shared and without any authorization whatsoever from the cooperation mechanisms to address the urgent need Security Council. to preserve our environment, which has been gravely Between 2001 and 2009, President George W. Bush impacted by the devastating capitalist model. We express our solidarity with the brotherly Caribbean launched 70,000 bombs in total, or an average of 24 people of the Bahamas, recently fallen victim to the bombs per day. In the period between 2009 and 2017, ravages of climate change. Moreover, as a country of under the leadership of President Barack Obama, the the Amazon, we raise our voices against the barbaric United States Government launched 100,000 bombs, commercialization of our Amazon, led by the President raising the daily average to 34 bombs. More recently, of Brazil, Mr. Jair Bolsonaro, who has used his extremist with Mr. Donald Trump as President, 44,096 bombs have ideology to attack the natural lungs of the world. We been launched, breaking the record, with an average of therefore proclaim that nature is an inalienable right of 121 bombs per day. These bombs have caused the entire all peoples. civilian population to suffer, indiscriminately affecting boys and girls and the elderly. We also come to this Organization to effectively tackle the urgent issues of poverty and inequality, in a However, there is a new type of State terrorism world where 26 individuals possess the same amount of being imposed upon our citizens — one that does not wealth as the 3.8 billion poorest people in the world. We involve the use of bombs: in this digital era, banks and agree with the Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, insurance companies are able to do damage with the in his call to States to come here with concrete actions, touch of a button. These are precisely the measures not florid speeches. I would add that they should also being taken by the United States as it exploits the not come here with falsehoods and lies as they address dominance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. the General Assembly. The point is precisely how to The United States Department of the Treasury is the achieve these noble and commendable commitments as economic Pentagon militarizing international relations an international community that has seen grave damage and punishing millions of innocent people by enforcing done to its multilateral and legal structure. doctrines of regime change and blatantly stealing the I wish to spend some time exposing the coercive resources of other nations. unilateral and therefore illegal measures to which The fact that these measures even exist is proof of the millions of people throughout the world are subjected. collapse of the international legal order. In this regard, These measures constitute the use of force that is Venezuela has become the greatest evil experiment prohibited by the Charter of the United Nations and against multilateralism. Economic terrorism against international law, which is an attack on peace and Venezuela has caused its income to drop by more than security and a massive violation of human rights. a factor of nine. It is estimated that, between 2015 Between 2015 and 2019, the Government of the United and 2018, the total losses for the Venezuelan economy States has adopted more than 350 unilateral coercive reached $130 billion owing to the brutal financial measures against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, blockade imposed by the United States Government, including the illegal and undue appropriation of all our resources and assets abroad and a comprehensive which can only be characterized as a shameless robbery financial and commercial blockade that affects health, and plundering of our resources. education and food and which is aimed primarily at But Venezuela is not alone. Donald Trump’s suffocating the Venezuelan economy and bringing our supremacist hatred has hooked its imperial claws into people to their knees. the revolution in our sister nation of Cuba, savagely I wish to share some terrifying data with the General intensifying the extent of these coercive measures Assembly on the dimensions that unilateral coercive in the form of illicit sanctions. It appears that five measures represent in comparison to conventional decades is not long enough for the United States to wars. It is well known that the use of armed force by realize that Cuba will never surrender. Fidel Castro’s the United States military-industrial complex means Cuba will never submit to any imperialist design after big business. The past three Presidents of the United having spent over five decades resisting the economic States have increased the number of illegal bombings, blockade. What will make them realize that they will thereby violating the Charter of the United Nations never be able to defeat the revolution led by José Martí? 2/61 19-29467 27/09/2019 A /74/PV.10 Our sisterly nation of Nicaragua was also destined I wish to dwell on this because two days ago for a similar fate. These three revolutions on our the President of Colombia stood before the General continent — the Sandinista revolution, the revolution led Assembly spewing lies about Venezuela (see A/74/PV.5). by José Martí and the Bolivarian revolution — served He brought here several pieces of what he claimed as the basis for the project motivated by the Monroe was evidence that we in Venezuela are harbouring Doctrine. Indeed, the United States Government judges Colombian irregulars. Have we stooped to such a level us, promulgating indicators of democracy that it does of disrespect — to come lie to the Assembly? not even adhere to itself. They judge us when there are A brief examination of those photographs — which 400 people in that country holding more wealth than all members will recognize because the scandal was 240 million others, thereby forming an oligarchy that covered by the media worldwide — reveals that they in controls the political life of the majority. A society fact depict Colombian territory, not that of Venezuela whose political system is dominated by plutocratic as Mr. Iván Duque had claimed, in the cases of Cauca minorities is not a democracy, let alone one with the and Catatumbo.
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