Bulletin of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, supplement to Annales Zoologici Warszawa 1999, No 2: 69-72 The Type Material of Families Achillidae, Cixiidae and Tropiduchidae (Hemiptera-Auchenorrhyncha) in the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warsaw Adam Stroiński Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, ul. Wilcza 64. 00-679 Warszawa, Polska e-mail: adam @ robak miiz. waw.pl A bstract. The type specimens of Hemiptera-Auchenorrhycha of the family Achilidae, Cixiidae, and Tropiduchidae, preserved in the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, are listed. Key words. Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Achilidae. Cixiidae, Tropiduchidae, type specimens. I ntroduction attached. One of them is white and bear the inscription in print: “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa [accession The following list includes type specimens of 27 No]” or “Inst. Zool. PAN Warszawa [accession No]”, nominal species and subspecies of family Achilidae, the second one is red with the following inscription in Cixiidae, and Tropiduchidae preserved in the Museum print: “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Typus n. and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of [museum type number] [original name, author and Sciences in Warsaw (MZPW). year] [kind of the type]”. The family Achilidae is represented by 6 nominal All the data published in the list are being simulta­ species and 1 nominal subspecies described by neously recorded in a computer data base in the S c h m id t , J a c o b i and F e n n a h . The family Cixiidae Zoological Museum, and potential borrowers of the is represented by 8 nominal species and 2 nominal specimens may refer both to the name or to the num­ subspecies described by S c h m id t , F e n n a h , L i n n a u - ber of particular specimen they want to borrow for VORI and STAL. The family Tropiduchidae is repre­ study. sented by 9 nominal species and 1 nominal subspecies described by S c h m id t and F e n n a h . L i s t o f S p e c i m e n s The list is arranged alphabetically by family, genera and species according to the names in original Achilidae descriptions. The species name is followed by the Eurynomeus siebereri SCHMIDT, 1926: 235 author and bibliographic citation. The contents of the individual labels are limited by quotation marks and SYNTYPE female (No. 2538) labels: “Burn 1921 separated by the comma. Station 13 2-7X leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, The specimens included in the list are individually “Eurynomeus Siebereri Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt numbered and labelled for an inventory purposes. All determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa specimens have two museum registration labels 12/45”. http://rcin.org.pl 70 • A. Stroiński SYNTYPE female (No. 2539) labels: “Burn 1921 Tangina bipunctata hypenor F e n n a h , 1978: 251 Station 9 15—VII leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Co=Typus”, “Eurynomeus Siebereri Schmidt 9 HOLOTYPE male (No. 2546) label: “Viet-nam, Edm. Schmidt determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Thanh-ha prov. Hoa Binh 12.6.1966 leg. R. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. Bielawski 9 B. Pisarski /7813/”, “Inst. Zool. P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Holotype”, “Tangina bipunctata hypenor R. G. Fennah”. Eurynomenus similis S c h m i d t , 1926: 234 Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. HOLOTYPE female (No. 2537) labels: “Buru 1921 PARATYPE female (No. 2547) label: “Viet-nam, 7. Station 1 V leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, 6. 1966 Cuo-phuóng prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. “Eurynomeus similis Schmidt 9 Edm. Schmidt Bielawski 9 B. Pisarski /7810/”, “Inst. Zool. determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Paratype”, “Tangina; 12/45”. bipunctata hypenor R. G. Fennah”. Francesca sparsa Ja c o b i , 1928: 25 Usana demochares F e n n a h , 1978: 249 SYNTYPE female (No. 2540) labels: “Malanda”, HOLOTYPE male (No. 2545) label: “Viet-nam, “Queensl. Mjoberg”, “1927 5”, “Cotypus”, “Fran­ 7.6.1966 Cuo-phuóng prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. cesca sparsa Jac”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Bielawski 9 B. Pisarski /7810/”, “Inst. Zool. Warszawa 12/45”. P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Holotype”, “Usana demochares R. G. Fennah”. Hamba seleucus F e n n a h , 1978: 247 Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. HOLOTYPE male (No. 2541) labels: “Viet - Nam, Bao-Ha S Fan-Si-Pan 4-11. IV. 1962 A. Cixiidae Warchalowski leg. /7301/”, “Inst. Zool. P.A.N. Warszawa 59/62”, “Holotype”, “Hamba seleucus Andes truncatus F E N N A H , 1978: 208 R. G. Fennah”. HOLOTYPE male (No. 2558) labels: “Viet-nam, Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. 7.6.1966 Cuo-phuóng prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. PARATYPES females (No. 2542-2544) labels: “Viet- Bielawski 9 B. Pisarski /7810/”, “Inst. Zool. Nam, Bao-Ha S Fan-Si-Pan 4-11. IV. 1962 A. P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Holotype”, “Andes Warchalowski leg. /7301/”, “Inst. Zool. P.A.N. truncatus Fennah det. R. G. Fennah”. Warszawa 59/62”, “Paratype”, “Hamba seleucus Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. R. G. Fennah”. Sieberella backhoffi SCHMIDT, 1926: 234 Andes hemina F E N N A H , 1978: 209 SYNTYPE male (No. 2535) labels: “Burn 1921 PARATYPE female (No. 2559) labels: “Viet-nam, Station 17 21/22 X leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, 11.6.1966 Cuo-phuóng prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. “Sieberella Backhoffi Schmidt d" Edm. Schmidt Bielawski 9 B. Pisarski /7812/”, “Inst. Zool. determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Paratype”, “Andes 12/45”. hemina R. G. Fennah”. SYNTYPE female (No. 2536) labels: “Burn 1921 Station 17 21/22 X leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, Brixia buruana SC H M ID T , 1926: 231 “Sieberella Backhoffi Schmidt 9 Edm. Schmidt determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa HOLOTYPE female (No. 2554) labels: “Buru 1921 12/45”, “545”. Station 9 19-VI leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, Note: Prof. N a s t mounted the genitalia on a slide, “Brixia buruana Schmidt 9 Edm. Schmidt determ. number 545 (not found). 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. http://rcin.org.pl Type material of Achillidae, Cixiidae and Tropiduchidae • 71 Borysthenes nicanor FENNAH, 1978: 214 determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. HOLOTYPE male (No. 2561) labels: “Viet-nam, 7.6.1966 Cuo-phuong prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. Bielawski ? B. Pisarski /7810/”, “Inst. Zool. Oliarus bimaculatus S C H M ID T , 1930: 116 P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Holotype”, “Borys­ HOLOTYPE male (No. 2555) labels: “L. G. E. Kals- thenes nicanor R. G. Fennah”. hoven Java Semarang Teak-Forest 10-11 1925. Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. No.”, “Typus”, “Oliarus bimaculatus Schmidt cf Edm. Schmidt determ. 1929”, “Mus. Zool. Kirbyana pratti thyas F e n n a h , 1978: 212 Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. HOLOTYPE male (No. 2560) labels: “Viet-nam, 5.6.1966 Cuo-phuoóng prov. Ninh Binh leg. R. Oliarus moestus iphis LlNNAUVORl, 1973: 91 Bielawski ? B. Pisarski /7808/”, “Inst. Zool. PARATYPES females (No. 2556 and 2557) labels: P.A.N. Warszawa 52/66”, “Holotype”, “Kirbyana “Sudan. Upper Nile Malakal 5-20.1.63 pratti thyas Fennah”. Linnavuori”, “Oliarus moestus St. ssp. iphis n. Note: Genitalia in vial of glycerin on pin. ssp.”, “Inst. Zool. P.A.N. Warszawa 43/46” Note: 2 specimens on pin. Leirioessa buruensis SC H M ID T , 1926: 230 SYNTYPE female (No. 2549) labels: “Burn 1921 Cixius Sanctae-Helenae StAl, 1859: 272 Station 9 4.VII leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, SYNTYPE female (No. 2548) labels: “St. Helena “Leirioessa buruensis Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt Stal”, “St. Helenae Stal, St. Helena Stal”, “Mus. determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. 12/45”. Note: This name is considered a synonym of Oliarus SYNTYPE female (No. 2550) labels: “Buru 1921 dividens W A L K E R , 1858. Station 9 leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Co=Typus”, “Leirioessa buruensis Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Tropiduchidae 12/45”. Alcestis surinamensis S C H M ID T , 1911: 268 SYNTYPE female (No. 2551) labels: “Buru 1921 Station 9 17-VII leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, HOLOTYPE female (No. 2566) labels: “Surinam”, “Co=Typus”, “Leirioessa buruensis Schmidt ? “Type” “Alcestis surinamensis Schmidt ? Edm. Edm. Schmidt determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Schmidt determ. 1911”, “Alcumena surinamensis Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt detrm. 1931”, “Mus. SYNTYPE male (No. 2552) labels: “Burn 1921 Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. Station 13 I-IX leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, “Leirioessa buruensis Schmidt c? Edm. Schmidt Alcestis similis S C H M ID T , 1911: 266 determ. 1926”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”, “221”. SYNTYPE female (No. 2564) labels: “Espirito Santo Note: “Station 13” was not included in the original Brasil, ex coll. Fruhstorfer”, “Type”, “Alcestis description. Prof. Nast mounted the genitalia on a similis Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt determ. 1911”, slide, number 221. “Alphesiboea similis Schmidt FEMALE Edm. Schmidt; determ. 1931”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. Oliarus buruanus SC H M ID T , 1926: 230 SYNTYPE female (No. 2565) labels: “Espirito Santo HOLOTYPE female (No. 2553) labels: “Burn 1921 Brasil, ex coll. Fruhstorfer”, “Co=Typus”, Station 17 1300M leg. L. J. Toxopeus”, “Typus”, “Alcestis similis Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt determ. “Oliarus buruanus Schmidt ? Edm. Schmidt 1911”, “Alphesiboea similis Schmidt ? Edm. http://rcin.org.pl 72 • A. Stroiński Schmidt determ. 1931”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Schmidt determ. 1925”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum Warszawa 12/45”. Warszawa 12/45”. Arenasella rubrovittata S C H M ID T , 1932: 39 Pelitropis insularis SC H M ID T , 1932: 38 HOLOTYPE female (No.
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