l I i i VOL. XXIII NO. 88 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1991 1 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Student body candidates field forum questions DAVID KINNEY pus," said Farmer. "People News Writer seem to be drawing lines. Through communication, this problem could have been allevi­ Three tickets discussed their ated before." views and goals for next year Ferguson and James pointed during debates for Student out that students on both sides Body President and Vice Presi­ were frustrated, and that stu­ dent. hnld Wndnesday night. dent government must give Elections for the positions of SUFR backing in order to pro­ studnnt body presidnnt and vice vide credibility. "Thny feel that presidnnt will bn held Monday, if they pursue proper channels . Feb. 11. they're being shut down." Tickets participating in the The conflict could be avoided dnbatns w11re Michael Ferguson in the future with the restruc­ of Stanford and Charlie James turing of Student Senate and of Pangborn, Nicoln Farmer of the channels to the administra­ Lyons and Eric Griggs of Grace, tion, according to Ferguson. and Joseph Blanco of Alumni While Blanco and Florenzo and David Florenzo of Flanner. expressed support for most of Thn ticket of Mark the issues of SUFR, and em­ Kromkowski and Sam Nigro did phasized the point that groups not attend thn debatn, citing like these must be given the op­ "previous commitmnnts that portunity to express concerns are prnssing to our philosophi­ from the start. "We can do cal growth." best," said Blanco, "by getting The debate consisted of an The ObserverfTodd Flint the administration involved at optming statnment from nach Members of the three tickets for Student Body President and Vice President debated campus issues last the grass-roots level." ticket, followed by three rounds night such as Notre Dame's transition to a research university. Pictured left to right are Nicole While Farmer/Griggs support of questions from representa­ Farmer(Pres), Eric Griggs(VP), Mike Ferguson(Pres), Charlie James(VP), Joe Blanco(Pres), and Dave the multi-cultural center re­ tives of Thn Observer and Florenzo(VP). quested by SUFR as beneficial Scholastic magazine. The floor to cultural diversity and educa­ was thnn opnned to thn audi­ in his belly," as reasons for the administration and stu­ changing pursuits of Notre tion, the other tickets were he­ encn, followed by closing re­ their candidacy. dents, and to demand that the Dame. "We are s·eriously con­ sitant to support the building. marks. Participants were given As student body secretary, a University commit itself to un­ cerned," said Florenzo, "about Blanco said that the center onn to two minutes to answer student senator, member of the dergraduate education, not re­ whether Notre Dame is truly in­ must be centrally located if it is each question. Campus Life Council, and search. terested in undergraduate edu­ to succeed. "We don't want a Ferguson, whose experience multi-cultural work, Farmer Blanco, who has served on cation." center that is going to be off the ineludes presidnnt of the and Griggs will succeed by Hall Presidents' Council, Stu­ The issue of the concerns of campus somewhere, it would Freshman Advisory Council, "bridging the communications dent Senate. and the class gov­ the Students United for Respect become more of a divisive Student Senate. and Stanford gap." ernment committee, and Flo­ (SUFR) recurred frequently. thing." flail Judicial Board, cited the A key gaol of the renzo, a member of the student The Farmer/Griggs ticket at­ Ferguson objected to spend­ multi-dimensional nxperience, Farmer/Griggs ticket is to build union board, believe that they tributed the problems to a lack ing money on building rather diverse agenda, leadership on the beliefs of students, to will be able to combine experi­ of communication. "SUFR is than on programs more valu- ability, and the fact that his improve the communication ence to accomplish their goals. something that many feel is running mate James had "a fire between student government, Their ticket focused on the misunderstood on this cam- see DEBATE I page 4 Actor Danny Thomas dies at 79 Iraqi anti-aircraft fire LOS ANGELES (AP) - Co­ from his Beverly Hills home. Comedian Joey Bishop, a nwdian Danny Thomas, the son From former presidents to close friend for 45 years, said of an illiterate immigrant who lifelong friends, expressions of he was stunned. futile against attack became television's most sympathy and shock poured in "I really couldn't stop crying recognized daddy and one of its Wednesday. this morning," said Bishop. "I DHAHRAN. Saudi Arabia (AP) most prolific producers, died "Danny Thomas delighted loved him so much. I don't re­ - The United States ambushed Wednnsday aftnr a heart at­ millions with his tremendous member Danny ever being four fleeing Iraqi jets tack. lie was 79. talent and sense of humor," sick." Wednesday and Iraq blasted The star of the long-running said former President Ronald "He died peacefully," said the sky with intense - but ap­ eomndy s11ries "Make Hoom for Reagan. "He was a pioneer in Norman Brokaw. Thomas' parently futile - anti-aircraft Daddy" died at Cedars-Sinai wholesome television enter­ longtime agent and newly fire, allied military officials Medical Center about 30 min­ tainment and a devoted family named chairman and chief ex­ said. utes aftnr hn was taken there man of tremendous generosity." ecutive officer of the William Iraq announced that it was Morris Agency. "It's hard to be­ cutting diplomatic ties with the OPERATION lieve," Brokaw said. "He really six leading members of the DESERT STORM wasn't sick." multinational coalition seeking Funeral services were pend­ to oust its troops from Kuwait. ing. And Saddam Hussein gained an • Civilian casualties I page 6 Thomas made his last TV ap­ ally in word, if not in deed, • Diplomatic ties cut I page 6 pearance Saturday night. play­ when Jordan's King Hussein • Blood drive I page 7 ing an aging doctor on "Empty called for a cease-fire and de­ • American Muslims I page 7 Nest," the successful comedy nounced the war "against series co-produced by his son, brotherly Iraq." • Gas mask inventor I page 7 Tony Thomas. King Hussein - no relation to He also had recently com­ Saddam - had long been route to a speech in New York. pleted a promotional tour, in­ considered one of the West's An Israeli official who spoke cluding a guest spot on "The best friends in the Arab world. on condition of anonymity Tonight Show Starring Johnny But he has tilted increasingly called Hussein's speech "the Carson" for his new book, toward Iraq in the Persian Gulf most comprehensive and most I . "Make Room For Danny." War, and Wednesday strode I aggressively pro-Iraqi" since On television, Thomas is best firmly onto Baghdad's camp. the crisis began. The 20-year remembered as Danny "This war is a war against all unofficial pnace between Israel Williams, the loud but soft­ Arabs and all Muslims and not and Jordan is critical to lsranl's hearted nightclub entertainer against Iraq alone," the king defense posture. on "Make Room for Daddy," said. Although he stopped short Iraq severed diplomatic rela­ which ran from 1953 to 1971 of offering military assistance tions with the United States, on ABC and CBS. to Saddam, he called on all Britain, France, Italy, Egypt The series, for which Thomas Arabs and Muslims to support and Saudi Arabia. won an Emmy in 1954, was re­ Iraq. Allied jets ranged denp into AP Photo ally a spin-off of his real life. Its President Bush instantly re­ Iraqi territory, and Iraq title came from a phrase often jected the call to cease fire on claimed that 150 civilians had heard in the Thomas household Saddam. "There will be nothing been killed in a single air raid, Actor and comedian Danny Tnomas, center, shown with the cast of when the traveling entertainer of that nature until this man including 35 children. Baghdad television's "Make Room for Daddy" series, died early Wednesday returned home and his children commences a credible. unilat­ radio complained that the of a heart attack at his Beverly Hills home. Thomas was 79 years scrambled to different beds to eral withdrawal and then we'll old. "make room for daddy." see what happens," he said en see GULF I page 4 -~-- . ---~------ ----------------·----·-------~------------- -· -· page 2 The Observer Thursday, February 7, 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: Time to wake Mostly sunny and mild today with highs of 40. Clear up and smell tonight lows near 30. Sunny Friday the blood with a high of 50. TEMPERATURES: Wartime is a wake City H L up call. Athens 48 37 It awakens senti­ Atlanta 62 56 Baghdad 44 39 ments like the one re­ Boston 44 39 minding us that we Chicago 37 32 Dallas·FI.Worth 67 48 live in "The Land of Denver 49 28 the Free and the Detroit 4 2 3 7 Joe Moody Honolulu 83 56 Home of the Brave. n Asst. News Editor Houston 7! 52 In this Land of the ndianapolis 45 38 Fref! we're permitted London 32 32 Los Angeles 75 56 to worship Zeus or Madrid 54 34 Jehovah, wear cor- Miami Beach 75 7! Moscow !9 !8 duroy or plaid, and New York 52 45 flip burgers at Mc- Paris 27 21 Philadelphia 54 4 7 Donald's or Burger King. It's America. Porlland, Ore. 58 33 The Home of the Brave means that we Riyadh 72 58 Rome 50 37 didn't get here without some spilled blood. St.
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