Îôiöiéíå âèäàííÿ Óêðà¢íñüêî¢ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¢ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ The Official Publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Ðiê LVII ×èñ. IV, êâiòåíü, 2007 Vol. LVII Issue IV, April, 2007 www.ukrainianorthodoxchurchusa.org Ukrainain Orthodox Word From the Óêðà¢íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Editor’s Desk... His Beatitude Constantine,* Metropolitan His Eminence Archbishop Antony, “ÑÂßÒÎ ÍÎÂÎÃÎ Consistory President ÍÅÁÀ ² ÇÅÌ˲ His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod, Western Eparchy ÍÎÂί” Founded in Ukrainian “Íå æàõàéòåñü! Âè øóêàºòå ðîçï’ÿòîãî ²ñóñà Íàçàðÿíèíà. as “Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî” in 1950 ³í âîñêðåñ, Íåìà Éîãî òóò! Îñü ì³ñöå äå Éîãî ïîõîâàëè áóëè” (Ìê.16:7). Òàê³ ðàä³ñí³ ñëîâà ïî÷óëè æ³íêè –ìèðîíîñèö³, ÿê “ó ïåðøèé Founded in English ïî ñóáîò³ äåíü“ äî ñõîäó ñîíöÿ ïðèéøëè äî Ãîñïîäíüîãî ãðîáó. as “Ukrainian Orthodox Word” in 1952 “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêñðåñ!” – áëàãîñëîâèâ àíãåë âåëèêó ³ñòèíó. “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêðåñ!” - ïåðåêàçàëè æ³íêè àïîñòîëàì, ÿê³ òàêîæ òÿæêî ñóìóâàëè. Editor in Chief Òðóäàìè àïîñòîë³â, Õðèñòîâèõ ó÷åíèê³â òà ³íøèõ ïîì³÷íèê³â öÿ Priest-monk Daniel (Zelinsky) ðàä³ñíà íîâèíà ïîíåñëàñü ïî âñüîìó ñâ³ò³. Assistant Editor Dobrodijka Barbara Kristof “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêðåñ!” – öå òà îñíîâíà ïðàâäà, â ÿêó ìè âñ³ â³ðèìî òâåðäî. Íå ëèøå îñíîâíà äî´ìàòè÷íà ïðàâäà íàøî¿ â³ðè, Editorial Office: àëå òåæ âàæëèâà ³ñòîðè÷íà ïîä³ÿ, ùî ïåðåì³íèëà õ³ä ³ñòî𳿠ëþäñòâà. UOW  Ïîñëàíí³ äî ªâðå¿â àï. Ïàâëî ïåðåêîíëèâî êàæå, ùî ìàºìî PO Box 495 áåçë³÷ ñâ³äê³â ïî䳿 Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ. South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêðåñ!”– öå íå ëèøå äóõîâíà òâåðäèíÿ íàøî¿ Tel.: (732) 356-0090 #16 â³ðè, àëå é îñíîâà íàøî¿ õðèñòèÿíñüêî¿ íà䳿. Áî “ßêùî ìè íà䳺ìîñü Fax: (732) 356-5556 íà Õðèñòà ëèøå â öüîìó æèòò³, òî ìè íàéá³ëüø íåùàñëèâ³ â³ä óñ³õ E-mail: [email protected] ëþäåé” (1 Êîð.15:19). Äàëüøå – Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ Õðèñòîâå – öå òîðæåñòâî õðèñòèÿíñüêî¿ ÷åñíîòè, ëþáîâè äî Áîãà ³ äî áëèæíüîãî ñâîãî. The Ukrainian Orthodox Word Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ – ñâÿòî â³ðè, íà䳿 é ëþáîâè Ãîñïîäíüî¿. ³äíèí³ êîæíèé is published ten times annualy on a monthly basis â³ðóþ÷èé çíàº, ùî Õðèñòîñ âîñêðåñ ³ Â³í º ²ñòèííèé Ñèí Áîæèé. (except for the May/June and July/August issues) “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêðåñ!” – íàòõíåííî êëèêàëè äâà Õðèñòîâ³ by the Office of Public Relations ó÷åíèêè ï³ñëÿ çóñòð³÷³ ç Õðèñòîì ó ì³ñòå÷êó Åìàóñ. Íå ëèøå ïðèÿòåë³ of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. ñâ³ä÷èëè ïðàâäó Õðèñòîâîãî Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ, àëå òå ñàìå ñêàçàëè Subscription price: ðèìñüê³ âî¿íè , ÿê³ áóëè íà ñòîðîæ³ á³ëÿ Õðèñòîâîãî ãðîáó (Ìò.28:11). $30.00 per year; $35.00 foreign countries; “Õðèñòîñ Âîñêðåñ!”- êëè÷å êîæíîð³÷íèé ïðàçíèê $2.50 per single issue; $3.00 per back copy. Âåëèêîäíÿ êðîâ ì³ëüéîí³â ìó÷åíèê³â çà Õðèñòà ³ Éîãî ªâàíãå볺. Subscriptions are renewable each January. Íåçë³÷åííå, îäíîìó Áîãîâ³ íà íåáåñàõ â³äîìå ÷èñëî ñâÿòèõ ìóæ³â Midyear subscriptions are prorated. òà æ³íîê ìó÷åíèê³â, ÿê³ ñâîº æèòòÿ â³ääàëè çà ïðàâäó Ãîñïîäíüîãî Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ ç ìåðòâèõ. All articles submitted for publication, ² òåïåð, ó íàø ÷àñ êëè÷å äî íàñ ïðàâäà Õðèñòîâîãî Âîñêðå- typed no longer than two pages double spaced, ñ³ííÿ ñëîâàìè ñâ. Ïàâëà: ”Îòîæ, ìè ïîõîâàí³ ç Íèì õðåùåííÿì ó should be mailed to the UOW on a floppy disk or ñìåðòü; ùîá ÿê âîñêðåñ Õðèñòîñ ³ç ìåðòâèõ ñëàâîþ Îòöÿ, òàê ³ íàì e-mailed as an attachment to the Editor-in-Chief. Photos become the property of the UOW and are õîäèòè â îáíîâëåíîìó æèòò³ “(Ðèì.6:4). Îáíîâëåíå æèòòÿ ó Õðèñò³ not returned. Comments, opinions and articles are ïðîñëàâëåíîìó - öå í³ùî ³íøå, ÿê íàøå ïîñòàííÿ ³ç ãð³õîâíîãî welcome but must include the author’s full name ãðîáó ÷åðåç ñâ. ïàñõàëüíó ñïîâ³äü òà ïðè÷àñòÿ Ò³ëà ³ Êðîâè Õðèñòîâî¿. and address. Articles are published at the discretion “Õòî áî äëÿ ñâîãî ò³ëà ñ³º, òîé ç ò³ëà ïîæíå çîòë³ííÿ; à õòî ñ³º ç of the Editorial Staff, which reserves the right to edit, and may not necessarily reflect the views of the äóõà, òîé â³ä äóõà ïîæíå æèòòÿ â³÷íå “- êàæå ïðî íàøå “îíîâëåíå Editorial Board and/or the UOC of USA. æèòòÿ” òîé ñàìèé âåëèêèé àïîñòîë íàðîä³â ó ïîñëàíí³ äî Ãàëàò³â(6:8). The deadline for each issue is six (6) weeks prior to Öüîãîð³÷í³ì íàøèì âåëèêîäí³ì ïðèâ³òîì “Õðèñòîñ the 1st of the day of an issue’s publication date. Âîñêðåñ!” ñêð³ï³ìî íàø³ ñåðöÿ â³ðîþ, íà䳺þ é ëþáîâ’þ äî Áîãà, äî Öåðêâè é äî íàðîäó ñâîãî óêðà¿íñüêîãî. ϳñëÿ óäàð³â äîë³, POSTMASTER please send address changes to: óïîêîðåíü ³ ðîçï’ÿòòÿ íà õðåñò³ ïðèõîäèòü ïåðåìîãà Âîñêðåñ³ííÿ. Ukrainian Orthodox Word (On the cover - St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH. PO Box 495 Íà îáêëàäèíö³ - ïàðàô³ÿëüíà öåðêâà Óñï³ííÿ Ïðåñâÿòî¿ Áîãîðîäèö³, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Ëîðåéí, ÎÃ). 2 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LVII ×èñ. IV, êâ³òåíü, 2007 Permanent Council of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond The Borders Of Ukraine Paschal Encyclical 2007 To the venerable clergy, monastics and all devout children of our Holy Church, entrusted to our care and to our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine: CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let the whole world, both visible and invisible, keep festival: For Christ is risen, our eternal joy. (Canon of Pascha) Dearly beloved in Christ! Today, on this joyous and saving Day of Christ’s words are of utmost importance to us, because today’s Resurrection the entire world is rejoicing, beaming with the world is in dire need of peace. Saint John the Chrysostom Divine Light. The world of Angels and the Heavenly Church says: “If we lose peace, we will become enemies to those “triumphant” are glorifying the Risen Lord and we - the who heard Christ say: ‘Peace be with you’”. Let us therefore children of the earthly Church “militant” are called upon to preserve this peace and prayerfully beseech the Risen Christ join them. We greet you all, our Brothers and Sisters, on this to make it reign in our communities, in our families, and occasion of the Holy Pascha and proclaim to you “CHRIST IS most importantly, in each of our souls. RISEN!” During these joyful days, when the entire creation No other greeting can bring such radiant joy to a is rejoicing, let us thank the Lord in our prayers for having believer’s heart than these victorious words. They remind us allowed us to witness these Holy Days and to participate in of the fact that death has been conquered, that the graves the Paschal services. Let us preserve this Paschal joy holding our departed loved ones are only temporary and throughout the entire year. Let us unite spiritually, let us that the time will come when the dead will rise to live a new embrace one another, in order that the benevolent Lord and eternal life. may see love and unity among us and allow us to “glorify This Paschal greeting also tells us that in the earthly His sublime resurrection for ever and ever.” life of mankind, any victory of falsehood and evil is only temporary and that in the eternal life goodness, truth and CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! love will forever prevail. Holy Pascha is for all of us the Feast of Feasts, and + Constantine – Metropolitan the Exultation of Exultations. We perceive this jubilation in Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora our Paschal Services. During this hallowed night God’s special + John – Metropolitan grace can be felt in our churches and our heartfelt prayer Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada lifts closer to our Savior. The clouds of incense fill the temple, + Antony – Archbishop as if they were the wings of angels carrying that prayer Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA directly to God’s throne. The joyous greeting of the clergy + Vsevolod – Archbishop “Christ is Risen” is answered by the multitude of faithful with Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA a thundering “Indeed, He is Risen!” The light of thousands of + Ioan – Archbishop candles and the brilliantly white robes of the clergy remind Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora – us of the Divine world into which Christ our Savior is risen Australia and New Zealand from the dead. Through His resurrection, our Lord opened + Yurij – Archbishop the way of resurrection to a new life for each of us as well Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and He gave us back the right to be God’s children. + Jeremiah – Bishop We greet you all on the occasion of this glorious Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America (UOC of USA) Holy Day. Saint John the Theologian writes that the first + Andriy – Bishop words Christ the Savior said to his disciples after His Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora – Resurrection were “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). These Great Britain and Western Europe Ðiê LVII ×èñ. IV, April, 2007 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 3 ÏÀÑÕÀËÜÍÅ ÏÎÑËÀÍÍß ÏÎÑÒ²ÉÍί ÊÎÍÔÅÐÅÍÖ² ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÈÕ ÏÐÀÂÎÑËÀÂÍÈÕ ªÏÈÑÊÎϲ ÏÎÇÀ ÌÅÆÀÌÈ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÈ Âñå÷åñíîìó äóõîâåíñòâó, ïðåïîäîáíîìó ÷åðíåöòâó, âñ³ì ïîáîæíèì ä³òÿì íàøî¿ Ñâÿòî¿ Öåðêâè, äîðó÷åíèì íàø³é àðõèïàñòèðñüê³é îï³ö³, òà áðàòàì ³ ñåñòðàì â Óêðà¿í³. ÕÐÈÑÒÎÑ ÂÎÑÊÐÅÑ! 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