Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 1924 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1526 Commonwealth, Etc., Taxes Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Central Sugar- },fills. TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER, 1924. Th~ SPE,\KER (Hon. \Y. Bertram, Jim·eel;­ took the chair at 10 a.m. APPROPRIATIO::\ BILL, Xo. 2. AssE~T. The SPEAKER: I haYo to report that J h~ Ye pre cnt.cd to Hi J Excellency the Gon•rnor Appropriation Bill, Xo. 2 for tho Roval assent. and that His Excellencv was ple'U"cd. in m:v presence, to subscribe his asseJCt thereto in the name and on behalf of His ::\iajcsty. "'"-\. n1c -:·:;age was also receiYed from the GoYPrnor conn:ying His Excdknc/s a~sent to the Dill. CE:'\TRAL SL'GAR-:C\IILLS. Tlw SPEAKER announced the receipt from the Anrlitor·Gcncral of his report on the ncrounts of the c·_,ntral sugar-n1ill~ under Governnwnt control for the year ended 30th June, 1924. Questions. [14 OcTOBER.] Questions. 1527' QCESTIO:\S. "2. Ticket No. 97536 was published in. AcDITOR-GEXER.\L's REPORT in re "D" IYHnT the · Telegraph' as a winner of a £20 PooL's CHARGES FOR HA:\DLIXG WHL\T prize. CRoP. '' 3. Yes. :\Ir. WARRE:\' (JJurrumba) asked the " 4. The official record shows that Secretary for ~c\griculturc- ticket No. 95736 won a £20 prize. The official r<ccord is supporte-d by the reports " 1. Has he noticed in the Auditor­ of the drawing appearing in the 'Daily General's report that the "D" \Vheat Standard ' and ' Evening Observer,' and Pool took deliverv of 144.506 bushels of other published reports and adver­ "·heat, and that ·the cost of handling tised results of the drawing. The num­ 'ame to 1st September was 20.12d. per ber published in the 'Telegraph' was bushel, and that the estimated extra cosh an error made bv the officer of that of handling to the termination of the journal who repoi·ted the drawing. I pool will be another 3~d. per bushel, understand that the 'Telegraph' has now making a total of almost 2s. per bushel? n1aJe arrangen1ents for its officer tc "2. Seeing· that 81 per cent. of this check his report with the official records. whc:J.t was sold to farmers who had The hon. member may inspect the official suffered so severely from drought that records and copies of the newspapers at they had to purchase from the hoard on the Home Secretary's Department, or at the guarantee of the Government, does the office of the ' Golden Casket.' " he consid-er it fair that these unfortunate growers should have to pay such heavy handling costs \Yi th interest added? " TEXDERS FOR THIRTY LOCO}IOTIVE E::-:GJXES­ EsTDI.\TES, HouRs, AXD \VAGES. The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULT'CRE (Hon. \Y. N. Gillics, Eacham) replied- Mr. ROBERTS (East 1'oo1coomba) asked· the Secretary for Railways- " 1. The chairman of the State \Yheat Board has supplied the following :-The " J.. Re tender for thirty engines, was ' D ' Pool \Vas purely a seed wheat pool, a price quoted or estima tee! by the· as onlv 144.506 bushels of wheat were Railway \Vorkshops, Ips\vich; if so, what deliver-ed. The cost of handling, there­ was such price or estimate? fore, would be relatively high. "2. \Vhat are the hours provi-ded and '· 2. Under the operations of the 'D., rate of wages under our Queensland Pool grow£rs receive-cl more by way of arbitration a\vards for employees in their first advance of 5s. per bushel than work of engine construction? has been paid to growers in Southern "3. \Yhat ,are the hours worked 'and States. The prices charged for seed rates of wages paid for similar works at Y:heat are le3s than would haye been the Clyde Engineering ·works, ::-.Jew charged had no pool been in existence. In South \Vales?" preYious drought years, before the pool The SECRETARY FOR RAIL\YAYS can1e into existence, prices ranged fron1 (Hon. J. Larcornbe, Ii cppcl) replied- 10s. to 12s. per bushel. It was necessary for the board to n•tain a skeleton staff, " 1. Ipswich \Yorbhops did not tender. so that it would be in a position to "2 and 3. Queensland 44 hours, ::'\ew· handle bigger c-rops, and also the board South \Vales 48 hours-per week." had to pa_\· interest -and redemption on grain sheds. \Yh£at was delivered in ]{or·ni.Y HATI> o:- \Y AGE'. small parcels. and the clerical work ~--------------- invoh·e-d in handling small parcels is Qn..__t'n:- l ~ew just as heavy as it would be in handling : liH:. i ,;;~JU":ll big parcels." _____ Ii ___ \\;tie .._ d. " GoLnEx C-iSKET " PRizE IYixxERS. d. s. Fitters .,~ :Jj " ~k :\Ir. RODERTS (Ea.,t Toon·oomba), for 'I'~..rners :Jt :2k Binck"11 itlb 4:f ~ :3 -~ Hox. W. H. BAR::'\ES (1Fymwm), asked the Pattrrnm;Jker:.-- - ., qJ l-Ion1e Secr·etary- 5± ... Coppersmi1 Ls ~., 3! 2 3~ " 1. Does he know that on the evening .Anglcsmith~ H :3~ of Friday. 1st August, 1924, the 'Tele­ Brass filllfhers ~ 3} - ~£ Forgrrs (Forgli:~s)--:J cwt. ., graph' published ihc names of the prize anr} OH'l' 2 St JJ \\·inners in the 'Golden Casket ' ? Forucrs (~mallm')· :2 Gt ·> 4~ Spr.._ngsmith:: 41 ., ll " 2. Amongst the numbers of £20 prizes Oxy·rttt't~·lrne .md electric - ' ::'\o. 97536 \\as given. \Ye/dpr;.o; 2 5i ~ :? ·k Boiler1nnkrrs 2 31 :2 ~-k "3. Is it correct that the owner of this O:J ~ 2 :!7; ticket made application for the prize and Monlcl<r< df \YGS refused payment 1 "4. \Yill he inform the House the ea u!3e of this refusal? " " Co::sTIXGEXCIES " AXD " I!\CIDEKTALB-," A.GE:\T-GEXER.\L·s OFFICE. The HO::\IE SECRETARY (Hon. J. Stopford. Jionnt Jlorgun) replied- "'Ir. DEACO::--; (Cunningham) asked the " 1. The 'Teleg-raph' of Friday, the Chief Secretary- bt August last publi heel the names of ,, \Yhat \YGS the expenditure of the the winners of the first. second, and third Ag-cnt-Geneml's Oflice, included under prizes, and purported to publish tho the heading ' Contingencies' and item numbers of the ,-inning tickets in ::'\o. ' Incidentals.' during each of the years. 93 'Golden Casket' art union, drawn 1912-13 to 1914-15, inclusive, and also· on the morning of the same day. the years 1918-19 to 1923-24, inclusiYe? ,. 1528 Questions. [ASSE11BLY.] Income Tax Bill. The CHIEF SECRETARY (Hon. E. G. Theodore, Chillagoc) replied- Advertising Hent, and Printing, Contingent Financial Y car. t;tationery, Bxpcnses in Total. and Promoting Incidentals. Bmhrration to- the State. ------~-- £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. (!. 1912-13 5,7:27 19 8 4,517 -1 () 10,24-5 ,, 8 1913-14 5,:]91 -! 8 f>,783 6 8 11,176 11 4 1914-13 7,8-±0 17 5 3,301 12 7 ll,U2 10 0 1918-19 9,280 11 9 377 18 9 9,658 10 6 1919-20 13, 75[1 18 8 995 4 5 1-t, 75;) "u 1 1920-21 9,-!53 1 10 665 11 11 10,118 18 9 1921-22 7,14-0 15 G 7, 1"!() li"> ;) 1922-23 7,197 6 11 7,H)7 6 11 1923-2-! 6,893 17 6 6.803 17 6 Cor-;TRAct· oF CLYDE E~WI::\EERI:\G Co1rPAXY The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC LA~DS FOR SUPPLY OF RAILWAY Loc01IOTlVES. (Hon. W. McCormack, Cairns) replied- Mr. 11AXWELL (Toowong), without " It is proposed to abandon all that noti0 , asked the Secretary for Raihvays- portion of the fence that serves no useful purpose." " Is it a fact, ail reported in last Sunday's ' Sun ' newspaper, of the 12th PAPERS. instant, that the Clyde Engineering The following papers were laid on the Company, Kew South \Vales, had table, and ordered to be printed:- deciined to accent the contract for build­ ing thirty locorrwtives, and that it was Report of the Insp'ector of Hospitals for the Government's int "ntion to distribute the Insane for 1923. the work between \Yalkers Limited and Regulation 2 of the regulations made E,·ans. Anderson, Phelan, and Com­ under the Primary Products Pools pany?" Acts, 1922 to 1923. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS Eighth annual report of the State -{Hon. J. Larcombe, J( cppel) replied- Go;-ernment Insurance Office for the year ended 30th June, 1924. " I have no information to add to what I gave the House last Friday, to the effeet that the Government had entered ExrE~DITcRE oF AGENT-GEXERAL's OFFICE FOR into a contract with the Clyde Engineer­ " CO:.\TINGENCIES " AXD " INCIDEXTALS." ing ·works, Kew South Wales, for the Tho following paper was laid on the construction of thirtv locomotives. The table:- Government have no" information to the Return in answer to a question asked b,v effect that that contract 1s to be Mr. Deacon (Cunninglwm) on Thurs­ repudiated." day, 9th October, relative to the <?xpenditure of the Agent-General's ·CHARGES ~fADE BY :\1R. CARTER IN RE BRISBAXE Office, included under the heaclins.; SICK CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. " Contingencies" and item "Inci­ dentals," during- each of the years l\Ir. MAX\YELL (Toozcong), without 1912-13 to 1914-15. inclusive, and also notice. '"ked the Homo Secretary- the years 1918-19 to 1923-24, inclu­ " Has the hon. gentleman received anv SIVe. communication from the Committee o'f the Joint Hospita_ls Board with reference to the charge made against the Brisbane BRISBA:-\E TRAl\1\Y.\Y TRCST ACT Sick Children's Hospital Committee bv AMEXD::V!l':XT BILL.
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