San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1914 Special Libraries, 1910s 1-1-1914 Special Libraries, January 1914 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1914 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1914" (1914). Special Libraries, 1914. Book 1. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1914/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1914 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries Where the Special Library is a Necessity The scientific spirit is always that which seeks to learn all the facts on any one subject and when they are found strives to formulatc laws based on the facts and to put these laws into operation. It is a mark of the truly scientific spirit that it is impatient with those who assume a truth from a part only of the facts; or who initiate practice without that thorough comprehension of the laws of the subject which can only he had when all the facts are known and their rclntions determined. The advocates of what is now popularly called "Scientific Management" assert that they aim to learn the truth concerning factory production in all its varied phases and to base upon such study a practical system of standard industrial operation -Honorable William C. Redfield, SPECIAL LIBRARIES The Legislative Reference Bureau as a Factor in State Development By Addison E. Sheldon, Director of Nebraska Legislative Reference Bureau (Read at meeting of National Assoclntion of Conservation Commissionera at Washington, D. C., November 17, 1913.) "A clearing house for infurmation upon Aristotle set the style for the modern public affairs " This is one definition of legislative reference bureau two thousand the legislative reference bureau. Another years ago when lie assigned his students definition which we have worked out in the task of compiling and co~nparlngtl~c Nebraska is that the legislative reference constitutions and customs of all tho Gre- bureau is an institution which gives con- cian cities. For flfteen hundred years Aris- densed, comprehensive, impartial, accurate totlc's books were the texts and the inspir- infornlation on any subject under the sun ation of learning in the western civilized upon five minutes notice. This is a large world. Little wonder that Aristotle held contract to fill. such pre-eminence. He and his students Legislative reference department work brought together for human study the great- began at New York State Library in 1890. est collection of human political experience ~t appeared in improved and enlarged form that had ever been gathered. The mistake at AIadison, Witlconsin, in 1901. There are which the afterworld have made was in now legislativc reference libraries in thirty- thinking that inspiring experiment ended four states There are municipal libraries with Aristotle. The modern legislative ref working upon practically the same plan in erenco bureau is Aristotle up to date. a dozen cities. There are several scores Democracy is the key word of modern of similar libraries now supported by the social life. Beyond democracy,-faintly large corporations and private institutions seen through the mountain mists bf the of this country. There must be a reason. higher human levels,-is co-operation, cliild The world is wide. Knowledge is of uni- of democracy. Hitherto democracy has ex- versal value. Experiment never ceases. To pressed her will and ent'orced her mandates the possibilities of human progress bafied through chosen delegates representing tlle upon human experience, no prophet dare people. However widely pure democracy, set a limit. ~ationalsocial progress in action by the entire mass of tlle people, every field, from simple mechanics to su- may spread, whether upon the model of perflnite philosophy, proceeds upon the the ancient, open tribal assembly to which lines of experiment, recorded results, criti- every free man was bidden, or upon the cism, reasoning, further experiment. The present day model of the open ballot box, primitive oil lamp which the valley of the to which every Prep man (and sometinles Euphrates gave to the valley oP the Nile free woman) is. invitcd, there must always and which the valley of the Nile gave to be, so far as we now can see, some form Greece; the illuminating torch which of representation in government, some dele- Greece gave to Rome and Italy passed on gation of power, some committee chosen to the nations of northern Europe; the from the whole assembly by the voice of electric beacon which flashes today from the assembly, to act in its stead and sub- Europe and America around the world have mit its flndings of fact and its judgments onn uninterrupted line of ancestry and in- of action for the approval of the assembly. heritance and were fed from one enlarging Parliaments and legislatures are the dom- fuel-reservoir-the accumulated, classifled inant forms of such chosen committees experiment and experience of the human selected from the general popular assembly race. In Europe and America to voice the aspira- There are nearly a billion and a half or liv ing souls upon the surface of this planet tions of democracy and write her will in There are three thousand spoken languages. statutes, ordinances and resolutions. There are not far from a thousand separate The chosen committees, large or small, governments. There ere probably a hun- upon whose report modern democracy must dred thcmand local political units, having in large measure base her judgment and in some degree independence and initiative her steps in the path of social progress, in social and political experiment. These ought to be we11 informed,-accurately, are really a hundred thousand laboratories broadly, reliably informed. The spirit of of social and political science. Their re- the people who chose them, the sound rea- corded efforts and results have a value,- soning of their own minds, the certainty of a vridely varying value,-to every human popular debate upon the flnal adoption of society. their report as a permanent part of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES program of social progress, may and must plication. But scattered tllrougll it all are be trusted for a fair report when tull in- the ripe, 11ard grains of valuable human formation is present. experience and rcasoning lil to be ground In the preparation of its report to the into flour for the bread of human living people, parlianlent and legislature, council Now, no one lnan iu any legislature, not and commission; are bcset with four great even the wisest and best, can thresh out fundamcntal dimculties: all thls stack yard of straw and Iind the grain in it. (1) The number of subjects to be re- ported on. Most of the lnenlber~of any legislature (2) The mass of material connected will always be fairly ropresentative citizens with the different subjects. of their own calling mil locality, familiar (3) The narrow linlitations of time. with some ol the occupations and demands (4) The contentions, regresentations of their own clistrict; with some general and inisrepresentations oT those interested knowledge of events of gcneral interest, in preventing, delaying or dominating the but with no specific, definlte grasp upon report. either tlie facts or the theories relatmg to The number of propositions upon which nine-tenths of the subjects upon wllich they a present day legislature is asked to report are called to act and no t.raming vllmtever is too vast for deliberative action. In the to direct them in their search for truth in life of a single American Congress covering the vast libraries iillcd with thc stores of two years, over twenty thousand b~llsand 11umar1 experience. For a reasonable and resolutions are introduced. The total nurn- intelligent law upon any leg~slntivepropo- bcr of bills introducecl in the 1913 session sition of today there 1s needed a saCe source of the New Yorlr legislature was 4051; in of accurate, impartial information reduced California 3923; in Pennsylvania 2726; in to its lowest terms. "Hoil it down ' says Wisconsin 1759; in Illinois 1G08 and in Ne- the man with the blue pencil. "Tho rcason braska 1846. Many of these bills are com- I wrote a long editorial on that subject," plex. Some of them involve a hundred said Editor Rowlcs of the Springfield Re- separate propositions upon which both in- publican, "is because I d~dnot have the fornlation and discussion 'might be desired. time to write a short editorial." This is The reason for the ~nultiplication of leg- the call of today in lhe worlc of thc legls- islative subjects is a topic by itself which latures. Boil it down. Cut out the pad- I can only touch upon. Some of the very ding. Condense the essentials Tell where patent causes may he briefly mentioned. the rest ]nay be found. G~vetlic principal Society has becottie more complex. Indus- facts, tlic lending arguments and authori- try is differentiated Improved commerce ties on a single typewritten sheet of legal and transportation have brought thc world cap paper. The modern legislative refer- together. Business and social relations are ence dcpartnlent is n response to this call. multiplied. The rules and regulations of The limitations 01 time in modern legis- human life and the demands for redress of lative work may be illustrated by the con- grievances through the Legislature are cor- crete case of my own slate. The Nebraska respondingly increased. Wl~ateverthe caus- legislature, convcned last winter, was in ac- es, the very numbers, the rapidly increasing tual session for 76 days of 6 hours each, numbers of propositions before the people's a total of 375 legislalive hours.
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