'4676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE, JULY 18, Bland :Boone Bradford Bradley, John H. Caldwell, William P. Caldwell. Camp­ Mr. SHERMAN. What is the question t bell, Cason, C~te. Caulfield, John B. Clarke of Kentnc~, John B. C~ark 1 _jr., of Mis­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal has already been read. souri, Clymer, Cochrane, Cook, Culberson, CuUe_r, DaVIS, Davy, D1~reu, Douglas, Eden, Egbert, Evans, Finley, Forney, Fort, Goo~n, Andrew H.liamilton, Hancock, Mr. EDMUNDS. It has not been approved T Har~ell, Hatcher, Henkle, Hill, Holman, Hopkins, Hunter, Jenk~, Frank Jones, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It has not been approved if there Knott, Franklin Lan.!~rs, Levv, Luttrell, Lynde, L. A. Mackey, Maish, ~cFarland, is objection. It will be considered approved if there be no objection. Mills, Monroe, Morgan, New, Pop~leton, ~?tter, Rea, ~agan, J?hn Reill_y, James Mr. EDMUNDS. I ask if we have a quorum presentT B. Reilly, Rice, Ridill.e, John Robbms .. William M: Robbms, Roblll8on, Miles_Ross, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The attention of the Chair being Rusk, Sa.va"'e, Scs.lAs, Slemons, William E. Smith, Sparks1 Spencer, Sprmger, St.evenson, §tone, 'Throckmorton, Tucker! TurneY., Van Vorn~, John L. Vance, called to it, there is not a quorum present. The Secretary will call Robert B. Vance, Gilbert C. Walker, Walling, Whitehouse, Whitthorne, James D. the roll of the Senate. Williams, and Benjamin Wilson-90. The Secretary called the roll of the Senate, and thirty-seven Sen­ NOT VOTING-M688rs. Adams, Atkins, Ba~oy, Banning, Bass, Beebe, Black­ burn, BliM, Blount, Buokner, Cabell. Caswell, Chapin, Chittenden, Co!J.ina, Cowan, ators answered to their names. Crounse, Denison, Dobbins, Durham, ~. Ely, Faulkner, Franklin. Fr_eeman, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. A quorum being now present, the Fuller Gibson, Glover Goode Robert Hamilton, Haralson, Henry R. HarriS, Har­ Journal will stand approved, if there be no objection. rison, Hathorn, Haym~nd, H~ndee, Hereford, Abram S. Hewitt, Goldsmith W. Hewitt Hoar Hoge, Hooker, Honse, Hunton, Hurd, ·Hyman.:l Thomas L. Jones, HOUSE BILLS REFERRED. Joyce, lnmb~ll, ~g. Lane, Lapham, Lawrence, Lewis, Loru. Lynch, McC!~Y· McMahon, Metcalfe, Money, Mu~hler, Neal, Odell, Payne, Phelps, ~ohn F. Philips, The following bills from the House of Reprelientatives were sever­ Platt, Purman, Roberts, Sobieski.. Ross, Sayler, Seelye, Sheakley. Sm~~n, South­ ally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on ard, Stenger, Stowell, Swann, Thomas,_ 'Yaldron, Walsh, War~ 1 .G. w 1ley Wells, Pensions: Wheeler White Willard Andrew Wil.liruns, Alpheus S. Wllllams. Charles G. Willi~, J ames'Williams; James Wilson, Alan Wood, jr., Fernando Wood, Wood­ A bill (H. R. No. 3894) granting a pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Cus­ worth, Yeates, and Young-96. ter, widow of the late George A. Custer; and A bill (H. R. N(). 3896) granting a pension to Maria. Custer and Before the result of the vote waa announced, Emanuel H. Custer. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. The following bill and joint resolution from the Honse of Repre­ Mr. HAMIL TO~, of Indiana, by unanimous co:risentt from the Com­ sentatives were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to mittee on Enrolled Bills, reported that they had exammed and found the Committee on Military Affairs: truly enrolled a bill (}f the following title; when the Speaker pro A bill (H. R. No. 147) to authorize the Secretary of War to pay ex­ tempore signed the same : penses incurred by the State of Oregon and citizens.of California in An act (S. No. 332) to amend the act entitled "An act to amend and suppressing Indian hostilities in the States of Oregon and California supplement an act entitled 'An act to establish a uniform system of in the years 1872 and 1873; and bankruptcy throughout the United States,' approved March 2, 1867, A joint resolution (H. R. No. 152) instructing the Secretary of War and for other purposes," approved June 22, 187 4. to forward to the State of North Carolina authenticated copies of The result of the vote on the motion of Mr. HUBBELL waa announced certain State records captured in 1865. as above recorded; and acccmlingly (at three o'clock and forty-five ADVERSE REPORTS RECOMMITTED. minutes p. m.) the House adjourned. Mr. SHERMAN. I ask unanimous consent of the Senate that the bill (S. No. 738) for the relief of Withenbury and Doyle, reported ad­ PETITIONS, ETC. versely from the Committee on Claims, be placed upon the Calendar The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were presented with the adverse report. The day for a motion to reconsider is past, at the Clerk's desk under the rule, and referred as stated: but the bill can be placed on the Calendar by unanimous consent. By Mr. DUNNELL: Protest of the people of Going Snake district, The PRESIDENT pro ttffll,pore. Is there unanimous consent to plac­ Indian Territory, against the establishment of a Unitecl States terri­ ing this bill on the Calendar with the adverse report of the commit­ torial government over the Indian country, to the Committee on In­ teeT The Chair hears no objection. dian Affairs. JAMES TEBAULT AND JAMES REID. By Mr. ELLIS: The petition of Mrs. Emily McKnight, that Con­ Mr. BOUTWELL. Some days since the Committee on Claims re­ gress confrm to her late husband's representatives the title to the ported adversely upon the petition of James Tebault and James Reid lands known as the Navy Commissioners' Islands, Louisiana, to the and others, praying additional compensation as laborers in the Treas­ Committee on Private Land Claims. ury Department. Other papers concerning that claim have been Also, papers relating to the claim of G. P. Work, for compensation placed in my hands, and I ask that the papers on which the report for carrying the Unit.ed States mail between New Orleans and Munroe, was made may be recommitted with the additional testimony that has Louisiana, in 1866, 1867, 1868, and 1869, to the Committee of Claims. been submitted. Also, memorial of Mrs. Mary Camus, administratrix of the estate of The motion was agreed to. Jacques Theodule Camus, deceased, for compensation for the use and occupation ·of certain wharves at New Orleans, Louisiana, by the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. United States Navy, to the same committee. Mr. MAXEY. I ask that the bill (S. No. 953) to remove the politi­ By Mr. MAGINNIS: The petitions of citizens of Montana Territory, cal disabilities of John G. Walker, of Texas, be taken up and put on for the reduction of the military reservation at Fort Shaw, in said ~pas~~ . Territory, to the Committee on Military Affairs. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Morning business has not yet been By Mr. SAVAGE: The petition of citizens of New Burlington, Ohio, called. Petitions and memorials are in order. for the establishment of a tri-weekly mail between Burlington and Mr. ANTHONY. I present the memorial of Mr. Joseph C. G. Ken­ Xenia, Ohio, to the Committee on the Post-Office·and Post-Roads. nedy, formerly the Superintendent of the Census, who was a. delegate By Mr. SAYLER: PBtition of the president and secretary of the to, I think, the :first statistical congress, and who represents that Maine Medical Association, in obedience to instructions from their the report of the delegation to the last statistical congress, whereof association, for the establishment of the metric system of weights and Mr. Edward Young, of the Statistical Bureau of the Treasury De­ measures, to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. partment, was chief, contains what purports to be a translation of the By Mr. SMITH, of Pennsylvania: The petition of Alexander Wor­ speech of Mr. Adolphe Quetelet, the celebrated statistician, in which rall, to be refunded certain rent and costs paid under a decree of the reference was made to Mr. Kennedy as the originator of the idea of a Virginia court of hustings, to the Committee on War Claims. statistical congress, and that this translation omits that pa-ssage re­ By Mr. SPENCER: A paper relating to the establishment of a post­ ferring to him. Mr. Kennedy states that as this document was printed route between Pine Grove and Ponchatoula, Louisiana, to the Com­ by order of the Government, at the expense of the Government, and mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. has the imprimatur of the Government upon it, it is a manifest injus­ By Mr. A. S. WILLIAMS: Papers relating tothepetitionof Jeptha tice to him. A man's literary and scieitti:fic reputation is a part of Rubert, for a pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. his property which ought to be protected in every fair and honorable way. I desire to state that one of the delegates to that congress was a constituent of mine, Dr. Edwin M. Snow, and I would guarantee that this error, whether it waa intentional or not, does not fall in any respect within his responsibility. If the error was unintentional it IN SENATE. ought to be corrected. If it was intentional something more should be done. I move the reference of this memorial to the Committee on TUESDAY, July 18, 1876. Foreign Relations. The motion was agreed to. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. THE JOURNAL. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. Mr. OGLESBY. I am instructed by the Committee on Public Lands, Mr. EDMUNDS. I should like to have the first clause of the first to whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 1984) to provide for the sale rule read, to know whether we can approve the Journal in the pres­ of certain lands in Kansas, to ask to be discharged from its further ent stage of proceeding.
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