Av«nig« Daily N«t Ptm b Roa For The Week Ended The Weather Jnnnnry •, 1N8 Clear tonight. Low S to 15 be­ V. low eero. Tomorrow fair. High 1 5 ,5 3 4 14 to 20. Manche»ter— A City of Viilage Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 82 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 (Ohinrilled Advertlilnr on Pnae 11) PRICE SEVEN CENTS World Listening to Two Heart Beats LBJ^ Eshkol U,S. Patiently ^Quite WelV Cape Town Patient to Sit Talk P eace By WILUAM O. HABRISON "almost normal for a man of Kasperak’s By DAVID J. PAINE She added that he looked as healthy as STONEWALL. Tex. (AP) — for a tour amid the oak trees AP Science Writer size” when measured about 12 houra AaMioteted Press W riter he had five years ago, before his dis­ President Johnson and Israeli and the pastures where deer after the 4Vi-hour operation. The patient eased heart began making him look Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and white-faced Hereford graze. STANFORD, CaUf. (AP) — With the weighs 144 poimds. Mrs. White’s weight CAPE ’TOWN, South Africa (A P )— sickly. tranaplanted heart of a houaewlfe sus­ Mrs. Johnson, in another station was 120. ^ Groote Bchuur Hospital said in a medical The dentist Is now on an ordinary diet, toured the placid LB J R{uich wagon, drove the ladles to tea taining him. Mike Kasperak Is reported "His cardiogram looked quite good,’’ bulletin today that Dr. FtiiUp Blalberg, but aU his food Is prepared on a special and talked of peace In the Mid­ to be doing “ quite well,” fully conscious at the ranch house. Dr. Harrison said. Um world's third heart transplant pa­ cooker and SterUe UtensMs are used, the dle East and the world Sunday. and responsive. TTie two leaders .posed for Dr. Shumway said Kasperak was ex­ tient, ’is no longer tn >the oxygen tent hospital said. With the Hebrew word "shal- photographers and launched Kasperak, a 64-year-old former steel­ pected to stay in the hospital many and will be allowed to alt up in bed to­ om” —peace—Johnson started their talks in the small yellow worker from nearby Bast Palo Alto, day with hie fleet on a chsalr.” Barnard sent his congratulations to months for observation. hls dassmate from the University of things off. and beige-decorated den of the was dying of heart disease Saturday The 68-year-old retired dentist neared “ This kind of followup is essential to Mlnneoota, Dr. Norman S. Shmnway, "We will try to extend the white stone and frame ranch night when Dr. Norman B. Shumway’s what .^doctors consider to be >the begin­ the well being of the recipient,’’ Dr. who performed the world’s fourth heart peace that is In our hearts to all house. surgical team at Stanford University Shumway said. “ We’ve reached first ning of the crltioal postoperative period men wo are willing to share our A family dinner, "fraturlng School of Medicine operated on him. The —seven days after surgery. However, the transplant operation at Stanford Uni­ base perhaps, but the work is only be­ versity Saturday night. partnership of good faith and "supreme of pheasant" and doctors cut out his heart and implanted ginning.” bulletin said there were no signs yet good purpose,” the President rice, was served at two big the heart of Virginia White, a 48-year- that Blalbeig’s body was trying to re- In an interview with the National He stressed, “ There is no way at this said in an airport welcome for round tables. Gifts were ex­ old Santa Clara woman who died of a Jeot the heart of Chve Haupt, 24, who Broadcasting Corp. shown Saturday time to term the episode a success.” Eshkol at Randolph Air Force changed and Eshkol In'vited the stroke two hours before. died of a brain henKorhage. night in the Urliited States, Barnard dis­ Base, some 60 miles south of the But his and Harrison’s elation were evi­ closed that arthritis in his hands may By Sunday morning Kasperak was Haupt’s heart was grafted Into Blai- mach. (See Page Ten) dent. limit or even end hls surgical career. He berg last Ttwaday by Dr. Christiaan The 72-year-old Israeli leader conscious and able to move. Though he "The critical period lasts as long as said the arthrl-tls has been with him ever couldn’t talk because of a tube in his Bcimard, who also performed the land­ said peace was hls “ central con­ the patient lives,” Dr. Shumway said, Since his days as a student in America mark he&rt transplant operation last cern,” too. Eshkol noted that It throat helping him to breath, doctors explaining that the body could reject a in the 1950s. aalid he recognized his family. month on Louis Washkansky. Washkan- was in hls area of the world in foreign orgem months or even years Although he takes drugs for the con­ Shumway said his patient knew he had sky died of pneumonia 18 days after the ancient days that "men first ex­ Mideast after it entered the body. dition, he said, “my hands are stlU swol­ a donated heart beating In his chest. It operation. pressed a striving for peace on Kasperak is being given drug^s to sup­ len." The painful condition Is a stimulus was one-third the size of the enlarged No infeotion Is evident tn any of Blal- earth.” press the rejection mechanism. to bear down on his surgery now, Barn­ one that had been discarded, but it was berg^s organs so far, the hoEtpltel said. "I will never give up hope Chronic viral myocarditis, an infection ard said, “because I don't known when Fighting performing well, Shumway said. His w ife , BUeen, w a s to see him again- that this will come to pass. We that the steelworker contracted perhaps today but to guard against Infection she I’ll be completely Stopped from doing In our country are working to­ Blood pressure, pulse and body tem­ 10 years ago, had been arrested, the surgery as a result of the arthritis.” was expected to speak to him once more ward this end,” Eshkol de­ perature were in a reasonable range. Dr. doctors explained. But his heart muscle In Johannesburg, meanwhile, good through a glass door. clared. Reported Donald C. Harrison, a cardiologist, told continued to turn into fibrous tissue and progress was reported In {mother pioneer­ a news conference at Stanford Medical Mrs. Blalberg said of her first visit And Johnson added his hope enlarge. ing sirnglcal feet, the separation of that "you find peace which all TEL AVTV, Israel (AP) — Is­ Ceitter Sunday afternoon. Harrison said, with her huSbend Sunday: “He was look­ He had suffered chronic heart failure Sianvese twins at the forehead. Ih e twins Americans are proud to seek the heart output — amount of blood ing too wonderful for words. He Joked raeli Jet fighters screamed with you.” pumped — was 6.8 litem per minute,, (See Page Three) ell the time and was very talkative.’’ (Bee Page Three) across the Jordan River today Amid the emphasis on peace, the Israelis were expected to to silence Jord{inian artillery make a plea for U.S. arms, in­ which opened up on Israeli set­ cluding 60 F4 phantom Jet tlements in the tense Beisan. P ope O Ks planes they say are needed to Vsdley, an army spokesman an- balance a Soviet buildup of noimced here. Resignation arms to Arab nations. The planes were called into The 22-hour overnight visit action after an artillery battle was Informal and private, ex­ raged across the river for three Of Cardinal cept for the arrival at Ran­ hours, stopped for half an hour dolph, where about 1,000 per­ and erupted jigaifi when Jorda­ VATICAN CITY (AP) — Al­ sons turned out in 87 degree nian artillery began pounding fredo Cardinal Ottaviani, the weather and winds gusting up to Kfar Ruppln and Hadz Hayylm most powerful ultra-conserva­ 23 miles an hour. in the valley, the spokesman tive In the Roman Catholic President and Mrs. Johnson added. Church, hsus resigned from the and Premiere and Mrs. Eshkol The shelling spread south­ church’s central administration went by helicopter to the ranch ward, he said. Israeli artillery and Pope Paul VI has accepted where Johnson wasted no time c^ n ed up and the planes were the resignation, the Vatican an­ getting hls visitor out to see hls called in. 4^ 1 * 2 nounced today. acres along the Pedernales Riv­ The firing was still conUn- 4 ^ The Pope named Franjo Car­ er. dinal Seper of Yugoslavia, 62, to He drove one station wagon (See Page Four) replace the 77-year-old Cardinal Otta'vianl as secretary for the V Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the former Holy Of­ fice emd the most powerful sin­ gle agency in the -Vatican Curia, Percy Believes Nixon the church’s central adminis­ tration. N I \ The Holy Office was a legacy Is Favorite of GOP of the Inquisition. Cardinal Otta­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS able to win the White House Just viani once described himeslf as Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., with Republican votes. a policeman who guarded tradi­ says Richard M. Nixon is proba­ "I think it is the general con­ tional doctrine and theology. bly the favorite presidential sensus now, even among many The retirement of Cardinal prospect of Republican profes­ professional Republicans, Uiat Otta'vianl and his replacement sionals but New York Gov.
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