ODHA Aiitnath Hi-Tech Builders Pvt.Ltd. Date: 16.01.2018 To, Member Secretary, Infrastructure and Miscellaneous proiects & CRZ Indira Paryavaran Bhavan Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Sub: Environmental clearance for proposed Integrated Residential rownship proiect at Village Anjur, Mankoli & Surai Tal: Bhiwandi, Dist: Thane, Maharashtra Maharashtra. ltA/MH/MtS/67177 /ZO7Z; F. No. 2L_ 772/2077-tA-ilt) Reft 1. Minutes of 25ttr EAC (lnfra-ll) meeting held on 30.11.2017 (ltem no. 25.3.72) Respected Sir, We are very much thankful to Expert Appraisal Committee (lnfra_2J for appraising our above referred project in its 25rh Meeting held on 30.11.2017 (ltem no. 25.03.2012). Ours is an affordable housing project, which generates significant employment (direct and indirect) and contributes meaningfully to economic prime ,Housing development and the Minister,s vision of for All, by 2022. We request the Hon'ble Committee to consider our below mentioned submissions in light of this context. per As the provisions ofsection I (vJ of EIA Notification 2006, which states that: "8, Grant or Rejection of Prior Environmental Clearance (EC): (r) Clearances from other reguratory bodies or authorities sha not be required prior to receipt of applications for prior environmental clearance of projec* or activities, or screening, or scoping, or approisal, or decision by the regulatory authority concerned, unless any of these is sequentially dependent on such clearance either due to o requirement of law, or for necessory technical reasons,, Iodhe Develop66: Lodha b(celus, N MJoshiMarg. Mahalaxmi. Mumbai 4oo 011 . tndia.I -912267737373.F +91 22 23@ 0693 Lodhe Ooyelopers 3 y ,UU. UK Lld.: St James's Square London SWt UK. T +44 m 7004 0SOO. F +44 m 704 O9O1 www.lodhagroup.com The aforesaid regulation makes it clear that such prior clearances from other regulatory bodies cannot be insisted upon prior to appraisal or decision on any application for prior environment clearance and if the same are necessary, the same may be put in as CS (condition subsequentJ / future compliances. Further, it may also be noted that since several ofthese conditions have never been put in as condition precedent for any prior EC (including those granted by this tnecessary CommitteeJ, it can be deduced that such conditions are not teahnical reason'. In view ofthe our compliances, aforesaid regulation and impact on national economic development, we request your good self to consider our point wise compliance positively and grant us prior environment clearance at the earliest. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, FORAJITHNATH HI.TECH BUILDERS PVT LTD, ^"-'' ['{-,-xrfi Autffrised Signatory Enclosure: As mentioned above POINTWISE COMPLIANCE TO QUERIES RAISED DURING 25th EAC (Infra-II) MEETING Point No. i: Certificate from the forest department that the project does not infringe any migratory routes of wild animals. Compliance: The project Site is located at 8.2 km from Sanjay Gandhi national Park and 10.4 km from Tungareshwar Wild life Sanctuary. As per ESZ Notification of SGNP Borivali vide letter no. S.O.3645 (A) dt 05.12.2012, the site is not within 100 m to 4000 m of ESZ of SGNP. The project does not infringe any migratory routes of wild animals. However, we have applied to the concerned authority to clarify that our project is not within the migratory routes of wild animals; copy of application is attached hereto as Annexure I. Point No. ii: Replies to the comments received from the conservation Action Trust or any other complainant. Compliance: The reply to the comments received from the Conservation Action Trust is attached as Annexure II and handed over to the Member Secretary of EAC on the 29th Nov 2017. Point No. iii: The Air Quality Index shall be calculated for base level air quality Compliance: The Air Quality Index of project site and Surrounding Area are as follows Sr. No Location AQI 1 Project Site 68 2 Mankoli 77 3 Surai 69 4 Anjurdive 73 5 Sarang 72 Good Minimal Impact Poor Breathing discomfort to people on prolonged exposure (0–50) (201–300) Satisfactory Minor breathing discomfort to sensitive people Very Poor Respiratory illness to the people on prolonged exposure (51–100) (301–400) Moderate Breathing discomfort to the people with lung, Severe Respiratory effects even on healthy people (101–200) heart disease, children and older adults (>401) Point No. iv: A detailed report on Compliance to ECBC norms Compliance: A detailed report on Compliance to ECBC norms is attached as Annexure III. Point No. v: A certificate from the local body supplying water, specifying the total annual water availability with the local authority, the quantity of water already committed the quantity of water allotted to the project under consideration and the balance water available. This should be specified separately for ground water and surface water sources, ensuring that there is no impact on other users Compliance: We have an in principal approval from STEM for supply of 7.7 MLD fresh water vide letter dated 20/05/2017, the same is attached herewith as Annexure IV, however we have further applied to STEM requesting additional details of total annual water availability with STEM, the quantity of water already committed, the quantity of water allocated to the project under consideration and the balance water available, copy of application is attached hereto as Annexure V. Point No. vi: A detailed traffic management and traffic decongestion plan to ensure that the current level of service of the roads within a 05 kms radius of the project is maintained and improved upon after the implementation of the project. This plan should be based on cumulative impact of all development and increased habitation being carried out or proposed to be carried out by the project or other agencies in this 05 Kms radius of the site in different scenarios of space and time and the traffic management plan shall be duly validated and certified by the State Urban Development Department and the P.W.D. and shall also have their consent to the implementation of components of the plan which involve the participation of these departments Compliance: This project has been granted location clearance by the Urban Development department. While granting such clearance, the Urban development department has taken into cognizance various factors, including traffic impact. A copy of the said location clearance is enclosed herewith as Annexure-VI. Further, we have carried out the detailed traffic studies from a reputed institution and the same is presented before the committee taking into consideration the present traffic details and after commissioning of the project. The detailed traffic management is attached as Annexure-VII. Our proposed development is located in the outskirts of MMR and there is no traffic congestion issue in the area. However, we note that it is not possible for us to have knowledge of ‘all development and increased habitation being carried out or proposed to be carried out by the project or other agencies in this 05 Kms radius of the site in different scenarios of space and time’ and hence, we submit that our traffic impact study be based on the impact of our development. Point No. vii: The permission of the CGWA for abstraction of ground water and for basement/excavation dewatering. Compliance: The project doesn’t have basement. In view of the above permission of CGWA is not required. We also submit that the ground water table is at 9 m+ below ground level (copy of soil investigation reported is enclosed as Annexure-VIII) and hence, there is no risk of ground water / ground water contamination in this case. Point No. viii: A certificate of adequacy of available power from the agency supplying power to the project along with the load allowed for the project Compliance: Consent letter with load allowed for the project dated 27/10/2016 along with the certificate of adequacy of available power dated 11/01/2018 from M/s Torrent Power is attached herewith as Annexure-IX. Point No. ix: A certificate from the competent authority for discharging treated effluent/ untreated effluents into the Public sewer/ disposal/drainage systems along with the final disposal point Compliance: We are not discharging any treated effluent into the Public sewer / disposal / drainage system from the project. Significant quantity of recycled water is being used within the project for landscape / flushing etc. Further, all excess effluent is to be used by the local farmers for farming - a letter from Gram Panchayat is attached herewith as Annexure – X. Point No. x: A certificate from the competent authority handling municipal solid wastes, indicating the existing civic capacities of handling and their adequacy to cater to the M.S.W. generated from project Compliance: Solid waste generated from entire Complex will be 43.34 Tonnes/day. Out of which 26.0 Tonnes/day will be biodegradable Component and 17.34 Tonnes/day will be non-biodegradable waste. The biodegradable waste will be used in Bio-methanation plant. The recyclable material like plastic, metals, paper etc. will be separated and given to recycle vendors. The remaining inert from solid waste will be handed over to local body, as per the letter dated 16/01/2018, attached herewith as Annexure – XI. We submit that certificate from competent municipal authority may be made as condition subsequent to this prior EC since municipal authority can only grant the same at the time of operationalization. Ann-xur. - a ()(r !&/S. A]ITNAIH HI-IE To, The Dy. Conrervator of Forest, Marathon Circle, LB5 Sub: Proposed lntegrated Township Project at Village Anjur, Surai & Mankoli. Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane. Ref: MOM of the 25th Expert Appraijal Committee, ltem NO. 25.3.12 Respected 5ar, We had applied for Environmental Clearance for our above mentioned project and the hearin8 of the same was held in the 25rh m€eting of the EAC.
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