Museum Victoria Play & Folklore Subject & author index (issues 1-55) Play & Folklore (formerly the Australian Children's Folklore Newsletter) SUBJECT & AUTHOR INDEX (issues 1-55) Specific individual games, rhymes etc can be found within this overall alphabetical subject & author index. 1) Unsure of the specific name or title of some game, rhyme, song, marble you seek? As a memory jolt perhaps you can pinpoint it within a separate specialised CATEGORY INDEX. These list just the names (or first lines) of items in that genre and where it appears in the Play & Folklore newsletters (including issue/page locators). We currently have CATEGORY INDEXES for: - Games - Rhymes - Songs - Parodies - Taunts and teases. You will also find reminders of these CATEGORY INDEXES at suitable places in this subject & author index. 2) References throughout are to the Newsletter issue # : page #. 3) Specific (or even general) suggestions or corrections are welcomed to assist improvements in this index as it is regularly updated. 1, 2, 3 - & your old girl back (1920s Toodlembuck chant) 3: 3-4 47: 15 - Mother caught a flea... 32: 10 - Nanny... 24: 6 [rhyme: counting out] - 4, 5 14: 6 [rhyme] 10-12 year olds in the playground 24: 11 10-13 year olds, privacy spaces for 24: 12 1364 manuscript [Bo-Peep, Peek-Bo or Peep-Bo] 17: 4 1100s, Chinese games in 51: 6–10 52: 13-17 1500s, Chinese games in 52: 13-17 1700s - 1744 nursery rhymes: Tom Thumb’s pretty song book 14: 6 - 1784 nursery rhymes 14: 6-8 - nursery rhyme publications 17: 4 - sonnets for the cradle 14: 6 1800s - Northumberland (source of Toodlembuck?) 4: 7 - nursery rhyme publications 17: 5 - knucklebones were longer games with longer verbal rituals 30-31: 5 - social reformers promoted schools & playgrounds 33: 4 - Tip cat 27: 2 [game] [British Isles] see also Ti moggie 1842 15: 13 1844-1944 25: 3-5 [West Australia] 1860s 10: 4-6 24: 6-7 [counting out rhymes] 1860s Adelaide 27: 3-4 1871 Young Australian’s alphabet, The 24: 2 A Hill Associates service 25/8/15 1 Museum Victoria Play & Folklore Subject & author index (issues 1-55) 1879 Australian ABC book, The 24: 2 1880s Knights of Spain 6: 4 [game] 1880s Wales childhood 53: 26 1890s-1930s 22: 5-9 23: 14-17 - jokes 23: 15 - South Australia 22: 5-9 23: 14-17 1891 first Australian rhymes book 24: 2 1898 Johnny & Jane & Jack & Lou... 1: 5 [singing game] 1900s 7: 3 8: 9-12 12: 4-8 23: 10-12 [Jacks] -early 1900s 3: 3 9: 9-12, 10: 10-14 11: 7 41: 9 [Carlton North] -late 1900s 23: 6 1910s 4: 4 5: 9-14 7: 5-7 12: 4-7 15: 6-11 18: 15-25 - schoolboy collections 18: 15-25 - schoolgirl collections 20-21: 4-13 - jumping rope 28: 9 [Melbourne] see also WW1 1914 24: 6-7 [counting out rhymes] 1917 24: 3-5 [Bulletin] 1920s 6: 10 11: 3, 6-9 20-21: 27, 34 - counting-out rhyme 20-21: 27 - Don’t care… 20-21: 27 [rhyme] - NSW herbal folklore 29: 5-6 - poems 16: 14-15 - Sydney: Ring a ring a rosey... 28: 6-7 [rhyme] [Geelong region 1960s-90s] - I spy with my little eye [game] [UK] [Geelong region] 28: 6 1930s 12: 2-3 20-21: 26 23: 10-12 - Qld 22: 10-12 26: 16[Caboolture] - WA 22: 13-15 23: 8-10 - milk caps 27: 1 [game, USA] 1930s, late 23: 16 1930-40s rhymes 25: 10-11 [UK] 1930s–90s 51: 3–5 1940s 4: 4 9: 5 11: 12-13 15: 11-12 33: 10-13 - games in Cyprus 11: 12-13 - games in Victoria 19: 12-13 - Bairnsdale, Vic 26: 14 - Gippsland Vic 26: 14 - Toodlembuck in Flemington 4: 1 (Vic) [1948] 1950s 9: 5 15: 6 33: 10-13 - Danish counting-out rhyme 25: 17 26: 16 - basketball game 11: 12-13 - chant 13: 11 - football 55: 6-8 - games 4: 7 - marbles 22: 19-23 - Swedish counting-out rhyme 25: 17 26: 16 1960s, late 4: 2, 3 1960s-90s Geelong region: Ring a ring a rosey... 28: 6-7 [rhyme] [Sydney 1920s] 1970s 13: 10-16 15: 1[US] 20-21: 21-23 - rhymes 25: 8-10 (UK) 20-21: 21-23 West Ryde (Sydney) 1970s, late: Thwackers & game evolution 25: 5-7 (Sydney) 1975 Eeny meeny miney moe... 27: 7 [rhyme, changes to] 1979 ACFC established 9: 1 A Hill Associates service 25/8/15 2 Museum Victoria Play & Folklore Subject & author index (issues 1-55) 1980s 4: 4 15: 2-3 - British folklore bibliography 9: 8 - rude rhymes 14: 4 - songs/rhymes/parodies 13: 10-16 1988 marbles’ names 27: 10 [Alphington Vic] 1990s 22: 2-3 (European rhymes) 1990s collecting habits 30-1: 19-20 [boys] 2000s, Chinese games in 51: 6–10 2009 Qld schoolyard games 53: 15-16 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... 24: 6 [rhyme: counting out] 4-6 year olds in the playground 24: 11 5-6 year olds love ‘cubbies’ 24: 12 6-8 year olds confronted by changing fixed playground features 24: 12 7-9 year old girls 22: 4 [Perth] 8-10 year olds, elevated socio-dramatic play areas for 24: 12 8-9 year olds in the playground 24: 11 9-13 year old boys’ collecting habits 18:15-25 [Sydney][1910] 30-1:19-20 [Melbourne] [1992] 10-11 year olds’ games 7: 9 A A - Farmer’s Life [recitation] 16: 14 - friend lost a kangaroo... 3: 5 [rhyme] [English] [Greek] - Guide to Australian Folklore by Gwenda Beed Davey & Graham Seal 43: 20 [photo] - house to let... 10: 10 [skipping chant] - kid in our house this morning... 48: 18 [Qld] [rhyme] - little baby’s crying... 3: 5 (rhyme) [Serbo-Croatian version] - man sat down by the sewer... 46: 17 - pound of tea at 1 & 3, a tin of marmalade jam... 33: 13 [rhyme] - sailor went to sea sea sea 13: 14 [illus] [1980s] [music] - sailor went to sea... [handclapping chant] 42: 15 43: 5 49: 3 ABC [skipping rhyme] 13: 3 ABC...Out the door... (rhyme) [English] [Greek] 3: 5 Abdo, Lee-Anne 49: 12-5 Aboriginal - boondi-throwing 34: 6 55: 13 - but European-like games 9: 15 - children’s games 34: 4-6, 8-9 - children’s play (Vic oral history project) 34: 4-6 51: 3–5 - children's games 9: 13-15 19: 11-13 29: 10-13 32: 13 34: 4-6, 8-9 55: 13 - egging 55: 12 - football 9: 13 12: 8 [1900s team] - hole game 28: 8 - men skipping 44: 4 - mud switches 34: 6 51: 3-4 [photo] 55: 12 - nulla-nullas, making 34: 6 - poem 8: 9 - rabbit hunting 55: 13 - rude rhymes/jokes 28: 8 29:12 - skills admired 22: 10 (Qld) (1930s) - spears, making 34: 6 - string figures 11: 10 14: 14 - string games 30-31: 24 32: 13 33: 14 34: 4 - version of marbles 29:12 [Torres Strait] Aboriginals - as first string figure-makers 32: 13 A Hill Associates service 25/8/15 3 Museum Victoria Play & Folklore Subject & author index (issues 1-55) - with tin truck toys 33: 14[photo] acacia tree flowers 29: 5 academic success 48: 6-8 accuracy of spit 40: 5 ACFC see Australian Children’s Folklore Collection Acker backer...[rhyme] (tobacco variant of Ikka backa...) 27: 12 Ackerley, Janice 42: 4-8 49: 7-12 action rhymes in fast food advertising 49: 11 actresses, cards of 14: 3 Adams, Eleanor 9: 13-15 admonitions 8: 8 adult - contexts for children’s play 50: 5–11 - intervention 12: 1 - recollections of childhood games/pastimes 16: 25 adult-child relationships, historical & contemporary 17: 3-4 adult-initiated - folklore activities 41: 4 - gameplay 26: 15 adults & children, played by both 9: 15 Advances in child development see National child development conference, First adventure playground 39: 1-3 aerobic games with rhymes 44: 4 Aesop Prize 26: 18 - AFS Children’s Folklore section criteria 25: 2-3 - nomination criteria 26: 17 aesthetic sensibilities 9: 4 affective development, humour aids 26: 7 agates 33: 11 - specific type of marbles 4: 3 - synonym for marbles 40: 7 41: 6[photo] aggot or aggie see agates Agricultural Show, Royal (Melbourne) 11: 1, 8 AIDS chasey game 26: 16 (Denmark, Norway & England) alarm clock reset [taunts & teases] 1: 4 Albert Park Primary School (Vic) 29: 14 Albert Street Primary School [Moe Vic] 30-31: 12-15 Alien tiggy 28: 2 [game] All children...except... 22: 2-3 [rhymes, rude] All in the Well (Northumberland 1800s game), Toodlembuck a possible adaptation of 4: 7 All in together (skipping game) 5: 12 All Our Children [BBC film] 19: 1 All right, Vegemite! 7: 4 14: 13 15: 3 - as censorship target 24: 6 All the boys...except... [rhymes, rude] 22: 2-3 alleys 33: 11 47: 16 - bag 54: 6 - bottle 54: 6 - game, marbles 4: 3 - marbles, type of 7: 6 17: 7 see also marbles Allir i leik (Iceland) 54: 8-9 alphabets, comic schoolyard 20-21: 14 Alps Road Elementary School (Georgia, USA) 5: 16 Alsop, Pat 20-21: 1 ambiguities & ironies 9: 4 American A Hill Associates service 25/8/15 4 Museum Victoria Play & Folklore Subject & author index (issues 1-55) - Association for the Child’s Right to Play (2004) 50: 6 - back-kick 28: 9 [1910s Melbourne] - children's folklore by Simon Bronner 19: 13-15 20-21: 34-35 - Children's Folklore Newsletter 9: 8 - Folklore Society [conference] 17: 1 25: 2-3 - Jacks 17: 16 Anglo-Cymric counting systems 49: 7 animals, mimicking birds & 9: 13 animism, Vietnamese 18: 7 Anna Dia-ana [games, clapping] [international] 27: 5 Annotated Mother Goose by William & Ceil Baring-Gould 17: 3-6 Appalachian syndrome, Australia possible instance of the 17: 6 Apple pie, cherry pie..
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