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Simply write the Neck pieces- of beef and lamb Story : letter T-after the true statements, make delicious soups and stews. “OREGON CITY, QRE.—Naturallza/ and the letter F after the false * * • * tlon papers of Dr. John McLoughlin, ones. • “ When postage stamps stick to­ ‘Father of Oregon,’ have been discovr ,1. The Seventy-third congress is gether lay a thin paper over them ered In the vaults of the county re­ now in session. and rtm a hot Iron-over the paper. corder’s office here. 2. Chicago is the capital of Illi­ The heat does not remove mucilage. nois. - ■ * -* * “Doctor McLoughlin, factor of the British Hudson Bay Fur company, be­ 3. The Missouri river is the long­ A noted chemist gives us the Infor­ friended American settlers In Oregon est river In the United States. mation that science has discovered In the early days. When the fur post 4. The Philadelphia Athletics are tlfat it Is not dangerous to leave was discontinued, after Oregon was In the National league. canned foods In the can after It has ceded to the United States, Doctor 5. Enervate means to pep up, been opened. They remain in better McLoughlin remained and to,ok a farm. The strengthen. condition until eaten If the unused naturalization papers were Issued by the Second 6. Rhode Island was one o f the portion Is kept In the can. There Is Original Thirteeen states. District court of Oregon Territory, September 6, nothing about the cun that will con­ 7. "Ivanhoe” was written by Sir 1851.” ■ tribute to the spoilage of food. Walter Scott. * * Back of that brief news Item lies one of the 8. Kentucky Is farther south than To keep the coffee pot sweet fill most romantic and significant—and at the same Tennessee. It with water to which one table­ time one of the most tragic—stories In American 9. The Battle of Ticonderoga was, spoon of soda has been'added and history. For this Dr. John McLoughlin was more fought In the Revolutionary war. set on the stove until water bolls. than Just a “ factor o f the British Hudson Bay 10. Giuseppe Verdi composed the * * * Fur company”—yes, even more than the “Father opera “II Trovatore.” ' To remove dust from upholstered of Oregon.” There was a time when he was furniture cover the surface with a known far and wide as the ‘‘Emperor of the Answers— large turklsh towel that has been West,” a wilderness king whose word was abso­ 1. False. 6. True. wrung out of water to which a lute law over 400,000 square miles, an empire 2. False. 7. True. tablespoon of ammonia has been that extended all along the Pacific coast from 3. True. 8. False. added. Beat-with carpet sweeper California to Alaska and as far east as the Great 4. False. 9. Trae. and all dust will adhere to towel. Salt lake In Utah. There was a time when he 5. False. 10. True. * * * held an Influence over the Indians such as no Maple sirup mixed with confection­ white man had since the days of Sir William Indian Worth $500,000,000 ers sugar to which a little butter or Johnson's dominance over the Iroquois on the The fortuné of the Maharajah of cream is added makes a delicious other side of the continent. Jaipur, one of India’s wealthiest frosting for cakes. There was a time when he, by speaking a few • * * men, has just been estimated at words, could have embroiled the United States more than $500,000,000. Equal parts of ammonia and tur­ and Great Britain in a third war and If that had pentine will remove Indelible Ink happened It Is doubtful If the Pacific Northwest murks from white fabrics. • • * would now be under the American flag. But he refrained from speaking those words and by re­ Keep a large shaker containing six fraining saved the lives of hundreds of Ameri­ parts salt to one part pepper on the can settlers and probably thousands of American shelf of your kitchen range to use and British soldiers and sailors. I FEEL FINE in seasoning foods. Thus the romance and the historical signifi­ © Associated Newspapers.—WNU Service. cance In the life story of Dr. John McLoughlin. Mothers read this: .......... ...............-.... .........— ....................... , ■ As for the tragedy, it was the tragedy of a W e Now Have Glass Houses Grave Stones o f Dr. McLoughlin and His Wife 2he 109 Year-Old AffleTree “king” who lost his kingdom and of a real “man and You May Throw Stones without a country,” a more pitiful figure than You can now build a house of the fictitious hero of Edward Everett Hale’s fa­ charge In 1824, abandoned Astoria and moved the political maneuverings incident to that action glass and live comfortably—and pri­ up the river to establish Fort Vancouver It be­ mous book. and made a number of enemies among the future vately—within it. What is more, you came apparent that here was the man who could leaders of the new American territory. Such Is the story, In part, back of the discov­ can throw all the stones you wish rule both the Indians and the turbulent trappers After retiring from the Hudson Bay company ery, after more than three-quarters of a century, with Impunity, for glass research has and fur traders. Rule he did, sternly but justly, service he moved to the present site of Oregon of the document which mnde John McLoughlin outmoded the old adage. Philip H, and the Indians, who called McLoughlin the City where ‘‘he had every reason to expect that an American citizen. But even though he was Smith, writing in ‘‘Scientific Ameri­ “White-Headed Eagle” because of his shock of his new neighbors, so extensively the recipients can,” discusses some of the new de­ no longer a “man without à country," that docu­ snow-white hair, respected and loved him quite of his largess, would welcome him as a bene­ velopments In glass technology, and ment conld not save him from going to his grave as much as they feared him. factor rather than spurn him as a fallen auto­ the research work that has been done six years later, a broken-hearted old man, the For a period of ten years Fort Vancouver was crat. He made the very human mistake of count­ has a bearing on the immediate fu­ victim of the selfishness and the basest Ingratl- the center of a feudal empire the like of which ing too heavily, on the religious tolerance and ture of the present housing drive. tude on the part of those who had best reason to the New World never before, and seldom since, anticipated gratitude of these people." For they A liquid laxative is the answer, Glass bricks are now produced of be‘grateful to him—the American settlers he had has seen. It was a “sanctuary of civilization were Protestants and he was a Catholic, having mothers. The answer to all your the transparent material, and prom­ “befriended." In the heart of the savage western country” and returned once more to the religious faith of his worries over constipation. A liquid ise a new outlet for artistic talent. The complete story Is told In a new biography to It came many a traveler and explorer whose youth; he was qlso a British subject and they can be measured. The dose can be name Is written large in the history of the West were roused to a high pitch of patriotic ardor exactly suited to any age or need. which, by an Interesting coincidence, appeared a Just reduce the dose each time, until short time after the discovery of the McLough­ —Jededlah Smith, Nathaniel J. Wyeth, Hall J. over the Oregon boundary dispute. Kelly, Jason Lee, Marcus Whitman, Captain the bowels are moving of their own lin naturalization papers In the vault In Oregon Although he immediately took steps to become accord and need no help. , Don't be BALD! City, prills biography Is "The White-Headed Bonneville and a host of others. an American citizen, his motives were suspected This treatment will succeed with Eagle; John McLoughlin, Builder of an Empire,” One of the notables who came to Vancouver and there were numerous annoying delays before any child and with any adult. D o n ’ t g iv e u p! written by Richard G. Montgomery of Portland, was Capt. Aemilius Simpson of the British navy his" final citizenship papers were signed. But Doctors use liquid laxatives. Hospi­ faithful use of and a symbol of his visit Is to be seen near the Ore., and published by the Macmillan company even that did not end his troubles. American tals use the liquid form.
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