Homedale woman Rimrock girls Owyhee Page 2A allowed to license Page 1B lose first Guardsman her dog game wings home Page 12A Wednesday, February 15, 2006 Established 1865 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 7 HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Homedale, Marsing make switch to 911 Offi cials say residents should if they would use the 911 phone are also dispatched through the Residents no longer can dial direct call 911 in case of an emergency number,” Marsing Ambulance Owyhee County 911 dispatch.” numbers for fi re, ambulance help now. The consolidation of the Service training officer Betty In the past, people would call a number also means one dispatch Ackerman said. “The fire seven-digit telephone number to As Owyhee County tries to fi re departments and ambulances center and faster response time, department will decide when request help from fi re departments coordinate emergency response services in Homedale and Marsing offi cials say. the numbers will no longer be efforts, the direct numbers for the have been discontinued. “It would be better for everyone available. Canyon County calls –– to page 5A Burglary Irrigation board suspects issue unresolved Discussions over whether to re- meeting, Rod Price was appointed arrested appoint a manager for the South as chairman of the Ridgeview Board of Control continued last Irrigation District, Steve Nash as Two sought as week with the board remaining the chairman for Gem Irrigation persons of interest in executive session since the fi rst and Elmon Thompson and Dale of January. Chrz were sworn into the Gem Six Canyon County residents Although information concerning Irrigation District. and a Payette man were arrested the meeting is kept discrete, South Tim Leavitt, board member over the course of two weeks in Board attorney Bruce Smith said for the Gem Irrigation and the connection with a burglary and the session can continue as long South Board, said last month stolen check ring, which could as the board needs. that the board entered into an include additional charges in After a Jan. 2 meeting abruptly executive session meeting over other counties as the investigation ended in executive session, the personnel issues, but following continues. Gem Irrigation District, the heated discussions, the board Owyhee County Deputy Jim Ridgeview Irrigation District ended the meeting and remained Bish said the investigation began and the South Board of Control in executive session. following a burglary in the have met two additional times, Late last month, the Gem and Homedale area in November. but an appointment has not been Ridgeview irrigation districts, But some of the accused thieves made. The manager’s position and the South Board of Control didn’t stop with one break-in, they International delight was appointed in December 2004 held special meetings on three burglarized the same home again Kendall Nash, 6, waits her turn in line during the annual for one year. consecutive days, but no resolution the next month. Bish said during International Smorgasbord on Saturday at Homedale Elementary Connie Chadez was appointed was made. School. Additional photos on Page 15A. as the secretary-treasurer for the –– to page 5A district, and during January’s –– to page 5A Water line break fl oods home, stalls traffi c in Homedale for three days A water line break on Owyhee broke, causing the line to rupture. pipe was replaced, but the city also Avenue in Homedale left about Several connections had to be removed several fi ttings. The cost two inches of water in a home, replaced. was about $500 for material. shut down traffi c for about three “We put in new piping to get rid An apartment also received days and shut water off to the city of some old galvanized, rotted- some damage from flooding. for about 2½ hours last week. out piping,” Bauer said. “The Bauer said about 2 inches of water Homedale Elementary School piping we tied it to was 8 inch entered the residence on Owyhee also was affected when water and a design we have never seen Avenue. About 20 man-hours service was restored when a before. It was an oddball material were recorded in the project. Find the leak faucet was left on. that they used many years ago. It “We appreciate how Homedale City workers Scott Mahler, Brad Hunt and Jack Aldrich City Services Superintendent broke on us.” considerate everyone was with try to locate the source of a water leak that shut water off in the city. Larry Bauer said old fittings Bauer said about 7 to 8 feet of the inconvenience,” Bauer said. Page 2A Wednesday, February 15, 2006 Homedale OKs city resident’s dog ordinance. Council says woman must build “All I tried to do was abide by Council tabs Downum the law,” Burt said. “My dog is taller fence around her property in an enclosed area, not 6 foot, but how long do I have to put up During a city council meeting sign stating that she had a dog on as its next president this fence? in Homedale last week, a local the premises. But now Burt must “I am on a limited income and resident was fi nally able to meet have a 6-foot fence installed to Status quo Medicare. How long do I have be- the city’s requirements to keep replace the 4-foot fence around on other city fore you guys come out and take her rottweiler mix dog, which the her yard. him away?” city has deemed vicious because “It is horrible what I have had appointments Mansisidor told Burt that if of its breed. to go through just because they the fence is not up, Baby would After a one-month delay, Ida Burt, who is 72 years think the breed makes a dog vi- have to be muzzled when he is appointments to Homedale old, went head-to-head with the cious,” Burt said. “My insurance outside. City positions will remain council after she tried to get her does not state the city as an addi- “I won’t muzzle my dog,” Burt the same except for a new dog, “Baby,” licensed, as the tional insured, but it also does not said. “You will have to come into president of the City Council. city requires. exclude it, so I guess that is what my yard and take my dog. That is Councilman Dave Downum Burt said when she was in- it takes.” my private property. It is mine.” will replace Kevin Barlow as formed that the city had passed The city ordinance has oth- Dave Cereghino, a represen- council president. Barlow’s an ordinance specifi cally stat- er provisions that must be fol- tative from Farm Bureau In- term ended in December ing that rottweilers and pit bull lowed: surance, said that, in the section when he moved away from breed dogs were considered vi- • The dog must, at the owner’s two-liability coverage, no ques- Homedale. cious in the city, she was ap- expense, have a licensing number tions could specifi cally state any- Homedale Police Chief Jeff palled. tattooed on him. thing about animals. Mansisidor Eidemiller, City Clerk Susan Last week, Burt was fi nally able • The owner must sign a state- told Cereghino that the insurance Mansisidor, Attorney Chris to meet the criteria to keep her dog, ment declaring that she will main- Dave Downum certifi cate the city received was Nye and Planning and Zoning but the expense has put a strain on tain insurance deemed acceptable by the city’s Administrator Sylvia Bahem Longtime Library Board her. • The own- agent. will remain in their respective member Judy Tolmie has To have er must have She said the insurance was no positions. resigned, and Leora Zanks was a “vicious” ‘I cannot sign a piece of paper a locked en- longer a problem. One other change was appointed to take her place. animal li- closure for “She just has to go down the stating that I knowingly have announced during Wednesday censed in a vicious dog, because I don’t the animal checklist now and fi nish the re- the city, and notify night’s City Council meeting. — CAB think I do.’ quirements,” Mansisidor said. the owner authorities “The ordinance calls for a sign Ida Burt must abide if the ani- Homedale resident, dog owner to be posted out there,” Mayor by several mal becomes In April last year, the council per stating that I knowingly have Paul Fink said. regulations, loose. amended its current dog ordi- a vicious dog, because I don’t “To follow the ordinance, that including • Owners nance and included several addi- think I do. is the law of Homedale, and we marking property with a 24- of the “vicious” animal also tional limitations to animal own- “I tried to comply with every- have no other alternative but to inch-by-24-inch sign in indelible must increase liability insurance ers, including a breed-specific thing. My insurance company enforce the ordinance.” fl uorescent ink with the words in in the amount of not less than reference to pit bull and rottwei- says if I put one sign up saying I Burt said she had licensed the capital letters stating, “vicious” $500,000 and name the city and ler dogs indentifying them as “vi- have a vicious dog, they will can- dog several years ago and could animal on premises, “vicious” Owyhee Vet Clinic as “addition- cious” animals. cel my policy.” not understand why the city would canine property, or words simi- al insured.” Pit bull, pit bull terriers, Ameri- City Clerk Susan Mansisidor license the dog then, but it would lar in meaning.
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