9634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June 2 By Mr. YOUNGER (by request) : notice of a bill introduced in Congress by ~RIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.J. Res. 409. Joint resolution designating the Honorable HALE BOGGS, of Louisiana, to the Luther Burbank Shasta daisy as the encourage investments abroad by· American · Under clause 1 of .rule XXII, private national flower of the United States; to the industry through the establishment of rea­ bills and resolutions were introduced and Committee on House Administration. sonable taxes on foreign earnings; and of­ severally referred as follows: By Mr. DORN of New York: ficially commending Congressman BoGGS on By Mr. ANFUSO: H. Con. Res. 191. Concurrent resolution his efforts with respect to this legislation"; H .R. 7513. A bill for the relief of Moses expressing the sense of the Congress with to the Committee on Ways and Means. Licht; to the Committee on the Judiciary. respect to the expulsion of the Republic of By Mr. SCHENCK: Memorial of the Gen­ H.R. 7514. A bill for the relief of Rocco China from the International Olympic Com­ eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, memorial­ Boscattini; to the Committee on the Judi­ mittee, and with respect to the participation izing the Congress of the United States to C?iary. in the Olympic games of representatives of preserve Ellis Island as a national shrine; to By Mr. DADDARIO: the Republic of China; to the Committee on the Committee on Government Operations. · H .R. 7515. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Foreign Atiairs. By Mr. THORNBERRY: Memorial of the Luigia Lenardon DeCarli; to the Committee By Mr. ULLMAN: Senate of the State of Texas memoralizing on the Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 192. Concurrent resolution to the leadersh~p of America to awaken to the By Mr. DENTON: make an investigation concerning anadro­ role that the small family farmer and the H.R. 7516. A bill for the relief of Mr. and mous fish in the Columbia River Basin; to small communities of our Nation have played Mrs. Francis G. Stader; to the Committee on the Committee on Merchant Marine and and should continue to play in this, the the Judiciary. Fisheries. great drama of America before God and man, By Mr. FARBSTEIN: By Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado: in making steadfast and secure the desire to H.R. 7517. A bill for the relief of Annun­ preserve our cherished way of life which H. Con. Res. 193. Concurrent resolution ziata Monteroso Cutri; to the Committee on found its first victory in the birth of Amer­ the Judiciary. providing tor the development through the ica; to the Committee on Agriculture. United Nations of international cooperation By Mr. FEIGHAN: in educational programs; to the Committee Also, memorial of the Legislature of the H.R. 7518. A bill for the relief of Rudolph State of Texas, memorializing the executive Rozman; to the Committee on the Judici­ on Foreign Atiairs. and legislative departments of the Federal ary. Government to issue the necessary admin­ By Mrs. GRANAHAN: istrative ruling or to pass the necessary legis­ H .R. 7519. A bill for the relief of Tso-Ming MEMORIALS lation making poultry, egg, hog, and milk Ku; to the Committee on the Judiciary. producers eligible for loans from the Small By Mr. HUDDLESTON: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, me­ Business Administration; to the Committee H.R. 7520. A bill for the relief of Dr. Ri­ morials were presented and referred as on Banking and Currency. cardo Ceballos; to the Committee on the Ju­ follows: Also, memorial of the Legislature of the diciary. By Mr. MORRIS of Oklahoma: Resolu­ State of Texas, memorializing Congress to By Mr. McDONOUGH: tion No. 549 of the House of Representatives enact restrictive and remedial legislation H.R. 7521. A bill for the relief of Isei of the State of Oklahoma, entitled "A resolu­ that will afford protection to the people of Sakioka; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion taking official notice of the efforts of the .United States against such enemies of By Mr. TEAGUE of California: the U.S. Government to combat communism our Government as x:efiected by the threats H.R. 7522. A bill for the relief of Serafima by bolstering the economies of foreign of Hoffa and his hoodlums; to the Commit­ Afrakova Ponomaroff; to the Committee on underdeveloped countries; taking furt~er tee on Education and Lf,bor. the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Statement in Explanation of H.R. 7496, Federal Government a burden incon­ The rights of a self--insurer or carrier sistent with a basic concept of workmen's would be protected by an administrative aBill To Charge the Costs of Adminis­ compensation. hearing on assessments, if requested, and tration of the Longshoremen's and The draft bill would charge adminis­ by a right to judicial review. Harbor Workers' Compensation Act to trative costs of the workmen's compen­ If it failed to pay the amount as­ sation features of the Longshoremen's sessed when due, a carrier or self-insurer Carriers and Self-Insurers Under the Act to the industry covered by that act. would be liable to fines and interest Act Under the proposed bill the funds neces­ on unpaid balances. Similar penalties sary for administrative expenses-direct and possible suspension or revocation of expenses and the applicable share of in­ its authorization to insure are provided EXTENSION OF REMARKS direct and overhead expenses--would where a earlier or self-insurer misrep­ OF continue to be fixed and appropriated resents material facts or fails to furnish annually by Congress. However, at the information called for by the bill or by HON. CARROLL D. KEARNS end of each fiscal year, the cost of ad_. regulations of the Secretary. OF PENNSYLVANIA ministering the workmen's compensa­ This proposal would also apply to all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion provisions of the act during that extensions and applications of the Long­ year would be determined by the Secre­ shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com­ Tuesday, June 2, 1959 tary of Labor and prorated among in­ pensation Act with the exception of the Mr. KEARNS. Mr. Speaker, the surance carriers writing insurance UI1der War Hazards Act (42 U.S.C. 1701 et American system of workmen's compen­ the act, and among self-insurers. The seq.). The existing extensions and ap­ sation is not financed out of general assessment would be based on the total plications to which this proposal would taxation but places its costs only on money benefits paid by such carl'iers and apply are the District of Columbia work­ those members of the public who are self-insurers during such year. They men's compensation law, the Defense also employers. In accordance with would not be charged with cost of ad_. Base Act, the Outer Continental Shelf this concept, employers are charged with ministering the recently enacted amend­ Lands Act, and the act of July 18, 1958, the costs of payments to injured em­ ment to the act which authorizes the is­ amending section 2 of the act of June ployees either as self-insurers or through suance and enforcement of safety stand­ 19, 1952 <5 U.s.c. 150k-1), applying the insurance carriers. In many States em­ ards. Longshoremen's Act to certain civilian ployers are also charged with the ad­ It is estimated that this proposal, if employees of nonappropriated fund in­ ministrative costs of the workmen's adopted, would result in a reimburse­ strumentalities of the Armed Forces. compensation program. Under the Long­ ment to the Federal Government of over The reimbursement to the Federal Gov­ shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com­ $700,000 a year. The cost for admin­ ernment, estimated above at over $700,- pensation Act, however, a Federal statute istering the law was $701,657 during the 000, includes reimbursement for the ad­ which applies to certain private employ­ past fiscal year and because of the re~ ministrative costs involved in all exten­ ments in much the same manner as a cent Federal pay increase it is estimated sions and applications of the act except State workmen's compensation law, the that the administrative costs will be tor the administration of : the District costs of administration are borne by the somewhat higher during -the 1959 fiscal of Columbia workmen's compensation Federal Government. This places on the year. law. 1959 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD- HOUSE 9635 An additional sum of approximately .erations, and a half billion will be spent in fought not on the seas, but in the air above $200,000, now included in the budget ~the coming fiscal year. Our space commit­ and the dark waters below the surface of the .tees have been told that a billion dollars oceans. of the muniCipal government of the Dis­ :Rnnually probably will be required in the Until last November the largest ship for trict of Columbia, is transferred an­ years following. basic research at the disposal of the United nually to the Department of Labor for Support these appropriations as essential States was the Vema, displacing 533 tons or the administration of the District's to our defense. less than one-tenth that of th6l Vityaz. The workmen's compensation pay. The draft But only a trifling $8 million has been Vema is a one-time auxiliary schooner built bill would credit to the District govern­ spared annually for studying the 300 mil­ in 1923 and sponsored by Columbia Univer­ ment its shares of the reimbursement lion cubi.c miles of water that cover 72 per­ sity's Lamont Geological Observatory. received from the carriers and self-:­ cent of the earth's surface.
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