Front Cover 2 postal bulletin 22508 (12-6-18) Contents COVER STORY December is Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Month. 3 PULL-OUT INFORMATION POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND FORMS UPDATES Fraud Manuals Invalid USPS Corporate Account Numbers. 13 Missing, Lost, or Stolen U.S. Money Order Forms . 14 IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for El Salvador . 5 IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for Peru. 5 Missing, Lost, or Stolen Canadian Money Order Forms . 20 Verifying U.S. Postal Service Money Orders . 22 Posters Counterfeit Canadian Money Order Forms . 22 Poster 159, Workplace Harassment: Know Your Rights! Toll-Free Number Available to Verify Canadian Take Responsibility! . 6 Money Orders . 22 Publications Other Information Publication 431 Revision: Changes to Post Office Box Overseas Military/Diplomatic Mail . 23 Service and Caller Service Fee Groups . 7 Freely Associated States Restrictions . 28 Publication 552 Revision: Manager’s Guide to Understanding, Investigating, and Preventing Harassment. 7 Publication 553 Revision: Employee’s Guide to POSTAL BULLETIN 2018 SEMI-ANNUAL INDEX Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment. 8 2018 Semi-Annual Index . PB 22499 (8-2-18) ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Domestic Mail Labeling List Changes . 9 Find the latest in mail and delivery information ® Stamp Services and services offered by U.S. Postal Pictorial Postmarks Announcement . 31 in the Postal Bulletin at How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Digital Color or about.usps.com/postal-bulletin Traditional Postmarks . 34 Supply Management Update: 5-Gallon Bottled Drinking Water Service . 38 Sustainability Mail Recovery Center Reminders . 39 Cover Story postal bulletin 22508 (12-6-18) 3 Cover Story December is Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Month According to the National Safety Council, more than By reviewing our accident data, the Postal Service can 40,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in the United easily identify basic safe driving practices that can help States in 2017. The three biggest causes of fatalities on the drivers avoid tragedy. For example, in fiscal year 2018, road were alcohol, speeding, and distracted driving. Many nearly half of the 30,000 motor vehicle accidents reported of these crashes occurred during the work day or during the by the USPS involved newer employees. The data also daily commute, and employers directly or indirectly bear the indicated that the Postal Service needs to address the cost of these accidents, whether they occur on or off the following: job. Accidents have far-reaching financial and psychologi- Roll-away and run-away accidents, cal effects on employees, their coworkers and families, and Collisions caused by distraction or inattention, and employers. Similarly, when USPS® employees are involved in motor vehicle accidents, the Postal Service™, like other Seatbelts not being used. employers, absorbs those costs, and employees’ personal The Postal Service can reduce motor vehicle accidents lives and finances are often adversely affected. with training and consistent messaging on the importance To highlight the importance of driving safety, the U.S. of basic safe driving practices. By doing so, we not only reduce our accident counts, but also ensure that our Postal Service® has designated December as “Motor Vehi- employees feel prepared for their jobs. Employees are our cle Accident Prevention Month.” Historically, December is most valuable assets; workplace driver safety programs when the Postal Service experiences an uptick in accident not only make good business sense, but also engage and activity. Winter weather, temporary workers, increased empower employees. During the month of December, workloads, and the holiday season all contribute to this Postal Service employees will receive stand-up talks increase. focused on the following: Whether you manage a fleet of vehicles and drivers or Defensive driving, drive yourself, basic safe driving practices can greatly reduce the risks associated with a motor vehicle accident. Seatbelts, Focusing on motor vehicle safety provides the following Distracted driving, and benefits: Winter driving. Saves lives and reduces the risk of life-altering Other available driver safety-related resources include: injuries. Safety Depends on Me videos: blue.usps.gov/corp- Protects both human and financial resources. comm/uspstv/safety-and-health/welcome.htm. Guards against potential liabilities associated with Safety Toolkit resources: safetytoolkit.usps.gov/ employee accidents. Home/Home.aspx. Many accidents are caused by distraction or haste when PS Form 4584, Observation of Driving Practices: inexperienced employees drive unfamiliar vehicles in unfa- blue.usps.gov/formmgmt/forms/ps4584.pdf. miliar territory or when experienced employees fail to follow National Safety Council resources: nsc.org/road- established safe driving procedures (see the poster on safety. page 4). Today’s technology allows us to make phone calls, send texts or emails, and update social media while driving The goal of Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Month is — all actions that contribute to distracted driving. to keep our drivers, and those with whom they share the road, safe. By changing attitudes about driving behavior and improving driving skills, the Postal Service can create and sustain a safety culture where everyone understands that “Safety Depends on Me.” — Safety and OSHA Compliance Programs, Employee Resource Management, 12-6-18 4 postal bulletin 22508 (12-6-18) Cover Story Avoid Distracted Driving Poster Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates postal bulletin 22508 (12-6-18) 5 Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates Manuals IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for El Salvador Effective December 6, 2018, the Postal Service™ is El Salvador revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Ser- Country Conditions for Mailing vice, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to reflect changes to the Individual Country Listing for El Salvador. ***** As a result of a formal request made through the Univer- Observations sal Postal Union via International Bureau Circular 80, dated June 18, 2018, Correos de El Salvador is providing new ***** wording about trackable items. We are adding a new [Add a new observation to read as follows:] observation about including the addressee’s landline or 7. Correos de El Salvador requests that the mailer place mobile telephone number on the customs declaration form the addressee’s landline or mobile telephone number for each trackable item (i.e., an item sent with Registered on the customs form for each trackable item (i.e., an Mail® service, Priority Mail Express International® service, item sent with Registered Mail service, Priority Mail or Priority Mail International® service). This contact infor- Express International service, or Priority Mail Interna- mation enables Correos de El Salvador to call or send a text tional service). This contact information assists message to the addressee when the item has arrived. Correos de El Salvador in calling or sending a text message to the addressee when the item has arrived. Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM) ***** Although effective on December 6, 2018, the Postal Ser- ***** vice will incorporate this revision into the next edition of the Individual Country Listings online IMM, which is currently scheduled for January 27, 2019. The online IMM is available via Postal Explorer® at ***** pe.usps.com. — Product Classification, Marketing, 12-6-18 IMM Revision: Individual Country Listing for Peru Effective December 6, 2018, the Postal Service™ is Peru revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Ser- Country Conditions for Mailing vice, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to reflect changes to the Individual Country Listing for Peru. ***** As a result of a formal request made through the Univer- Prohibitions sal Postal Union via International Bureau Circular 84, dated July 2, 2018, Serpost is adding a prohibition on lithium bat- ***** teries, liquids, and aerosols, including in misrouted items [In alphabetical order, add a new prohibition to read as and transit mail items sent via Peru. follows:] Lithium batteries, liquids, and aerosols, including in mis- Mailing Standards of the United States Postal routed items and transit mail items sent via Peru. Service, International Mail Manual (IMM) ***** ***** Although effective on December 6, 2018, the Postal Ser- Individual Country Listings vice will incorporate this revision into the next edition of the online IMM, which is currently scheduled for January 27, ***** 2019. The online IMM is available via Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com. — Product Classification, Marketing, 12-6-18 6 postal bulletin 22508 (12-6-18) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates Posters Poster 159, Workplace Harassment: Know Your Rights! Take Responsibility! Effective November 2018, the Postal Service™ revised The November 2018 edition of Poster 159 supersedes Poster 159, Workplace Harassment: Know Your Rights! all previous versions. Poster 159 is available on the Postal Take Responsibility!, to reflect the termination of support Service PolicyNet website: from the current vendor of the telephone Centralized Intake Go to blue.usps.gov. System for initiating requests for Equal Employment In the left-hand column under “Essential Links,” click Opportunity (EEO) counseling. This service has been PolicyNet. replaced by an online efile application. The revision to Poster 159 describes the primary and
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