SAXONY-ANHALT /// GERMANY LIFE SCIENCE: BUSINESS MEETS RESEARCH. www.invest-in-saxony-anhalt.com/lifescience FINANCIAL SUPPORT LIFE SCIENCE: SUBSIDIES BUSINESS MEETS RESEARCH. Investment /// Up to 35 % of eligible costs, depending on company size Research and development NEURO- /// Development of new products THERAPEUTIC and processes SCIENCE HOMEO- /// Support for individual or PROTEINS shared projects PATHY Personnel /// Personnel training /// Free, practice-based targeted training, also in the future workplace LOANS IMG /// For pre-inancing of orders LIFE SCIENCE /// For the cost of product development and R&D projects NETWORK IN GUARANTEES /// Public guarantees for SAXONY-ANHALT investment loans EQUITY CAPITAL /// Capital reinforcement from open and silent participations MEDICAL COMPANIES ENGINEERING LIFE SCIENCE IN SAXONY-ANHALT CONVINCING INDUSTRIAL /// Therapeutic proteins /// Neurosciences BRANCH PARKS KNOWLEDGE CREATES VALUE. /// Medical engineering /// Homeopathy ASSOCIATIONS SAXONY-ANHALT WORKS. IT’S WHERE THE RIGHT PARTNERS MEET. CONNECTING /// Companies Knowledge creates progress. Progress in medicine eastern Germany is home to entrepreneurial drive /// Research consists of precision, of developing gentler and and the pioneering spirit. It’s also home to people /// Economic development more effective methods. Operations are becoming with vision who are not afraid of big ideas. Networks minimally invasive, medicines homeopathic. A brief here have the performance standards and eficiency CONVENIENT impulse in the brain or synthetic protein in medi- which are required. /// At the heart of Europe cines can have an astonishing effect. However, the /// Offering wide-ranging decisive criterion is for scientists and companies to The necessary stimulus is provided by Investment and locational options be able to work in close cooperation because new Marketing Corporation (IMG). It brings together the /// Supporting companies indings need to be applied in practice in a fast and right partners, helps in the search for the perfect lo- uncomplicated way. For this interaction, Saxony- cation and acts as an intermediary with government Anhalt is the right place. This small federal state in bodies thus enabling knowledge to create value. AT THE HEART OF EUROPE With its 2.3 million inhabitants, Saxony-Anhalt is located at the heart of the European Union, the world’s largest integrated market with a population of more than 500 million. WELL-TRAINED /// Dr. Ulrike Fiedler, co-founder of Scil Proteins GmbH, discusses their recent /// Prof. Emrah Düzel, Director of the Institute for Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research (IkND) at shared research indings on analysing protein structures with Prof. Milton T. Stubbs, Magdeburg University Clinic and local spokesman for the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases 76 % of employees in Saxony- Professor of Physical Biotechnology at Martin Luther University Halle. (DZNE) site in Magdeburg, prepares to measure the brain activity of a test subject during training operations. Anhalt have completed at The aim is to analyse the preventative effect of training in combating dementia for the purpose of using it for therapeutic purposes. least one course of occupational training. COOPERATION AS A NETWORK OF THE PATENT FOR SUCCESS. TOP BRAINS. institute for the transfer of knowl- edge and technology at the university, ATTRACTIVE ON THE WEINBERG CAMPUS IN HALLE SCIENCE AND BUSINESS IN MAGDEBURG FIRST-CLASS RESEARCH INSTITUTES Technology and Founders’ Centre and HAVE ENTERED INTO A HIGHLY PROMISING SYMBIOSIS. WORK IN CLOSE PROXIMITY. LANDSCAPE Bio-Centre Halle. Weinberg campus is eastern Germany’s second-largest 4 UNESCO-World Heritage sites “We’ve already come a long way togeth- probiodrug AG, Icon Genetics AG and science and technology park. Suitable In old people, loss of orientation can be medical experts and scientists by mak- conirm the historic signiicance of er”, says Dr. Ulrike Fiedler, co-founder of many other companies, Scil Proteins sites für business premises are ex- a sign of dementia. In contrast, Magde- ing research space available on favour- this core state in German history 60,000 Scil Proteins GmbH, about the Institute is based on the prestigious weinberg plored personally together with pro- burg’s irst-class research institutes able terms. Local expertise, in particu- with its more than cultural monuments. for Biochemistry and Biotechnology campus, where the university also spective tenants. have a clear orientation: their common lar in the ields of neuropharmacology, at Martin Luther University Halle-Wit- concentrates its science faculties. This aim is to combat neurodegenerative neuromedical equipment and applied tenberg, where Dr. Milton T. Stubbs is enables new indings and new meth- The institute’s research focal point of diseases. The best brains here are neuroinformatics, is made available for Professor of Physical Biotechnology and ods to be transformed directly into molecular biosciences, “Proteins and closely connected with one another use in product development. A further is also in charge of the interdisciplinary practical applications. Research equip- their function in controlling cellular as if part of a gigantic neural network: interface between industry and re- scientiic facility HALOmem. With his ment and facilities are used jointly. processes”, is internationally known the site of the University Clinic with search is provided by the Network for group he supports the ongoing develop- Highly qualiied biochemistry students and is supported by the European the relevant departments is shared by Neuromedical Technology (InnoMed). ment of the “Afilin” platform technology, work as scientiic assistants for the Regional Development Fund. In addi- the German Centre for Neurodegener- The work of the Magdeburg neurosci- on which Scil Proteins holds the patents. companies based on the campus, serv- tion to the Max Planck Society‘s new ative Diseases (DZNE), the Leibniz Insti- entists has recently received recogni- They also work together within the Halle ing internships and completing their centre for biocatalysis, the university’s tute for Neurobiology (LIN), the Centre tion in the form of a starting grant FAMILY-FRIENDLY protein expertise network (ProNet-T 3). thesis there. Companies in Saxony- “Charles Tanford” proteins centre is for Neuroscience Research (CBBS) and worth 2 1.3 million from the European Anhalt are quick to take advantage of also to be established by 2016. Halle the Centre for Neuroscientiic Innova- Research Commission (ERC). With legal entitlement to full-day The close cooperation between the two this potential expertise for recruiting is the birthplace of Charles Tanford, a tion and Technology (ZENIT). In a direct childcare from the child’s birth to its 14th year, Saxony-Anhalt makes shows how well business and research new staff. Knowledge transfer in Halle pioneer in the study of the physical and uncomplicated way it transfers to it possible to combine family and are integrated in Halle (Saale). Like is supported by Univations, the chemistry of proteins. industry the ideas generated by the career. SKILLED PERSONNEL In Saxony-Anhalt more than 55,000 students are currently studying at the state’s ten universities. Interdisciplinary courses in subjects such as biotechnology and medical engineering conirm the successful cooperation between faculties. /// Prof. Georg Rose, /// Since it was founded in Director of the STIMU- the year 2009, the Euro- LATE Research Campus pean Library of Homeopa- and Head of the Medical thy has become a magnet Telematics and Medical for homeopathic literature Technology Faculty, and already has a unique speaking at the official stock of historic writings, opening of the STIMU- which are ideal for study- LATE Research Campus. ing the subject. SATISFIED COMPANIES The majority of life science compa- /// Engineers Axel Boese (l.) and Mandy /// Dr. Samuel Hahne- nies are investing in the expansion Kaiser (r.) test new mann, the founder of of their base in Saxony-Anhalt. medical instruments homeopathy, lived and at the STIMULATE MRT practised in Köthen laboratory. (Anhalt). and committed, looking for new solu- INGENIOUS AND HOME OF tions, experimenting and trying out in- PRESTIGIOUS. HOMEOPATHY. novative approaches. Success has a long LIFE SCIENCE tradition here. The princes of Anhalt be- AGENCY gan by encouraging and supporting new UNITED AT ONE UNIVERSITY, ENGINEERS AND MEDICAL EXPERTS IN KÖTHEN (ANHALT) HAHNE- ideas. Among others this attracted the MAKE MAGDEBURG A BEACON OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING MANN LAID THE FOUNDATION The BMD industry network Munich. The third major partner in much-travelled Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, STONE FOR A WHOLE NEW provides life science companies the consortium, STIMULATE-Society, the internationally respected founder of METHOD OF THERAPY. A BASIS in Saxony-Anhalt with a range Magdeburg, the city of engineers. To- Centre for Image Guided Local Thera- is formed by research institutes and alternative medical theory, from Leipzig of services, with the particular FOR THE FUTURE. day, medical engineering is a research pies. Its aim is to improve diagnostic companies, among others the Fraun- to Köthen because he was free to re- aim of strengthening biotechnol- ogy in the state. focal point. Its enormous potential work and treatment by means of new hofer Institute, the German Academy search and practise here. This is where he was recognised by Professor Georg technologies while at the same time for Microtherapy,
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