• 00/00/00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I SLAVIC DIVISION, SLAVIC ROOM M WASHINGTON, DC 20540 MTPUBWd ~ Maadcnian THbum November 3, 1988 ISSN 0024-9009 VOLUME 62, No. 3031 The MPO Has Enriched America Your Grace, Bishop Kyrill, Madame Mayor me about an organ transplant program that he I said, "No, not at all." So he put her on. Her Mazloff, Ivan, Kay, Bob and Sophie Ivanoff, wanted to help with. During the conversation name was Miss Streb. I wished her good luck Dr. Matzureff: he said, "Governor, could you do me a favor? on her retirement and she said, "I understand I'm grateful to all of you for this chance to you're speaking to the Macedonians." be part of the 67th Annual Convention of the "How did you know?" I asked. Macedonian Patriotic Organization. I was flat- "I'm Macedonian," she said. tered by the invitation, and it is a privilege to Miss Streb is Macedonian, and she read it in be with you. \ the Tribune. So, we are hearing from Although I've known for some time that we Macedonia all over New York State. have Macedonians in New York State, I didn't I did not recognize by Miss Streb's voice realize how many. You put my name in the that she was Macedonian, and I didn't recog- Tribune, and suddenly I heard the voice of nize the other very lovely young woman as _Mac£dorua_alIxiverJsIe-w York-State. -being Macedonian Last week I was in Auburn, in upstate New Maybe I should be able to spot Macedonians York, for a town forum. When it ended, people when I see them, but I regret that I see not gathered to say "so long". A young lady came enough distinction. But that's alright, because up to me and said, "Gee, Governor, I was so I'm not particularly easy to identify either. pleased that ••yotnafted~abourethnic diversity." TO be less than irTtelligent of honesTaTlhe You know, I'm a proud Macedonian." Her Gov. Mario Cuomo speaks at MPO Convention outset if I purported to speak to you as an ex- name was Dora Nicholoff. I was only a few I'm at a party for a teacher of mine from high pert on the history of Macedonia's long struggle days away from Pittsburgh and this banquet. school in Rochester, New York, who's retir- against partition and cultural oppression. But I I came home and the next night I got a call ing. She's here. It would be the thrill of a life- can speak to you as someone who is deeply from Chuck Mangione, the musician. He's an time if I could say we have the Governor of concerned with the two fundamental values that extremely generous person. He was talking to our State on the phone. Would you mind?" See MPO, page 6 Turmoil in Yugoslavia Is Analyzed by Christo N. Nizamoff With unemployment at 25% and back-break- divided among themselves whatever profit was man writes: "This is the capitol of the autono- ing inflation at 215%, recent stormy demon- made and left no capital for new inventory. mous republic of Slovenia - Tomorrowland of strations in Yugoslavia were not unexpected. About three years ago, managers of the Mone- Communism. The masses drive Mercedes in But they were not as spontaneous as the tary Fund pressed for payment of interest on Slovenia. They burn cardwood in their Alpine Belgrade dispatches indicated. Yugoslav refu- the huge loans. Freeloading was over and the weekend chalets, not because they have to, but gees in Austria believe that Slobodan Milosevic, government was forced to tighten its belt. This because it is chic... With an income per head the powerful chief of the Serbian communist new policy created widespread unemployment well above Spain's and unemployment below party, was the instigator. and inflation which brought about hardships. Japan's, the 1.7 million Slovenes have built As the foreign press has indicated, Milosevic While Serbia, under the leadership of Mi- themselves the richest communist patch on wants a complete overhaul of the Yugoslav losevich, bears the heavy burden of inflation earth.... Their economic plans make perestroika system of autonomous provinces and repub- and unemployment, the autonomous Republic look like feudalism." lics. He wants to return the country to pre-Tito of Slovenia basks in prosperity and freedom He continues: "Here we have two closely re- days with Belgrade and Serbs in control. Ac- unknown to the other parts of Yugoslavia, with lated people living in one state, governed by cording to Dizdarevich, current head of the the exception of Croatia. the same laws and the same constitution - one Federal Presidency, this will not be allowed. Slovenia and Croatia have successfully devel- lives in freedom and prosperity compared in The key to the whole situation is the army, oped industries with most products exported to may ways to that of Switzerland. The other, the West. In Zagreb, the capitol of Croatia, and the Serbian part, is crushed by a daily rising Lubljana, the capitol of Slovenia, there are no inflation and unemployment while their lead- strikes and no demonstrations. Could it be that ers are more concerned about their political both countries consider themselves part of positions than the welfare and freedom of the Western Europe and not of the perpetually tur- people." bulent Balkans? No better description can be given about the Slovenia, a country of about 1.5 million people, situation in Yugoslavia. There is no prosperity In the Slovenian Alps is an autonomous part of Yugoslavia. Accord- without freedom and free enterprise. which for the most part is controlled by Serbs. ing to a report in the Wall Street Journal by its For the present, the army has remained loyal Balkan correspondent, Barry Newman, those to the Federal leaders, but the future is in doubt. who arrive in Lubljana from Belgrade find KoHrpecvrb BT> riHTcCyprb The irony of this political and economic mess themselves in an entirely different world. There is that most of the $21 billion loaned to Yugo- are no demonstrations and no unemployment. slavia by the International Monetary fund was The streets are filled with expensive automo- Ycnixb! spent in the area populated predominantly by biles. More than 80% of goods produced are Serbs. The money was invested in non-profit shipped to Western Europe. Slovenians cross enterprises for the sake of a provincial leader. daily into Austria without the need of a pass- 3~ra The system of workers' self-management was port. misinterpreted. At the end of the year, they And how do the Slovenians live? Mr. New- Page 2 ©rtbmte November 3, 1988 Letters of Interest Send In Your Frederick R. Tourkow Yanika Petru Fort Wayne, Indiana West Haverstraw, NY Christmas 26 July 1988 08 September 1988 This past week's issue of the Sentinel, the I'm sending you the check. I enjoyed reading weekly paper of Chicago Jewry, had a most the paper very much, because I'm Macedonian interesting article on Bulgarian Jews. I thought from Tito Veles. that you might be interested in it, so I am en- closing a copy for your information. Frankly, before reading it I did not realize that only Larry Saward, General Manager Bulgaria and Denmark, of the Nazi occupied The Westin William Penn countries, saved their Jewish citizens' lives. I Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania can see why the writer of the article was so 20 September 1988 enthusiastic about the country. I want to take just a minute and thank you for FI. Geets your letter of September 16 regarding the serv- Greetings Paris, France ice and accommodations you received during 16 September 1988 the MPO Convention held recently at The It may not seem like it, but it is time to begin Westin William Penn. thinking of Christmas Greetings in the La Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne, a l'honneur I am delighted the Convention was such a Macedonian Tribune. de vous accuser reception des publications success. I will see that both Dom Bastidas and This year we will offer ads for $100, $50, suivantes et de vous adresser tous ses Darryl Byrd receive a copy of your letter so $25 and $10. The size will be proportional to remerciementsrDeclaration of Macedonian Pa- they, too, will know their efforts were recog- the amount. Ads will be published as they ar- triotic Organization 4 commended^ rive, We certainly enjoyed serving you and your We have three December issues scheduled associates with MPO, and look forward to the this year. The first is December 1, the second Jeffrey P. Stephans, D.D.S. opportunity of welcoming you back to The is December 15 and the third is December 29. jCreyejCoeurj Missouri Westin William Penn in the not too distant fu- All items not received in time for these issues 22 September 1988 ture ." Our deadline is two weeks prior to publica- I was born in Fort Wayne in 1946, son of tion date. This means greetings which will ap- George and Connie Stephans, grandson of M.V. Evanoff pear in the December 1 issue must be in our Anastas Stephanoff, who I believe was one of Syracuse, N.Y. hands by November 17. December 1 is the the original founders of the MPO and its first 21 October 1988 deadline for the issue of December 15, which president. in turn is the deadline for the December 29 When and where is the next MPO Conven- Please find my check for $12 for a new sub- issue. tion? It looks like fun and educational, too.
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