Revision of the cluster-flies of the Polleniø venturii species-group, with a cladistic analysis of Palaearctic species of Polleniø Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) KNUT ROGNES Rognes, K.: Revision of the cluster-flies of the Pollenio venturii species-group, with a cladistic Ent. scand. analysis of Palaearctic species of Pollenio Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Ent. scand. 23:233-248. Copenhagen, Denmark. October 1992. ISSN 0013-8711. Within Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy a venturii species-group is defined and revised. It consists of a single species P venturiiZumpt. P solitario Grunin is proposed as a junior synonym, It is characterizedby unique features in the male aedeagus and the lateral sacs of the internal female reproductive organs. Male and female terminalia are illustrated, the latter for the first time. A preliminary cladistic analysis of all known Palaearctic species of Pollenis (except P jøponica Kano & Shinonaga) suggests that the sister-group of P venturii is a clade consisting of the vistica + vogabunda + omentaria + hqeretica species-groups. A sclerotized internal wall of the lateral sacs in the internal reproductive system of female Pollenio appears to be a parallelism developed independently in the venturii, rudis, most members of the tenuiforceps and some members of the semicinereo groups, rather than an underlying synapomorphy. P. venturii is known from France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Russia. A key is provided to species-groupsin Pollenio. K. Rognes, Stavanger Lærerhøgskole, Postboks252l U[andh&ug, N-4004 Stavanger, Norway. Introduction nym used in the text): Department of Entomology, The present paper is a sequel to earlier ones revising The Natural History Museum, London (BMNH); various species-groups in the cluster-fly genus Mus6um National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Pollenis, some members of which, in the larval (MNHN); the Venturi collection in Universitå degli stages, are known to be parasites or predators of Studi, Istituto d'Entomologia Agraria, Pisa earthworms (Rognes 1987a, b, 1988, l99lb, 1992). (PISA); Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Its purpose is to define a venturii species-group Stuttgart (SMNK); United States National Muse- within this genus and revise its nominal species. Ti) uffi, Smithsonian Institution, Entomology, clarify its relationship with other species-groups Washington (USNM); Universitetets Zoologiske within Pollenio a cladistic analysis of all known Museum, København (ZMUC) and the Zoological Palaearctic species of Pollenio (except the Japanese Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Pollenia japonicaKano & Shinonaga) has been per- Moscow (ZMMSU). formed. The analysis is based partly on data in my Morphological terms and abbreviations follow already published species-group revisions, and Rognes (1991a). partly on data from species-group revisions still un- Cladistic analyses were performed using Farris' der preparation (amentaria, griseotomentosa, parsimony program HENNIGS6 (Farris 1988). It is tenuiforceps, haeretica and japonica species- based on the }Palaearctic species of Pollenialisted groups). (with abbreviations) in Appendix l. 43 characters (with numbers 0 - 42) employed in the analysis and their coding are explained in Appendix 2. The data Material and methods matrix is shown in Appendix 3. A group consisting The study is based primarily on material in the fol- of Morinia + Melanodexia + an hypothetical lowing collections (followed by the depository acro- 'outgrou' assumed to embody the ground plan fea- O Entomologica scandinavica (Grp 6) 234 Rognes, K. ENT. SCAND. VOL. 23:3 (t992) tures of the subfamily Polleniinae (cf. Rognes all females, ås they are insufficiently known in l99la) was used as outgroup for rooting the clado- many species-groups. The key does not cover the gram. Tiees were first calculated by the command East Palaearctic genus Xanthotryxus, even if it will sequen ce mh*; bb*,' with all characters given unity probably be relegated to the status of a separate spe- weight (UNWEIGHTED). This resulted in 108 cies-group within Potlenia in the future because of equally parsimonious trees (length 107 steps, con- its profuse vestiture of yellow-white curly , sistency index 0.55, retention index 0.82). Subse- Polleniq-hairs'. Its species are very large and have quently, the successive weighting procedure of the parafacialia entirely bare. The composition of HENNIG86 (Farris 1988, 1989; see also Seberg the species-groups is indicated in Appendix l. 1989: 189) was employed by repeating the command l. Costa hairy below to about halfway between sequen ce mh*; bb*; xsteps w; cc,' until the weights junctions with R, and Rr*, (i.e. second and at no longer changed (SUCCESSIVE WEIGHT- ieast half of third costal sector hairy below) . ' ' species) resulted in 7 56 equally parsimonious ING). This c;;; n"i.v u.io* i:';f:ri,ill,l#n(r trees (after 4 rounds of the command sequence) occasionally some hairs";il between junctions with (length 468, ci 0.83 , ri 0.94). From the latter trees a Sc and R, (i.e. second costal sector bare below) ' ' ' 2 strict consensus cladogram was calculated using the 2. Aedeagui wittr a median midventral hypophallic lobe (absent in one member of the griseotomen- nelsen option which retains only the monophyletic tosa group); each lateral hypophallic lobe more groups present in all the 756 trees (Fig. 11). or leis triangular with a central sclerotization A second series of analyses was performed in (scleroti zatron absent in another member of the which character 20 ( Q lateral sacs, unordered) was griseotomentoso group); ovipositor only with wavy setae on tip, no spines. 3 coded instead by ordinal branched coding as out- ioft " ' Aedeagus without a median hypophallic lobe; (1990). Position 20 in lined by Mickevich & Weller each hypophallic lobe differently shaped and ab- the data-matrix was replaced by the following solutely without central rod-like sclerotization; codes (the position 20 score in Appendix 3 in ovipositor with or without spines on tip . ' ' ' 7 tarsi shorter than hind tibia; basi- parenthesis): unsclerotizedtubes 00 (0), sclerotized 3. Male hind costa black 4 (2), tubes 10 (1), sclerotized fused spheres 20 sclero- Male hind tarsi longer than hind tibia; basicosta tised disks 1l (3), and treated as additive characters yellow or black 6 (ordered). This character state tree for the lateral 4. if inO leg of male with specialized vestiture of ti- bia at d tarsus (except tenuiforceps); facial sac character assumes that sclerotized fused spheres carina distinct; male cerci of normal width; as well as sclerotized disks derive independently aedeagus with blunt rounded apex of each hy- from sclerotized tubes. Otherwise the data matrix pophallic lobe; each paraphallic process appear- views was identical to the one showed in Appendix 3. The in§ somewhat thickened apically in some curving strongly inwards towards command sequence mh*; bb*; resulted in 144 and apically midline; median hypophallic lobe fully sclero- equally parsimonious trees (length 108 steps, ci tized female lateral sacs when sclerotized 0.54, ri 0.82). A subsequent successive weighting shaped as flat disks . tenuiforceps group (4 species) procedure resulted in 658 equally parsimonious Maie hind leg usually without modified vestiture (except pectinata of the semicinereo group); trees (length 466, ci 0.83 , ri 0.94) after 3 iterations. male Cerci very narrow; apex of paraphallic pro- using The strict consensus cladogram calculated cesses usually not curving strongly towards the nelsen command contained exactly the same midline, nor apically thickened; median hypo- posterior part 5 groups as the tree in Fig. 11. phallic lobe at most sclerotized in 5. buter ph setapresent; facial carina usually con- spicuous; body size typical for a Pollenia; distally very sharp hy- Pollemø Robineau-Desvoidy aedag.rs with triangular Genus pophltlic lobes, these lobes with a very distinct Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 412. Type-species: ientral sclerotization; female lateral sacs when Muscs rudis Fabricius, by original designation. For a sclerotized shaPed as long tubes (5 comprehensive list of generic synonyms and a diagnosis . semicinerea group sPecies) of the genus, see Rognes (l99la). Outer phseta usually absent; facial carina absent or very indistinct; body size small for a Pollenia; abdomen with dusted tessellations in an unusual longitudinal band occu- ^pyirgpattern (dark blackish Key to species-groups of Palaearctic Pollenia central half of tergites or broad blackish ånteriorly narrowing triangles); lateral hypo- Dissection of male and female terminalia is neces- phallic lobes often with indistinct central sclero- sary before the key can be used. It will not work for iization (møyeri, which has a very dense ' brush ' ENT. SCAND. VOL. 23:3 (1992) The Pollenio venturii species-group 235 of long setae on male ST5); median hypophallic now recogni zable in both sexes (the female has lobe (griseotomentosa); sometimes absent fe- hitherto been unidentifiable). It is characterized by male lateral sacs unsclerotized sPecies) the following two autapomorphies which also are 6. B;;i;;,;å -",t,; tåf ;:iZT,' :::Å:,,'å?'12 unique in Pollenia: ened; lappets of metathoracic spiracle yellow; (l) A peculiar aedeagus (Figs 3-4) 0(2)]. facial carina conspicuous; paraphallic processes [character proceeding distad parallel with long axis of The aedeagus is equipped with long hypophallic aedeagus, thus not curving toward midline; fe- lobes a male with sclerotized lateral sacs in
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