I S From the Editor... VOL. 2 NO. 4 This is the fifth issue of COM- JULY-AUGUST 1982 PUTER GAMING WORLD. From the beginning CGW has sought to Features provide a forum for the computer THE WARP FACTOR 6 gaming hobby and industry. We are Strategies for Winning Decisive Victories RENDEZVOUS 7 very pleased with the response you A Space Shuttle Flight Simulation have made thus far. From letters WE'RE IN THE MONEY 9 and responses to R.I.D. cards it is Economic Simulations For The Apple apparent that we are providing a CONTROLLER: A REVIEW 12 needed service for thousands of com- Avalon Hill's Air Traffic Control Simulation puter gamers. We try with each issue PURSUIT OF THE GRAF SPEE: A REVIEW 18 to add new features or twists which Strategic Simulations Naval Wargame make CGW a better magazine. The STARSHIP COMMANDER: A REVIEW 20 basic information box, Reader Input A Space Combat "Simulation" ADVENTURES — CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN AND A HALF 22 Device, Silicon Cerebrum, Atari Survey of THE CAPTAIN 80 BOOK OF BASIC ADVENTURES Arcade, Real World Gaming, and HORSE RACING CLASSIC: A REVIEW 23 screen photos are just some of the A Horse Race Simulation added features. We hope to add more SNEAK ATTACK ON KNIGHT OF DIAMONDS 23 as time goes along. An Unusual Approach to the Second Wizardry Scenario DNIEPER RIVER LINE 28 For example, we will add more or "How Can You Be Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All? pages as our advertising income CHOPLIFTER' 30 allows. When you buy a product Rescue the Hostages which you saw in CGW tell the REAL WORLD GAMING 31 company you read about them in New Column by Dan Bunten CGW. The effectiveness of advertising CASINO 33 is important to the manufacturers. DataMost's Card Game They pay a lot more attention to Departments your input than you might imagine. Letters 2 Hobby & Industry News 2 Continued on pg. 36 Initial Comments 5 Silicon Cerebrum 14 Atari Arcade 27 Micros 34 Reader Input Device 40 who think I might be kidding--I the Russian units are outflanked, checked on a friend's Apple II, and they retreat, trying at all times to LETTERS all of the above-mentioned disks maintain their lines of supply. This booted. latter is crucial to the Russian units. My New Year's Resolution (which They cannot be beaten back during I have kept until now) is: I won't buy the winter unless their strength is programs that don't say they will diminished. And the only way their run on my Apple III in emulation strength can be diminished is by Dear Editor: mode (although I will buy programs cutting their supply lines. As an Apple III owner, I have that will run in the Apple III native Knowing this simple fact, the found several problems in game mode). This means a loss of about German player must find ways to software designed for the Apple II. $2000 per year to the computer games outflank the Russians. And he has industry from me alone. So long As many may know, the Apple III an excellent tool to use: his superior can emulate an Apple II, but there Broderbund I hope you change mobility. are limitations. soon. I really enjoyed your games while I could use them. My favorite The German player must forever Until recently, the biggest limi- software company at the moment is be involved in end runs. He must tation has been the lack of paddles. Picadilly--mostly because they have find clear sailing for his own units Before the new FCC regulations, all an Apple III keyboard version on all while forcing the Russians to retreat Apple II's were supplied with paddles, their games. across water and woods. and almost all software manufac- turers took advantage of this. Unfor- Deirdre L. Maloy High scores are possible using tunately, for the first six months this strategy even without having to that the Apple III was out, there destroy large numbers of Russian were no paddles for them. There was MORE STRATEGY FOR units. The entire German army can no easy way to use the paddles EASTERN FRONT be shifted north and begin a long trek eastward (along the northern designed for the Apple II either. Dear Editor; Since then, a joystick has come out bank of the Volga) at about Christ- for the Apple III, BUT it will only I am an Atari 800 owner and I was mas time, which--with some fighting work in emulation mode IF the soft- glad to see your recent addition of a --will take the hard pressed German ware manufacturer uses the standard regular Atari column to your maga- troops to the eastern edge of the Apple paddle read write routines. To zine. I have also enjoyed your cover- board by March. age of Eastern Front--my favorite date, only one program, On-Line's A more realistic and satisfying computer game. MISSILE DEFENSE, has worked. tactic is, as Bob Proctor suggested, This means I don't get to enjoy such Bob Proctor was clear and read- to ignore the game score and try to classics as SPACE EGGS or RAST- able in "A Beginner's Guide to truly take Russia. This involves ER BLASTER on my Apple III... ever. Strategy and Tactics in Eastern eliminating as many Russian units More recently, Apple II programs Front" but his article did little more as possible. My best game has left a have been coming out with keyboard than repeat Chris Crawford's own total of six red squares on the board-- versions. Usually, the keyboard ver- playing hints in the Eastern Front all surrounded and facing eminent sions are more difficult to play (such player manual. To whit: surround destruction in April. the Ruskies, don't try to march as Sirius' SNEAKERS -my favorite Similar or better results can be through them. program, which makes them much accomplished by completing two easier to play. Some software houses, Interested readers and dedicated crucial encirclements of the Russian such as Picadilly, have several versions gameplayers are surely able to troops. (Keyboard, Joystick, Paddles, Apple garner this information from the III Keyboard) on one disk. The Apple player manual without Bob's helping The first, which must be completed III Keyboard is also laid out differently, hand. Of more use (and more in- by September 28 (before the mud thus causing some problems for the terest) might have been an article sets in), brings panzer units north- uninitiated. dealing with grander strategies and ward from Kiev and the Pripet The greatest threat lately has been tactics which are not immediately Marsh through the narrow gap a change in software protection. Many obvious from reading the rules. between the Volga and Don Rivers. Once in firm position south of Moscow of the newer programs have protection The good game, like the good and moving at all possible speed, schemes so sophisticated they fool player, has a specific strategy to these units can stonewall the Rus- my emulator. These programs do which it tries to adhere. This game sian retreat from the German not even boot--they just make nasty "personality" in Eastern Front is infantry units pressing steadily east. noises. I am naming names here-- not very complicated, but it is ef- When successful, this plan destroys Broederbund, IDSI', and Energy fective. The German player must all the Russian encampments in the Games. Broderbund used to be my first discover what it is that the woods south of Rahev. Any re- favorite software house, but I refuse Russian units do, then develop an maining Russian units will retreat to buy games from a company that effective counter-strategy. doesn't have programs that work on east of the Volga and will not be able my computer (No Broderbund soft- Logically, if Crawford's own notes to return to the Moscow battlefield ware later than APPLE PANIC in Eastern Front suggest surround- until the winter months. (Be sure to will boot). My Christmas package ing the Russian units to destroy retreat the panzer units before for my Apple was ruined by two them, then his program's strategy must October or they are likely to be programs that wouldn't boot-TRICK be to keep those units from being bogged down and caught before the SHOT (IDSI) and SANTA'S SLEIGH surrounded. This is indeed what winter ice frees their movement RIDE (Energy Games). For those happens during the game. Whenever again.) Only a small holding force is needed in the south around Dne- fensive placement clogs their ad- propetrovsky--five or six infantry vances. Eventually this long white NOTICE TO ROBOTWAR with the Hungarian panzer unit. line begins to swing south, like a ENTHUSIASTS The second encirclement must be door on its hinges. The large red carefully timed due to the annoying mass of Russian units is then pricked Robotwar enthusiasts will be tank reinforcements the Russians by white and slowly shrinks...until glad to know that there is an receive around Gorky. The Russians the door slams shut. organization being formed to must be allowed to re-cross the Volga Good luck to all Eastern Front sponsor Robotwar tournaments in order to slow their final retreat players and Computer Gaming on an ongoing basis. Frank back toward the east. World. I look forward to more in- Krough of North Hollywood, Cali- depth gaming articles and your fornia has formed a Robotwar Given that the German player continued success.
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