~-~.\ift.it-127 / 81-7-202G-49(q1rt) /2017 Wrc5, 'l1ffif JffiTG. 3Tj~, /\. ~I (~ \3"OJW ~tLitJo') ~ ~I»'V'\P J Wu -ij, t ~:0~~1~':r ~,~' Qr/L. O~'S.,.", "11~ rn>f, ~ ~ ~ ~~HC1 «:~W1. 7· lifO'i5lll "l1c, ~ ~-110002 I • 411rq'(ul, q.:r ~ \JIclqlg 4Rqd'1 ~G-7 cl&'1\'b: ~'1i<tl: :J...f:, 4)i(q~. 2020 fc\l!m-lITO ~o\iftoito, ~ ~ -q fcIi1lxl~ 31T0~0 Wsm-673/2018 -q l:lTfuf ~ cf; ~ 1"fl&'r $~"j II 311~ f1 ~ fi\ \if('[ ~ >1 ~ IC1 II cpl 'iI~ Cfj ~ 3lmm ~ fc!;<) \i'IT'l cf; ~tT -ij I , +1i>ICill. ~ fctq-<j- 'R ~ ~ m cpr ~ "S3IT t fit ~~, \3"0"110 ~ Piti~ol ~. C'I'!sHiji cf; l:f';f ~-\ift32330/~-4/~/2020, ~"iiCfj 19.02.2020 !rRT lITO ~o;;#toito, ~ ~ -q fcIt1Jxl'tftrf 31T0~0 ~-673/2018-q l:lTfuf 31$T cf; ~ ~ $~"jll 3Tj~ Wiftr, \if('[ ~ >1?! IC'I II "$I "11~ 'iIR1 Cfj tcJq;- -q fW1" "ll"it Pi 01111 cf; <Ii 'iq1C'I "i -q m -q ft~ 12 ~ cf; !>l~C1 ~ * 9>"iuffc1lCfj'(ol -gg ~ <nfr Cfjllhfl\Ji"i1 cf; Gl> III <q II "i ~ ~ 'i1ffI Cf) wffi'r 3fmlIT $.,;'1 II 3TjJJ.TC[Uf Wiftr cf; 31<1 C'I1 Cf) "i l>!.f "ffi.>rr.l Cj)'(" ~ "$I \iff m t I .ticl·'1<b-~ I (~ . 3Tj '(i~ ~-~.\ift.t't.-127/81-7-2020-49(q1rt)/2017. dCj~'1i<tl 1I~~fil"-~ ~, \3"0"110 ~ Piti~ol <ITt, C'I'!S1"iiji <liT B"'1cf> B"Cf\l ~ "4?1" ~"iiCf) 19.02.2020 *~ -q 'iiil"il>!.f ~ I , o < fr ms<IT-.t\91.I;;.L*'J.181-7-20 - _A \mR~~~~ UTTAR PRADESH POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD m ;ffi;;!:rr- 6.-2>2.. v2>o /<f[-4/RRC/2020 Wrrlf 3fj~, q10M'! 0 I, CFf ~ \Ji C1 q 1-:; qRq d<1 fctl:wr, ~-1, \jQ1fO ~ I fcl"tr<r :- +j1<1"1~1l ·~:!O\iftoito, "l]' ~ If fchll'lltfrl aITOliO ~O- 673/2018 If "4lfm ~ cf; ~ ~ ~ ...~ll 3B~ ~, \jffi -wm <i?lIC111 em- +j1~Cl> ~ 31m!IT ~ fclm urR cf; ~ -q I \jqx'ICffi fcl'lllCl> +j1<1"'~ll 'Roultotl"o, ~ ~ -q fcltlli(I't1Trr 31TO~O ~O- 673/2018 If 1JTfur ~ cf; ~ ~ ~ ...')1I 3fj~ ~, \jffi -wm J1?1IC1l1 CI5t ~i2:fl1 +jl~q; ~ If fB<l ~ f.luhn cf; aljqlC1'""1 -q ~ If R~ 12 ~ cf; 1'I~C1 ~ cf; :J;<1Gf1c?1q;i( OI <FfT<fr "ll'fr q;1 alll\Ji<1 I cf; fmlllrcWi ~ ~ +jlfflq; ~ 3fRS<IT ~"'')ll 3fj~ ~ &NT' ijQC1&'l ~ ~ ~ 11'<" ~ s<l ~ +j1~Cl> ~ 3fRS<IT "4""?1 cf; ~ ~ "CfR" ~ 3fj'<'rcT cf; W~ ~ t fcp ~ 'RR ~ ~'iflll 3fj~ ~ ~~I<1C1 ~ TPTx crcfrrr <trrr, ~ 4I<~tj c 3lf4) CfTC'(" Rtl)ffftl, ft<R" ,gq C1 qtjc ~ <trrr R'1fcl;:) ~I <1. \jffi ~ +j?ll C1 ll, '+jffif tl \!Cl> Ii(, ~ ~ em- ~ ~ cnr ~ ~ I tlC1l<1Q; ~~ I ._.._-----------------------_..__..._----_.--_....----------....._----_.------------_....----------- t\..tl 12 ;ft. ~ ,..". Teo 12V Vibhuti Khand, 'll>!<l\ _ • ....--226010 Gamti Nagar, Lucknow-2260IO ~~-Info@uppcbocom e-mail: Info@uppcbocom ~-www.uppcb.com Web Site: www.uppcb.com .----------------, ..._-_.-- National Mission for Clean Ganga Format for Submission ofMonthly Progress Report by StatesfUTs (Hon'ble NGT in the matter of OA No. 673/2018 dated 06.12.2019 S.No. Activity to be monitored Timeline Submission ofProgress by StatelUT-Compliance Status I Ensure 100 % treatment of 31.03.2020 325 No. ofdrains being sewage at least in-situ identified along the remediation polluted river stretches of which bio remediation technique being adopted in 42 drains only. commencement ofsetting up of 31.03.2020 Action is being taken. STPs and connecting all the drains and other sources of generation ofsewage to the STPs must be ensured 2 Timeline for completing all steps 31.03.2021 Polluted River Stretch wise ofaction plans including details oftimeline for completion ofsetting up STPs setting up ofSTPs is and their commissioning enclosed. Annexure-I 5 ChiefSecretaries may set up 22.01.2020 Three tier monitoring appropriate monitoring mechanism developed and mechanism at State level functional. Details are • Specifying accountability of annexed as annexure- II nodal authorities not below the Secretary level • ChiefSecretaries may have 22.01.2020 an accountable person attached in their office for this purpose. • Monitoring at State level Fortnightly As above. must take place Commencing 21.12.2019 6 Progress report may be furnished MontWy by the States/UTs to (preferably • Secretary, Ministry ofJal before 20th of Shakti every month) • Member Secretary, CPCB 6.1 Progress Report may be • There are 1616 comprised of details along with industries located in the completion timelines on : catchment area of (i) Identification ofPolluting polluted river stretches sources including drains out ofwhich 137 units contributing to river are lying closed due to pollution and action as per closure order and show NGT order on insitu notices issued to 81 treatment units. • 325 No. of drains are identified in the catchment area of polluted river stretches. (ii) Status of STPs, I&D and Detailed report enclosed as sewerage networks Details referred in point no 2 as ofExisting Infrastructure, Annexure- I Gap Analysis, Proposed along with completion timeline (iii) Status of CETPs Details ofExisting CETP and ETP Infrastructure, Gap Analysis Proposed along with completion timeline, No. of industries and complying status (iv) Status ofSolid Waste Details annexed as Management & Details of annexure- III Processing Facilities Details ofExisting Infrastructure, Gap Analysis, Proposed along with completion timeline The data monitored at 88 (v) Latest water quality of polluted river, its locations reflects BOD tributaries, drains with reduction less than 3mg/L flow details and ground at 15 locations. The percent water quality in the reduction in BOD value catchment ofpolluted lies between 0.2 to 36.4 %. river; Details annexed as annexure- IV (vi) Preventing dumping of Details annexed as waste and scientific waste annexure- V management including bio-medical wastes, plastic wastes and decentralizing waste processing, including waste generated from hotels, ashrams, etc. (vii) Ground water regulation Details annexed as annexure- VI (viii) Adopting good llTigation practices, (ix) Protection and Details annexed as management ofFlood annexure- VII Plain Zones (FPZ), (x) Rain water harvesting, (xi) Maintaining minimum Details annexed as environment flow ofriver annexure- VIII (xii) Plantation on both sides of Details annexed as the river annexure- IX (xiii) Setting up biodiversity The Ministry Environment, parks on flood plains by Forest and Climate Change removing encroachment Department ofUttar Pradesh has identified the sites for development of Bio-diversity Park in 25 districts in the main stem Ganga and in 02 districts in Yamuna covering a total area of3591.984 ha. The project proposals for development ofBio- diversity Parks are prepared nnder the supervision ofProf. C.R. Babu, Former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi/Emeritus Professor, CEMDE/Incharge, Yamuna Bio-diversity Park and his scientific team. The total cost ofthe projects for development of Bio-diversity Parks in the above mentioned 27 districts in the main stem Ganga and its tributaries is Rs. 32381.755 lacs. The State Mission for Clean Ganga, Uttar Pradesh has forwarded these proposals to National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi for perusal and consideration ofapproval vide its letter dated 05.12.2019. Annexure-I STP Status and Gap Analysis ~ The detailed time line for STP construction / treatment of sewage has been given in the table. It is proposed to undertake treatment using STPs & in-situ method of NEERI. The project of STPs will be implemented in 24 months of sanction and the OPR will be prepared in 6 months of sanction of the OPR cost which is 4% of the project cost. The project cost on average will be Rs. 2.0 Crore per MLO. It is also pertinent to mention that in compliance of the order of NGT in a.A. No: 200/2014 case of M.e. Mehta in which order has been passed to start biD-remediation from 1st November, 2019 failing which penalty will be imposed. A DPR for 459 drains on 11 rivers costing Rs. 1700 crare has been submitted in the NMCG. The above project has not been sanctioned, so work has not begun yet CITY ESTiMAT WATER SEWAGE IJ\ISTAL PROPO GAP IN Date of ED CONSUMP GENERA LED SED STP Comple ~ POPULA TION TION CAPACI STP CAPACIT tion of '1: .,.. 0 " TlON (MLD) (MLD) TYOP CAPACI Y STPsto '1: ii1 2030 (@135 EXISTI TY UTlUZA meet '" LPCD) NGSTP (MLD) TlON the Gap [MLDl [MLDl I Sahranpur 969002 130.82 104.65 38 93.65 N/A Muzaffarna 519184 70.09 56.07 32.5 32 N/A gar Shamli 141791 19.14 15.31 N/A N/A 15.31 March, e: 2022 0 '0 March, e: Sardhana' 74732 10.09 8.07 N/A N/A 8.07 :2 [Meerut] 2022 Baghpat 61733 8.33 6.67 N/A 14 Nil March, 2021 Ghaziabad 2943273 397.34 317.87 454 N/A N/A Total 4709715 635.81 508.65 524.5 139.65 23.48 Khatauli 96428 13.02 10.41 N/A N/A 10.41 March. 2022 Meerut 1674748 226.09 180.87 168 200 N/A HAPUR 469346 63.36 50.69 N/A 80 N/A Z' GHAZIABA 232085 31.33 25.07 N/A 20 5.07 March, OJ'" D (MODI 2022 ~'" ;;; AGAR] :<: BULANDSH 76026 10.26 8.21 N/A 7 1.21 March, AHAR 2000 (GALAOTHI i Total 2548633 344.07 275.25 168 307 16.69 G.B. Nagar 2810184 379.37 303.5 196 NA 107.5 March, '"e: 2022 "e Aligarh 1252869 169.14 135.31 NA 45 :;:.
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