[ CITATION: Sydney Brenner. (Aug. 08, 1980). Sir Hans Adolf Krebs Medal, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Ref. SB/1/2, No. 70458. CSHL Archive Repository. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. ] TELEGRAM SENT: 8- 8- 80 . TO: DR . U. LITI'AUER (WEIZMANN INSTITUTE, ISRAEL) . GRATEFULLY ACCEPT YOUR GENEROUS OFFER . DR . D. SECHER WILL RECEIVE MEDAL ON MY BEHALF AND WILL HAVE A MESSAGE TO BE READ . SYDNEY BRENNER . .. 6 AUG 198() 81754 1 PO CB G OSEAGRAM 37 L N J299 EHC508 IGC109 4007044 GBXX CO ILTY 062 TELAV IVYAFO 62/61 5 1330 / DR S BRENNER MRC LAB OF MO LECULAR BIOLOGY HILLSROAD CAtv'B RI DGE CB22 CH ORGAN IZING COM~ I TTEE WISHES TO AWARD YOU THE KREBS MEDAL IN ABSENT I A • Tl IE MQAE E: E: THE MEDAL 11.J ILL BE H.6.NDED OVER TO MEMBER OF } YOUR LABORATORY IF ~RESE~T OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTAT IVE YOU MAY SUGGEST WILL A0 PREC IATE YOU SE~D MESSAGE OF RcSDONSE TO PAGE 2/ _,, I:::. BE R.c\D BY REC IP IENT ON YOUR BEHALF. SPEEDY RECOVERY . LJ~ I EL L I TT AUER COL DR . S. LAB . CB22QH / 817541 PO CB G OSEAGRAM 37 LN I ... ~ • THE WEf&lAi'\~ fNSTl1UTE OF SOENCE R EHOVOT · IS RAEL Prof. Uriel Z. Littouer 1 .K1u,? .r ?x,11x '!:l1 1 !l Heod. Oepcrtmont of Neurobiology ;p11.,.,:n,'1J7 :i;i7nr.in wx, The Jules J. Mallon :i•o•:i11:i7 :iiinp:i Choir of 8ioc!iemlstry pi,IJ .'l 0?1•1 CV i,y July 8, 1980 ,,~ Jtl1 1980 Prof. Sydney Brenner MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology University Medical School Hills Road Cambridge CB2 2QH England Dear Sydney, I very much r egret to learn of the continuous trouble you have with your leg. It is indeed a pity that you are unable to come . I have also hoped to induce you to participate in our Neurobiology symposium and discuss with you our recent cloning of cDNA for tubulin r'-"-",.,,f "<.: f / i... I wish you a speedy r ecovery and hope to see you soon ~ Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Uriel Littauer cc. Prof. U. Bachrach Prof. N. Sharon CAB lE AOOP.ESS: WEIZINST (I sreal) : D'j:),:!IJ? JYl'.l PHONE: (05 4 ) 82126; SW ITCHBOARD: (054 1821 1 1-83 11 1 :J1!li,U TELEX : 3193 4 :Op'U f N L} 3 '. ~ CLv..V ~ ~ • 817541 PO CB G 8 ~-~ - - • '?,. ~ OSEAGRA -1 47 LN '~ ·c ~ch G"s ~ rTt • O' c391 OHC460 IGC975 40 13009 076 0 GBXX CO ILTY 035 TELAV I VYAFO 35/33 2 1450 SYDNEYBRENNER MRC L ABORATORY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY UNIVERS I TY POSTGRADUATE MEOSCH CAMS RI DGE ( U. K. ) ~~ I SS ING YOUR T1:/0- PAGE ABSTRACT MOLECULAR GENET JCS OF HIGHER ORGANISMS FESS CLOS ING SESSION PLEASE A I R~-'lAIL EXPRESS FOR BOOK THANKS AL I SA DEVIR SlOCHEMISTRY TELAVIV UNIVERS I TY 817541 PO CB G OSEAGRA(\·1 4 7 LN • ' ' \q'O~ 1 ~l-~ T~ - ~ ~ european journal of biochemistry Editorial Office: Boulevard de la Constitution, 69 / 054 EJB/FEBS B . 4020 Lieg e CBelgium> • • Professor Sidney Br enner M. R. C. Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road GB-CB2- 2QH CAMBRIDGE (Angleterre ) • • Li ese , February ~th , 1980. Dear Professor Br enner, 13th FEES Meeti ng We have j ust read that you will give one of t he plenary lectures at the 13th meet ing of FEBS , in Jerusalem , next August. I wish to remind you that the European Journal of Biochemistry traditionally offers to publish the plenary lectures given at the opening and closing ceremonies of the FEBS meeting. Although there is of course no obligati on for you to accept this invitation, it would be a great pleasure and a great honour indeed if you accepted to provide us with your manuscript . It would be particularly convenient , if you could let us have your manuscript at the time of the FEBS meeting to ensure fast publication of your lecture. If you send i t after the meeting , pl ease sent i t to my personal attention. Looking f orward to the pleasure of receiving a favour able reply t o our invitat• • i• on. Your s sincerely, .. f Claude Liebecq Encl. : Instr uctions to Authors Copies : The General Secr etary, 13th FEBS Meet i ng Pr of. Goodwi n , Pr of. Yomtov , Dr I gloi CL/ ad Tel. : + 32 C4tl 42 76 44 - Cable address : Febsjournal, Liege ' European Journal of Biochemistry INSTRUCTIO S TO AUTHORS (1980) GE 1rRAL For periodicals: . Krebs. H. A. (1961) Bioche111. J. 80. 225-233. Authors should sub1nit 3 copies (preferabl) 2 on light\\eight paper) of their contribution. together \\·ith 3 copies of tables and For hoo/..s: Di;-.on. \11 . & \Vcbb. E. C. (1964) £11:y111es, 2nd cdn. pp. 565 - 567. except h alft_o~c~. figures 10 permit editorial evaluation. For figures. Longn1ans Green & Co .. London. the originals and 2 photocopies are acceptable. Only the orrg1nal ~ copy \\ill be returned to the autho rs in case of revision or rejection. I 'or 11111lti-a11tltor hooks and sy111posia: C'oncisel) \.\ ritten and carefully prepared contributions arc Innes. I. R. & Nickerson. M. ( 1965) in The Pltar111acological Basis easier to edit and lo read: they are always published faster than <~l 1'1terapeutics, 3rd edn (Goodman, L. S. & G iln1an, A .. eds) longer papers. fhis docs not justify the division of a large paper pr. 477-520. MacMillan Company, Ne•v York. into several shorter papers. For papers quoted as ' in the press'. wriucn evidence should It \VOu ld facilitate edi torial evaluation if authors would enclose be rrovidcd that the ma nuscript has been accepted and copies of' reprints of relevant preceding papers in duplicate. the typescript or page proofs should be provided for the referees. Papers 'in preparation· should be mentio ned in the text itself. in ·rypcscripts that arc not concisely \Vr illen o r do nol conforrn parentheses, as ·unpublished \VOrk'; 'personal co1n1nunications' to the conventions of the JOURNAL \viii be returned 10 the authors ~hou ld also be 1nentioncd in the text and evidence should be provided for re\ ision. /\ revised paper will bear the dates of the first and fina l that the person or persons quoted have agreed to publication of versions. If a re\ iscd paper contains a significant amount of nc\v their observations. ·Private co1nmunications' should not be n1adc niatcrial. it "ill be considered as a ne\\. paper. rublic. 1anuscripts should be t)pC\\Titten. rriple-spaced rhrouxho11r R.esponsibilit) for the accuracy of bibliographic rel'crcnccs (including References. AcknO\\ ledge1nents. Footnotes, Table~ and rest\ entirely \Vith the author(s). Legends 10 Figures) i.e. about I cm in bet\\een lines-on s heet~ on separate pages and nu1nbered in of uniform 'i1e. not larger than ISO A 4 (appr. 21 x 30 cm) \\ ith 8. Tables should be typed the order the) appear in the text. using Arabic numerals. They a margin 5-cin \\ ide on the left. ~ should be co1nprehensible \Vithout reference to the text. C'onditions specific to the particular experiments should be stated above the /\RR/\t\Gl·~1l· TT OF Tl-II:: MAi':USCRIPT tables to" hich the) refer and belo"· their headings. Units in" hich I. The jirsr page should bear: the results are expressed should appear at the top of each colunin. a) the title. concise but inforniative: Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. b) the comrletc name(s) of the author(s) '''ith first or middle forcnanie spelt out in full: 9. Figures and graphs should be nlentioncd in the text and all c) the na1ne of the laboratory \vhere the "'ork \\'as carried out. should be numbered. using Arabic nu1nerals a lso. The back of each in the language of the country of origin or in the la nguage in figure should be labelled lightly in soft pencil to sho\v the top of the which the 1nanuscript is \Vrit ten : figure, the autho r(s') na1ne(s) a nd the fij?urc nurnbcr. A brief d) a running title of not niore than 70 tellers including spaces: descriplivc legend. con1prehensi ble \Vit ho ut reference to the text. c) lhc address to •vhich correspondence (i ncluding proofs) should should be provided fo r each fi gure: conditions specific to the be sent ; particular experiment should be stated (brief captions in the figure f) the subdi vision under \\1hich the author(s) v1ish(es) the paper will help the reader); these legends should be typed in sequence at to appear in the Table of Contents (see the Table o f Co ntent ~ of the end of the manuscript, not on the figures. recent volu1nes). Original dra1ri11gs and graphs should be drawn \Vilh Indian ink in clean uniforn1 lines on Bristol board. graph paper, blue tracing 2.. ·rhc second page should list: cloth or coordinate paper. printed in light blue. Their si1c should a) a dcdication - iran) -as a footnote to the citle: rrcfcrably not exceed the size of the typed 1nanuscrip1. Good glossy b) the full ro:,tal address( es) of (all) the author(s). in the language rrints are acceptable. The labelling of all figures \vith lcllcrs. \\'Ords. or chc country. of origin;- nunierals. etc. should be left to the publisher. Therefore. let1cring c) the lisc of abbreviations (see belO\\'): 1nust not be placed on the figure. but instead on a cover sheet of d) the code nun1bcrs of enzymes 1nen1ioned in the text. preceded transparent paper or on a photo- or Xerox-cop).
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