Environmental Monitoring Report Semestral Report Project Number: 41614-035 April 2014 Period: January – June 2013 IND: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program – Tranche 3 Prepared by Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB) for the Asian Development Bank. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environmentatal Safeguard Monitorinring Report Loan No. 2800 Trancheche – III Reporting Period Januaruary, 2013 to June, 2013 Date: April 2014 Assam Powower Sector Enhanancement IInvestment Progragram Prepared by the Assamm State Electricity Board for the Asian Devevelopment Bank This environmental safeguard monitoring report is a document of the borrorower and made publicly available in accordance with AADB’s Public Communications Policy 2011 andnd the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. The views expxpressed herein do not necessarily represent ththose of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff. TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NO. ITEMS PAGE Abbreviations Executive Summary 4 1.0 Introduction 4 1.1 Brief Project Description 5 1.2 Project Progress Status and Implementation Schedule 10 A. Progress Status 10 B. Implementation Schedule for Tranche III Sub Projects 19 2.0 Compliance to National Regulations 21 3.0 Compliance to Environmental Covenants from the ADB Loan 22 Agreement 4.0 Compliance to Safeguards Management Plan 24 5.0 Safeguards Monitoring Results and Unanticipated Impacts 28 A. Environmental Monitoring Schedule: 28 B. Environmental Monitoring Parameters 28 C. Air Quality Parameters 29 D. Water Air Quality Parameters 29 E. Ambient Noise Levels 30 6.0 Implementation of Grievance Redress Mechanism and Complaints 30 Received from Stakeholders 7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 31 Annexure - 1 Summary Ambient Air Quality Results 32 Annexure - 2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB 2009 35 Annexure– 3.1 Details of Water Quality Locations (Along T/Ls) 37 Annexure– 3.2 Summary of Water Quality Results (Along T/Ls) 42 Annexure - 4 Water Quality Standards 53 Annexure - 5 Summary Noise Level Results 55 Annexure - 6 National Ambient Noise Standards 60 ANNEXURE - 7 Air, Water & Noise Monitoring Location Maps 61 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. ITEMS PAGE 1.0 Components under Tranche III 5 2.0 Details of Sub-projects under Tranche III for Sub-Station 5 2.1 Details of Sub-projects under Tranche III for 33 kV Transmission Line 7 2.2 Details of Sub-projects under Tranche III for 11 kV Transmission Line 9 3.0 Status of Environment activities in Tranche III Substations 10 3.1 Status of Environment activities in Tranche III Transmission Lines 15 4.0 Implementation Schedule for Tranche III 20 5.0 Applicable Acts and Legislations to the project 21 6.0 Environmental Covenants 22 7.0 Environmental Checklist for Tranche III 25 8.0 Environment Monitoring Schedule for Tranche III 28 9.0 Environmental Monitoring Parameters 29 2 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AEGCL Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Ltd. APDCL Assam Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. APCB Assam Pollution Control Board ASEB Assam State Electricity Board ASI Archeological Survey of India CPCB Central Pollution Control Board DC District Collector dB Decibels EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan ESMC Environmental and Social Management Cell GHG Greenhouse Gas GOA Government Of Assam GOI Government Of India GRC Grievance Redressal Mechanism IEE Initial Environmental Examination IS Indian Standard Ltd. Limited MFF Multi-Tranche Financing Facility NO2 Nitrogen dioxide PAP Project Affected Persons PM10 Particulate Matter (Size less than 10 µm) PM2.5 Particulate Matter (Size less than 2.5 µm) PMU Project Management Unit ROW Right of Way S/S Sub Station SEIA Summary Environmental Impact Assessment SIEE Summary Initial Environmental Examination SO2 Sulphur dioxide T&D Transmission and Distribution Electrical Terminology V Volt Unit of Voltage kV Kilovolt 1000 volts W Watt Unit of active power kW Kilowatt 1000 watts MW Megawatt 1000 kW MWh Megawatt hour Unit of energy VA Volt ampere Unit of apparent power MVA Million volt ampere 106 VA Transmission System 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV and/or 66 kV lines supplying (incoming & outgoing feeder) grid substations (Substation) with primary voltage of 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV, or 66 kV LILO Line – in – Line - Out 3 Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction: The Government of India (GOI) and Government of Assam (GOA) have requested Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide $200 million in loan funding via a multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) to support continued investment in the state power sector, specifically for transmission and distribution system expansion and upgrades. GOA and APDCL will be the Executing Agencies for the MFF. As a part of the reforms program, GoA has unbundled ASEB into three companies: Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL), Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) and Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL). Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (APDCL) the successor company of unbundled ASEB is the Implementing Agency (IA) for distribution system of Tranche-III of the MFF The MFF will partly finance the expansion and augmentation of the transmission and distribution (T&D) networks. The investments are necessary to: (i) facilitate increased power transfers to accommodate increased demand and economic growth; (ii) improve supply-side energy efficiency by system de-bottlenecking and reducing technical losses; (iii) reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) and other emissions via improved system efficiency; (iv) support expanded private sector participation in distribution system operations and other energy services; and (v) facilitate poverty reduction via improved electricity services and economic growth. Tranche III subproject has 29 new substations and 87 distribution lines of which 33kV lines have a length of 620.30 km and 11kV lines have a length of 307 km. The applicable Environmental Acts and Legislation are being complied along with Environmental covenants in ADB loan agreement for the project. In order to have a sustainable development in the project the emphasis on the implementation of EMP has been given top most priority. Environment and Social Cell has been constituted for closely monitoring of implementation of EMP. A grievance redressal committee has also been constituted to address the concerns of the impacted stakeholders. The Implementing Agency APDCL giving full attention towards the implementation of EMP. An environmental assessment and review framework (EARF) was prepared during Tranche I and is applicable for any investment that will be financed through the MFF which includes Tranche III. The EARF provides for the policy requirements, procedures, and institutional arrangements relevant for all the tranches. The sub project Tranche III is classified as Environment Category B based on their potential environmental impacts as indicated in ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS 2009). Following the SPS 2009 and EARF, IEE is prepared by APDCL as per ADB’s guide lines. The IEE describes the screening of potential environmental impacts due to i) project location and design ii) during construction and operation iii) proposed mitigation measures through implementation of EMP iv) public consultations and information disclosure and v) grievance redress mechanism M/s SMEC India Pvt Ltd contract No. PMU 02/2009 -10 with APDCL to provide “National Consultant Assignment for Individual National Expert for Implementation Support for Social & Environmental Activities” has been extended and contract agreement was signed on 4th of November 2011 between Project Management Unit (PMU), Assam State Electricity Board and SMEC. Hence, the revised consultancy service will end on June 30, 2014. The scope of work defined in earlier contract remains same. 4 1.1 Brief Project Description: The Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program has the following components under Tranche III Table 1.0: Components under Tranche III Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity 1. Access to power (Distribution) a) New 33/11 kV Substations No. 29 b) Associated 33 kV lines Km 620.3 c) Associated 11 kV Km 307 d) Augmentation of existing 33/11 kV Substations No. 13 e) R&M of existing 33/11 kV Substations No. 4 f) New 33 kV lines for system strengthening Km 339 2. Energy Efficiency Enhancement & Loss reduction a) HVDS (Installation of DTRs of various capacities) No. 30 b) Installation of LT ABC for commercial loss Km 60 reduction c) Installation of 11 kV ABC for commercial loss Km 10 reduction The details of Tranche III Sub-projects for sub-stations, 33kV and 11kV distribution lines are given in the below Table 2.0, Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 respectively: Table 2.0: Details of Sub-projects under Tranche III for Sub-Station SL. No. Name of the Sub-Project MVA Package No. ADB /LAZ/01 1 33/11 kV, 2x5 MVA Dhubri 10 2 33 /11 kV, 2x2.5 MVA Balajan 5 3 33 /11 kV, 2x5 MVA North Salmara 10 Total 25 MVA Package No. ADB /LAZ/02 1 33 /11 kV, 2x5 MVA Borka 10 2 33 /11 kV, 2x10 MVA Dharapur 20 3 33 /11 kV, 2x10 MVA Adabari 20 4 33 /11 kV, 2x5 MVA Hekera 10 Total 60 MVA Package No. ADB /LAZ/03 1 33 /11 kV, 2x10 MVA Jatia 20 2 33 /11 kV, 2x10 MVA Nehru Stadium 20 3 33 /11 kV, 2x2.5 MVA at Ghagrapar 5 4 33 /11 kV, 2x5 MVA Mangaldoi Ind Estate 10 Total 55 MVA Package No. ADB/CAZ/01 1 33 /11 kV, 2x2.5 MVA Bhaga 5 2 33 /11 kV, 2x5 MVA Lamajuar 10 3 33 /11 kV, 2x10 MVA Chirukandi (Rangpur) 20 Total 35 MVA Package No.
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