.. ., news OCTOBER 1965 2 NEWS .CIRCLE SABINA In this issue: -~ c V) Your editor was fortunate enough to 0 c have read Pepita Kauffman's article on ....., .\,, 0 Indian music and the dance (it will come ..., u ....., in two parts-the dance will be published c 0 in December) before she saw the Bhara­ ....., u tiya Kala Kendra's Ramlila. However, V) one thing seems certain-there will be 0 more three and four hour music-ballet ( ~ evenings ahead for you (just read Delhi ...... Datebook) and Pepita's definitive piece 0 V) should prove of inestimatable value when ~ you find yourselves uneasily eyeing a V) ....., sarod, sitar and tabla . c V> Q) There is some sad news for us this E V) month. Ruth Obee, who has done such an heroic amount of phoning, L- tel E walking and just poking about Delhi to get all the unusual items for Delhi l? 0 Datebook, is leaving for Calcutta. Her husband didn't think much of 0 the editor's suggestion of leaving her here. We will miss her. Gloria L- "'O Bailey will be taking over the column in December. You get a pre-taste tel c of her ability to nose out unusual items in this month's shopping column. Q) tel :r: Jan Marquis makes her debut as a cover artist this month and under ~ duress, since her three-year old fancies herself an artist too, and kept 0 u getting in Jan's new paint set. Didi Toulouse writes movingly about ....., ....., the volunteer work among the Tibetans and of the beauty of their moun­ I 0 tain refuge. Hildreth Schenk also wcites movingly about her dhersi-or >-.. dhersis. If you've noted some neat bits of art work and make-up of late "'O x tel w in News Circle, it's probably the work of Marion Tiger, whose arrival in Q) Telephone : 611692 Delhi was greeted with rejoicing by 0::: ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ll Sunder Magar Market c this editor. Marion is clever at CONTENTS New Delhi ever,y aspect of make-up (she even Delhi Date Book 6 I 6A Napean S~a Road used to get paid for it) and this Bombay Indian Music 8 month she has a by-line for her Picnic IO Showroom : 618888 illustrations of Hildreth's story. Phone : [ Workshop : 618888 She's also responsible for our sign­ A Portable Dhersi 12 GULSHAN ELECTRIC STORES off-the familiar rear end of a Delhi Bookmarker 14 13-A, Khan Market, New Delhi Shopping 18 SALES & REPAIR bicycle. RADIO, ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION Market Fare 24 ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & MANUFACTURERS Hair Styling Dy HANSA and Complete Beauty Care AT ANDRE 12 Sundar Nagar Phone: 618663 HOTEL AMBASSADOR NEW DELIIl'S MOST MODERN HOTEL e All Rooms have : Radio Telephone Typewriter • Refrigerato KAPUR•Dl•HATTI Vogue Beauty Salon and Curio Shops on the Premises 16-L, CONNAUGHT l'LACE Manaired by Personnel known for Service Phone No. 619461 NEW DELHl 0 I ------------------:----------------NOVEMBER. 1965 ·- 3 1966 Travel Plans ! Fabindia 1Nc. MAKE YOUR BOOKINGS NOW ... )fl.. 440 MA THUR A ROAD, JANGPURA, Preplanned Inclusive Tours or NEW DELHI Escorted Group~ TEL: 619106 * EUROPE via U .A.R., Lebanon, HOURS: 10- 6 MONDAY THUR SATURDAY Jordan, Israel, Turkey and Greece. HANDWOV EN FABR ICS FOR :­ ORIENT via Thailand, Singapore, UPHOLSTERY * Hong Kong, Taiwan & SLIPCOVERS CURTAINS Japan. * Choice to join from any po!nt between Honolulu and Athens either travelling PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS towards East or West. 440 MATHURA ROAD, JANGPURA, For full details Contact * NEW NEW DELHI •••••••••a•••••••••••••••••••• - ~0 ~ mQSt.1'tg8~_Jlotal i9r. ~ * Luxurious accom­ HOTEO . modation in 350 air­ rDul~ conditioned rooms Telex: 343 ltlTERCONTINENTRL and suites. •Cosmopolitan cuisine in 7 different res tau rants. · Indian Branches at • Health Club, Mas· sage, Sauna baths, CALCUTTA BOMBAY SRINAGAR Swimming. * Special facilities for conferences, banquets and entertainment. Also Offices* at * A complete shop­ ping arcade. Rancho Mirage, ~ ew York, Miami, Chicago, Houston, l,os Angeles, San Francisco, International Luxury-in India's Largest Hotel Seattle, Toronto, Sydney. Melbourne, Auckland, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Manila, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••JWT·O 1·34&2. Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Athens, Cologne, London. 4 NEWS CIRCLE Vol: XI No. 3 FRIENDS ELECTRIC COMPANY • FRIENDS BRASS GIFT HOUSE • 25 SUNDAR NAGAR MARKET 4 SUNDAR NAGAR MARKET TELEPHONE: 6 I 8 8 4 I news circle Varieties of Table /Floor Lamps in Brass & Copper & Brass/Copper Artware. Wrought Iron Articles . The official publication of the ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Specialists in Shades PROMPT SERVICE American Women's Club of Delhi. SILKS HANDWOVEN Editor: From Bark Rough to Shimmering Smooth Penny Parr Writers : e SAREES STOLES e Didi Toulouse Pepita Kauffman e BROCADES RAW SILKS• Leman Fotos Ruth Obee AT THE MANUFACTURER'S STORE Hildreth Schenk Gloria Bailey Banaras Art House Private Limited Artists : 13-N Connaught Circus (Opp. Scindia House) New Delhi Jan Marquis Marion Tiger Advertising : WlilLE IN Tillie Cooperman BANARAS Sue Gilhooley Circulation : STAY AT Judy Randall IBRASS and CLARl(S HOTEL Officers of the American Women's Club: ICOPPER ARTS (AIR CONDITIONED} ~ ~ RT Honorary President : WHILE IN Mrs. Chester Bowles AGRA President: Mrs. Albert Perrelli STAY AT C-83 Defence Colony - 75449 Vice-President : CLARKS SHIRAZ HOTEL Mrs. William Decker CENTRALLY AIR-CONDITIONED 8 Kautilya Marg- 35296 Recording Secretary : TO BUY THE BEST IN HANDICRAFTS, BUILDERS BRASS HARDWARES Mrs. Edward Gleed AND EXCLUSIVE ARTICLES TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME 12-A Friends Colony . 72540 PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Corresponding Secretary : Mrs. Samuel E. Bunker NARANG & co. 4 South End Lane . 6II536 17, Sunder Nagar Market, New Delhi Treasurer: WINNERS OF 4 TOP INTERNATIONAL AWARDS FROM U.S.A. Mrs. Wayne Sanford Sole Export Concessionaires : A.15 Green Park. 72386 M/s Narang Overseas Private Ltd. 16-A, Sundar Nagar Market, New Delhi EXPORTERS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Address all correspondence to Business Associates: STATE TRADING CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD: P. 0. Box 3014, New Delhi Cables: Coperco, New Delhi Phones : 618477, 619069 By appointment to : Her Majesty the Queen of Nepal Offers you everything under one roof 2-A, Alipur Road, for your Beauty perfection and protection FRANCIS Near Swiss Hotel, Delhi-6 and the Latest Hair Fashion Tel : 2 2 6 2 9 8 with that unmistakable French flair (Opening a branch in New Delhi from Paris, London, New York ~~ as early as pos:;ible) INSTITUTE DE BEAUTE NOVE MBER 1965 5 "' We Specialise in HANDWOVEN FURNISHING FABRICS, Turkish Towels, Bed Spreads, Household Linen, etc., PANDIT BROTHERS 9-F, Connaught Place, NEW DELHI-I EXTEND WARM WISHES Telephone -= 47464 TO FRIENDS & RELATIVES AT HOME AND ABROAD THROUGH "THE KING OF CARDS" BHAWNANI & SONS B - F, CONNAUGHT PLACE . NEW DELHI - Phone' 47031> . Interests Chairman Eleanor Tuesday and Friday mornings 9-12 Calendar of Activities Haney 618558) located in the small library of November 4 9:30 a.m . 2 :30 - 5 p.in. Roosevelt House Newcomers Coffee at home of Liaison Committee's "At Home" Servant's Registry: Mrs. M. Grossman Louise Spector 40 Sundar Nagar Located at Roosevelt' House 10 Ratendone Road (for information call Liaison Mon., W:ed., and Fri. 8:30 - (for information call Hospitality Committe.e Chairman Lucie Jean 11:30 a.m. Chairman Amy Harris 618763) Bourne, 618870) 70351 , ext. 345 Household Bank: Mrs. J. Shanku, November 17 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. November 9 74936 Holy Family Bridge Party The monthly meeting of the Located in the basement of 10 Ratendone Road American Women's Club of De.Jhi American Embassy will be held November 9th at 9:30 (for information call Ruth Hall- a.m. at Roosevelt House. The prog­ 47795) ram will be a pa.nel of guest speakers for RAWSILK & REPTILE SHOES co-ordinated by Miss Ruby Pernell, Novembel' 23 9:30 a.m. l\NO HANDBAGS TO MATCH Social Welfare Attache. The guest Welfare Committee Meeting at YOUR DRESSES speakers are Mrs. Bhaghawatbie home of Welfare Chairman Mohinder, General-Secretary G'l the ''KIM BROTHERS'' Y.W.C.A. of Delhi, Dr. Sindu Phadke Donna Newberry of the Delhi School of Social Work, 48 Sundar Nagar 13 /3, jorba1h Mkt., New Deihl and Dr. D. D. Chacko. There will be December 1 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. time for questions you might like to PRECIOUS STONES, EMBROIDERY ask, after which the Hospitality Com­ Christmas Bazaar at Roosevelt AND MUGHAL JEWELLERY mittee will serve refreshments. House Mo ti Jewels Palace November 16 10:30 a.m. YWCA Work Parties: call Ginny Cox A Visit to WHO Headquarters 44810 3, Sunder Nagar Market, (for information call Special Lending Libral'y: Mrs. D. Bennet NEW DELIIl • 6 NEWS CIR CLE THEATRE Df:.Lti I MUS IC OAT£ DANCE BOOK.. · EXHIBITS by Ruth Obee November in Delhi promises cool, invigorating a highly professional group, hopes to resume its day:,;, stretches of green landscape and a sun-tan colorful program of "Dance of India" in which all regulated sun. · It is clearly the time to emerge from of the major folk and classical dances are presented. the "air-conditioned bathysphere" and refresh body For particulars watch the local dailies or call 40707 · and soul by participating in a favorite sport. For (from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.). the golf enthusiast, the Delhi Golf Club offers a The / International Doll's Museum,-tentatively beautiful course where the obstacle may be as pic­ scheduled to open November 13th at 4 Mathura turesque as some antique Moghul tomb. The begin­ Road-is as enchanting as it is uniqµe. Mr. K. ner can arrange for private lessons with a pro.
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