Orissa Review * June - 2006 Siddha Mahavir Temple at Puri Ratnakar Mohapatra The temple of Siddha Mahavir is situated at a Siddha Mahavir is considered as one of the distance of about one Km to the north-east of Asta-Mahaviras of the Kshetra (Puri town).4 the Gundicha temple of Puri. This is a small On the other hand, Dr. Braja Kishore Sahu has temple dedicated to Siddha Mahavir referred that God Siddha Mahavir is one of (Hanumana). From the architectural point of the real protectors as well as controllers of the view the temple is not so important but from Kshetra.5 the religious point of view, it is one of the Architectural features of the temple : important shrines of Orissa. It is believed that Tulasi Das, the famous author of Rama Charita The temple of Siddha Mahavir consists Manasa, stayed here for sometime when he of two structures such as Vimana and visited Puri.1 On the basis of tradition, it is Jagamohana. There is an open flat mandapa further believed that Hanumana after retirement recently erected in front of the Jagamohana. from active service of Lord Rama desired to This temple is built in sand stones, which settle in this shrine.2 The kshetra of locally called as Baulamala and Kanda Purosottama is noted for the installation of Patharas. It faces to east. several Hanumana images in the late medieval (A) Vimana :- period in order to arouse the martial spirit of The Vimana of the Siddha Mahavir the local people to defend the Jagannatha temple is a Pidha Deula and its height is about temple from the repeated Muslim onslaughts.3 35 feet from the road level. It has four vertical The Ramananda Sect made arrangement for parts such as pistha, bada, gandi and mastaka. the installation of Hanumana images in this The pistha of the Vimana is 2 ½ feet in height Kshetra. Hence, there are a series of Hanumana and it is completely undecorated. The bäda of shrines noticed in the different parts of the the Vimana is panchanga type i.e. having five Kshetra of Jagannatha. fold divisions viz Pabhaga, tala jangha, The shrine of Siddha-Mahavir is an bandhana, upper jangha and baranda. The base important place, where the presiding deity is of the bada is square of 22 feet on each side. greatly revered by the local people who are All the component parts of the bada are devoid believers of the Ramayana Cult. of decorative ornamentations. The three sides Dr. Bichitrananda Mohanty opines that God central niches of the bada are housed with 69 Orissa Review * June - 2006 parsvadevata images of Yamaraja, Male deity been kept on the same pedestal as the vije (Keshari) and Devi Anjana. The upper pratima for ceremonial occasions. The Garviksha of the northern side is decorated presiding deity of the temple is very attractive with a war tour scene (a row of soldiers holding to visitors and it is the best specimen of the war implements in their hands). fine workmanship. The background slab of the The pyramidal superstructure is deity is decorated with trefoil arch; makara surmounted on the gandi of the Vimana and it heads at the base and Kirtimukha motif at the consists of 3 flat shaped pidhas. The centre of apex. This slab is also relieved with scroll each pidha is projected with jhäpa-simhas in works, flower medallions and various scenes all sides of the gandi. Small dopichha lions from the Ramayana. R.P.Mohapatra has are fixed in the corners of the kanthis or referred that the temple though of later intervening recesses between the pidhas. workmanship its presiding deity, a huge Diminutive Mahavir figures in different Hanumana image deserves special mentions 7 postures are also inserted in the kanthis between as an excellent work of Orissan art. Inner walls the pidhas of gandi. Dopichha simhas are fixed of the sanctum are completely undecorated and on the top of the Kanika pagas of gandi. Deula it is recently covered with china plates. The Charini figures are inserted in the four cardinal top of the presiding deity is surmounted by directions of the beki above rahas. They are pyramidal roof, which is supported by four acting as the supporting elements of the massive circular pillars. mastaka. The sanctum has one doorway towards The mastaka of the Vimana consists of the Jagamohana and it is devoid of decorative beki, ghanta (bell shaped member) above which ornamentations. The images of Gaja-Lakshmi there is another beki, amalaka sila, khapuri, and Navagrahas are completely absent in their kalasa, ayudha (chakra) and dhvaja. respective places. The eastern side outer wall of the Vimana ( towards the Jagamohana) is The sanctum preserves a large image of relieved with Jagannätha 'Trinity'. Mahavir (Hanumana) as the presiding deity of the temple. The image is about 6 feet in height. (B) Jagamohana or Mukhasala : He holds gada in left hand and a massive rock The Jagamohana of Siddha- Mahavir boulder (Gandha-Mardana Parvata) in right temple is a pidha deula and its height is about hand. The deity has been installed on the 30 feet from the road level. The structure of decorated masonry pedestal of 2 feet high. The the Jagamohana has four vertical parts like slab of the presiding deity is carved with a the Vimana. The pistha of the Jagamohana is series of diminutive Hanuman figures in 2½ feet in height. The base of the bada is different postures. They are locally considered rectangular and it measures 35 feet in length as the asta-mallas such as Sugriba, Jambu and 18 feet in width. There is no decorative bahana, Bali, Angada, Susena etc. These moulding in the walls of the bada. The northern figures are also believed to be the eight advisers sidewall of the Mukhasala is decorated with of Lord Rama during his expedition to Lanka some sculptural panels such as the mounted to fight against Ravana for rescue of Sita.6 A elephant scene, horse procession scene and the brass image of Hanumana (Mahavira) has also abhisheka scene of Puri king. A mounted 70 Orissa Review * June - 2006 elephant and two cavaliers are relieved in Sculptures :- marching posture in the wall. It is thickly The temple of Siddha Mahavira is covered by lime mortar. The entrance doorway partially adorned with different sculptures and wall of the Jagamohana is inserted with two scenes. The three sides central niches of the large panels depicting a Panchamukhi Ganesha bada of Vimana are housed with parsvadevata and a Sikshadana scene. images of Yamaraj, Keshari and Devi Anjana. The pyramidal superstructure surmounts The image of Yamaraja is the on the gandi of the Jagamohana and it consists parsvadevata of the southern side niche of the of three flat shaped pidhas. The centre of each Vimana. The two handed image of Lord Yama pidha is projected with a Jhapa simha on all has been installed on the plain pedestal. He is the four sides of gandi. carved in seated posture on the backside of The mastaka of the Jagamohana consists buffalo, the conventional mount. Lord Yama of Khapuri, Kalasa, Ayudha (Chakra) and displays gada in right hand and kala phasa in Dhvaja. Two jhapa simhas are projected on left hand respectively. The background slab of the deity is decorated with trefoil arch. the northern and southern sides of the kalasa respectively. Inner walls of the Jagamohana are A statue of a male figure is locally fully covered with china plates. The worshipped as Keshari noticed in the western Jagamohana has one doorway towards east. side parsvadevata niche of the bada of Vimana. The door-jambs of the Jagamohana are devoid R.P.Mohapatra has identified it as the image of decorative ornamentations. The figures of of Hanumana.8 This image is not completely Gaja-Lakshmi and Navagrahas are also designed in the form of Hanumana. The two completely absent in their respective places. handed image of Keshari has been installed on Two lions are installed on the both sides of the the decorated pedestal. He holds gada in left doorway of Jagamohana. They are acting as hand and akshamala in right hand. He is also the dvarapalas of the temple. wearing the garland of beads in his body. Six diminutive Mahavir (Hanumana) figures are (c) Natamandapa :- finely carved on the pedestal. Two female The Natamandapa of the Siddha- figures are flanked on either side of the deity. Mahavir temple is an open flat roof Mandapa, They are displaying flywhisks in their hands. which is supported by octagonal pillars. The The background slab of the deity is decorated height of the flat roof is about 15 feet from the with trefoil arch. surface of the temple complex. The ceiling of Devi Anjana is the Parsvadevata of the the flat roof is recently painted with different northern side central niche of the bada of scenes, which mostly derived from the stories Vimana. The two-armed image of Devi Anjana of Ramayana. There is a pedestal of 2½ feet has been installed on the double petalled lotus high noticed in the floor of the Natamandapa. pedestal. She holds Child (Mahavir) by her two The footprint of Lord Rama is carved on the hands. Two female figures (Sakhis) are flanked top of pedestal for worship. The Endowment on either side of the devi. The backside head Trust of the Government of Orissa has built of the devi (Anjana) is also relieved with trefoil the Natamandapa of the temple in 2000 AD. arch. All the parsvadevata images are made of 71 Orissa Review * June - 2006 black chlorite and they are also housed in the sculptural panel.
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