I a U I ,r"r C wCZE trip is4t AlIY OkNx"I"0 VOL. #LI Ii WASHIInGTOn, n. C. JULY, 1942 nO. 7 944 6s#kt4 0t" 4j m InTERnATIonCL ELECTRICAL WORKERS and OPERATORS PUBLISHED MONTHLY Q. M. &rz44 Oddat 1200oOtwh SiA4 V., .1.Aihk#, ,%. 6. Page FlontispiecC-Fourth of July Ode 330 Plight ofCo(ongress Due to lll-Ad ust rent 331 CHAT Conier'S io Picture in ELlin-al ManuI'facturing 2313 Fron, tme to. time w!e ha, e ul. Closed Sllop Misnomer for Uiion Shop - 334 nented ill this c,yln..it . on the condition Colhinni Power Trides (Council Bark s Bone Bill 335 of the press hi the U[d ted States. Now Good Elephant Club Started in Wa SI ngton a publisber. Mar shall Fielh, codn es t' 3;6 ward rThree Men With Sweeping Powers with the hopehat oopt atives 337 and labn unions will try Fraternity of AirM oilize for createto new War 338 and living rornis of jnrnalism/,' Wage Stabilization Board Now Holds Sway 340 Senator Byrd, Sub, Typifies State Feudalism 341 Mt'. Field goes on to ,Y: "The own- els of papers arc singularly Threading Tangled Maze of Synthetic Rubber 3412 hlind to America's Standard of Living (reated by Lablor the positioe and aspi rations of laborI. 343 It i, niaturl. perhap%, that their Views Pension Beneficiaries C(otinue to Mount - 344 of laior facts shouhl be colored by their England Bas Joint Production (Comdmittees 345 r{ationshiip to those facts, They acta- Editorials 346 ally see and feel .... uIde'. tand thenm Woman's Work - 348 front their own particular point of Correspondence - 350 view. And the co.s.Ietiees.f Uht In Memoriam - 364 are quIIly obvious ili the actual hn Death Claims Paid at;(; tfling of news." Price List of Supplies . 368 Local Union Official Receipts In view of the fact that Mr. Field, a 371 rich i...... in his own eight, has estab I This Journal will not be held reslpo1insible for liews expressed by correspondents. dished two Iiberal anpa... recently. PM The first of each month is the closing date; all copy must he in our hands on or befare. and 'FHE CJHI(AGO SUN, it may be taken that he speaks with knowldge. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (ChaItes 1)..Illso wites this Jieit fiternational preFidtnt. DW]f, J. BitOws, lct.er.a.irual S.e..retary, t,. M. IittsrA, 1200 15th St, N. W., Washnegion . 1). C 200 15b Si. N. ,W., Wa hi.g.L. NAI.: "III you fIst It cI, ew of the JOITR- Interi,.tional Treasurer, W. A. It..;AN, 647 NAT, yOu ifleetion abot the low ehh *f tlt Sixth Ave,, lt Ytmin. N Y. jourtralsin,. aboutat ena ks f the newspaperstviitryir PREIES31DENTS I NTIERNATIuN AL Ues, and you ty to point out that unionlst, irstd 1ist rirt ,. ]Is XECfUTIVE COUNCIL is tIe basis (tI awnK- M. PAIJF.1N, (harn~ of democracy. 49317 W I ,yWer Av., $¾}reold 1)istrit JOHN 3. P{ECAN hitgo,.IJr. "I wish to say that while overy job RTl. 424, Pelrk lquare Bhlg. lston, M s,. ,irAIst t 1MAt:,it AN AarII~Aii:,! , holti eve!ry draniotieal vie~v necessary Third Distric Wih[AI WJIHl 130 ]. 2 ith St, New V'.rk, N. Y, 2225 to make I good news story, we art fon- Rh SiwrhSt., PhihFl ;lphi., Pa, ScoId IM riel , ''. L J. [ourth ])isti< t Ait',t BINNIari 95 lBejtrami St, do PIrIk, Mas,. stantly warned ..ot I talk. No hies, Room 1517, N. I. C. Bldg., (ItvlhtrlO i Irisd I)kmrict w.M . SG, itli niO /Ieueo and Tie pliitie. So most ol Fifth District G. X. BAItUiMeC 2) [04L'I "II& Itt?1C old Bh/ Pittsburgh, PI, us have gore ahead and done our jobs 30i W¥oodwal [Indig., Bintighan/, Ala. Fuuth illtrivt ( F. PRElEl without conrment, good or bad. W, Sith Diftriht. M. J. BoyE 2025 2ld SI, N. E, Wujdhi )i gu . i. have tied to be go.d Amer,-an hit 3920 Lake Shore D Chicago,r illt]e, Fifth Ditrill IPN MANNINC Seeint]h Distrlct W. L. ]NCa{., ltu1 No WVeils St, ( hcago, Ill. zens, ard those of us ho) have all urge 31141 Laugh .o. St..Fort Wrth, 'Iexas Sixth lDistIlcr I. W. TIIACy to wiile wish to do so the worst wavy, Eddlystoi'v,Aarttcnite Eighth Dintri-i II. W. Bll *Vthueg~lo,,, , (7. so I offer the flowing utggestion: Ir{x 47 lenvtr,. 4olo. L Sce'enthl Duirk.t CIlAKLES J FiIEIIN Let's Ninth Dlitrct start a "olun, of patriotic sto- S. S ,rt fusn: 2'' 0Guerrero, st., FrIan.cc .anCaif, I*'l (Cenurtl Iolr, S n ruel4IS((, Calif gans of our own tr.de. I would like to I';izhth L~itrint IIMI 4i. II..t;. Rairoadsi,- DI y 165 Jan leg S[.. Labor Temple, start the ball rolling with this one: l:inSouth WAli St. Room 60). Chicago, Ill "'A. F. of L.. America's Faithful Labor'l" FOURTH OF JULY ODE By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL I Our fathers Fought for Liberty, They struggled long and well History of their deeds can tell But did they leave us free? ]I Are we free from vanity, Free from pride, and free from self, Free From love of power and pelf, From everything that's beggarly? III Are we Free from stubborn will, From low hate and malice small, From opinion's tyrant thrall ? Are none of us our own slaves still ? IV Are we Free to speak our thought, To be happy, and be poor, Free to enter Heaven's door To live and labor as we ougft? V Are we then made free at last From the Fear of what men say, Free to reverence Today, Free From the slavery of the Past? VI Our Fathers Fought for Liberty, They struggled long and well, History of their deeds can tell- But ourselves must set us free. THE JOURnAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS RflD OPERATORS OFFLCIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTH OF¥R$OOn ELECTRICAL WORKERS ~ ' WR IS ~. r aAn i i au t io d,.2 S 11 ± ld. WA P IfI FNw VOl.. XLI WASHINGTON, D. C., JULY, 1912 NO. 7 The RevolItionary War wat a fight for I resentation.. and the slogan "Taxation PLIGHT q CONGRESS without el.r..entai.ion is tyrnnny".o t- lioed the mailln issue as the Founding Fa tihers saw it in the prei .d from 1776 to 1781. Tie nw Constitutin of the nve republic made stre that thise two proh 21ae t 911-7cta4wted let woul.,d be lved deoio aticlly, ai they were. WVhen the Constition was written it w asbut nmtural that the very first section, Articrl 1, outlinod I powers of Representative body tim tonfire rfind, after thait, Article II lie SpakI of aeh, ouse, Mi. Sntmue[ restless in "administrative era" muLiined the powcrs of the Preshdent, an TRayburllof 'fT..as, recently journeyed elected rip e etative of the pe(ple, who toa city near the nlations ciipcital it though s t r o ITg individuals hee!ann 1 kind of Iline r of public busi- laod . a spemch. Tkc rIs The erey first bi..den of tlit sIleel h1 guard suIbject described in wIas to the eftect that "a studied effo.t to people's interest Altieli I of the C...titutiot deals with destroy the faith nindconfdhnce of the rlespiltaitoHn. Tha very rirst power very fact that A eicman people in their elected reI- new instrmetalitites have i.aI.leld hIy the Constitnliin is the power elie ito being sentativis'' is gi in g for-wa 'd. Mr,. Pa/y- Idoe.s not netessn rily ..e.. "to lay andlullect taxes, dfuies, inpasts that the ell ise ~ Ibtut'tn manifestet i lathon aId aiade a of denIocracy has been lost andl ,xehe, ," solemn ,vapriiu: I CV C I W t S, i' d(. In the tt of the rptili, fronu.928 to Inasn.u.h as d monthhis records the 1942, a ,ninntous 14 yrS, leaders arose "A greaSlt 166th any people cry out arniv ersa ry of the folild Jig nf this not unlik, ieh ]eadirs whe founded against republic, it light the ditivllcrsh[1s. There has be well to explore the republic. They, too, felt i.ssioniately that question l'l nq never been a ditat.nrship built up in of the rclationsuThp of the Con- gOV(' TII d; any WaIS Ilaying, and was des- and nulil Ithefaith and ceil- gress to othir heralhes of the Hiovern- tiLted t(o piay an ireasillg ]prt, inllthe deuce of tIe people had been de- noeut ari] to Ihe question of diniociati, daily livesoif thfe lpeolle. They, too, we-e si re) ed in the legiplative eontri1 branhd, and of Ai,,erian. inistitutons. determnined that this ]int the legislalive Ia shnulhl he bei,- branch itself had been 1776 when; th, leadels of the new eficial atil not injtir..... Theie is little nation on destroyed." the Atlantic seaboardI decided doubt that tile to take econlomllio or I.derraved in thi fateful tepi of s 1,aralon ill 1929, aid] there i, rltitdtubt that gov- The Speakel of the Iliose addresses front the mother country t his mukoP, was rnflrent all bilt tmublmd illder his rei arks to the eltie, nation and led by tho.ghtful and capable nilivduals., the mi- pact of he blow. There is IltIe doubt that speaks with atthority. NO citizen, Cali '[heywere not weak inenor wter they quarrel amateurs America went lh'orith is ,tics a stirie- with this thesis.
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