Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49352-9 — Humanitarianism in the Modern World Norbert Götz , Georgina Brewis , Steffen Werther Index More Information Index Abdulmejid I (Ottoman Sultan), 34 earmarking, 217 absence of humanitarian action, 13 Ethiopian famine relief, 133, 191–213 abuse of aid, see misappropriation of aid Irish famine relief, 149–70 academics, aid appeals by, 114 priority regimes in, 19–22 accountability of aid, 219–24, 291–4 Soviet famine relief, 170–91 Ethiopian famine relief, 266–91 American Philanthropy Abroad (Curti), 25 Irish famine relief, 224–45 Amin, Mohamed, 63, 116–18, 137 moral economy of, 221–4 AMR (American Mennonite Relief ), 189 Soviet famine relief, 245–66 Anglican Church humanitarianism, 77 ad hoc humanitarianism, 4, 24, 28, 33, 302 anonymity of aid beneficiaries, 295–6 accountability of aid in, 293–4 anti-communism, Soviet famine relief affected limitations of, 170 by, 50, 96–8, 214 Addis Ababa, 192 anti-famine contracts, 11 adoption of children, symbolic, 48, 112 ARA (American Relief Administration), 29, 51 adult feeding programmes, 180–1 child-focused charity by, 48 advertisements, use of, 116, 121 professionalisation of, 55–6 in accountability of aid, 123, 231, 263 Soviet famine relief by, 52–3, 56, 95–7, 109, criticism on costs of, 250–3 179, 265 Africa, Western conceptions of, 129, 137 accountability of, 245–50, 256–7, 261–5 Aftonbladet (newspaper, Sweden), 120 allocation of aid, 172–3, 177, 183–4 AFSC (American Friends Service Committee, conflicts with other organisations, 188–90 USA), 49 food remittance programme, 46, 113–16, Soviet famine relief by, 51, 96 173–5, 180, 183, 185, 249 conflicts with ARA, 188, 190, 248 fundraising strategies, 100–2, 105 aggression, famines resulting from, 304 medical aid, 182 agricultural machinery, as famine relief, 186–7 overhead costs, 253–4 aid workers Special Funds for the Relief of Individual expatriate Cases of Suffering, 185 in Ethiopian famine relief, 193 ARC (American Red Cross), 28, 121 in Soviet famine relief, 249–50 fundraising campaigns by, 125 on gratitude of aid beneficiaries, 262 Soviet famine relief by, 182 idealism of, 218 archives of relief organisations, 308 in-group solidarity of, 15 Article 19 (human rights organisation), local, hiring of, 246 207 on misappropriation of aid, 287 Assab (Ethiopia), 191 sexual abuse by, 167, 175, 218, 306 asymmetric power relations, between donors working conditions of, 171 and beneficiaries of aid, 222–4, aid-in-kind, see in-kind relief 300–1 airlifting of aid, for Ethiopian Famine, 191–2, attacks on aid convoys, in famine relief for 201 Tigray and Eritrea, 201 allocation of aid, 144–5 ‘Austria für Afrika’ (song), 132 decision-making on, 145–7, 213–15 authoritarian regimes, and famine, 9 342 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49352-9 — Humanitarianism in the Modern World Norbert Götz , Georgina Brewis , Steffen Werther Index More Information Index 343 Baker, George B. (ARA head of public BRA (British Relief Association), 40 relations), 253 founding of, 75 Band Aid (Trust), 59 Irish famine relief by accountability of aid by, 266, 276, 278–82, accountability of aid, 226–8, 231–2, 244 286, 290, 294 allocation of aid, 149–55 allocation of aid by, 133, 195–6, 199, fundraising campaigns, 78 211–13 Scottish famine relief by, 226 and resettlement programme, 210 Bradish, David, 127 underspending accusations, 284 Brand Aid, 136 fundraising by, 270, 283 Brandt, Willy, 199 launching of, 65 Braskén, Kasper, 113 success of, 67, 127–30, 134–6 Brauman, Rony, 286, 290 banks, role of Brewis, Georgina, 29 in Irish famine relief, 165 Bruch, Ricky, 129 Barder, Sir Brian, 135 Buerk, Michael, 63, 116–18, 137 Barnes, Julius H., 110 Bulletin de la Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Barnes, Nicoll, 104 241 Barnett, Michael, 25 Burritt, Elihu, 93 BBC television broadcasts on Ethiopian businesslike humanitarianism, 302 Famine, 116–18 criticism of, 101, 251 Belafonte, Harry, 130, 210 in Ethiopian famine relief, 276, 291 Benedict XV (pope), 48 in fundraising, 48, 60, 72 beneficiaries of aid in Soviet famine relief, 104, 142, 183, 251–2 accountability towards, 290 agency of, 309 Caffin, James Crawford, 150 anonymity of, 295–6 Calcutta, Irish Relief Fund in, 78 asymmetric power relations with donors of Callaghan, Luc, 165 aid, 222–4, 300–1 Canada direct contact with donors, 113, 262–4 Ethiopian famine relief by gratitude of, 110, 220, 295, 300 accountability of, 278 evidence in accounting reports of, 246–8, fundraising, 119, 131, 270 261–6 resettlement programme support, 205 repayment offers, 115–16 famine-related Irish emigration to, 169 use in fundraising campaigns of, 259 Irish diaspora in, 88 registration of, 217 capitalism selection of, 20–1, 184–5 and humanitarianism, 299–300 suspicions of donor motivations of, 214, rise of, 26 306 CARE, 118–19, 286 symbolic empowerment of, 73 Ethiopian famine relief by, 194, 199, 203, voices of, 245, 301, 303 281 Biafra crisis (1960s), 59–60 accountability of, 277 international relief effort for, 31 and celebrity humanitarianism, 212 origins of expressive humanitarianism in, 58 fundraising for, 125, 272, 277 bills of exchange, use for monetary donations, and resettlement programme, 209 164–5 cash donations biscuits, Oxfam, 202 versus in-kind relief, 146, 215–16, 306 Bitter Harvest (film, Gill), 118 in Irish famine relief, 153–5, 160–6 Blue Peter Appeal (UK), 133, 280 Catholic Church Boltanski, Luc, 18 Irish famine relief by, 40–3, 82–8 bookkeeping, moral, 221 accountability of, 235–44, 293 Borton, John, 309 allocation of aid, 161–3 Boston, Irish famine relief from fundraising for, 78, 80–8 accountability of, 235–8 Soviet famine relief by, 51 fundraising for, 91–2 Caulfield, Charles, 75–6 Boston Repeal Association, 90 causal contribution appeals, 69, 142 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49352-9 — Humanitarianism in the Modern World Norbert Götz , Georgina Brewis , Steffen Werther Index More Information 344 Index causes of famine, 7–9 Comic Relief, 135 Sen’s theory of, 7–14 Comité de secours pour l’Irlande (France), 41, criticism on, 10–14 88, 163 Soviet Famine of 1920s, 97 Commercial Bank, 165 targeting of relief towards, 185 committees for humanitarian aid, 33 CDAA (Churches Drought Action for Africa/ in Irish Famine, 37, 42–3 Ethiopia), 194, 201 in USA, 233 Cecil, Lord Robert, 105 in Soviet Famine, 176–7 celebrity humanitarianism, 65, 138 communication strategies in fundraising in accountability of aid, 273–4, 277, for Ethiopian famine relief, 127–36, 210–13 293–4 for Soviet famine relief, 112 in fundraising campaigns, 71, 138–41 persistence of, 306 for Soviet famine relief, 100–2 reduced impact of, 303 social media use, 305 Chanteurs sans Frontières, 131 communist relief organisations, 53 Chapin, Harry, 130 in-group solidarity appeals by, 110–13 charity, 1, 26, 298 Soviet famine relief by, 185–8 child-focused, 47–8 compassion, 17–18 Christian obligation of, 81 conditionality of, 15 consumerism in, 136, 143 obstacles to, 299 humanitarianism based on, 73 Concern Worldwide, 209 influence through use of, 141 conditionality of compassion, 15 social psychology of, 73 consortia of aid organisations, emergence of, ‘charity begins at home’ slogan, 70, 95, 139 194 charity shops, 126, 277 constraints children supply-side, 18–20 charity/aid focused on, 47–8, 216 constraints of humanitarian aid, 15 in Ethiopian famine relief, 122, 202 consumerism, in charity, 136, 143 in Irish famine relief, 232 conversion, relief conditional upon, 80 in Soviet famine relief, 97–101, 106, 112, Cork 176–7, 179–81, 186 famine relief in, 243–4 fundraising activities aimed at, 133–4 famine-related migration to, 166 images of suffering of, used in fundraising, Cork Examiner (journal), 241 30, 100 corn, as famine relief symbolic adoption of, 48, 112 in Irish Famine, 234 Chouliaraki, Lilie, 32, 307 in Soviet Famine, 179 Christian Aid, 124, 135 costs Ethiopian famine relief by of fundraising, 109, 277 and relief for Tigray and Eritrea, 198, 274 of humanitarian aid, see overhead costs, and resettlement programme, 207 accounting for Christmas, charity appeals linked to, 124 in Irish Famine, 38, 234 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), on logistics, 148 misappropriation of Ethiopian famine transaction costs, 165 relief, 287 of live saving, 5, 142, 255–6 civil war in Ethiopia countries of origin statements on relief goods, famine relief causing prolongation of, 289 247–8 silence in fundraising for Ethiopian famine CRB (Commission for Relief in Belgium), 46, relief on, 122 220 Clay, Henry, 89 CRC (Central Relief Committee, Ireland), clothing 156–7, 160 charitable donations of, 161 CRDA (Christian Relief and Development as in-kind relief, 216 Association), 61 Cold War Ethiopian famine relief by, 62, 66, 195 humanitarianism after, 31–2 rehabilitation programme, 210 humanitarianism in, 12, 59, 214 and resettlement programme, 206–7 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49352-9 — Humanitarianism in the Modern World Norbert Götz , Georgina Brewis , Steffen Werther Index More Information Index 345 credits for delivery of aid, claiming of, 216 donor-driven aid, 17, 104, 125, 254, 309 Crolly, William (Archbishop of Armagh), 162, 237 food aid, 215 CRS (Catholic Relief Services, USA), 123 donors of aid Ethiopian famine relief by, 192, 209 accountability focus on, 289, 291 fundraising for, 272 assessments of aid by, 145 Cullen, Paul, 41, 84–5,
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