ESF-REGIONAL IN BRANDENBURG www.esf-brandenburg.de Trade fair newspaper Employment Week 2006 Messezeitung Employment Week 2006 www.masgf.brandenburg.de Dear Reader, Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, With this newspaper I wish to give you community employment policy. mit dieser Zeitung möchte ich Ihnen Die vier Sieger werden für zwei Jahre some insight into the new promotional The four winners will each be sup- einen Einblick in das neue Förde- mit jeweils bis zu drei Millionen Euro instrument of regional budgets. Its ported with up to three million euros rinstrument der Regionalbudgets aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozial- most important objective is that of from the coffers of the European So- geben. Dessen wichtigstes Ziel ist fonds und des Landes Brandenburg supporting community employment cial Fund and of Land Brandenburg eine Unterstützung der kommunalen in ihrem Bemühen unterstützt, Lang- policy. in their efforts to include long-term Beschäftigungspolitik. zeitarbeitslose in Projekte der regio- Labour market policy should be unemployed persons in regional de- Arbeitsmarktpolitik sollte nämlich dort nalen Entwicklung einzubinden. strengthened in the place where it ex- velopment projects. gestärkt werden, wo sie am unmittel- erts its most direct effects, namely on To guarantee this inclusion of the barsten wirkt – vor Ort. Ich verspreche site. I expect of these regional budg- long-term unemployed and to mir von den Regionalbudgets, dass ets that even, and most especially, strengthen the responsibilities of the mit ihnen insbesondere langzeitar- long-term unemployed persons will regional decision makers, the Ministry beitslose Menschen Chancen auf receive opportunities for permanent of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Dagmar Ziegler dauerhafte Arbeit erhalten. Über den Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Mitteleinsatz können die Kommunen Health and Family, State of Brandenburg / Ministerin für Arbeit, selbst entscheiden. Soziales, Gesundheit und Familie Im Juni 2005 erhielten die Stadt Pots- des Landes Brandenburg ( MASGF) dam sowie die Landkreise Barnim, Prignitz und Spree-Neiße als Sieger eines vom Arbeitsministerium ge- starteten Wettbewerbes die Zuwen- dungsbescheide für die Regionalbud- gets. Der Wettbewerb forderte Beschäftigungskonzepte ein, die unter Einbeziehung ei- ner schnelleren Vermittlung von Langzeitarbeitslosen UNESCO biosphere reserve River Land- die regionale Entwicklung scape Elbe in Prignitz County / UNESCO festigen sollen. Das bedeutet Schiffshebewerk Niederfinow im Land- Biosphärenreservat im Landkreis Prignitz vor allem, langfristig Arbeits- kreis Barnim / Ship hoist in Niederfinow, Barnim County plätze zu sichern, neue zu work. The communities themselves schaffen und mit den verfüg- can decide on how the funds are baren Mitteln Menschen Um diese Einbindung zu gewähr- used. Family has rasch wieder in einen leisten und die Verantwortung der In June 2005, the city of Potsdam executed agreements Job zu bringen. regionalen Entscheidungsträger zu and the counties of Barnim, Prignitz on objectives with the Die Jury hatte sich stärken, hat das MASGF mit den and Spree-Neisse, which were the regional stakeholders. die Entscheidung regionalen Akteuren Zielvereinbarun- winners of a contest sponsored by These agreements nicht leicht ge- gen abgeschlossen, die ihnen in der the Labour Ministry, each received an leave them great macht, denn alle konkreten Umsetzung „vor Ort“ große official notice of a grant for their own latitude in implement- 16 Konzepte der Spielräume zugestehen. Auf diese regional budget. The contest required ing their concepts on drei kreisfreien Weise werden die Kommunen aktiv submission of employment concepts site. In this manner the Städte und in die konkrete, regionale und lokale which should solidify regional devel- communities become Ausgestaltung von Arbeitsmarktpolitik opment by including rapid placement actively involved in the einbezogen. Sie werden zu zentralen Akteuren der Beschäftigungspolitik in der Region. Auch die Europäische Union ver- folgt das bisher einzigartige Projekt der Regionalbudgets mit großem Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam / Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam of long-term unemployed persons. concrete, regional and local form This means, above all, that long-term of labour market policy. They each jobs will be secured, new ones will be become a central stakeholder of the created and people will quickly be employment policy in their region. brought back into a job with the avail- The European Union has likewise Industriedenkmal im ehemaligen Braunkohletagebau in Landkreis Spree-Neiße / able resources. been following this unique project of Industrial monument in the former brown coal open pit in Spree-Neisse County The jury had considerable trouble regional budgets with great interest. If reaching a verdict, for all 16 concepts this promotional concept proves itself 13 Landkreise sind von hoher Qua- Interesse. Brandenburg wird es ab of 3 cities not in counties and of 13 in this pilot phase, with the parallel lität. Mit diesen Konzepten liegt nun 2007 landesweit einführen, wenn sich counties are of high quality. These project evaluation turning out to be ein Erfahrungsschatz vor, der zur das Förderkonzept bewährt und eine concepts are each evidence of a positive, then it will be introduced weiteren Ausgestaltung kommunaler die Projektumsetzung begleitende treasure of experience which must throughout Land Brandenburg from Beschäftigungspolitik unbedingt ge- Evaluation positiv ausfällt. surely be used for further design of 2007 onward. nutzt werden muss. 2 MASGF REGIONAL BUDGET Strengthen Regional Development Rapid Integration of the Long-term Unemployed Regionalisation of Labour at national, regional, local and trans- • long-term unemployed men and the Hartz IV programme in Germany. that including long-term unemployed Market Policy in Local and national level” as an independent women will create structural effects At the same time, it anticipates the persons can make a positive contribu- European Contexts programme focus. which are of importance for develop- strategic approach of the EU’s new tion to achieving the regional develop- Since initiation of the Luxembourg ment in the regions, ESF Regulation. Implementation of ment objectives. At the same time, process in 1997, and especially in • the regional budget will facilitate this project model will be supported this can also improve the chances the context of the conference of the for integration into the labour market, European Council in Lisbon in 2000, especially integration of recipients of the political potentials of local and ALG II. In addition, with the help of community stakeholders and social the regional budgets in the regions, partners for employment policy which lie outside the standard promo- have been pointed out and progress tional measures of SGB II, new labour has been made in mobilising these market instruments will be developed potentials. Since then a special part and integration approaches for immi- has been played by local authorities grants will be tried out. because these, given their specific knowledge of circumstances on site, Evaluation have been judged as being at a suit- The parallel formative, i.e. accompa- able level for developing concepts nying evaluation has the following two and courses of action for labour mar- functions: ket and employment policy. Moreo- • The effectiveness of the promotional ver, avoidance of unemployment measures adopted is to be monitored and long-term unemployment is of and the results of these analyses are special importance to the communi- to serve as input into the current proc- ties in view of their responsibilities for Europe in Brandenburg: Opening of the European topic of the year at the International Building Exhibition IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land in ess in the model regions so that the promoting the economy and provid- Spree-Neisse County on 31 March 2006. Seven representatives from the embassies of Romania, Czechia, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy results achieved in the regions are as and Greece in a discussion with Clemens Appel, director of the state office of Land Brandenburg. ing welfare benefits. In some of the good as possible and EU member states, money from the • success factors are to be identified European Social Fund (ESF) have German Federal additional qualitative and quantitative by the Brandenburg State Agency so the best possible programme already been flowing for a number of Political Context effects which go beyond the statutory for Structure and Labour (LASA) in concept can be developed for intro- years to communities in the form of In addition to the amended guide- framework of promoting employment, the following ways. On the one hand duction of regional budgets in all of appropriations earmarked for special lines and agreements at EU level, • there will be a development and LASA are to support and advise the Brandenburg’s counties and cities purposes, thus facilitating flexible there have also been some radical implementation of new, innovative in- model regions on implementation, for not in counties; this programme con- and integrated on site promotion of changes in the framework conditions struments which significantly increase example with setting up systems for ception can then be incorporated in development concepts for regional at the national level in Germany. With integration into the labour market monitoring and organising exchang- the regular promotion of the coming and local levels Germany’s Fourth Law for modern and/or employability of long-term
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