www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Friday, 16 April 2021 Roodepoort Record/Northsider [email protected] Distribution: 27 00000000 Farming God’s way These gardens will alleviate food shortagesortages among the poor Thabisile Mgwali Training Coordinator, Jaap Heesterbeek,beek, garden is part of the three-day Farming [email protected] a challenge was put out for each personrson God's Way (FGW) training sessions for to train 10 other people in starting a small over 150 people that was conducted laslastt Muldersdrift — Community Ministries vegetable garden where they live. year. based in Muldersdrift has a totally “The vision is one million of thesese Over 70 cubic metres of totopsoilpsoil had to diff erent view on farming. gardens in South Africa to alleviatee be brought in and spread out over the hahardrd They are currently busy realising their the current food shortages among thehe and stony soil in order for the garden to be vision called Gardens of Faithfulness that poor. Quite a few were inspired to start started. consist of 1m x 2m gardens with four their small gardens within a week of “Farming God's Way is simply a tool 'bomb-proof' vegetables such as beans, the training, and 50 sets of seeds andnd of equipping to empower the poor to help spinach, beetroot and spring onion. seedlings were supplied to attendeeses for themselves. Farming God's Way wawass These gardens are meant for settlements this purpose. We have prepared a 60m0m originated before man was on the face where minimal space is available, and x 5m area for big and small gardenss for of the earth, when God fi rst put his ways can feed a family of four people for three training and food-growing purposes,s, in place to govern his creation and their months, after a six to 10 week growing which will be planted with all typess of interrelations with one another. God is the period. vegetables shortly, suitable for this season. master farmer who has been farming this The most recent training session was We believe that Farming God's Wayy is wawayy since the begbeginning,ginninng, and bbyy sisimplymply on Saturday, 27 March and was attended part of God's solution for Africa, wwherehere following his waways,ys, amamazingmazing solutions to by more than 55 people in line with ththee it can be turned around from being the the food security and ppovertyoverty crisis can bbee intention to train as many facilitators as begging bowl tto the revealed,” explaiexplainedined JaJaap.aap. possible. bread baskett ooff ththee The next trainitrainingng sessessionsion is oonn According to world,” saidd Jaap. Saturday, 1 May at ComCommunitymmunity The existexistingting Ministries, 69 DrDriftrift BoBoulevard,ulevard, food-produfood-productionuction Muldersdrift fromm 9amm to 1pm. The vision is one million of these gardens in South Africa Jane Ngoma busy in the vegetable garden. Jaap HeesterbeekHee helping out in the garden. EUro gourmet Bring this ad to Proudly owned German Butchery store for an extra 5% off these specials Weekly Specials - 12.04 - 18.04 Beef Mince R69.90/kg Back Bacon R25/200g pack Chicken Fillet R59.90/kg Pork Neck R79.90/kg 011 475 1465 www.eurogourmet.online 34 Kaniedood, Weltevredenpark Roodepoort, 1709 2 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Community 16 April 2021 Bringing stories to life Alice Mpholo also mean that avid readers can choose their [email protected] favourite story tellers. She explained that, “My thinking was to try and present it in a way Weltevreden Park — Every Thursday that looked like I was reading to a group of morning at 9am, librarian Gwyneth Perry children”. adjusts her camera, reaches for a book and As urban areas move to become more hosts a virtual story time for children. digital and tech savvy, screen time has rapidly Story time has been an activity that children increased among young children. Depending and parents have enjoyed at the Weltevreden on the content they consume, too much screen Park Community Library for years, but when time has been linked to bad sleeping habits, the country went into lockdown last year, tantrums, short attention spans and lack of Gwyneth took a page out of late night TV exercise. As a result book shops and libraries show hosts and connected with her young in particular, have just about become a rarity. audience online. She began the digital story How are librarians such as Gwyneth time series in April 2020 at her home because instilling a love for reading and literature in she hoped the children missed the activity as children? “I think it depends a lot on whether much as she missed them. the parents are readers themselves because if Started on the Joburg Libraries’ Facebook they are readers and they are willing to bring page, the activity garnered a strong audience their children to the libraries, then they become and soon branched out to other libraries in the more enthusiastic. Unfortunately, I think city. The books are aimed at children aged children have started to see books as ‘school from two to 10 years, although according to work’. There is not this joy of reading,” she Gwyneth the adults enjoy them just as much. said. “The videos are up to nine minutes long She advised that reading to children from because if they are too long then people will as early as six months old is a great way to run out of interest or their data will run out,” instil a strong culture of reading. She admitted she said. that she would love for the community library Gwyneth said she always tries to look at to be full of children and get back into the Shenan Cochrane and Trudy Coetzee. Photo: Supplied. diff erent upcoming themes to go with each community. The glimmer of hope is that the book. With May being Africa Month, they will number of people who log onto the Facebook Generosity makes for a sweeter Easter be reading a lot of African stories. The growth page to join the virtual story times has doubled and resulting expansion of digital story timestimes since lockdown, and reached book lovers Muldersdrift — Sunday, 4 April saw by Shenan Cochrane, have a 20-year-old across the world including community leaders of Muldersdrift together tradition of dropping Easter eggs every New Zealand, United StatesStates,, with their residents carrying out an act of Easter Sunday to show thanks to the on-dutyduty Australia and Europe. kindness to celebrate the Easter weekend in police offi cers of Muldersdrift. the good spirit of Easter tradition. “These policeman and women have to The team of generous residents handed leave their families and work through the out Easter eggs to the children at the ABSA holiday to keep our community and familieslies Camp on Sunset Drive in Muldersdrift safe. It’s important for the police membersrs before heading to the MOTHS Retirement to know that as a community with such a Cottages to distribute more Easter eggs and high violent-crime rate, that we appreciatete have a morning chat in the sunshine. all they do. It’s so important to spread someme Gateway Land Owners and Residents Easter Cheer through our community andd Association based in Muldersdrift, chaired put smiles on faces,” said Shenan. Gwyneth says she chooses books according to upcoming themes. May will highlight African stories as it is Africa Month. Scan for video Victim Support members appreciated Honeydew — Sadly, victims of crime are the police have arrived at the scene. ones who suff er the most trauma and should They are notifi ed either through the have the right to access all the services security companies or the police to go out available to them, and get all the support and assist by calming the situation and they need. giving as much support as possible. The Honeydew CPF showed their “They are dedicated to supporting victims appreciation by handing over certifi cates of crime and traumatic incidents, and we to their Victim Support team on Friday, 26 just appreciate the time and care they put in March at their monthly meeting. when dealing with these matters. The Honeydew CPF Victim Support “The CPF felt that it was necessary to headed by Hanlee Fourie is always available recognise these volunteers for the work they to support the community. do. They are available 24/ 7 and sometimes This unit was started three-odd years they are called out at 3am in the morning. ago when the need was identifi ed to go and They use their own cars and petrol,” said help victims of crime, specifi cally when an Honeydew CPF Sector 2 public relations incident has just happened, whether or not offi cer, Jon Rosenberg. Jon Rosenberg and Hanlee Fourie. Photo: Supplied. 16 April 2021 Community www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 3 A Guinness World Record in their sights Strubens Valley — Guinness According to Lethabo, to grow the distributing them in other provinces World Records has accepted the Foundation’s name and initiative, as well, and their chances of application by the locally based they had to look for a greater way of success are in the hands of all their non-profi t organisation, Mpho Ya doing so; and what other way than supporters. LethLethaboabo FouFoundationndation for ttoo mamakeke hihistorystory fforor our councountrytry anandd “N“Noo ddreamream iiss ever ttoooo bibigg anandd no tthehe longest line of be recognised globallyglobally.. eff ort of support is ever too small,” ssanitaryanitary padspads.. “This“This is our biggest mountain ssaidaid the charitable Strubens Valley SinceSince the ttoo conquer, and we are asking all resresident.ident.
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