
Annual Report 2012-2013 ġ Ḵ暞ᶨḴ⸜军Ḵ暞ᶨᶱ⸜⸜⟙ 䚖 䚖拚 Contents 䚖 拚 2! ᷣả䈏ⷓ⟙⏲ Senior Pastor’s Report 拚 C C o 5! ᷣⷕ⟙⏲!Chairman’s Report o n ! n t ! 䱌婆ḳⶍ!Cantonese Ministry t e e n ᩍ∾ศா3DVWRU’VVKDULQJ n t ⢚ㄒᕤጤဨ᭳&DQWRQHVH0LQLVWU\7HDP t s 䱝ㄒඤ❺ᕤ !&KLOGUHQ0LQLVWU\ s ᙬඤ❺ㆽ⨾㝲5DLQERZ&KLOGUHQ ’V&KRLU! 23! ㏄᪂㜝㢳ᕤ !:HOFRPHDQG&DULQJ7HDP ᓫᣎ⯅⪷ᵹᕤ:RUVKLSDQG6DFUHG0XVLF0LQLVWU\ ᅰዎᑠ⤌ᕤ )HOORZVKLSDQG6PDOO*URXS0LQLVWU\ ణ௨⌮ᅰዎ'DQLHO)HOORZVKLS ௨வᅰዎ(OLMDK)HOORZVKLS ⣙᭩வᅰዎ-RVKXD)HOORZVKLS ௨ㅙᅰዎ(QRFK)HOORZVKLS வᅰዎ1RDK)HOORZVKLS ᦶすᅰዎ0RVHV)HOORZVKLS ! ௨᪁ᖂᅰዎ(VWKHU)HOORZVKLS 29! 䓟⢓ ኳ✵ 0HQ’V)HOORZVKLS ബ㐨㒊ᕤ(YDQJHOLVP'HSDUWPHQW ⿶ഛᕤ(TXLSSLQJ0LQLVWU\ ! ! ⱥㄒᕤ!English Ministry 3DVWRU’VVKDULQJ (QJOLVK0LQLVWU\7HDP (YDQJHOLVP0LQLVWU\ :()& 3<0LQLVWU\ 6XQGD\6FKRRO %R\V%ULJDGH 0XVLF0LQLVWU\ ! 㘖忂宅ᕤ !Mandarin Ministry ᩍ∾ศா3DVWRU’VVKDULQJ ᓫᣎᕤ:RUVKLS0LQLVWU\ ⪷ᵹᕤ6DFUHG0XVLF0LQLVWU\ 彶㕘ℛ栦ḳⶍ :HOFRPHDQG&DULQJ7HDP ඤ❺᪥Ꮵ6XQGD\6FKRRO ! ! ㊬ㄒゝእᒎᕤ &URVV/DQJXDJH2XWUHDFK0LQLVWU\ 41! ⿺曺䳬!(YHUJUHHQ6HQLRUV*URXS ! ඤ❺ᵹᅬ3OD\JURXS! 42! 借⟜䵈㳚!:RUNSODFH2DVLV ㄒゝ⌜/DQJXDJH&ODVV 43! ᷺᷻䎫ḳⶍ!7DEOH7HQQLV0LQLVWU\ ℞Ṿ ᕤ !Other Ministry ᩍ᭳ⓐᒎጤဨ᭳&KXUFK'HYHORSPHQW&RPPLWWHH ᳜ᇽጤဨ᭳&KXUFK3ODQWLQJ6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHH ⶖ⁛ ḳⶍ !0LVVLRQ0LQLVWU\ ᩍ᭳ேຊ㈨※ &KXUFK+XPDQ5HVRXUFHV ⚄Ꮵ⏕ຓᏥ㔠ጤဨ᭳ 7KHRORJLFDO6WXGHQW6FKRODUVKLS&RPPLWWHH ㊬ㄒゝ㟷ᑡᖺඤ❺ᕤ &URVV/DQJXDJH &KLOGUHQ <RXWK0LQLVWU\ ≀ᴗཬ㈨イ⟶⌮3URSHUW\ ,7 ᩍ᭳㈈ົጤဨ᭳&KXUFK)LQDQFH&RPPLWWHH ! ᷣ ᷣ ả ᷣả䈏ⷓ⟙⏲ Senior Pastor’s Report ả 䈏 䈏 ⷓ ⷓ ⟙ Rev. K.S. Samuel Lui ⏪⭞倚䈏ⷓ ⟙ ⏲ ⏲ S S e e n ˬ俞䧴⍰⮵ṾᾹ婒-栀ἈᾹ⸛⬱ <䇞⾶ 斄ッㆹᾹ-栀ᷣḇ奒冒⟙䫼䣪⁽Ṣ䘬⊆劎 /! n i i o 㧋ⶖ怋Ḯㆹ-ㆹḇ䄏㧋ⶖ怋ἈᾹ /婒Ḯ忁娙 -⯙ 㚱斄忶⍣ᶨ⸜㔁㚫䘬忚⯽/⛐㬌䯉䔍 o r r ⎹ṾᾹ⏡ᶨ⎋㯋-婒-ἈᾹ⍿俾曰 /˭)䲬31;32 ⟙⏲ᶨᶳ烉! P P a .33*! ! a s s t ẍᶲᶨ㭝䘬姀庱-㗗ㆹᾹ䘬ᷣ⛐䣪⽑㳣 倂㚫Ṣ㔠烉忶⍣ᶨ㔜⸜-㔁㚫ⲯ㊄Ṣ㔠㗗䨑 t o o r ⼴䫔ᶨ⣑㘂ᶲ⎹攨⼺栗䎦䘬㗪῁婒䘬娙 /䔞 ⭂-⌣㛒㚱栗叿䘬忚㬍/劍ẍ婆妨㚫䛦Ἦ䚳- r ’ ’ s 㗪攨⼺⛐䘬⛘㕡-⚈⾽䋞⣒Ṣ -攨悥斄Ḯ /忁 劙婆➪㗗㚱ṃ⽖⡆攟-⣏㤪㗗䓙㕤⸜曺Ṣ⽆ s 㗗⼰⭡㖻䎮妋䘬-⚈䁢ṾᾹ䘬ᷣ塓⭛⎒㗗ᶱ⣑ 䫔⋩Ḵ䎕廱⇘⣏➪ⲯ㊄ /℞Ṿ㚫䛦Ṣ㔠⇯⣏ R R e ⇵䘬ḳ-⎬Ṣ悥䋞㚱检だ -ḇᶵ䞍⇵朊䘬㖍⫸ 农ᶨ㧋 /! e p p o ⤪ỽ朊⮵-㚜⾽℞Ṿ䘬䋞⣒Ṣṵᶵ伟ẹ -天⮯ 忁㧋䚳Ἦ-ㆹᾹ⛐柀Ṣ㬠ᷣᶲ䘬䅙婈ṵ枰ᶵ o r r t 嶇晐俞䧴䘬Ṣ㈻↢Ἦ⮑⓷-䓂军㚱⎗傥⮯ṾᾹ 㕟塓㊹㖢 /ˬ劍ᶵ⁛䤷枛 -ㆹὧ㚱䤵Ḯ/ㆹ劍 t 斄⛐䚋䈊䫱䫱 /! 䓀⽫ἄ忁ḳ-⯙㚱岆岄 <劍ᶵ䓀⽫/屔ả⌣ ⯙⛐忁樂⿸䘬㘂ᶲ-⽑㳣䘬ᷣ⾥䃞⛐Ṿ 䴻妿ẀㆹḮ /˭)㜿⇵!:;27.28*! Ᾱᷕ攻↢䎦-᷎ᶼ䓐ᶨ⎍䋞⣒Ṣⷠ䓐䘬⓷⬱婆 ! ⎹ṾᾹ婒娙烉ˬ栀ἈᾹ⸛⬱ /˭忁㗗ỽ䫱⣏䘬 ⺢➪冯㢵➪烉忶⍣ᶨ⸜䓐Ḯᶵ⮹㗪攻妶婾ˬ ⬱ㄘ橼層/ᷳ⼴ -ᷣ俞䧴㚜⮯ˬἧ␥˭⏑ 㔁㚫ᷕ䓟⤛ḳ⣱䘬奺刚˭-ḇ㚱℞Ṿ䷩⣂䘬 攨⼺ -᷎ᶼ嬻俾曰忚ℍṾᾹ⽫ᷕ /Ṳ⣑ -ㆹᾹ㬋 㚫⊁-㓭Ẍ⺢➪⍲㔜橼ḳⶍ妰∫䘬嶗⎹㓦䶑 - 㬋⯙㗗⁛㈧忁䤷枛䘬ἧ␥<Ḵ⋫⸜ẍἮ炗忁㗗 䚤㛃ᶳ⸜⹎⎗ẍ⿍崟䚜徥/⎗╄䘬㗗 -㔁㚫㰢 ᶵ嬲䘬ἧ␥-ḇ㗗㔁㚫⬀⛐䘬シ佑 .天⭋㎂恋! ⭂㕤 Fbtuxppe0Nbstgjfme⋨攳姕↮➪-᷎⥼ ⎔ㆹᾹ↢湹㘿 -ℍ⣯⥁㖶侭䘬伶⽟ /) ⼤⇵ 3; ả娡⬱䈏ⷓ䘤⯽㬌俾ⶍ<䚖⇵ṵ⛐⇅㬍䯴 :*! ⁁ᷕ -䚤㛃⎗㕤㖶⸜⇅句⮎倂㚫⛘溆-⡆姕䤷 ἄ䁢䤆䘬㔁㚫 -曰䤷➪⛐忶⍣Ḵ⋩Ḽ⸜ 枛䘬䅰⎘ -嬻⺋⣏㛒ᾉ䥦⟜⎗ẍ⍲㖑㓞√/! -ᶨ䚜㊩⬰恋⽆ᶲ侴Ἦ䘬ἧ␥ -⣂⮹䈏侭 -攟➟ ! ⍲⻇⃬⥲⥡-㈧⃰⓻⼴ -䁢䤆䘬⚳⹎㏞㓹⣙ 㔁䈏⎴ⶍ烉デ嫅ᷣ岄䴎㔁㚫⾈⽫䘬㔁䈏 -Ṿ ╒曰櫪Ẁᶲ⼰⣏䘬≒≃/㓭㬌 -⻇⃬⥲⥡ -嬻ㆹ Ᾱ悥䁢䈏梲佋伲侴䪕䚉⽫≃ -忁ḇ㷃庽Ḯㆹ Ᾱᶵ天⾀姀ᷣ俞䧴䘬㔁妻⏑ -䧵㤝⛐㛔⛘ ḳ⣱䘬㑼⫸/晾䃞⛐Ṳ⸜Ḽ㚰ἁ⣏Ⲙ⁛忻⚈ ˣ惘役⍲怈㕡⺋⁛䤷枛-䚜⇘ᷣ㥖侨䘬ℵ冐/! 忚ᾖ侴婳录 -Ẍ䱝婆➪⛐㔁䈏Ṣ⒉ᶲ㭼庫䵲 忶⍣ᶨ⸜㗗㚱⼰⣂ῤ⼿デ】䘬ḳね -℞ ⻝-ỮṎ⼿⇘楖䲬䐇䈏ⷓˣ㣲⣏䈏ⷓˣ㜄 ᷕ⊭㊔⛐⍣⸜⋩㚰ấ䘬Ḵ⋩Ḽ忙⸜➪ㄞ -䤆嬻 晬䈏ⷓ⍲ἁ⁛忻佑⊁斄栏悐ấḳⶍ-忁⮎ ㆹᾹ夳嫱忁㬟⎚⿏䘬㗪⇣/デ嫅䤆䘬㶙】⍂ッ ⛐㗗䤆䘬】℠ /军㕤㘖忂娙⍲劙婆㚫䛦ᶨ䚜 -ḇ⣂嫅䛦⻇⃬⥲⥡⛐ᶵ⎴Ⰼ朊䘬⍫冯㚵ḳ 㛇⼭㚱䓟⁛忻⍲⤛⁛忻≈ℍḳ⣱埴↿ -䤆ḇ -⛐ㄞ℠䯴⁁ᷕ橼䎦ᷣℏᶨ⭞䘬⛀䳸ッ⽫䘬 ㊱㗪ὃㅱㆹᾹ暨-⽆Ḽ㚰崟⼿⬳⣑䤍⁛忻 ⊆劎 /䛇䘬-ˬㆹ㊧䓂湤⟙䫼俞厗⎹ㆹ岄 ⍲湬䪡⬱⁛忻ℑỵ㑼ả悐ấ㗪攻䈏借-⡆≈ 䘬ᶨ↯⍂】烎ㆹ天冱崟㓹】䘬㜗-䧙㎂俞厗 Ḯ忁ℑ婆妨㚫䛦䘬㔁䈏Ṣㇳ/⛐㬌 -ㆹḇⶴ㛃 䘬⎵/˭)娑227;23.24*!! ⣂嫅湍ỗℐ䈏ⷓẍ栏⓷幓ấ⋼≑㚫⊁-怬㚱 ⛐㬌 -ㆹḇ⽭枰⎹昛湼攳䈏ⷓ农嫅-Ṿ ἁ⓻䄏䈏ⷓ侩侴➭⛐㘖忂娙➪䘬㓗㊩㚵 ⽆楁㷗怈崜〱⯤ᷣ柀ᶨ忋ᷚㄞ℠倂㚫<Ṿᶵ╖ ḳ-栀ᷣ两临岄䤷ℑỵ䈏侭 -幓橼 -ḳᷣ 㗗夳嫱㽛㳚㑕忻㚫ㆸ䩳䘬䈏侭 -Ṿḇ㗗ᶨ䚜䘬 ᶵ῎炰 ! Page 1 ᷣ ᷣ ! ả ả ⎴ⶍ⛀昲烉⛐㬌ㆹḇ⽭枰デ嫅➟ḳᾹ䃉䥩䘬 heart. Today, we are taking the baton of 䈏 䈏 proclaiming the Gospel; this is the ⷓ ⷓ Ẁ↢ -⛐ṾᾹⶍἄẍ⢾-怬䚜㍍⍫冯⣂枭ḳⶍ- ⟙ ⟙ unchanged mission for the past two thousand 䁢㔁㚫ḳ⊁⊆⽫⊆≃-栀ᷣ⍂岄ṾᾹッ⽫䘬⊆ ⏲ ⏲ years. This is also why the Church exists, 劎/䔞䃞怬㚱⎬婆妨ḳⶍ⥼⒉㚫ˣ嶐婆妨⢾⯽ i.e. “…you may declare the praises of him S S e e ḳⶍ䘬昲ⶍ⎬ḳⶍˣ⛀⣹ˣ⮷䳬㚵⼭䘬⻇ who called you out of darkness into his n n wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9) i i ⃬⥲⥡-ṾᾹ⾈⽫䘬ḳ⣱ḇㆸ䁢㚫䛦䘬㥄㧋/ o o Being the Church of God, in the past twenty r r 怬㚱ㆹᾹ⸦ỵ䘬⸡ḳᾹ -ṾᾹ⛐側⼴満満侽俀 five years EFCA persists to uphold this -⊆劎≇檀-䡢ᾅ㔁㚫⎬枭ḳⶍ傥⣈枮⇑⯽攳 - P P a a mission from above. All the former pastors, 忁ḇ㗗䤆岄䤷㔁㚫䘬㖶嫱 /! s s deacons, leaders and other brothers and t t ! sisters, who were before us, had done their o o r r ἄ䁢ℑ㔯ᶱ婆䘬㴟⢾厗Ṣ㔁㚫 -⛐忳ἄ⍲䈏梲 best to extend God’s Kingdom and bring the ’ ’ lost to Christ. As such, brothers and sisters, s s ᶲ䘬暋⹎㗗⎗゛侴䞍 -劍ᶵ㗗⻇⃬⥲⥡㛔䛨➢ let us not to forget about the teaching and the R R 䜋䘬ッˣ⽵侸⊭⭡ -㉮㭨⼤㬌攻䘬䇮)㔯⊾ commission that our Lord Jesus has given us, e e p p ⮎嶸ᶲ䘬ⶖ䔘*- ㆹᾹ⯙ᶵ傥ἄᾳ㥖侨➢䜋 may we spread the Good News in the local o o r r 䘬Ⱄ曰佋橼/ょ栀⼤㬌傥ẍˬッ䤆ッṢ -㥖䤆 area, in the vicinity around Sydney and to the t t 䙲Ṣ<䩳䩳Ṣ-ḳᷣ㓹Ṣ/˭ἄ䁢䘤⯽䤆⚳䘬 end of the world until He gloriously comes. ⣏⇵柴/旧Ᾱ/ There are a lot of things that worth giving thanks to God, including our celebration of 25 th Anniversary in last October, how < < < wonderful that we could witness this historical moment of our Church. Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Throughout the whole event, many brothers Father has sent me, I am sending you." And and sisters participated actively in different with that he breathed on them and said, levels, we could really feel the oneness of "Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22) God’s family and the effort and labour of our The passage that we read here is the record church people out of love. Truly as the that our Lord Jesus spoke to his disciples in Psalmist said, “How can I repay the LORD his first appearance after His resurrection. for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the The place where the disciples met was locked cup of salvation and call on the name of the because of the fear of the Jews. It is not LORD.” (Psalm 116:12-13) I would also difficult for us to understand because it was like to take this opportunity to thank our only after three days that their Lord had been guest speaker from Hong Kong, Rev. crucified. Everyone was still afraid and Kenneth Chan, for his coming and sharing shock, they did not know what they should messages in various occasions. Rev. Chan do in the future days, they were even more was not only the one who witnessed the birth worried about the Jews as to whether they of the Evangelical Free Church of Australia, would continue persecuting those who throughout the past many years he kept followed Christ, and would the followers of caring for our development, may God richly Christ be put into the jail. reward His faithful servant for his labouring. It was in this trembling night that the Regarding the development of our Church in resurrected Lord suddenly appeared to them, the past one year, here is my brief report as and He used a familiar phrase “Peace be with follow: you (Shalom)” to say to the disciples. What 1. Church Attendance – in the past a comforting word and caring gesture from financial year, our attendance across the three our Lord! After that, Jesus commissioned to congregations had some progress but not the disciples and he also breathed on them significantly grow in number. The main and the Holy Spirit was bestowed in their growth came from the English side where Page 2 ᷣ some new comers had joined our Service, recruited as our part-time pastoral staff in ᷣ ả ả 䈏 coupled with the people who had finished their the Mandarin congregation and the English 䈏 ⷓ HSC and now staying in our Adult English congregation respectively. ⷓ ⟙ congregation. Other language congregations did ⟙ ⏲ I would also like to take this opportunity ⏲ not experience much growth but just steady in tothank Rev. Joshua Mak as our advisory S attendance, this alarming fact should not be S e pastor and Rev. K.C. Yue for his e n taken lightly. May God give us the zeal of continuous support in our Mandarin n i evangelism so that we can be fanned with flame i o ministry. May God give this two retired o r in reaching out to the lost. As the apostle Paul pastors good health and they can serve God r testified to us, “Yet when I preach the gospel, I even stronger. P cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe P a 4. Ministry Teams – First of all, I give a s to me if I do not preach the gospel! If I preach s t thanks to all our deacons who despite their t o voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I o r am simply discharging the trust committed to heavy workload outside and at home, they r ’ had put their full effort in taking parts in ’ s me. (1 Cor. 9:16-17) s many decision makings as well as different R 2. Church Building Project and Church leadership roles of various ministries so as R e Planting - For the past one year, we spent a e p to ensure the proper running of the Church. p o considerable time discussing about the May God reward each one of them o r “Manhood and Womanhood in the church r t accordingly. Moreover, the serving of the t ministry”, in addition, there were always other three language ministry team members, the tasks that the Deacons Board needed to pay cross-language outreaching ministry attention to, as such the overall ministry planning members, various department, fellowship and the progress of Church Building Project had group and small group leaders, etc.
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