NEWS FEATURE NATURE|Vol 462|5 November 2009 Reflecting the past Unsatisfied with merely halting environmental destruction, some conservationists are trying to reconstruct ecosystems of the past. Emma Marris travels back in time with the rewilders. enced off from the modern Dutch coun- dot the periphery. It has, however, succeeded as have evolved in the thousands of years since tryside is a scene that looks more like a a conservation area; several bird species rare to megafauna extinctions. Attempting to fill gaps R. SMIT diorama in a natural-history museum Western Europe, such as the white-tailed eagle, that closed long ago with proxy animals can Fthan a typical central-European park: a have moved in. Vera says that it is also a large generate unpredictable results. “It is the differ- plain is dotted with wild herds of large mam- science experiment, designed to test his theories ence between the known and the unknown,” he mals. Empty of humans and haunted by eagles, it about how European landscapes used to look. says. Proxy animals, he suggests, could become is a vision of a distant past on some of the newest But he has struggled to keep the reserve open invasive pests, or escape their parks and cause land on Earth — the reserve was only reclaimed and lacks the funding for graduate students. trouble with local landowners, who would then from the sea in 1968. It’s called the Oostvaard- The project generates very little systematic data turn against the conservationists. Moreover, ersplassen, and the visionary behind it is Frans or scientific papers, adding to its mystique. Rubenstein worries about how the projects in Vera, a tall, greying government scientist from Europe and elsewhere are being run and says Staatsbosbeheer, the organization responsible Pleistocene parks that information about them is not being dis- for overseeing Dutch nature reserves. Vera’s isn’t the only rewilding project. Schemes seminated. “We’re not seeing the results in the Vera designed the 6,000-hectare reserve to in locales as diverse as New Zealand, Saudi Ara- peer-reviewed literature.” Without anything replicate Europe’s prehistoric past. That has bia and the Russian Far East aim to do more being published, he says, rewilders can’t dispel meant ‘rewilding’ the area, populating it with than hold the line against further environmen- worries about the consequences of such proxy the kinds of creature that lived there many tal destruction (see ‘Lost landscapes’). They are introductions. thousands of years ago. That some of these attempting to recreate the ecological workings Vera says that the complaint has merit, but creatures — including wild horses called tar- of previous eras, often those of the Pleistocene that the project doesn’t have enough money pans, and aurochs, wild ancestors of modern from 2 million to 10,000 years ago. Advocates or personnel to monitor and publish on the cattle — are extinct, was not enough to stop for Pleistocene rewilding would restore, if they wildlife in the reserve. William Sutherland, an Vera. In the 1980s, he went shopping for sub- could, the age when nature lived wild and large, ecologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, stitutes. He acquired Konik horses, believed to when mastodons, sloths and three-tonne wom- with a special interest in documenting conser- be descendants of wild Tarpans, from Poland. bats heaved their bulk around Earth, and preda- vation experiments, says that it’s a common, For the aurochs, he substituted Heck cattle, a tors were big, fast and ubiquitous. Because many frustrating occurrence. “It is as if you can only line developed by two German brothers in the of the fauna in these systems are now extinct, find out about details of a cancer treatment early twentieth century from a number of cattle the schemes often turn to proxies to fill aban- by going round the wards with the doctor,” he breeds with the intention of mimicking auroch doned roles: grazing, browsing, defecating and says. Sutherland says that Vera and other rewil- features. The herds number in the hundreds culling the herd. ders — along with many other conservation and graze alongside a red-deer population of Critics, however, say that the projects are biologists — are “too busy conserving to have about 2,000. Next, Vera would love to get his more sentiment than science. Dustin Ruben- the time to monitor and publish”. hands on some European bison and boar. stein, an ecologist at Columbia University in The only way to learn about the Oostvaard- Vera’s reasons for developing this eclectic New York, argues that placing proxy animals in ersplassen is to go there. Nestled between menagerie might not be immediately clear. It a modern landscape is not the same as turning windmills, small dairy farms, a dyke and the isn’t a tourist attraction; few people are granted back the clock, and could spell trouble1. These city of Almere, it is, above all, totally unex- entry, although viewing points for bird watchers ecosystems have changed and existing species pected: a Serengeti of sorts with vast, grassy 30 © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved 330-320-32 NNewsews FeatFeat - RRewilding.inddewilding.indd 3030 33/11/09/11/09 110:02:520:02:52 VolNATURE 462|5|Vol November 462|5 November 2009 2009 NEWS FEATURE plains where wild horses, cattle and red deer move in massive herds. Two white-tailed eagles perch near their nest, an enormous tree house of bone-white branches. Spoonbills, greylag geese, ibises and many other European bird species converge on the marshes. From the taller grass, a white and orange mist of butter- flies explodes in front of Vera’s van. And on one LOST LANDSCAPES edge of the park, an abandoned calf — its eyes Efforts to rewild from around the world. glazed, its knees wobbly — faces death. Vera watches the calf for a few moments, then reaches for his radio and calls one of the reserve’s staff members, who will come and Cherskiy, Russia kill it. Although the park is supposed to sup- Near Cherskiy, the 16,000-hectare ‘Pleistocene Park’ project attempts to recreate the Siberian ecosystem of the port nature in its raw form, the Dutch public later years of a pre-human-domination epoch. S. ZIMOV considers letting animals starve to death too In the absence of mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses, cruel to stomach, so Vera has worked out an Sergey Zimov, director of the Northeast Science Station agreement with the government that provides in Cherskiy, plans to compensate by boosting the density of surviving herbivores, including reindeer, moose and swift dispatch to sick and starving animals. stocky, heavy-maned Yakutian horses (pictured). He plans Every year, 10–20% of the large herbivores in to reintroduce musk ox, bring in Canadian bison the park die from natural causes or are killed and, eventually, install tigers from the far east of Siberia. by humans. But their corpses in turn support other animals. Vera was perhaps the only per- son not surprised to see a Eurasian black vul- ture, long absent from the area, appear in the Mahazat as-Sayd, Saudi Arabia park — although its tenure was short. It strayed In central Saudi Arabia, the Mahazat as-Sayd is outside the fence and was run over by a train. fenced off from grazing livestock. Inside its more than 200,000 hectares, reintroduced houbara bustards, The Heck cattle at the Oostvaardersplassen reem gazelle and Arabian oryx (pictured) — a could, at a pinch, be mistaken for the aurochs spiral-horned ungulate that went extinct in the wild painted in famous Palaeolithic caves at Lascaux in the 1970s — mingle with the African red-necked in southwestern France. Large-bodied and ostrich, a proxy for the extinct Arabian subspecies that once strutted here3. Native vegetation and wide-horned, they come in several colours, birds largely complete the picture of the Arabian from black to brown to beige. “For me, the Peninsula as it might have looked 2,000 years ago. LIBRARY PHOTO COUPPEY/NWRC O. point was that they not look like dairy cattle,” But wolf and cheetah predators are absent. says Vera. He wants people to see them as wild animals, and — apart from the compromise reached on mercy killings — they live a wild life, without veterinary care, supplemental Wellington, New Zealand Zealandia (formerly the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary), feeding or even ear tags. They do what comes 225 hectares in the heart of Wellington, allows naturally, and in so doing they are keeping the urbanites to experience the country more or less as it reserve grazed down and open, turning the was before people stepped ashore. A mammal-proof earth with their massive hooves and, in their fence protects many rare bird species, including some, such as the little-spotted kiwi (pictured), that had not wallows, creating depressions that fill with been seen on the mainland for many years. The water and become mini-ecosystems. scientists behind the reserve are toying with adding a few proxies as well — having the Australian Reshaping landscapes owlet-nightjar play the extinct New Zealand owlet-nightjar, for example. Scientific data are being ZEALANDIA/KARORI SANCTUARY TRUST SANCTUARY ZEALANDIA/KARORI Vera hopes that the Oostvaardersplassen will collected in reams, but peer-reviewed publication lags, help to answer a couple of scientific ques- thanks to a dearth of time and money. tions: can grazers drive ecosystem processes, and will the resultant landscapes be patchy or densely forested? Vera’s vision of Europe’s past is of a patchy landscape, what he calls a Lake Pape, Latvia “park-like landscape” in which any given area On 5,700 hectares near Lake Pape, Heck cattle, Konik horses and cycles between open grassland maintained by bison (pictured) roam in a project inspired by the Oostvaardersplas- herbivores, thorny shrubs that sneak in where sen in the Netherlands.
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