Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Abelard, Peter 2, 3, 81, 83, 108–9, ontological argument for existence “Five Ways” 7, 91, 101–4 229, 271 of God 99–101 on sacraments 111 Acts of the Apostles 27, 28 Proslogion 90, 99–101 scholasticism and 84, 85 ad fontes (“back to the sources”) 86, to study 269 Summa contra Gentiles 14, 91, 97, 115–16 Antioch 22 94–5, 102 Alexander of Hales 3 Antiochene school: Summa Theologiae 3, 6, 89, 91, 95, Alexandria 22 Bible interpretation 112–13 102, 107–8 Alexandrian school: Christological 22, 31, 47, 49–53 to study 269 Bible interpretation 112 apocatastasis (universal Arian controversy 31, 41–6, 240 Christological 22, 31, 42, 46–9, 50 restoration) 24 Apollinaris and 48 Anabaptism 126–7, 129, 151, 167–8, Apocrypha 147, 148, 153 Athanasius and 25, 29, 31, 43 169–71 Apollinarian controversy 31, 46–9 Origen and 24 Andrewes, Lancelot 17 Apollinaris of Laodicea 31, 47, 48, 271 Aristotle 12, 89, 91, 94, 95, 104, Anglicanism 126–7, 129–30, 193 apologetics 18, 41, 94, 186, 197, 252 131, 164 anonymous Christians 264, 265 Apostles’ Creed 6, 29, 30, 30, 150 Arius 31, 43–5, 271–2 Anselm of Canterbury 12–13, 90, apostolic church 171, 173 Arnold, Matthew 189, 190 227, 271 apostolic era 117 assumption model 50, 53 Cur Deus homo 90, 106 appropriation, doctrine of 55, 56 astronomy: and theology 177–81 on devil 105–6 Aquinas, Thomas 2, 14, 83, 90–1, Athanasius 1, 11, 32, 44–6, 272 on doctrine of satisfactionCOPYRIGHTED of 102, 132, 194, 271 MATERIALArian controversy 25, 29, 31, 43 Christ 10 on atonement 105–7 New Testament and 27 on faith and rationality 94 on divine intellect 91–2 On the Incarnation 14, 25, 87 on legal approach and death of Dominican 82, 90–1 to study 269 Christ 225 feminism and 204 atheism: moral form 13 Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought, Second Edition. Alister E. McGrath. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 297 00001530860.INDD001530860.INDD 229797 44/25/2012/25/2012 77:41:12:41:12 PPMM INDEX atonement 90, 104–9, 189 Anabaptism 129, 169–71 Word of God 149, 172–3, 176, 242, classic theory of 224 Augustine on 66 247–8 modern discussions on 199, creeds and 29 see also Bible interpretation; New 222–32 debate over infant 167–71 Testament; Vulgate translation moral theory of 185 Reformation and 150, 151, 152, Bible interpretation: theories of 186 167–71 accommodation approach 177–8, Augustine of Hippo 6, 11, 22, 25–6, Barth, Karl 7, 11, 14, 193–4, 197, 272 179–80 56, 272 on church 247–8 allegorical 24, 42, 112, 113, on church doctrine 33, 171, Church Dogmatics 6, 193–4, 200, 114, 177 174, 175 227–8, 236, 241–2 Copernican and Galilean Confessions 14 on natural theology 255–6 debate 177–81 De civitate Dei 26 particularist approach and 262 Enlightenment and 185 on doctrine of grace 26, 33–4, on Resurrection 236–7 literal approach 177, 178 67–8, 70, 71–3, 95–6, 171, 175 to study 269 in Middle Ages 112–15 Donatist controversy and 33, 64–5, on Trinity 240, 241–3, 248 postmodernism and 192 66–7 Basil of Caesarea 32, 55, 57, 58, 272 Biel, Gabriel 118, 119, 121 illuminationism and 91 Baudrillard, Jean 191 bishops 39, 63, 64, 149–50, 176 interpretation of Bible 113 Baur, F. C. 10 Black theology 202, 206–7 on justification 159 Baxter, Richard 8, 134 Boff, Leonardo 248–9 Manichaean period 10, 197 Bec abbey 81, 90 Bonaventure 3, 6, 83, 84 “On Baptism” 66–7 Bellarmine, Roberto 139, 140, 145–6, Bonino, José Miguel 232 “On Nature and Grace” 72 148–9, 248 Borg, Marcus L. 220 original sin 10, 34, 65, 70, 72, 187, Benedictine order 81 Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne 134, 181 196, 226 Berengar of Tours 7 Bradwardine, Thomas 120 patristic “sentences” 83, 93 Bernard of Clairvaux 82, 114 Bridgewater Treatises 253 on philosophy and culture 27, 76 Beza, Theodore 132, 134, 138 Browne, Sir Thomas 252 on predestination 34, 40 Bible: Brunner, Emil 255–6 Reformation and 150, 152, 155, authority of Scripture 143, 148–50 Bullinger, Heinrich 128, 148 171, 174, 175 biblical studies 4, 5 Bultmann, Rudolf 5, 216–17, 221, Roman Empire and 27 canon of Scripture 27–8, 147–8, 150 225, 235, 236, 248, 272 on sacraments 246 criticism 252 Burckhardt, Jacob 84–5 on sacrifice of Christ 222 “Fourfold Sense of Scripture” 112, Bushnell, Horace 223 to study 269 113–14 Butler, Joseph 223 Trinitarian theology 15, 26, 56, Gnosticism and 37–8 Byzantine theology 78–9, 86, 87 58–60, 61–2 liberation theology and 206 Augustinian order 82, 120–1 Old Testament 24, 54, 75, 112–13, Cabasilis, Nicolas 88 Augustinianism: 147, 257 Caliphate 79 in late medieval theology 118–23 principle of sufficiency of Calvin, John 2, 83, 126, 128–9, modern Augustinian school (schola Scripture 24 137–8, 272 Augustiniana moderna) 120, Protestant versions 147–8 on church doctrine 175–6, 247 121, 122 Renaissance humanism and Geneva Catechism 142 Aulén, Gustav 224–5, 229 115–18 Institutes of the Christian Roman Catholic version 147–8 Religion 6, 14, 122–3, 129, 132, Balthasar, Hans Urs von 7, 194–5, sola scriptura (by Scripture alone) 137–8, 144–5, 175–6 246, 249 principle 129, 140, 148, 150, 173 on justification 159, 163 baptism 65, 111 tradition and 36–41, 146–53 on Scripture 147, 148, 149, 176–9 of adults 129, 150 translation in Reformation 153 to study 269 298 00001530860.INDD001530860.INDD 229898 44/25/2012/25/2012 77:41:13:41:13 PPMM INDEX on union with Christ 231 nihilism 83–4 Cross: constitutive or illustrative 230 on voluntarism 121–3 Origen and 24, 42–3 Crossan, John Dominic 219 Calvinism 126–7, 128–9, 132–3, quest of the historical Jesus and culture 194, 197, 198 137, 231 210, 213–14, 217, 219 church history and 8, 9 Camus, Albert: The Revel 13 relation with soteriology 221 classical, and Christian faith 26–7 Cano, Melchior: Loci theologici 145 two natures of Christ 30–2 Cyprian of Carthage 20, 22, 47, 63–4, canon, fixing of: New Testament 27–8 Christus Victor 104, 106–7, 224–5 65, 273 Cappadocian fathers 22, 32, 55–6, Chubb, Thomas 223 Cyril of Alexandria 52–3, 61, 273 60–1 church: Carolingian renaissance 78, 80 analogy to robe 64 Daniélou, Jean 201, 264 Carthage 22 as charismatic community 251–2 de la Bigne, Marguerin 133 Carthage, Council of 34–5 as communion 250–1 de Lubac, Henri 246 catechisms 142–3 institutions 249–50 de Saussure, Ferdinand 191 cathedral schools of theology, rise of like sacrament 246–7 deconstruction 191 3, 80–1 as people of God 251 deification 231 “cathedrals of the mind”: scholasticism visible and invisible 176 Deism 135, 184, 185–6, 210, 252 4, 84, 95 church, doctrine of 32–3 denominations 171–2, 270 Catherine of Siena 81 20th century discussions on Derrida, Jacques 191–2 “Catholic letters” 28 245–52 devil 104–6, 224 Catholic Reformation 9, 125–7, Reformation and 141, 171–6 dialectical theology 13, 193, 200 130–1, 146 Vatican II on 249–52 Didache 28, 109 consolidation of post-Reformation church history 8 Diderot, Denis 187, 233 133–4 historical theology and 9, 11 Diet of Worms 1521: 127 Galileo condemned 179–81 ideas and 11 Diocletian 20, 32, 62 position on Bible and Cistercian order 82 divine will and intellect 91–2, 122 tradition 152–3 Cleage, Albert 206 Docetism 41 systematic theology in post- Clement of Alexandria 2, 27, 74–5, doctrinal criticism 252 Reformation period 131–3 272 Dogmengeschichte (history of see also Trent, Council of Commentaries on the Sentences 84, 91 dogma) 10, 226 Catholicism 193 communicatio idiomatum (communi- Dominican order 82, 90–1 catechisms 143 cation of attributes) 51 Donatist controversy 8, 26, 32–3, and Donatist controversy 63, 64, 65 Cone, James H. 207 62–7, 171, 174, 175 see also Catholic Reformation; confessionalization 131 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Trent, Council of; Vatican II confessions of faith 29, 131, 143–4 Karamazov 13 Chalcedon, Council of 17, 32, 78 consensus fidelium 40–1 Duns Scotius, John 6, 82, 84, 91–2, charismatics 183, 251–2 Constantine 31, 86 94, 96, 103, 122–3 Chartres cathedral 81 conversion of 20–1, 26, 170 Christ see Jesus Christ Constantinople 52, 78, 86 eastern church: Christmas 31, 46–7 fall of 85, 88 in Middle Ages and Christology 10, 32, 41, 204, 228 Constantinople, Council of 45, 48, 57 Renaissance 78–9, 86–8 Alexandrian school 22, 31, 42, consubstantiation 165 in patristic period 18, 28, 32, 55, 46–9, 50 Copernican debate 177–9 60–1, 62 Antiochene school 22, 31, 47, Council of Trent see Trent, Council of Ebeling, Gerhard 217, 218 49–53 covenant concept 119–20, 121 Ebionitism 41 Athanasius and 25, 29 Cranmer, Thomas 130 ecclesia docens/ecclesia discens Logos-Christology 41–3, 46–7, 48, creation 56, 59, 60, 72, 102, 177–9, 256 (teaching/learning church) 250 49–50, 73–6 creeds 29–30, 143, 144 ecclesiology 33, 245 299 00001530860.INDD001530860.INDD 229999 44/25/2012/25/2012 77:41:13:41:13 PPMM INDEX ecumenical councils 31–2 as trust 156 righteousness of 95, 106–7, 154, ecumenical creeds 29–30 unites believer with Christ 156 155, 156–7, 161–2 Edict of Decius 20 fallenness: of human nature 33–4, 70 suffering 10, 12–14, 52, 195, 223 Edict of Toleration 8, 20 Farley, Edward 4 theology and 1–2, 6 Edwards, Jonathan 8, 134, 139, Felix of Aptunga 62 in Trinity 54–5, 56–62 183, 269 feminism 202–4 unchangeable 12 Eliot, George 189 critique of traditional Christian as watchmaker 186, 253 Enlightenment 3, 13–19, 184, 198 theology 256–9 good works 34, 72, 119–20, 141, 162 atonement critique 223, 224, 226, filioque controversy 60–2, 79 Gospels 27, 28, 192, 214, 215, 228, 231, 232 Forsyth, P.
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