CONFERENCE/CONFERENCE Safe from fear, safe from violence Celebrating the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention A l’abri de la peur, à l’abri de la violence Célébration de l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention d’Istanbul Rome 19 September 2014 Rome, 19 septembre 2014 Camera dei deputati Aula dei Gruppi parlamentari Palazzo Montecitorio Via di Campo Marzio 78 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANT(E)S MEMBER STATES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ETATS MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE ALBANIA/ALBANIE Ms Alida Mici Ms Enkelejda BREGU Ministry of Social Affairs and Welfare Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs ANDORRA/ANDORRE Mr Josep Maria CASALS Mr Joan Carles VILLAVERDE Directeur Général de la santé et Chef du Service d'attention du bien-être social sociale primaire Ministère de la santé et du Ministère de la santé et du bien-être social bien-être social Ms Ruth MALLOL Chef du Service d'attention à l'Enfance et à la Famille Ministère de la santé et du bien-être social ARMENIA/ARMENIE Mr Sargis GHAZARYAN Ms Anahit TOVMASSIAN Ambassador of Armenia Adviser at the Embassy of Armenia Rome Rome AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE Ms Ines STILLING Director General for Women and Equality Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs AZERBAIJAN/AZERBAÏDJAN Mr Elgun SAFAROV Ms Vusala SADIQOVA Head of Department of the State Committee 3rd Secretary on Family, Women and Children Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs BELGIUM/BELGIQUE Ms Marijke WEEWAUTERS Conseillère à l’Institut pour l’Egalité des Femmes et des Hommes BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE Ms Samra FILIPOVIĆ HADŽIABDIĆ Ms Ivica SADRO Director Cabinet of the Minister for Human Rights Agency for Gender Equality and Refugees BULGARIA/BULGARIE Apologised/Excusé(e) 2 CROATIA/CROATIE Ms Sabina MOROSINI TURČINOVIČ Senior Expert Adviser Service for Children and Family Ministry of Social Policy and Youth CYPRUS/CHYPRE Ms Nicky ANDREOU Officer at the Equality Department DG Public Order, Equality and European Affairs Ministry of Justice and Public Order of the Republic CZECH REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE Ms Zuzana FISEROVA Ms Martina FILIPPIOVA General Director Legal officer International Relations Section International Cooperation Department Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice DENMARK/DANEMARK Apologised/Excusé(e) ESTONIA/ESTONIE Ms Kaire TAMM Adviser Criminal Statistics and Analysis Division Criminal Policy Department FRANCE Ms Valérie GERVAIS Conseillère pour les Affaires sociales Ambassade de France en Italie FINLAND/FINLANDE Ms Mia SPOLANDER Ms Heidi MANNS-HAATANEN Legal Officer Senior Officer Legal Services Department of Promotion of Ministry for Foreign Affairs Welfare and Health Ministry of social Affairs and Health GEORGIA/GEORGIE Mr Gocha LORDKIPANIDZE Deputy Minister of Justice GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE Appologised/Excusé(e) GREECE/GRECE Ms Dora CHATZIANGELIDI Special Adviser to the Secretary General for Gender Equality Government of Greece 3 HUNGARY/HONGRIE Appologised/Excusé(e) ICELAND/ISLANDE Ms Maria Rún BJARNADÓTTIR Senior Legal Adviser Ministry of the Interior IRELAND/IRLANDE Mr Greg HEYLIN Director, Cosc Department of Justice and Equality ITALY/ITALIE Laura BOLDRINI President of the Chamber of Deputies Andrea ORLANDO Minister of Justice Benedetto DELLA VEDOVA Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs LATVIA/LETTONIE Ms Ieva JAUNZEME State Secretary Ministry of Welfare LIECHTENSTEIN Appologised/Excusé(e) LITHUANIA/LITUANIE Mr Steponas KULBAUSKAS Chief adviser Family and Communities Department Ministry of Social Security and Labour LUXEMBOURG Ms Eva MARKUSDOTTIR Ministry for Equal Opportunities Ms Maryse FISCH Ministry for Equal Opportunities MALTA/MALTE Ms Helena DALLI Mr Silvan AGIUS Minister for Social Dialogue, Policy Coordinator (Human Rights) Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties 4 REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA/REPUBLIQUE DE MOLDOVA Ms Lilia PASCAL Head of Policies Ensuring Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence Division Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family MONACO Mr Robert FILLON Ambassador of Monaco in Italy MONTENEGRO/MONTENEGRO Mr Goran KUSEVIJA Director General in the Directorate for Social Welfare and Child Protection Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare NETHERLANDS/PAYS-BAS Ms Aafje TIEMS Ms Annelies DONNERS Senior Policy Adviser Task Force Women’s Rights Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and Gender Equality Ministry of Foreign Affairs NORWAY/NORVÈGE Ms Ingvild NÆSS STUB Ms Ingrid SCHULERUD State Secretary to the Minister for Ambassador EEA-affairs and EU-relations SEEF/Department of Europe and Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms Astrid HELLE Ms Trine JØRANLI ESKEDAL Ambassador Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative of Norway to the Council of Europe Mr Lars Sigurd VALVATNE Mr Christian GROTNES Senior Adviser Senior Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms Cathrine LOCHSTOER Senior Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs POLAND/POLOGNE Ms Katarzyna WOLSKA – WRONA Chief expert Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment PORTUGAL Ms Teresa MORAIS Ms Teresa CADAVEZ Secretary of State for Parliamentary Deputy Director Affairs and Equality Private Office of the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Equality 5 ROMANIA/ROUMANIE Ms Rovana PLUMB Ms Ioana LIANA CAZACU Minister of Labour, Family Secretary of State Social Protection and Elderly Coordinator of the Department for Equality between Women and Men Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Ms Adriana MARGARIT Ms Ivona BATALI Counselor Director of External relations Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and Elderly RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE Apologised/Excusé(e) SAN MARINO/SAINT-MARIN Ms Sylvie BOLLINI First Secretary Department of Foreign Affairs of San Marino SERBIA/ SERBIE Apologised/Excusé(e) SLOVAK REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE SLOVAQUE Mr Robert DOBROVODSKÝ General State Counsellor International Law Section Department of Legislation Ministry of Justice SLOVENIA/SLOVENIE Ms Sara SLANA Senior Adviser Equal Opportunities Department Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities SPAIN/ESPAGNE Ms Susana CAMARERO BENITEZ Ms Blanca HERNANDEZ Secrétaire d’Etat aux Service sociaux et égalité Déléguée du Gouvernement Central Apologised/Excusée contre la violence de genre Apologised/Excusée Ms Carmen PLAZA Director General for Equal Opportunities Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality Apologised/Excusée SWEDEN / SUEDE Apologised/Excusé(e) SWITZERLAND / SUISSE Apologised/Excusé(e) 6 THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA/ EX-REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE LA MACEDOINE Ms Valjbona BUNJAK Desk officer EU Department Ministry of Justice TURKEY/TURQUIE Ms Aysenur ISLAM Mr Sevim TAŞDELEN Minister of Family and Social Policy Press Adviser to the Minister Mr Ercüment IŞIK Mr Feyza BARUTÇU Head of the Department of EU and Head of the Department of Council Foreign Relations of Europe and Human Rights Ministry of Family and Social Policy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mr Mustafa ÇADIR Mr Handan SAYER Expert Expert Directorate General on the Status of Women Directorate General on the Status of Women Ministry of Family and Social Policy Ministry of Family and Social Policy Ms Sera ÖNER Mr Derya BAŞLICAN Interpreter Security Officer UKRAINE Mr. Sergii KYSLYTSIA Mr.Yevhen SHKVYRA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs First Secretary of the Embassy in Italy UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME UNI Apologised/Excusé(e) OBSERVER STATES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ETATS OBSERVATEURS DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE CANADA Apologised/Excusé(e) HOLY SEE/SAINT SIEGE Ms Flaminia GIOVANELLI Sous-secrétaire Conseil Pontifical "Justice et Paix" JAPAN/JAPON Apologised/Excusé(e) MEXICO/MEXIQUE Ms Alejandra NEGRETE MORAYTA Ms Katja CHÁVEZ LEÓN Chef de la Commission Nationale de Directrice Générale Adjointe de Prévention et Sanction de la Violence la Commission Nationale de Contre les Femmes Prévention et Sanction de la Violence contre les Femmes Mr Alejandro MARTÍNEZ PERALTA Observateur permanent adjoint Mission Permanente du Mexique auprès du Conseil de l’Europe 7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ETATS-UNIS D’AMERIQUE Ms Linda DOUGLAS Mr Matthew TOTILO COUNCIL OF EUROPE BODIES ORGANES DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS COMITE DES MINISTRES Mr Manuel JACOANGELI Chair of the Rapporteur Group on External Relations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe COUNCIL OF EUROPE COMMITTEES COMITES DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Mr Sergiy KYSLYTSYA Chairperson of the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ASSEMBLEE PARLEMENTAIRE DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Ms Anne BRASSEUR Mr Michele NICOLETTI President of the Parliamentary Assembly Chairperson of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly Mr Viorel BADEA Ms Ana BIRCHALL Romania Romania Ms Bernadette BOURZAI Ms Silvia Eloisa BONET PEROT France Andorra Ms Elena CENTEMERO Ms Ismeta DERVOZ Italy Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Tülin ERKAL KARA Ms Sabiha GAFAROVA Turkey Azerbaijan Ms Maria GIANNAKAKI Ms Snezana JONICA Greece Montenegro Ms Elvira KOVACS Ms Athina KYRIAKIDOU Serbia Cyprus Mr Guguli MAGRADZE Mr José MENDES BOTA Georgia Portugal Ms Fatiha SAIDI Ms Sonja LANGENHAECK Belgium Belgian senate Ms Maria Edera SPADONI Ms Gisela WURM Italy Austria Observer status/statut d’observateur Ms Diva Hadamira GASTELUM BAJO Mexico 8 Partners to PACE – other MPs/Partenaires de l’APCE – autres parlementaires
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