REINTERPRETING ACEH-JOHOR RELATIONS IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES IN LIGHT OF THE EARLIER RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SULTANATE OF PASAI AND THE SULTANATE OF MALACCA BY MUHAMMAD IZZUDDIN BIN SELAMAT A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Human Sciences in History and Civilization Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia FEBRUARY 2018 ABSTRACT The fall of Malacca on August 15th 1511 to the hands of the Portuguese, created a vacuum in the domination of trade and power in the Straits of Malacca during the 16th century. Three new-born powers in the region; Aceh Darussalam, Johor and the Portuguese became competitors. This research was conducted to identify the causes that brought to the conflict in Aceh-Johor relations during the 16th and 17thcenturies in light of the earlier relationship between Pasai and Malacca. The relationship between Aceh and Johor was different from that of their predecessors. They were dragged into a conflict that lasted for almost 100 years. This study analyses their policies and attitudes towards each other and sees how far they reflect continuity and changes from the previous relations between Pasai and Malacca. This study also explores the factors that led to the conflict between Aceh and Johor in the 16th and 17th centuries. Subsequent to this, the presence of the Portuguese in the region and its influence on the relationship between these two kingdoms were investigated. The continuity of Pasai-Malacca relations in the relationship between Aceh and Johor can be seen in their partnership in military alliances, cultural activities and marriage arrangements. Aceh and Johor witnessed changes in their political and economic direction in the second quarter of the 16th century. Factors that contributed to the changes were driven by political and economic rivalry, family commotion within the royal courts and the manipulation played by the Portuguese. This study on Pasai- Malacca relations contribute towards a better understanding of how the Malay- Muslims managed to unite and treat each other respectfully. The results show how a strong and united Malay-Muslim community delivered prosperity and spread the message of Islam throughout the region and how the conflict stalled the progress. Furthermore, the conflict in Aceh-Johor relations shed light on the role of the enemy of Islam in spreading hatred and creating confusion among the Malay-Muslims. ii ملخص البحث ABSTRACT IN ARABIC كان سقوط ملكا يف ١٥ أغسطس ١٥١١م، على أيدي الربتغاليني، قد أّدى إىل فراغ يف اهليمنة على التجارة والسلطة يف مضيق ملكا خلل القرن السادس عشر، وظهرت ثلث قوى حديثاً يف املنطقة وهي آتشيه دار السلم، وجوهور، والربتغال. وأجري هذا البحث لتحديد اﻷسباب اليت أّدت إىل الصراع يف علقات بني آتشيه، وجوهور خلل القرنني السادس عشر والسابع عشر وﻻستكشاف عوامله يف ضوء العلقة السابقة بني ابساي، وملكا. فإ ّن العلقة بني آتشيه، وجوهور كانت خمتلفة عن علقة أسلفهم، فإنّه قد مت جرهم إىل صراع استمر ملدة دامت مئة عام تقريبا. وحتلل هذه الدراسة سياساهتا ومواقفها جتاه بعضها بعضاً، وترى إىل أي مدى تعكس اﻻستمرارية والتغيريات اليت طرأت على العلقات السابقة بني ابساي، وملكا. يف أعقاب ذلك، مت التحقيق يف وجود الربتغاليني يف املنطقة وأثرها يف العلقة بني هاتني اململكتني. وميكن رؤية استمرارية علقات ابساي، وملكا يف العلقة بني آتشيه، وجوهور من حيث شراكتهما يف التحالفات العسكرية، واﻷنشطة الثقافية، وترتيبات الزواج. لقد شهدت مملكتا آتشيه، وجوهور تغريات يف اجتاههما السياسي واﻻقتصادي يف الربع الثاين من القرن السادس عشر. وكانت العوامل اليت سامهت يف هذه التغيريات مدفوعة ابلتنافس السياسي، واﻻقتصادي، واﻻضطراابت اﻷسرية داخل اﻷسر احلاكمة امللكية، والتلعب الذي قام به الربتغاليون. وسامهت الدراسات املتعلقة ابلعلقات بني ابساي، وملكا يف التوصل إىل فهم أفضل لكيفية متكن املسلمني املليويني من توحيد، وعلج اﻻختلفات بني بعضهم بعضاً. وأسفرت نتائج عن أنّه كيف ميكن للمسلمني املليويني اﻷقوايء املتوحدين حتقيق الرخاء، ونشر رسالة اﻹسلم يف مجيع أحناء املنطقة. وكيف أ ّن الصراع بينهم يعطل التقدم والنمو. وعلوة على ذلك، فإ ّن الصراع يف العلقات بني أتشيه، وجوهور سلط الضوء على دور أعداء اﻹسلم يف نشر الكراهية، واحلقد، وإشعال الفتنة بني املسلمني املليويني. iii APPROVAL PAGE I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion; it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Human Sciences in History and Civilization. …………………………………….. Mohd Helmi bin Mohd Sobri Supervisor …………………………………….. Arshad Islam Co-Supervisor I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Human Sciences in History and Civilization. …………………………………….. Wan Suhana binti Wan Sulong Examiner This dissertation was submitted to the Department of History and Civilization and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Human Sciences in History and Civilization. …………………………………….. Arshad Islam Head, Department of History and Civilization. This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Human Sciences in History and Civilization. …………………………………….. Mohammad Abdul Quayum Dean, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences iv DECLARATION I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigation, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions. Muhammad Izzuddin Bin Selamat Signature…………………....………. Date …….………………. v COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT AND AFFIRMATION OF FAIR USE OF UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH REINTERPRETING ACEH-JOHOR RELATIONS IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES IN LIGHT OF THE EARLIER RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SULTANATE OF PASAI AND THE SULTANATE OF MALACCA I declare that the copyright holder of this dissertation are jointly owned by the student and IIUM. Copyright © 2018 Muhammad Izzuddin Bin Selamat and International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved. No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below 1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement. 2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes. 3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieved system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries. By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM Intellectual Property Right and Commercialization policy. Affirmed by Muhammad Izzuddin Bin Selamat ……..…………………….. ……………………….. Signature Date vi DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my beloved parents vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, it is my utmost pleasure to dedicate this work to my dearest parents, Mr. Selamat Talib, Mrs. Rokiah Aziz and Mrs. Ruslah Darus for their full confidence, support and faith in me. My beloved wife, Mrs. Ros Aliaa, who granted me the gift of her unwavering belief in my ability to accomplish this goal: thank you for your support and patience. My children Hasan Mujahid and Aya Wafaa’ that always brought joy and happiness in motivating me to complete this study. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to my Acehnese brothers, Mr. Hamdani, Mr. Wahyu and Mr. Taufik for their generous hospitality during my works in Aceh, also to the members of MAPESA and CISAH who provided their time, effort and support for this project. To the members of ISMA Kuala Lumpur, thank you for sticking with me. Finally, a special appreciation to Dr. Mohd Helmi for his continuous support, encouragement and leadership for which I will forever be grateful. Also, a special thank you to Dr. Arshad Islam for his guidance and precious advice that I will always cherish. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ........................................................................................................................ ii Abstract in Arabic ........................................................................................................ iii Approval Page .............................................................................................................. iv Declaration ................................................................................................................... v Copyright ..................................................................................................................... vi Dedication .................................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................
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