THA FANTASY ANTHOLOGY INDEX .. - Sam Moskowitz EDITORS Alex Osheroff I0r Fantasy Amateur Press 2)istributiun by gam ‘-W^z^S-Jell^^ Kew jerSey0 SLAN-pPtr^.^PiON AND EXPLANATION by gam Moskowitz Tamnc; v ~$US tltle ’’Fantasy Times” was appropriated by view t-i+ipT SS1-f°r on hls news publication so I had. to get a r--on-r TT:tf ^^ograph machine;, given me as a present by James who wanted ?? hS, JevG1°FG<i to bo the property of John Ba Michel end } - * r®, a“cnabla t0 a cash offer. -George Ro Pox to t-k^Vt^n? tko nonine over and the latter decided end T h-v^ fantasy Commentator” (a commendable motive) sumo^h't bQcCW of Michel in the process but I as- crux of th < s2mc °F suitable arrangemente The no,rr t ■'r^/c.r ‘tnat I couldrMt publish oven with a title good st-rcMq ™°8rG^’ Rewriter keys were too worn to type is no question of my competence in regard to tvS't’- J ^°f '2^i^i&s s£j£c.)..-l!r.. Osheroff into _3iinc tiiu stencilo c.nd induced (an even politer term) Mro Tourrsi ?* I-tooiaoa upon 6 JSLiSXn u^srt* yn index, yet having a utility value to those ■“ _ dn t .oxm ^nem, .to those who could^t make up their minds whether to buy them o-whn5 HnJnT? ®31lc2tors ?ho wantod to check on duplication and the s J didn-t wc-nt to yank out the whole volume to check on a ’ title Thu contribution of Wo Gardner is published as a public bchloa^ri ty t tnCt l70rthy register his proper NAPA credits. God d.Lobo ^yuu (-11^ . , ■. CONTENTS f M t O t The Best of Science Fiction o • J a Adventures In Timo and Space Pago 3. The Other Worlds Pago 4® The Pocket-Book of.Science—Fiction Pago 4. Great Talcs of Terror & the Supernatural Page 5. The Grand Old Master by Thomas So Gardner/Ph.' D. Pago 6O Six Novels of the Supernatural Pago 3 Pamous Ghost Stories Page 8 Novel® of Science Pago 8 /OWCGxIINGr Sleep No More, Who Knocks, The Night S ide, The Sleeping ano the Dead , Creeps by Night, Beware After Dark,Not At Nivht, r.lho soon an issue of Pocket Book anthologies. PAGE 3 TEE BEST OP SOT^CD FICTION Edited, by Groff Conklin Crown Publishers (fb.OO) 785 pp Concerning Science fiction John W. Campbell, Jr. Introduction A--.-. , Groff Conklin Part One? arc a'tom. Solution Unsatisfactory 'Anson MacDonald The Great Jar ‘"Syndicate : 7 .. ■Frank R. Stockton The Piper’s Son ,... 'Lewis Padgett Deadline • Clove Cartmill Lobby ■■ ■ - ■ - ?....... ‘ ‘ -• •Clifford Do Simak Blowups He pp-ch ;. • ' . .■■ " Rob c r-t E c ini c in Atomic Power’- ; •. '.- . Don a o Stuart fart Two.? ano Wonders of Earth, EnllenzcrK;‘ n; ~ ~ Theodore - Sturgeon Davy J on c s 5 ’ fmba.ss a do r Raymond Z. Gallun Giant In The Earth Morrison Cello day Goldfish Bowl Anson MacDonald The Ivy Wr1 . ■ ■ . ■ . David H. Keller Liquid Li^ ‘ ■ Ralph Milne Darley fart Three: The Super science- of Lian • ■ • • .. ' A Tale oT the /fagged Mountains Edgar Julian, foe The Great Keinpl^-ts ^oeperinionc Arthur Conan Doyle The Remarkable^Case of Davidson’s Eyes H». G. Wells The Tissue-Culture King Julian Hunley . The Ultimate Catalyst J ohn'Taine The Terrible Sense ' ■ Calvin Peregoy Donald Wandrei n Soi entist-' Divi dos •t ‘ ; fart Four?Dangerous Invent ions Tricky Tonnage ..... Malcolm Jameson ■The Im ns on Screen ' ' ■ ... Arthur Leo Zagat The Ultimate Lie tai Eat gchachner Don A» Stuart Part ~fVo: Adventures in Dimension Shorih^ hit cd Probability Ncrman I: ?: Knight The SGchcha A^ van Vogt The Upper Level Road 7/arner van Lorne The 3Slid of May Raul Ernst The Monster From Nowhere Do ns 1 d ‘Jan dr c i pert Sim, From Outer Space J. First Contact Hurray. Loinst or Universes < Robert Heinlein Blind i.llcy ■ Isaac Asimov En Route to Pluto Wallace West The Rctrcs-f to Mars Cecil B. hitc Pao M&n- .Zhp Saved the Earth Austin Hall sp^vn,. o.T tiio stars Charlc s j. Di ff in The risme'Midget ... Frank Bo Longj Jr. “L.xp edition An th ony Bouch cr The'Conquest, ofjGola; , ( Lesli. P. Stone Jackdaw'- .' ■• . ’ „• , ■ ■ Ross Rocklynne PAGE 3 DVgNTURgS JW AND SPA^E^ Edit ed by 'R^aymbjR’r' if TReaTy^nS TH^ancTS H onse $2395 937 pp Introduction Healy & Lio Comas Requiem Robert A. Heinlein Forgetfulness Don "A-* Stuart Nerves Lester Del Ray The Sands of Time P6 Schuyler.Hiller The Proud Robot Lewis Padgett J Biaok Destroyer Ac Eo van Vogt Symbiotica Eric. Frank Russell,. Seeds of the Dusk Raymond Z« Gallun Heavy Planet Lee. Gregor Time Looker , Lewis Padgett The Link ‘ ' Cleve Cartmill Mechanical Mice Maurice Ae Sugi V-2; Rbeket Cargo Ship Willy tey Adam and No Eve Alfied Bester Nightfall Isaac Asimov A Matter of Size Harry Bates AS Never Whs Pc Schuyler Miller <i f U o Ro Anthony Boucher Who Goes There? DoH.Af. Stuart . , The Roads Must Roll Robert Ae'Heinlein ' ASylum Ac E. van Vbgt Quietus Ross Rocklynne The Twpnky . tewis Badget1 Timo-T^vei 'Happens t A 9 : M.^ , Phill ips'." Robot:s Return. Robert Moore Williams The B2.u§. Giraffe L<> Sprague de C; mp Flight Ixfto Darkness Webb LN rlowe. The 'Jo; pons Shop A« Eojvah Vogt Farewell to the Master Harry Bates Within the Pyramid R,..DeWitt Miller He Who Shrank Hcmjy Hasse By His Bootstraps Anson ^MacDonald . The Star Mouse Fr e dr ic ~ B r own Correspondenae Course Raymond. Fo Jones Brain So Fowler Wright •SIX NOVELS OF THE SUPERK.ARJRAl Edited .by Edward Wagfenknecht, The Viking Press1944, 883 pgs ,$2,00 Introduction Edwatd Wagenknecht Editors Preface A beleaguered City Mrs. Oliphant Editors Preface The Return Walter De La Mare Editors Preface Ths VTnite People Frances Hodgson Burnett Editors Preface The Terror Arthur Machen Editors Preface Sweet Rocket Mary Johnston Editors Preface Portrait of Jennie Robert Nathan PAGE 4 THE OTHER WORLDS 25 LIO EARN STORIEOE Tli^VprY~and imagination Edited b“PHTT^®t “ &1.00 466 pp Foreword Part I, Strange Ideas The Considerate Hosts Thorp McClusky The Man in the Black Hat Mi cha e1 Fe ss i er Naked lady Mindret lard The House of Ecstasy Ralph Milne Parley Escape Paul Ernst The Adaptive Ultimate John JeSsel The Woman in Gray Walker Ge Everett The Pipes of Pan Lester del Ray Aunt Cassie Virginia Swaim part Iio Fresh Variants Notes : A God in a Garden Theodore Sturgeon The Man Who Knew All the Answers Donald Bern Adam Linkrs Vengeance Eando Binder Truth is a Plague De.vid Wright OrBri'en The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator Mur riiy Leinster Alas, All Tn inking 5 Harry'Bates The Comedy of Eras Kelvin Kent (Kuttner) A Problem For Biographers Mindret Lord Part IIIo TIH errors” Notos Ln the Vault H. P« Lovecraft School for. the Unspeakable Manley Wade Wellman The House Whore Time Stood Still Seabury Quinn The Mystery of the last Guest John Flanders (Jean Ruy Song of the Slaves Manly Wade Wellman The Panelled Room August Derleth- The Graveyard Rats Henry Kuttncr The Return of Andrew ..Bentley August Derleth & Mark Schorer THE POCKETBOOK OF SCIENCE-FICTION '• Edited by Donal4 "A. Gollheim PockaKEboksl Inc, $a25 310 pp Introduction. Donald A, Wollheim By the Waters of Babylon Stephen Vincent Benet Moxon’s Muster Ambrose Bierce Green Thoughts John Collier • In The ^byss He Go Wells Oh c Gr g on S plo t ch c s T» So Stribling The n®st Man Wallace G» West x. Martian Odyssey Stanley Ge Woinbaum Twilight Don A.-Stuart■ Microcosmic God Theodore Sturgeon ■—And He Built., a Crooked House Robert Ao Heinlein PAGE 5 GREAT TALES W TERROR ^ND THE SUPERNATURAL Edited, by Herbert ,^a Wise and "jSiyllTs Hras'er Random House * ‘ 42 .’’95 1080 pp • ' r ' / ’ .. Introduction Introduction to the Notes • ' . ;. La Grande Bretecho Honore1 de Balzac The Black Cat ; ■ Edgar Allan Poe The Facts In The Case of Mi Valdemar 0 ’ Edgar Allan Poo. z? Terribly ■ Strange Bed .Wilkie Collins [ The Boarded‘Window •Ambrose fierce The ,.Thr,GG;- St rangers ■ < • Thoma's Hardy The Interruption W* *W4 J- ■ cobs Pollock and the Porroh Man. : H» Go Wells . The Sea Raiders \- '•Ho G. Wells'' Hrcdni Vcshtor ■ 1 ’ " ’ ■ ' ■ Saki .(H o E * Munro)... Moonlight Sonata 7 ~ -A Alexander Wo oilcott Silent Snow, Secret snow - Conrad Aiken Suspicion ... a' ■ Dorothy-Lo Sayers The Most Bangsreds & me “. ■ Richard'Connell . Deiningen Versus Thef-nts ' - Corl Stephenson The Gentleman.From-Ambf-ihh Micha.ol ‘.Arlen .A Rose fo.r' Emily .< ' . ■' William Faulkner •The Killers . C • Ernest Hemingway. Back for.. Christmas . * John Collier Taboo ’ ; a Geoffrey Household The Haunters and the Ha tinted ■ Edward Bulwci-Lytton RnppccciniJs Daughter Nathaniel. Hawtho me-. The -Trial for Murder* ’ . '- Charles Collins and a -u Charles DickcnS Green Tea . J. e Sh c ri dan. L e Fa nu W-t ?-s It? t. I : Fit z - Jl m c s 01 Br i on Sir .Ecimund Orme Henry James The Horie.. h ' . Guy de Maupassant Was It A; Dr cam? /. ..' Guy do Maupassant Tho Screaming Skull a Fo Marion Cra'wfordi. The Fumi shed, Room Ct Henry Ousting The Runes LI0 Ri James Oh, AhistlCy -and P Come To YotL* My Lud Mo Rj James Edith Wharton The Monkeyfs Paw Wo Wo Jacobs ’The’Great God Pdh . ,.. ■' Arthur Machen Bow Dove Orme To Profossor Guilder Robert Hichcns The Return of Imrdy l ' Rudyard Kipling. , . They’. • ■ - - Ru dye-.- r d Ki pl i ng Lukundoo ■' •Edward luces IHiit.c Caterpillars • Ej F* Benson Mrs? nworth .
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