VOL. 113 - NO. 40 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 2, 2009 $.30 A COPY North End Columbus Day Committee presents the Yes, it is Indoctrination by Ashley Stinnett 2009 North End Much has been debated the gold standard of educa- no bounds. over the recent video that tion on college universities America’s educational sys- COLUMBUS DAY CELEBRATION surfaced in which elemen- must harbor a far left radi- tem has struggled to find its tary school children are cal liberal curriculum. At identity for quite some time. singing praises to President least university students The struggle continues to- Banquet Barack Obama. The first ini- are of age where most can day. Like any other busi- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 tial reaction by some was formulate an independent ness, education has very that these little New Jersey thought without being com- good employees and very bad Reception @ 6:30 PM kids were learning about pletely brainwashed by the ones. But America’s educa- Dinner @ 7:00 PM American history and this far-left professor. However, tional system receives exor- -RH7HFFH·V%DOOURRP was a catchy jingle to help political indoctrination of bitant amounts of govern- North End - Boston establish a cute learning children who are too young ment funding which spills Limited Tickets - $40.00 per person environment. In fact, the to acknowledge politics, let over to teacher salaries, school’s administrators alone how education works classroom materials and pawned off the whole debacle and where the money comes new construction. In other as an experience in learn- from, is beyond sick. words, this is no time to be ing black history month. One could expect to see playing politics. OK, some may still argue this type of behavior in a If children had been ac- Parade that, but that is not the over- third world country, not here customed to this throughout all problem with what hap- at home. When did the K-12 much of history then little SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 pened. After watching the learning module include could be argued that what video a couple of times a gi- worshiping American presi- the New Jersey kids did was Begins at City Hall Plaza @ 1:00 PM ant buzzer went off signaling dents? This is unacceptable maintain the status quo. Best Viewing on Hanover & Endicott Streets in the North End something else, something regardless of political party. This was obviously much, much more dangerous. All of Once again, we are travel- much different. It was rather a sudden parents all over ing down un-chartered ter- comical to see the corrupt Join us and celebrate the discovery of America and Italian America got a brief glimpse ritory here in America. God left-wing politicos blame it American heritage with friends & family in the North End! into the future of what edu- forbid this would have hap- on those kids for making up cation will look like. Rather, pened under former Presi- the song. As if we are too the politics of education. dent George W. Bush. Can stupid to believe they Most of us are not naïve you imagine what the me- weren’t coached along the enough to think education is dia would have done with way? The American far left not, and never has been po- that? It is sad but true that News Briefs liticized. Yes, it is true that hypocrisy in America knows (Continued on Page 14) by Sal Giarratani Photos by Yancey 2009 Mayor’s Column For about a year now, I always make it a point by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston to pick up City Councilor Charlie Yancey’s constituent newsletter. His latest August Yancey Recently, good news on the economy move to Boston with assistance from 2009 newsletter had only 16 pages but an has been in short supply. But this week, LifeTech Boston. Since launching impressive 44 photos of Charlie Yancey doing this I’m thrilled to share positive news that LifeTech Boston in 2004, we’ve helped or that. Summer is going, going, gone soon will help Boston and all of Massachusetts organizations with site location, financ- enough, surely the next issue will be large and rebound from the worst economic cli- ing, workforce development, and sector have even more Yancey photos. Just wait and see. mate in years. Two major developments outreach. The initiative provides a Top Justice Slams in the Life Sciences and biotechnology single point of contact among several Deval’s Plans on Rehab Facility industries mark the continuation of a entities in the industry. trend in Boston that will help our city Eutropics moved to the Boston The state’s top district court judge blasted Gov- climb from the depths of recession and University Medical Center area and will ernor Patrick on September 11 for plans to shut- carry forward with new technologies and continue to develop small molecule ter a Bridgewater substance abuse facility. Lynda robust economic growth. therapeutics for treatment of blood can- M. Connolly, chief justice of the state’s district First, the prestigious BIO Interna- cers originally created out of the Harvard courts told Patrick his November 6 Bridgewater tional Convention, the world’s largest Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer In- closure would force judges to ignore the law. “This gathering of the biotechnology industry, stitute and the Massachusetts Institute places judges in a highly undesirable position once again will be held in Boston in 2012. of Technology. Ginkgo Bio-works re- where their only alternatives appear to be to BIO 2007 was a huge success. Not only ceived a $150,000 loan from the disregard the requirements of (the state law),” did it shine a light on our thriving bio- LifeTech Innovation Fund that helped Connolly wrote in her September 3 letter to the technology industry, but it attracted the new synthetic biology startup locate governor. more than 20,000 attendees who pro- along the South Boston waterfront. Both The present law requires involuntary com- vided an economic boon to local hotels, are forward-looking businesses on the mitment for substance abuse in secure locked restaurants and businesses; early esti- cutting-edge of technology. facilities. If Bridgewater closes, those commit- mates predict an economic impact of These and other companies choose ted for treatment will end up in public health more than $30 million dollars from the Boston because of our vast resources department programs and not secure locked fa- event three years from now. This time that will help them grow. Between cilities. Boston will share in the revenue gen- students, hospitals, healthcare institu- ACORN Falling from erated from this event because the tions, and a thriving business com- Government Money Tree meals and hotel tax will bolster our bot- munity, no city beats Boston. In fact, the The US Senate has voted to block HUD grants tom line. Milken Institute confirmed this by once from going to ACORN, a community organization Also this week, two new Life Sciences again naming Boston the number one companies, Eutropics Pharmaceuticals (Continued on Page 13) and Ginkgo Bioworks, announced their (Continued on Page 13) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 2, 2009 SOVEREIGN BANK Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Nostra Turiello Supports East Boston Main Streets A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CATACOMBS Christianity was born in diating out from the city. Judea and carried to Rome About twenty-five great cata- by St. Peter, St. Paul and combs were constructed at others. Their religion grew various locations near these out of the teachings of roads. It is estimated that Jesus Christ and his twelve the combined length of the Apostles. The shortest and tunnels in all of these cata- most simple explanation of combs was three hundred these teachings is that fifty miles, and that they they are composed of three contained about six million parts: 1. Rules of Christian deceased. Corridors were conduct; 2. Duties of Chris- generally about thirty inches tian leaders; and 3. Baptism. wide, with “loculi” (shelves) During the height of in tiers on both sides. These power in ancient Rome, underground cities of the Christian bands started dead were built from one to forming. They refused to five stories deep. The depth On Wednesday September 23, 2009 Pineda were on hand with Main Street board serve in the Roman army, never exceeded seventy feet Representatives from Sovereign Bank pre- members to accept the support. Anna and because they wor- because this would bring sented East Boston Main Streets with a DiMaria, President of East Boston Main shipped a God of their own, them below the volcanic check to support their efforts in improving Streets and Mike Moscone, Main Streets they refused to honor the crust and into the humid the community. board member thanked Sovereign Bank for emperor as one. They were clay. The stratum chosen for East Boston Main Streets received a grant their support. Special thanks to East also accused of starting a these underground laby- from its Corporate Buddy, Sovereign Bank. Boston branch employees, Lida Morales, fire which burned for about rinths was sufficiently hard Sovereign Bank has provided annual grants Christopher Stewart, Marlende St. Louis and six days, left more than a to support the weight from to East Boston Main Streets as part of its Ron Baker.
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