Patron Sponsors 全民共乐 : 我的家– 新加 园 坡 荣誉赞助 2014 ! OUR PEOPLE, OUR MUSIC 2014: Official Sponsors 赞助商 – Production Design Guinness World Records Auditor Guinness World Records Count Control Systems MY HOME 㺨㾗 㔤⭜ ⭀ㅧ㙱㖺ⰻ⭣⿆㔯⭜ ⭀ㅧ㙱⭝⿆⭜㗷ⶨ㺨㥥㟧 SINGAPORE! . PM TV Channel TV Programme Newspaper Radio Station Magazine Credit Card 28 06 2014 SAT, 7. 3 0 ♋㗍㊷☤ ♋㗍Ⱞㅅ ⌔㺟 ♋㜞 㴹㺠 㨳㱫 National Stadium, Singapore Sports Hub Guest-of-Honour 主宾: Partners Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 合作伙伴 SCO Patron 李显龙总理 新加坡华乐团赞助人 Special Thanks 特别鸣谢 Donation: Poh Tiong Choon Logistics, Sing Lun Group, Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd, Yangzheng Foundation Recording Choir: Victoria Junior College Choir Rehearsal Venues: Ai Tong School, ITE HQ and College Central Volunteers: Anne Lee, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design Music Director / Conductor 音乐总监 / 指挥 : Tsung Yeh 葉聰 Lead Percussion 打击乐领奏 : Quek Ling Kiong 郭勇德 Lead Erhu 二胡领奏 : Moses Gay 倪恩辉 Vocal 演唱 : Dick Lee 李迪文 新加坡华乐团有限公司 Singapore Chinese Orchestra Company Limited Martial Arts 武术 : Vincent Ng 翁清海 7 Shenton Way, Singapore Conference Hall, Singapore 068810 Pipa 琵琶 : Chen Xinyu 陈欣宇 email: [email protected] www.sco.com.sg www.opom.sg Board of Directors SCO Upcoming Concerts 董事局 September 2012 › September 2014 A Night with Mark O’Connor 5 Jul ㋡㴨2014 (Saturday 㨵㋜⽅ᱥ 7.30 pm 赞助人 Patron 神汇中西ᱩMark O’Connor 与新加坡华乐团 Esplanade Concert Hall 㦄⽆㥸㔶 Mr Lee Hsien Loong ⍡⦽㮿㗯㺲㨲㯞㝲 㽼 Prime Minister Conductor 㺚⪫: Tsung Yeh㏽⾞ 名誉主席 Honorary Chairmen Violin 㨏㝗㎙: Mark O’Connor 㺾Ⳃ㑯㥸㔶 Mr Chew Keng Juea Ticket Prices: $68, $48, $38/$19*, $28/$14*/$10** ⨔㮾⒧㥸㔶 Mr Robin Hu Yee Cheng 主席 Chairman SPH Gift of Music: SCO Community Concert – Tunes of Exuberance 12 Jul ㋡㴨2014 (Saturday 㨵㋜⽅ᱥ ⥖⫑㥸㔶 Mr Patrick Lee Kwok Kie 7.30pm 新加坡报业控股音乐献礼: 新加坡华乐团社区音乐会 – 喜乐满城 Yuhua Village, Hardcourt 董事 Directors 㴉⪂▋⤿⒉ 㻎㝣㗓㥸㔶 Mr Choo Thiam Siew 㺚⪫ ⥕㱪☦ 㣔㮥㥽㥸㔶 Mr Patrick Goh Conductor : Quek Ling Kiong ⧨㺠⤾⡏Ⱐ㗔 A/P Ho Chee Kong Free admission ⥕⼈⣾㥸㔶 Mr Kwee Liong Keng ⽁ⱉ㴚㥸㔶 Mr Lau Kam Yuen ⼢㑌ⴏ㥸㔶 Mr Lim Jim Koon 13 Jul ㋡㴨2014 (Sunday 㨵㋜㑓ᱥ ⼢㔕➲㨏ⰷ SPH Gift of Music: SCO Community Concert – Ms Lim Sau Hoong A National Celebration Under The Stars 8pm ⹃㝣➂㥸㔶 Mr Victor Lye Open field next to Hougang MRT 㣔㔘ⴋ㥸㔶 Mr Ng Siew Quan 新加坡报业控股音乐献礼: 新加坡华乐团社区音乐会 – station ⒱⧔㟜㥸㔶 Mr Seng Han Thong 喜乐满城星光下 ⨍⡹☼㝰㷢㈘▙␇⒉ ⒪㽳⼭ㇲ㖹 Ms Tan Choo Leng 㺚⪫ ⥕㱪☦ 㜭⤾㫕ㇲ㖹 Ms Yvonne Tham Conductor : Quek Ling Kiong Mr Till Vestring Free admission 我们的展望 SYCO Annual Concert: Musical Landscapes for All Seasons 19 Jul ㋡㴨2014 (Saturday 㨵㋜⽅ᱥ ⓞ≼䏡ᱨ⍜⳱㮥⢏☨㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹 8pm 新加坡青年华乐团年度音乐会: 春华秋乐风情画 SCO Concert Hall 我们的使命 㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㯞㝲 㱭㫱⪂ᱨⳫ㖺⤎㔉 Conductor 㺚⪫: Quek Ling Kiong, Moses Gay ⥕㱪☦ᮢㅥ✙⪬ 我们的价值观 Narrator ㈘㗰Ong Teck Lian 㠩☦⼍ 㽗㎳㽟㴣⍙㦆 ➂⪫㟹⛵ⲽ㔭 Ticket Price: $ 18 ⏥⛱╚㨰㫓㥠 Gala: A Bowed Affinity 25 & 26 Jul ㋡㴨 2014 㨵㋜㣗 㨵㋜⽅ Our Vision (Friday Saturday ) 胡弓半世情 8pm We aspire to be a world renowned Chinese Orchestra SCO Concert Hall with a uniquely Singaporean character 㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㯞㝲 Our Mission Conductor 㺚⪫: Liu Ju ⽁ To inspire Singapore and the World with our music Erhu ✠⨔Liu Guang Yu, Zhao Jian Hua ⽁⤾㲖ᮢ㷸⯷⪂ ᱶ Our Values Ticket Prices $75, $65, $45/$24*, $35/$19* Strive for excellence in our performances For more information, please visit www.sco.com.sg Ticket prices are before booking fee. Committed to teamwork * Concession ** School Group Booking Open to innovation and learning Messages 献词 Mr Lee Hsien Loong Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore Patron of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra 李显龙 㨰⭩㋄⤎⧧⥖㽼 㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㵄㻜㑉 I congratulate the Singapore Chinese Orchestra for staging Our People, Our Music mega concert in this newly opened Singapore National Stadium. This is a concert for all Singaporeans. It brings together more than 5,000 performers, more than twice the SCO’s previous record of 2,400 musicians at its 2004 mega concert. Its performers represent all races, nationalities, and ages, including a very young 2 1/2 year-old drummer and a visually-handicapped erhu player. Its repertoire reflects the diverse cultures and musical heritage of the Singapore Chinese community. It will truly be a feast for the senses. I look forward to a memorable concert, and wish all concert-goers an enjoyable evening in this spectacular new landmark. ⤃㽃㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㵀㨰ㅁ☨⥖⭨㝛㲥⒉Ⳬ㨾☨᮶㐩ス⤎᮷⒔▙㨻㯞⪹ᱨ㬉ⓞ⒱⤂ᮣ㸆㗁㮥⢔㦇⢖㚱㱸㨰⭩㋄㑉ス ☨㯞⪹ᮣ⒔⥙ 5 ㍧㢭⍙㬉㸃Ⳮ㗑㮥㜹ᱨ⌴ 2004 ㅰ⪂㟹㚱╚㥲☨2 ㍧400 㑉☨⭣⿆⒔ⓞ㮥⌢ᮣ㚳わ■⍙⼗⢕⢔㾅㐸ᮢ ⥖⭄⧧ㅰ⼰ᱨ⊪⸶㾎ㅰ㱿⼉㚢⊙☨㨏⤠㗐⧧⪔㱸㗍㷳☨✠⨔㗐ᮣ㯞⪹☨㎺ㅅ➔㱛⼗㨰⭩㋄⪂㾅㔣⪹☨✂㴐㢶⪇㲓㯞 㮯ᮣ㸆⯿⪹㗁㮥⒉㗍ⴇ㲓㝳ⴇ☨㖜㬓ᮣ 㣄㋜▣㸆⒉⏥㑛▓⥙☨ⲽ⏴㯞⪹ᱨ⏌㽃㴞㚱㱸☨⤷㺼ㅢ㵀㸆⢔㽓⤷☨㨰☼⍖⛪⥙㮥⢔㲌ⶼ☨㠡㔋ᮣ 1 Mr Lawrence Wong Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and 2nd Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Mr. Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Chairman, SCO Board of Directors 黄循财 㢶⪇ᮢ㔣㎸⭆㎠ㅰ⏩⏩⒌ 李国基 㟜㫢⭆㨰㢷⏩☾✠⏩⒌ 㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹⛏㖼⳨㻙㥟 I congratulate the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) and all 5,000 over performers on staging the first musical Since its inception 16 years ago as the only national and professional Chinese orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra performance at our new National Stadium. This is set to mark a new record for Singapore, for the largest Chinese has been making continuous efforts to promote a greater appreciation of Chinese orchestral music through its pursuit orchestral performance to date. of excellence and its creative approach to performances. Standing by its mission to inspire Singapore and the world with the beauty of our music, SCO is proud to organise the second instalment of Our People, Our Music (OPOM) with This year’s concert is an ode to Singapore, Our Home. It is a pleasure to see so many home-grown musical talents more than 5,000 orchestra and choir performers at the newly opened National Stadium. We are happy to have schools, – professionals and amateurs alike – celebrating our nation’s cultural heritage with fellow Singaporeans. I believe that communities, clans, and individuals to be part of this grandiose event and Chinese orchestra family. Music has no as they rehearsed together for this concert, new friendships have been formed along the way, and ties strengthened. boundaries, it is also heartening to see performers of different races, age and background in Singapore come together Indeed, tonight’s performance adds to the musical memories that help make Singapore our home. to participate in this mega concert to break the Guinness World Records and Singapore Book of Records. Chinese orchestral music is an embodiment of our multi-cultural heritage. It is an intricate weaving of different The staging of the mega concert is a big challenge and it is possible only with the support of many individuals and musical traditions and influences from the East and the West, and is a blend of modern and traditional musical forms. organisations. My heartfelt appreciation goes to the participants, volunteers, partners and patron sponsors including I’m heartened that the beauty of this music has continued to flourish in Singapore, bridging different cultures and Temasek, Singapore Tote Board, National Arts Council and others. My thanks also goes to the OPOM Taskforce under multiple generations. I hope that more Singaporeans will continue to be able to enjoy and appreciate its unique sounds the leadership of SCO Board Member, Mr Patrick Goh to bring such a large scale performance together. and cultural nuances. On behalf of the SCO, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and I commend the SCO for its leadership and initiative in making this concert possible. The Orchestra has truly lived up Mrs Lee, Minister Lawrence Wong and Minister Grace Fu for their support and encouragement over the years, and to its reputation as one of Singapore’s flagship orchestras, known for its excellence, its uniquely Singaporean character, especially gracing this evening’s mega concert. and its ability to make music that resonates with our people. I hope you will enjoy Our People, Our Music and have a pleasant evening! I thank everyone involved in this project, and I wish the concert every success. 16 ㅰ⹂ᱨ㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㾗㢜㣄⥖㢚㮥☨⥖⭨⭌㽈㮟⪂㟹ᱨ㮥㺓㽗㎳㽟㴣ᮢ╚㯌㣐㦎ᱨ㢜㟺⤿⪂㾅㯞㢶⪇㾗ⓞ⼗㾎▙☨ 㣄㽃⧲㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㲓⒔⥙㣗㍧㢭⍙㬉㸃㵀㨰⯼☨⥖⭨㝛㲥⒉⒲㦇㗑⒉☨㯞㬉ⓞᱨ㸆⭊⯿╚㵒㨰⭩㋄㾎▙㨻⪂ ㇰ⻲ᮣ⍨㽥㱭㫱⪂Ⳬ㖺⤎㔉☨㖳ツ⏌➂⪫⪂⛶㔣⪹☨⤍㦇ᱨ㣄わ㴿⛪㝪㷡⭁㦎㻙⊚㱱5000 ッ⍙㬉㸃⒲㦇☨᮶㐩ス⤎ 㬉㾀☨㨰⭣⿆ᮣ 2014᮷ᮣ㣄わ⧶⡽㨹㮾㬧㎫☡⹂㽴㫓㨑ᮢ㔣㎸⭆⪹⤹☨⪂≜⧝㸃㾉㺑⼗㸆㺉㱸㖱㮾⹂㾎⳰㨻☨⪂㟹ᮣ㯞㣐⥖ⰻᱨ ㆃⳭ⼗127 ⢔⍙㬉㟹㝛ᮢ⏥➶ㅰ⼰ᮢ㺸㾅⭆⌟Ⳃ☨⍙㬉㸃ᱨ㟹ⰵ㮥㺤㮥㋲㝪㷡⭀ㅧ㙱㖺ⰻ㲓㨰⭩㋄⭣⿆ᱨ⼺㑉㢜㺐 ⛑ 㑛ᮣ ⱅㅰ☨㯞⪹㙭㗁⛶㣄わ☨⭨㴖㨰⭩㋄☨㮥䡢㚄⢆ᮣ㣄㖨➶⡽㨹㮾ⶄ☡㸆ぼ✂〉☼㽈㮟㯞⭨㲓㮟㲈≜⧝㸃ᱨ 㮥㟠㵄㚄㣄⥖☨㢶⪇㮯ᮣ㣄㦐㨳▙⭨㵀⼃㥠☨☕✛㮻ⰵⰏ⼗㨰☨㯞⫇⊗⧧⤊⤨⼗⌷╱㺐⭺☨㱹㯔ᮣⱅ㠡☨㬉ⓞ⯿⪹ ᮶㐩ス⤎᮷ㅢ⒱⤂Ⳬ㨾ᱨ㱸⹃㲂㣄わ☨⍙㬉㸃ᮢ㺠㴞㟹⛵ᮢ⧩㾗⫇⊗ᮢ㺉Ⓘ☉㢭ᮢ⳺㸃⭆㑗㲦㵄㻜⫒⤕⊪⸶☑⿷㣯⫑ ⒱㢜㣄わ⤎㟠☨㯞⪰㯎ᮣ ⱄ⪹ᮢ㨰⭩㋄㑺⿷⏓⏴⤸⳨ᮢ⥖⭨㮿㗯㖼⪹☬☨⛈⻲㺉Ⓘᮣ㣔㮥㥽⛏㖼⼸☠☨᮶㐩ス⤎᮷ⓗ㢡⪹㢜㸆╴㬉ⓞ➱ⲳ 㨲⻲ᱨ㮾㑁㸆㦞⫆⛑☧㮾㙫⺉ⱌ㨾ᮣ ⪂⊪⧆㽥㨰⭩㋄✂㴐㢶⪇☨㝎㓧ᮣ㚴㗖☡㺲㣩➝㢶⪇☨㱘㦜ᱨ≿⏥㟠☨㯞║㟧㑘⧩㵀㮥㋲ᱨ㮜㑘⧩⼗㦆■㲓║㟧 ☨㯞ㄩ㖷ᮣ㣄⧶㎬㩀⪂㺐よ㮾㵀㨰⭩㋄㺈㓞㮠ᱨ≿⏥㟠☨㢶⪇㮾⭆✂⢔ㅰ■☨㑉スⰵ㋲⹂ᮣ㣄㋜㠯⢚✂☨ 㾎⨍ᱨ㣄㮔■⍙㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹㺶㨲⡮㨩㦄⽆㽼䁖䃏ᮢ⪞㫙⏰⏩⒌⭆⡓⦽㬌⏩⒌☨䏄⼥ᱨ⡮㨩㵀㾙⢕㢭⛶᮶㐩ス⤎᮷☨㺉Ⓘᮣ 㨰⭩㋄㑉ㅢ⤗⭢㩦㦝㗖⧧㨮㔉⪂⛢㝎☨㷦㲓㢶⪇☻㴲ᮣ Ⳇ㽃⢕㢭㱸㮥⢔㲌ⶼ☨㮣㠡ᱝ ⪂㟹⡽⒔☨㯞㵒㯒ᱨ㮾⭆⛢⳱㮥⢏☨㬉㾀➝㖷㮻㗖☡㨰⭩㋄㺼㑉☨㥢≜ᮣ㚱㮾⒮㢜㣄⥖☨㋮⯶㟹㺐㮥ᱨ㨰⭩㋄ ⪂㟹㗁☕㺐㣐⸰ᮣ㺗☧㵄㬛☨㗁ᱨ㵀⪂㟹☨㽟㴣⼸☠㲓⒓㯓㥲ᱨ╿⒱⼗㸆╴☨㯞⪹ᮣ 㣄⡮㨩㚱㱸⏸㲓㸆╴⫆⛑☨⍙㬉㸃ᱨ⏌㽃㴞㯞⪹㐟☧㴘〄⒱⤂ᱝ 2 3 Our People, Our Music 2014 Taskforce Committee 全民共乐2014 筹备委员会 Advisor Mr Patrick Lee Ms Teo Shu Rong SCO Board Chairman Executive (Artistic Affairs) Mr Patrick Goh Taskforce Chairman Ms Toi Liang Shing Our People, Our Music 2014 Taskforce Chairman Executive (Marketing Communications) Mr Patrick Goh SCO Board of Director SCO Board Member Ms Chow Koon Thai Box Office Assistant Overall In-charge 吴一贤 Ms Chng Sze Yin, Rebecca 㐩ス⤎ ⓗ㢡⪹㻙㥟 Mr Terence Ho Human Resource & Payroll Assistant 2014 General Manager 㨰⭩㋄⪂㟹⛏㖼 Ms Fu Xiuyu, Hazel Second In-charge Venue Marketing Assistant Ms Teo Bee Lan Mr Lee Kwang Kiat With the success of Our People Our Music concert staged ten years ago in 2004 involving 2,400 performers, I am Senior Manager Assistant Stage Manager proud that the Singapore Chinese Orchestra is now presenting the second instalment of the mega concert.
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