![PUB DATE [70] NOTE 91P. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$4.20 PLUS](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 089 030 CE 001 076 TITLE Latin American Studies: Curriculum Guide. INSTITUTION Harlandale Independent School District, San Antonio, Tex. Career Education Center. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C.; Texas Education Agency, Austin. Dept. of Occupational Education and Technology. PUB DATE [70] NOTE 91p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC -$4.20 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Audiovisual Aids; Bibliographies; *Career Education; *Curriculum Guides; Educational Objectives; Educational Resources; Instructional Materials; *Latin American Culture; Occupational Information; Performance Specifications; Resource Materials; *Secondary Grades; Teaching Methods; Units of Study (Subject Fields) IDENTIFIERS *Latin American Studies; Texas ABSTRACT The guide is arranged in vertical columns relating curriculum concepts in Latin American studies to curriculum performance objectives, career concepts and career performance objectives, suggested teaching methods, and audio-visual and resource materials. The one-quarter course guide includes career information on 26 related occupations. Space is provided for teachers notes %%doh will be useful when the guide is revised. The appendix includes background Latin-American information; suggested readingsselected references, periodicals, and organizations for career information; and audio-visual source information. (EA) DUCE()ToliSUDOC, S NATIONALE EDUCATIONDEPARTMENT XACTLY ENTEDUCA HASINSTITUTE At &PION P1WELFARE OFBEEN HEALTH OFRET1,0 6 FIDuC.TONSENTFATEDAT1NGTHE PEk,,ONOv 0,/ ITDr Po NOT NTSPn NECESSARitORGANIZ.TON Or ORIFA catNST,T._"(OPI'hi:Dry, vF0V OP,N,ON',,CyPFPRE OI0N careers HARLANDALECAREERCareer - CurriculumEDUCATION INDEPENDENT Guide CENTER SCHOOL DISTRICT LATIN,SAN3706 ANTONIO.ROOSEVELT TEXASAfrr. 78214STUDIES MR. CHARLESCAREER N. EDUCATIONBOGGESS, SUPERINTENDENTCENTER MRS.HARLANDALE LUCYLLE SANINDEPENDENT V. ANTONIO,DEASEY, SCHOOLPROJECTTEXAS DISTRICT DIRECTOR Thisandtne TechnicalU.material S. Office reportedEducation, of Education herein Texas was throughEducation developed the Agency, Department pursuant Austin, toof a Occupational Texas.grant from Agency,orThe policy opinions and of notLexpressed officialU.S. hereinOfficeendorsement doof notEducation should necessarily beor inferred.the reflect Texas Educationthe position ***************************************************************************************************************** LATINCURRICULUM AMERICAN GUIDESTUDIES SocialMrs. StudiesKarla Galindo Consultant HarlandaleCareer Independent Education School Center District *****************************************************************************************************************San Antoni,J, Texas Appreciation is expressed to the followingACKNOWLEDGEMENTS teacherwho contributed to the research anddevelopment of this curriculum guide. Mr. Anaotacio Bueno, Jr. Forfollowing their persons.help and constructive suggestionsin the compilation of this guide weacknowledge the Mrs. LucylleMr. William V. Deasey U. Bentley - Project - Director Director of -Vocational CareerEducationEducation Program Mr. MissWilliam Mary R. E. Marshall Daunoy - SeeondaryDirectorDepartment ofConsultantCurriculum Chairman Mr. HardyMrs. GozelleD. CannonMrs. Loveless Mikel - Social A. - Arnold Audio-VisualStudies - Teacher Coordinator GratitudeService Center-Region is also expressed 20, Minnie to the Stevens Texas PiperEducationFoundation, Agency, Characterand the Career Education Education Project, ProjectEducationStaff. Prefacc toofMeaningful reachself-satisfaction. his existence goal. isThe the primary goal of task life of in education today's world.must be Living to provide takes eachon meaning individual when withit produces skills necessarya sense mustWhenNormalsense becomechildren ofcuriosity continuity classrooms enter can school,must be and th;be teachers theyestablishednucleus bring resourcewhich withwhich links thempersons. places realitynatural educationSkills toinquisitiveness formal suchin the trainingas correctlistening, concerning if perspective.it problemis theproperty world solving,Communities developed.around following them.A developed.directions,In classrooms Onindependent especiallycampus performance thinking designed and into Jobrationalform tanks a bridge judgementand skills,between then followingschool can merge and a theplannedinto world daily sequence of living work, of procedures.experiences ornate viaitattone must be willaSearchsetting deliberate, fuse forwill information a providerewarding sequential, an into lifeinvaluable andreality. vocation planned carry isPractical program -over,never easy. GEofrelationships learneddevelopment,Without skills. preparationdeveloped decisions with canit becomesthosebe made outside abased game theuponof chance.formal informed schoolWith and collegeAeducatedimmediately Cull range careerjudgements. upon career preparatory completion education program. of training,program, K-12,post secondary will offer vocational-technical opportunities for education,participants and to/or enter a four-year errint HarlandaleC. IndependentN. Boggess, SSchoole ntendentDistrict Thefunded Career by aEducation grant from Project the U. hasS. Officebeen conducted of Education in compliance and the Texas with Educationthe Civil Agency.Rights Act of 1964 and is vi PHILOSOPHY Theand philosophymoral values of arc the of Harlandale supreme importance. Independent School District is that the student's mental wayTherealizesin thetophilosophy happiness.Harlandalc that serviceof Careerdistrict to Educationothers, is the self-rc3pect, meansIs to byrestore which and dignitythese pride two toin arethefinishing achieved.word work. a job The Social is student the studies path- environment.orderlyAsIn thesocial studentexplanations studies, explores the of studenthumanthe society behavior develops of andwhich a reverencehis he relationships is a andpart, appreciation he to is the led physical tofor develop the andheritage andcultural test TheandInleft thestudentmental him social by health,isthe studies,of people supreme within ifwho moralnowhr:re themade purview worth.the- else, great of thethe American considerationmeanings dream of possible.civilization,of the student's is paramount.development HarlandaleSocialHardy D.Studies Cannon Independent Department School Chairman District "History is past politics, and politicsWHAT present IS HISTORY? history." --Sir John RobertSeeley "Thefro"Man theworsthas past;no possible nature, and uaiversities enemywhat heto hassociety whichis istrain history."theman who --Jose ... isOrtega cut loosey Gasset in his standards of judgment "Fellow-citizens,the connection of wetheir cannot thought escape with history." that of men--Abrahamthe topast, use Lincolnaretheir instruments minds without of social carefully destruction." establishingWoodrow -- Wilson no"No"The People non history is who fit ofare to the indiffeeenrbe worldentrusted is butco with theirthe the biography past, control need ofof hope greatthe to present,men." make their--Thomas who futureis Carlyleignorant great."--Anon. of the past, and "Human"History history is the is memory in essence of things a history said andof ideas."done."---- Carl H. G.L. WellsBecker "Theas"I theyshall use really ofbe historycontent happened, isif tothose andgive asshall value they pronounce toare the very present mylikely history hour to repeatusefuland its themselves."who duty." wish --Ralphto be--Thucydides given Waldo a Emersonview of events the"Whenof"To thepastenable experience present are man condemned isto is theunderstand not dualto retained, repeat function the it." societyas of among--George history." of savages,the Santayana past--Edward infancy and toH. isincreaseCarr perpetual. his masteryThose whoover cannot the socier remember "Toof"We otherbemay ignorant gathermen's forepassedout0i whatof history happened miseries a policybefore with noyouour less own wise like than errors eternal; and ill by deservings."the comparison --Sir and Walterapplication Raleigh qualify"Historylifetime them byunless apprisingas judgesthe memory themof the (men)of actionspast of eventsthe and past, designs.iswere wovenwill born ofenablewith men."is those tothem--Thomas be ofeverto earlier judge Jeffersons child. thetimes?" futureFor --Cicerowhat isit man'swill drawDear Teacher,from, Thisand guidethen addis intendedto as you to wish be athroughout "tool" for the you year. to use, The iforcolumn necessary.make entitledadditions At "teacher'sthe to endthe ofguide. comments"this Additionalschool is year,for pages you this tomay guidewrite be insertedwillcomments be written.commentsreturned Weandto want thesuggestions Careerthis guide Education for to additions; be Center.useful ato Afternew you guide readingand will your needbe Educationyour suggestions CenterDuring ifforthe Irevision.school can help year, you pleaseto any contactway. me at the Career Karla924-8272CareerSocial Galindo StudiesEducation or 922-3841 Consultant, Center LATIN(a one AMERICAN quarter STUDIEScourse) CURRICULUMCONCEPT2 CURRICULUMOBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE CARLPERFORMANCECONC:;Pf OBJECTIVE AND CAREER INFORMATIONCAREER THEORIESWHITELAND BEFOREMAN: THE activities:Theto performstudent theshould following be able PaleontologistsCONCEPT: have added PALEONTOLOGISTS: - Bering Strait1. List at least fourtypes greatly to our knowledge of 1. evolutionwhoPaleontologists specialize and development in are tracing geologists ofthe past - DiegoFactor Blood tousedof determinetools by an or anthropologist artifactstLe advances theprehistoric study
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