MUSEUMS MUZEJI NATIONAl MUSEUM OF BIH HISTOrICAl MUSEUM OF BIH ZEMALJSKI MUZEJ BiH HISTORIJSKI MUZEJ BiH 1 Zmaja od Bosne 3 4 033 668 027 1 Zmaja od Bosne 5 3 Tue-Fri/Uto-Pet: 10:00 - 19:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 14:00 4 033 226 098 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 - 19:00 The National Museum of BiH is the oldest and most significant Through its collections, Historical Museum of BiH defines institution of its kind in BiH. Approximately four million items the history of BiH from the arrival of Slavs on the Balkan are housed in collections representing the fields of archeology, Peninsula to the contemporary period. Historijski muzej BiH kroz svoje zbirke obrađuje historiju BiH od ethnology and the natural sciences, plus the museum has its dolaska Slavena na Balkansko poluostrvo, pa do savremenog doba. own botanical garden, with more than 3,000 plant species. Zemaljski muzej BiH najstarija je i najznačajnija muzejska Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo Under Siege. institucija u BiH. oko četiri miliona eksponata nalazi se u Stalna izložba: opkoljeno Sarajevo. zbirkama odjeljenja za arheologiju, etnologiju i prirodne nauke, a Permanent Exhibit: 15 Years by Jim Marshall. muzej posjeduje i botanički vrt sa više od 3000 biljnih vrsta. Stalna izložba: 15 godina, Jima marshalla. Permanent Exhibit: Open Depo / Stalna izložba: otvoreni depo. Dec 1 - 31 – Exhibit: Photo Depot of the Historical Museum VIJEĆNICA MUSEUM / MUZEJ VIJEĆNICA / Izložba: Foto depo Historijskog muzeja 1 Obala Kulina bana 1 4 033 292 800 To/Do Dec 31 – Installation Art, by Addis A.E.F.& Maja Matašin 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 - 17:00 / Instalacija, Addisa A.E.F. i maje matašin Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo 1914 – 2014. To/Do Dec 31 – Documentary Exhibit about Historical Stalna izložba: Sarajevo 1914 – 2014. Museum: „Fifty“ by Addis A.E.F. / Dokumentarna izložba o Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo City Hall Revisited. Historijskom muzeju: „Pedeset“, Addisa A.E.F. Stalna izložba: Vijećnica još jednom. Dec 7 - 13 – Exhibit of Works from the Art Colony „Duga“ / Izložba radova s umjetničke kolonije „Duga“ OlD Ortodox CHUrCH MUSEUM Dec 14 - 20 – Photo Exhibit / Foto izložba: Kao da je vrijeme stalo MUZEJ Stare pravoslavne CRKVE Dec 21 - 27 – Exhibit of Photo Club Valter / Izložba foto-kluba “Valter” 1 Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 59 4 033 571 760 NATIONAL GALLERY 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 08:00 - 18:00; Sun/Ned: 08:00 - 16:00 UMJETNIČKA GALERIJA Permanent exhibit of paintings of local and foreign artists, 1 Zelenih Beretki 8 4 033 266 550 religious manuscripts and printed books, church textiles Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 - 20:00 and embroidery and precious metals. 3 Stalna postavka slikarskih djela domaćih i stranih slikara, crkvenih rukopisa Permanent Exhibit: Intimacies of Space: Interior and i štampanih knjiga, crkvenih tkanina i veza, te plemenitih metala. Exterior from the Collection of the National Gallery of BiH. / Stalna postavka: oprostorena intima: enterijeri i eksterijeri iz JEWISH MUSEUM OF BiH / MUZEJ JEVREJA BiH kolekcije Umjetničke galerije BiH. 1 Velika avlija bb 4 033 535 688 Nov 10 - Dec 2 – Exhibit: VIDEOsPAIN Itineranticas 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 16:00, Sun/Ned: 10:00 - 15:00 Transvisuales / Izložba: VIDEosPAIN transvizuelna lutanja Permanent exhibit depicting lives and culture of Sarajevo Jews. Dec 8 - 31 – Solo Exhibit by Šemsa Gavrankapetanović Stalna postavka o životu i kulturi Jevreja u Sarajevu. / Samostalna izložba, Šemse Gavrankapetanović 14 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail MUSEUMS MUZEJI BrUSA BEZISTAN GALLERY 11/07/95 BRUSA BEZISTAN GALERIJA 11/07/95 1 Abadžiluk 10 4 033 239 590 1 Fra Grge Martića 2 / III 4 033 953 170 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 16:00, Sat/Sub: 10:00 - 15:00 3 mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 10:00 - 18:00 Brusa Bezistan’s permanent collection titled From Ancient Permanent exhibit of items dedicated to the preservation History to the End of Austro-Hungarian Period will guide of the memory of Srebrenica tragedy and 8,372 victims who you through Sarajevo’s rich history. tragically lost their lives during the genocide. Stalna postavka Brusa bezistana „od prethistorije do kraja austro- Stalna postavka eksponata čiji je cilj očuvati sjećanje na tragediju ugarskog razdoblja” }e vas provesti kroz bogatu historiju Sarajeva. u Srebrenici i 8.372 osobe koje su tragično stradale u genocidu. Dec 21 - 24 – Exhibition: “Četka” - Old Trades / Izložba Permanent Projection of Documentaries: „Srebrenica „Četka“ - stari zanati Memorial Film“ by Leslie Woodhead and Muhamed Mujkić and „Miss Sarajevo“ (Siege of Sarajevo 92-95) by Bill Carter. MUSEUM SArAJEVO 1878 – 1918 Stalna projekcija dokumentarnih filmova: „Srebrenicam emorial MUZEJ SARAJEVO 1878. – 1918. Film“ Leslieja Woodheada i muhameda mujkića i „miss Sarajevo“ 1 Zelenih beretki 1 4 033 533 288 (Siege of Sarajevo 92-95) Billa Cartera. Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00, Sat/Sub: 10:00 - 15:00 3 Video projection by Paul Lowe: The Siege of Sarajevo. Museum 1878 – 1918 deals with the Austro-Hungarian Video projekcija Paula Lowea: opsada Sarajeva. period of Sarajevo’s and the country’s history. To/Do May/maj 2017 - „Greetings from Sarajevo 1993” – Zbirka muzeja 1878. – 1918. bavi se periodom austro-ugarske Exhibition of the original posters, created during the siege vladavine Sarajevom i BiH. of the city by Design TRIO Sarajevo / „Pozdrav iz Sarajeva 1993“ – Izložba originalnih postera, kreiranih tokom opsade Sarajeva, Dizajna THE DESPIĆ HOUSE / DESPIĆA KUĆA TrIo Sarajevo. 1 Despićeva 2 4 033 215 531 To/Do Dec 31 – „10 Minutes“ - Movie by Ahmed Imamović / 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 16:00, Sat/Sub: 10:00 - 15:00 „10 minuta“ - Film Ahmeda Imamovića Permanent exhibit depicting culture of living of a wealthy, Sarajevo Serb, family in the period between 17th and 20th MUSEUM OF CrIMES AGAINST HUMANITY century. The Despić family housed Sarajevo’s first theater plays. AND GENOCIDE 1992-1995 Stalna postavka o kulturi stanovanja bogate građanske, srpske MUZEJ ZLOČINA PROTIV ČOVJEČNOSTI I GENOCIDA 1992-1995 porodice u periodu od 17. do 20. stoljeća. U Despića kući igrane 1 Ferhadija 17 4 062 467 764 su i prve pozorišne predstave u Sarajevu. 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 - 22:00 This permanent exhibition makes use of photographs, documents, personal items belonging to victims, exhibit SVrZO’S HOUSE / SVRZINA KUĆA displays, simulations, replicas, video testimonies and Glođina 8 033 535 264 1 4 statements, interactive maps and documentary films to Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 16:00, Sat/Sub: 10:00 - 15:00 3 show the atrocities that were committed throughout BiH. Permanent exhibit depicting the culture of living of a Stalna postavka prikazuje zločine počinjene na cijeloj teritoriji wealthy, Sarajevo Muslim family, in 18th and 19th century. BiH putem fotografija, dokumenata, ličnih predmeta žrtava, Stalna postavka o kulturi stanovanja imućne gradske, eksponata, simulacija, replika, video svjedočenja i izjava, muslimanske porodice u 18. i 19. stoljeću. interaktivnih mapa i dokumentarnih filmova. 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail 15 MUSEUMS MUZEJI ARS AEVI ART DEPOT ARS AEVI ART DEPO 1 Terezije bb (Centar Skenderija) 4 033 216 927 3 Tue–Sun/Uto–Ned: 10:00 - 18:00 Permanent display of Ars Aevi Collection / Museum of Contemporary Art Sarajevo, the most important international contemporary art collection in South-East Europe. Stalna postavka Kolekcije Ars Aevi / muzeja savremene umjetnosti Sarajevo, najznačajnije kolekcije internacionalne savremene BOSNIAK INSTITUTE umjetnosti u jugoistočnoj Evropi. BOŠNJAČKI INSTITUT 1 Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 21 4 033 279 800 SArAJEVO BrEWErY MUSEUM MUZEJ SARAJEVSKE PIVARE 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Su: 08:00 - 16:30 1 Franjevačka 15 4 033 491 138 Permanent exhibits: Ethnological collection, paintings of 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 20:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 18:00 Mersad Berber, water colours of Ismet Rizvić, Gallery of Portraits and exhibit „In the Focus of the Collection“. The items on display at the museum showcase Stalne postavke: Etnološka postavka, slike mersada Berbera, Akvareli Sarajevska Pivara’s 150-year-old tradition. Ismeta rizvića, Galerija portreta i postavka „U fokusu kolekcije“. U muzeju su izloženi eksponati iz 150 godina duge tradicije To/Do Dec 30 - Akvarels, by Fuad Arifhodžić / Akvareli, Fuada poslovanja Sarajevske pivare. Arifhodžića GAZI HUSrEV BEY’S MUSEUM MUSEUM OF lITErATUrE & PErFOrMING ArTS GAZI HUSREV-begov MUZEJ MUZEJ KNJIŽEVNOSTI I POZORIŠNE UMJETNOSTI 1 Sarači br. 33 4 033 233 170 1 Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije 7 4 033 201 861 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 19:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 19:00 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 - 19:00 3 Permanent Exhibit on life and work of Gazi Husrev Bey. Permanent Exhibit: A short history of literature and the performing Stalna postavka o životu i djelu Gazi Husrev-bega. arts in BiH. This permanent exhibit is accompanied by a bilingual catalog and audio guide (both in English and Bosnian). TUNNEl OF HOPE / TUNEL SPASA Stalna postavka: Kratka povijest književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti u 1 Donji Kotorac, Tuneli 1, Ilidža 4 033 778 670 BiH. Stalnu postavku prati dvojezični katalog na engleskom i bosanskom 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 - 16:00; jeziku i dvojezični audio vodič na engleskom i bosanskom jeziku. last entrance/poslijednji ulaz: 15:30 The Tunnel of Hope was a symbol of hope for the citizens of GAZI HUSrEV BEY’S lIBrArY MUSEUM Sarajevo during the four years of siege. MUZEJ GAZI HUSREV-BEGOVE BIBLIOTEKE Tunel spasa je tokom četverogodišnje opsade bio simbol nade za 1 Gazi Husrev-begova 46 4 033 238 152 stanovnike Sarajeva. 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 17:00; Sat/Sub: 09:00 - 15:00 THE OlYMPICS MUSEUM / OLIMPIJSKI MUZEJ A permanent exhibit featuring artifacts on the history of Alipašina bb (Zetra) 033 226 414 literacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Islamic- 1 4 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 17:00 related themes and the general cultural history of BiH.
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