THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY ISntarftd as Second OlttKa Alatta rlffiD YEAR—No. 44 Post Office, WoBtnolil, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1958 I'ubllshcil Every Thursday 32 Page*—5 Cent* Attendance At Merchants Plan Joint Civic Committee Requests Communities Join ields Reaches 67013 Day Summer Names of School Board Candidates Forces To Get 7 Teachers Hired Sale Days Event The Joint Civic Committee, or- tors of a business, which in the Bloodmobile to Visit ganized to select and nominate case of the Board of Education is Action On Water qualified candidates for the Board handling a million or more dol- By School Board Enrollment Westfield July 27 The annual midyear sales event, of Education today issued a ie- lars a year." this year in form of Dollar Daya, qucst to residents of Weatfield to Citizens of Westfield are rcpre Legal Action Is Mark The Bloodmobile ii sched- sponsored by members of the send in names of persons "for high sented in the membership of th Threatened Pending Schools To Pay uled to vi.ll WeHfi.ld Mon- Westfield Business Association, and unusual responsibility in the Joint Civic Committee which com Half Sewer Cost Resignations Of day, July 27 at th* Preiby- will be held next week on Thurs- execution of a public trust which prises representatives from thi Firm's Explanation f Bently Wins tcrian parUh home from 1 to day, Friday and Saturday. is the education of our children.1' College Men's Club, College Worn 6i30 p.m. Appointment* may Advertisements of the offerings Candidates names may be sent to en'a Club, Independent Club, Ex- Westfield and other area com Payment to the Town of West- Six Accepted lockey Tourney be made by calling We. 2- will appear throughout next either Ralph L. Atkinson, 334 Can-change Club, Lions Club, Rotar munities took action Tuesday in field of one-half the total cost o 7090. Baby .itteri will be pro- week's issue of the "Leader" and terbury road or Mrs. Grover J. Club, School Welfare Counci" their drive to improve the wate: building a sanitary sewer in Si |iren of Westfield an vided anil transportation to readers are urged to study them Baldwin, 4(16 Channing avenue. Woman's Club, Manor Park'Asso situation. Lack of pressure in Mark's avenue near tho now Wash ' Tuition Rates Up ng at the town's si: and from the tita of the day. carefully in order to take full ad- The members of the Joint Civic ciation, New England Village A Plainfield-Union Water Co. maim ington School was authorize as registration an The local quota is 150 vantage of the opportunity to Committee arc men and women sociation, Wychwood Association caused a serious shortage of watc: Tuesday night by the Board o; For Next Year dance continue to in pint*. make big savings on timely mer- who have been appointed by vari- Colonial Homes Association, Flora here and in surrounding towns. Education. |ph V. Horan, directoi chandise. ous civic organizations in West- Park Association, Brightwood As June 27. The board also ceded to thi on, announced today Leonard W y a 11, association sociation, DAR and the Teacher: Soven new teachers and a li- Held. Each of 16 such organiza- Attorneys of 10 towns gathers town a property near the new brarian were added to the West- attendance for th< president, said today that partici- tions are represented by two mem-Association. Washington School, which is bein eks totaled 6,701; to Union Services pating merchants have put extra in the office of Robert S. Snevlly t field school system for tho 1053- bers who, according to the group's The Joint Civic Committee Westfield's attorney, in the after- built in St. Mark's avenue, per- 54 school year When their appoint- nt, 1,006. effort into offering substantial bar- spokesman, "recognize that the Nominate Candidates for tVn noon and agreed to recommend tc mitting the town to extend Sher- al day event for th gains in wanted merchandise. ments were unanimously approved Continue Sunday Board of Education is a business Board of Education "provide! their respective governing bodici man street and create a park. by the Board of Education Tues- he doll and model show "There is practically no line of 1 and administrative board and not Westfield with an organized meth- joint legal action against tho com day night at the regular monthly ards and pins were business that is not represented an executive board." The commit- od by which nominations can be pany. The resolution would ea winning participant: and as a consequence, substantial meeting in the Eoosevelt Junior Greater Seating tee recognizes that the problems made to the school board and rec- tablish an Inter-Municipal Com- High School. allcst doll, largest dol savings are offered on merchandise coming before the school board are Stage Coach Four ognizes that the town wishes tc mittee on Water Supply to consis Rupert W. Miller Jr. of Lewis- Election and the most un Capacity Needed for all ages and for the home as largely financial and operation continue the school board on a of the municipal attorneys, engi- .Awards were also givei well," Mr. Wyatt said. problems, comparable to those ton, Me., was named to teach so- basis apart from nominal party neers and one member from thi Takes First Prize cial studies in thc Senior High |ost unusual model, larg- Additional seating capacity will Participating stores will display which confront the board of direc- politics." governing body of each commun- |tton of models, and th be provided for the second Union banners on their windows and in School. He was graduated from most cases the special sale daya ity. tho Univorsity of Idaho, Moscow, ring the best workman Service sponsored by the Baptist, Y Day Camp In Plainfield, at a night session Quartet Contest award ribbons weri Congregational and Methodist bargains will be tagged conspicu- Idaho, in 1947 with a bachelor of ously. Liquor Theft officials of seven towns discusae Held In Garwood science degree in edutation and onor of McKinley Play churches to be held Sunday in the Draws 105 Girls water shortage remedies, but de- hlrd in the series of th First Baptist Church at 9:60 a.m. has taken extension courses at ferred action pending the com- Bates College and the University '. colors. The town horse- as a result of the overflow attend- A total of 105 girls have regis Suspect Held The Stage Coach Four of West- pany's reply to the Public Utility field was awarded the $50 firs' of Maine. He is a veteran of World . quoit tournament wil ance last Sunday. Dr. Gordon Mi- tered for the YWCA Day Camp Commission's demand for an ex- at Roosevelt Play chaison, pastor of the First Meth- Rotary Subject Is prize Thursday night in a barber- War II and has taught in schools which opened Monday, it has been planation of its shortcomings. in Lewiston. oday at 2:30 p.m. odist Church, will preach on the announced by Miss Mary Hagen Loot Valued At shop quartet contest before 500 )lurabu8 Playground bal subject, "The Necessity of Intol- The evening session was held in persons in Lincoln School, Gar- Mrs. Lucille W. Douglas of 323 Mental Health director and staff member. Plainfield City Hall and was chair- Prospect street, who has previous- ! now in full swing. Th erance". A program of handcrafts, swim $1,500 Is Recovered wood. Tho competition, part of iftball team lost its firs' maned by Alvan D. Simpson of the Garwood's golden jubilee, was ly taught in KanBas, Arkansas and Soloist for the day will be Fred ming, games, music and dramatic: Plainfield Area Water Supply Jncoln 6 to 0, the seriio Porter, tenor soloist at the First Albert Wise, 26, of Roa transferred from Unarnl Park be- Texas schools will< teach English Club Enters Its will be carried out under supervi Committee, which had invited del- and social studies in the Junior am defeated Lincoln 1 Baptist Church, who will sing sion of 12 junior and senior coun pleaded not guilty Monday befon cause of rain. cjal day awards 'Wheel egates from other towns. Second prize of $35 went to thi High School, She received her 'God So Loved The World" by Thirty-third Year selors. Weekly trips are featured Magistrate William M. Beard t< The group reached informal winners were Patt; MacDermid. J. Lester Robertson stealing $1,500 worth of liquo Three Quarts and a Pint of Statcn bachelor of arts degree from_ Ba- as a special activity. The camp agreement that the water short- iter University, Baldwin, Kan., in the best decorated twi will bo at the organ console. wil! close July 31. from Peterson's Liquors, 112' Island and third prize of $25 to kc, Marjorie Dick, bes1 The Kotary Club of Westfield age problem must be attacked in tho Queen City Four of Plainfield 1928. She has alao had nine 1 Remaining services in the scrie Mrs. Frank Gerhart, sophomon South avenue, and was held with three phascu. The first and tcm eel bike, Joe Lark, bes are as follows: July Iff, First Bap- began its 33rd year Tuesday un- out bail for tho Grand Jury. Eight foursomes participated. months experience in local schools. Bussel! Long, best wagon der the leadership of its new Y Teen Club adviser, and Mis: porary expedient, they decided, Tho Westfield Chapter, SPEB Returning after a leave of ab- tist Church, the Rev.
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