Know Before You Go MONTENEGROBOSNIAMACEDONIALITHUANIAMOLDOVAHUNGARYBULGARIACZECHSLOVENIAROMANIASLOVAKIAGEORGIABELARUSALBANIAUKRAINECROATIAESTONIAPOLANDRUSSIALATVIASERBIA AND REPUBLIC HERZEGOVINA A Guide to Keep You Safe Abroad provided by: Pathways to Safety International Updated JanuaryAprilAugustMarchJulySeptemberDecember 20182017 2019 2018 20172018 2018 2016 2017 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY KNOW BEFORE BEFORE YOU YOU GO: GO: UKRAINESLOVENIASLOVAKIAROMANIAPOLANDMONTENEGROMOLDOVAMACEDONIALITHUANIALATVIAHUNGARYGEORGIAESTONIACZECHCROATIABULGARIABOSNIABELARUSALBANIA SERBIARUSSIA REPUBLIC AND HERZEGOVINA 2 Let’s be perfectly clear, the number one way to prevent sexual assault is to not rape. While the responsibility of ending sexual gender based violence is on the perpetrators, this guide will offer general safety tips, country-specific information, and resources to help prevent and prepare travelers for the possibility of sexual assault abroad. GENERAL SAFETY TIPS: 1. Use the buddy system and travel with friends. 2. Be aware of social and cultural norms. For example, looking at someone in 7 out of 10 the eyes when you speak to them is perfectly normal in the U.S., but in rapes are another country that could signify you’re interested in the person. committed by someone 3. Recognize controlling behavior when entering a relationship. Most rape known to the survivors recall feeling “uncomfortable” about some of their partner’s behaviors victim1 such as degrading jokes/language or refusal to accept “no” as an answer, whether in a sexual context or otherwise.2 4. Avoid secluded places where you could be more vulnerable. Meet new people in public spaces and let a trusted friend know where you’ll be beforehand. Always have a backup plan in mind. 5. Trust your gut. Many victims have a “bad feeling” right before an assault takes place. It’s okay to leave a situation that is making you feel uncomfortable. Stay alert and aware in new social settings and places. ALCOHOL AND DRUG AWARENESS: • Always watch your drink being poured and carry it yourself, even to the bathroom. • “Drug-facilitated sexual assault drugs,” also referred to as club drugs or roofies may turn your drink slightly salty, bright blue, or cloudy. Effects such as distorted judgment, loss sense of time, sight, sound, identity, and overall consciousness can be felt within 15 minutes and may last up to 4 hours.3 • The legal age to buy or drink alcohol in public places such as bars or restaurants in Slovenia is 18 years old.4 Possession or consumption of small amounts of illicit substances are considered minor offenses rather than criminal offenses and 4444 4 44 4 44 5 4 • TheAlbania’sSlovakia’sSerbia’sRomania’sPoland’sMontenegro’sMoldova’sMacedonia’sLithuaniaAccordingHungary’sGeorgia’sEstonia’sInCountry-specific Croatia, legal legal legal legaldrinking legalhas tominimumlegalthelegal legalthe drinkinglegalbeen drinking legaldrinkingdrinking drinking consumptionEuropean drinkingage purchasing known agelegal inage age age to ageCzechUkraineBosniaRussia drinking tip topurchaseisCommission ageis is is 18. be18. andgoes18. age18.Republicis isand one It4Rakija is18. According Whilepurchase18.Alcohol, agefor isSimilarMany18here. alcohol Herzegovinaof illegalDrinkingHowever, years, alcoholis theEyesis Albanians is18.families the to 18.particularlyheaviest to of is onIn otherbut 4name is 5alcoholsellOECD’s 18,The there 2014, Ages,18, 39% (BiH)producebut alcohol arecountryEastern but ofdrinking Slovakia have the there reportofis aagepredominantly iswine,there Serbo-Croatiananyoung 18.legal theirbeento is has Europeanimportantis onis18.nationsanyoneAlcoholis rankedno drinkingan Ukrainiansa no ownHarmfulrecentPublic zerominimum importantlegal wine whoconsumptionin 14thcountries, toleranceMuslim,part legislativedrinking theanddrinking alcoholicAlcohol and/orappears higheststart oflegal world.purchasing part Macedonian it drinkingis policyHungary isUse,age. drinking rachiu,of drinkattempts legal.in Asculturallyintoxicated.is Georgian alcoholgenerallyEstoniaItof for is madeage2017,It aalcohol ranksnormal age. drivingislocalculture, to of common acceptableconsumptionwas Lithuania fromculture. make alcoholCroatiadone among Poleshomemade by fortheunder with the agethe minorsin largesthaveto It isthe rankeddistilled moderation,has alcoholic15.agetotheis see18. comparedcustomaryten drinka raised Itliquor. toinfluence. 21 peoplereputationconsumer is 4thheaviestconsumebecause fercommon alco toasts the out- - 5 may result in a fine of a couple hundred Euros. 4,5,6 BetomentedforholdrinkingbeerMoldovansusedofand alcohol186theconsume cautious drinkingguests forroughly orto highrestcountries both winecelebratefruit inagenations ofto ofpublicnumberhave sociallyhomemadewhen mena to thatallinconsumethe quarter 20restaurants. member bya in andworld. is friendshipsplaces,acceptingstrongyears the ofclearand women. bothof atworld.World 5 vodka oldtoasting Slovakiansthe statesleastdrinkinglikesuch drunk afterAlthough openpopulation 5water.Healthand In calledoneas in 2015, often. sidewalksbeing beveragesdrivingbusiness2012,culture glass tendThe Organizationsamohonka drinkingHungary Drinksdrinking18 entirelyalcohol of to accidents whichyears winedeals.continueand at are is hadbars, public hasoldcontent12.3duringabstain ahorilka 5 refilled incommonHowever, the and priorled litersvictimstermspouring transportation. highest apremature to offrom inseries to immediately, per roughly ofthis rural socialthisitof drinks,highest alcohol.mayadult sexualrates drinkof change.areas. activity, toasts1/3notdeaths each ofso can alcohol assault4 Drinkingof 6be alcohol ifbut4 allduringvaryyear. you appropriatesecondarypublic it’s deaths consumption. reportare5widely useisokay Georgian drunkennessmuchdone disorders. in tobeing soto theto drinkdrinking, morealcoholism.use drink dinnercountry. drugged5 cautionAlthough 5watercommon iswhile placeconsideredparties 5 andwith whenin drug amonga ethnic miss Rohypnalnapkincalled drinking possession somedegrading. males.Alba supraor toasts.and- ait. 5.55 45 CULTURALothernianhandfor personal or overdate Macedonian yourrape use cup. classifiedINFORMATION:was 6Muslim decriminalized drugs. communities.6 in 2012,6 Croatia has increased penalties for those convicted of drug dealing.6 CULTURALMajorCULTURAL Religions: INFORMATION: Roman INFORMATION: Catholic 57.8%, Muslim 2.4%, Orthodox 2.3%, other christia 0.9%, unaffiliated 3.5%, other/unspeci- 5 MajorfiedCULTURAL 23%, Religions: and none INFORMATION:84%Various56.7%Russian87.6%EasternCatholicOrthodox37.1%45%74%Roman 10.1%. OrthodoxSerbianMuslim, Roman OrthodoxMuslim, 6 Catholic Orthodox Orthodox87.2%, Christian orthodox,36%Catholic Christian,6.8% Orthodox Christianity77.2%, orthodox 45.7%;81.9%,Christian 93.3%,16.2%,15.3%,Albanian Christianity, Russian5% 17% GreekProtestant1.3%, LutheranBaptistRoman Christian, 70.6%,(official), Muslim,Orthodox, ProtestantOrthodoxCatholic 1%,Catholic,18.2% Unaffiliated 19.6%,9.9%,(various and 15% Other10.7% 6%; 10% Atheism4.1%, 3%other0.4%, Romanother 3% Protestant, Christian Romandenominations)RomanMuslim, Evangelical Muslim, ChristianUnspecified 16.2%,Christian orCatholic, Agnosticism, Catholic.Catholic.2.9% 1.2%, 1.5%MuslimJewish, 2.2%, 1%,< Armenian 3% Other 2%, protestant, 6.4%,11.2%5The other Jewish,10%, othernone other 13.8%196760.9%, Roman 0.4%, OtherApostolic,0.9%,38%. 0.8%,1%Cultural Reformed Unspecifiedless 7Protestant.Unspecified ReligionsCatholicNone Old than 1.2%Revolution Believer 54.1%, 1%Church 4.3%, >1%other 63.2%are Unnown 763.7% 6 0.8%,Jewish, otherof(includes in Hungary/ Albania none 16.7%and 6 CULTURAL INFORMATION:5 6 theCatholic,outlawedMajor(includesOther6.1%, remaining Unspecified Protestant Religions: Jehovah’sMuslim)all religious practice denominations, 0.9%,62%MacedonianRoman10.1% Witness, practices, aRoman nonedifferent Catholic Yazidi, or Catholic,Orthodox however,atheist 1.8% religion86.3%, Protestant, Greek 8.2%0.2%, 64.8%, Orthodox anor amendmentnoProtestant,Catholic, unspecified Jewish), religion.Muslim 4.4%, 1.9% 1.7% 33.3%, 3.9% Muslimin 6.3% Other,1990none/unspecified. Greek other 5 allowed1.5%, 27.2% Catholic,12.5%Christian Atheist Unaffiliated. Albanians 0.4%,3.8%6 other,7 toother6 practice 13.4% and unspecified theirnone. religion7 1.5%. privately.7 7 LegalMajor System:Religions: The Unaffiliated/UndeclaredText legalPolishLatvianEstonian Slovenian legal government government system legal is consists system isbased ruled51.9%, onisof by described Nothea a President, ReligionPrime continental Minister,as 34.2%, Prime“a civil legal whoRomanMinister law system, is jurisdiction theCatholic and politicalwith Parliament. 10.3%,a withcourt head a ofMuslimcodified of Theappeals, state. city< 1%,6 systemdistrictHaving a Buddhistprovincial aofcourts civillaw < 1%. and a Legal System: UkraineThreeTheBiHMontenegro hasRepublic types ahas very ofais of semi-presidential complexcourtsa MoldovaDemocratic make political is aup Republic parliamentary the andrepublic7 Russian 6legal with with system anlegal governed executive,a civil system. based law by judicialonsystemThea president the one 1995 and most Daytonjudiciallegislativeand important a prime Peacereview branch. minister.to Accords. of the legislative averageThe Their The structure country’s legal Russianacts. of strongDespite influence this, many of Albanians German Law remain and non-practicing.legal order”. 7 8 8 6 LegalThesystemgovernmenttheorcourt,trylegal tourist all courtlegislative system, System:andcriminal is systemais a civil
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