Ataconic running life S ^jj^^^g^www.runner.org• T • R • R November• C 1999* ^ RUNNING INTO 2000 NICK JUBOK GIVING WATER TO GIA BOULOS IN THE LAST LEG OFTHE REACH THE BEACH RELAY C A N W E S U R V I V E Y 2 K ? M A R K Y O U C A L E N D A R S N O W ! 12/4/99 10:00 AM X-Country Relays P e t e r M e i s l e r 265-9674 12/5/99 11:00 AM Couples Relay Steve Calidonna 736-7607 2/6/00 10:00 AM F r e e z e r 5 K Jerry Radlauer 764-9056 Barbara Brittan 747-7431 2/20/00 10:00 AM F r e e z e r 5 M i l e r Jerry Radlauer 764-9056 Barbara Brittan 747-7431 The Taconic Road Runners Club Presents the «i<!ross Country Relay Blue Mountain Reservation Saturday December 4,1999 Starting time 10:00 A.M. Female-3 ninners per team Fee $15/team Mate^ numers per team Fee$20/team All nmners con^pete on the same course, which is 3+ miles and changes every year. The race begins and ends at the Bhie Mountain Lodge. It is a good idea not to wear your newest shoes for this event. There will be a pancake breakfest after the race and showws are available at the Lodge. Awards for male ^d female teams in the following categories: High School, Open and Master. Mixed t^ms are allowed but are scored with the men's teams. Category: High School: Open: N&{ters: Team Name Colors S e x M F M i x e d I know that nmnittg a crass country race is apc^entially hazardous activity. I ^uld not enter and run unless I am inedicatly able aod property tixtinsd. 1 agree to sbide I9 any deciaon of a riMis Official relative to 11^ ability to safety complete the ran. 1 assume all rislcs associated with nmn^ in this event inctuding>btit (tot limited to: fells, contact with odierpaitic^nts, the effects of the weather, iocluding high heat and/or humidity, traffic and the cooditionsofthe road, all such rides being totown and appieciated t)y i&&. Having read this waiver and Knowiiig these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entiy, 1, for ittyself and anyone entitled to set on my ttehaif, waive and release the Taconic Road Runners Clt^ Blue Mountain Reservation and ail sponsors, their tepresentatiVesattd successors fiom all claims or liairili- ties of any irfiyi arising out 119 participation in this event evra though that liability nnay arise out of ne^genM or carelessness on the part of the peisons named in this waiver. I grantij^emiitsioatotil ofttie forgoing to use ai^ photographs, nx^toos pictures, reconlingsor any other record ofthis event fiir any legitimate purpose. I understand that bicyc^ skateboards, baby joggers^ idtler ideates or blades, animals, and radio headsets are not Stowed in the race and I wilt abide this guideline. In SBimnaiy. I know tina is a dttsb thing to do and hold (^y n^lf responsible Members in order of running. Print Clearly Signatures, Parent' s signature if under 18 Make checks payable to TRItC. Send to TRRC, PO BOX 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Race Director: PeterMeisler (914) 265-9674 email [email protected] P r e s i d e n t ' s C o l u m n Position Available, starting 1/1/2001 Election Day has come and gone, and guess what. I got elected (?) again. Wliat with the campaigning, the primaries and the debates, I'm exhausted. But seriously folks, this next year will be my last as Prez, So y'ali will have to start thinking about who among you will be next Prez. There are only two people who can't be the next Prez. Lee and I. therefore opportunity knocks for some ambitious soul to step forward from the other 500+ eligible club members. Being Prez is a great job. which is made easy because of the absolutely fabulous support provided by the Taconic volunteers. Of course, there is a certain element of experience required, but guess what - all ol the basics can be learned through volunteering at our events, and there's plenty of time during the upcoming millennium year to acquire the skills you'll need. So if you have an outgoing personality, thick skin, and a word processor with a spell checker you could be writing this column in 2001 (A Double Space Odyssey?). Klialid Khannouchi .sets New Maratlioii Record On October 24. Khalid Khannouchi of Ossining (and a really nice guy) shattered the world's best time for the marathon setting the new best at 2:0.^:42 (pause at this point and think about how last this time is) at the Chicago Marathon. This is a great achievement for Khalid who was our guest at one of our monthly meetings last year. Khalid is still pursuing US citizenship, and is hopeful of running for the US in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Due to some administrative screw-ups at the Immigration & Naturalization Department his citizenship application has been delayed. At this point, without special legislation, his application will not be approved in time. Rep. Sue Kelly has introduced a special hill (this is not uncommon) to facilitate Khalid's application, Thai's the good news. The bad news is that the chainnan of the Congressional Immigration & Naturalization subcommittee. Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, has blocked the bill. Smith's reasoning for nol supporting Khalid's application is that he doesn't led it is appropriate that Khalid displace other American marathoners from the Olympic squad. This is really laughable in light of the fact that only one American so far has run the Olympic qualifying standard of 2:14:{K), and that was David Morris who llnished I'ourih (2:09:32) behind Khalid in Chicago. No other Americans have come close, and the prospects are dim that any other Americans are going to qualify, and certainly there are none that can come anywhere close to Khalid. It's a pity that Khalid's fate is in the hands ol someone like Rep. Smith who is obviously a pinhead. Do what you can to help - first nominate, then elect Rep. Smith to be the next Prez of TRRC. a position in which he will do less damage. Y2K Fear nol dear readers. TRRC is Y2K ready. All volunteers will be issued a special device* which will enable them to continue the very effective performance of their race duties in the new year. The device will ensure that they will know when and where to be at all times during the year 20(X). After studying our readiness for the last 18 months our outside consultants came up with this suggestion, and it was approved by the TRRC Board by a vote of 2 to 1 with several abstentions, including one Board member who had never used such a device and wasn't sure it was user friendly enough. It was agreed that a special training session would be held sometime in January 2000. that is if we all make through New Year's. That's all for now. Your lame duck Prez,Ed *a calendar TACONIC RUNNING LIFE Taconic Running Life is the otfjcial publication of the Taconic Road Runners Club. Inc. Taconic Road Runners Club Publication is bimonthly and is distributed to ^ PO Box 711 club metnbers at no charge. Shrub Oak, NY 10588 • T * R * R * C * www.runner.org President Ed McLaughlin 244-8.'544 inrefm @ ilvn. net VP Nancy Young 528-2251 nins262@aoic<)ni VP Fred Reger 621 -16() 1 fn'dr@cy}?i(r{xm.com VP-Membership Greg Diamond 528-2251 }>reg @ ninner.org Treasurer Rich Adamski 528-8457 richtrrc^aoLconi .Secretary Joanna Nash 24^'()<-)(i()t\vopennyj!@(iol.con} TRL [editor TinaCuiien 25?>-25^i)!in(Lci{llen@iH'psi.com Piihlicily/Wotnen's MasiersTeani Debra Kenncy 245-9(')29aherkeu@i.\.ne!cont.com Race Coordinator/lEtjuipni Richard Nash 248-6666 [email protected] Advertising Steve Quinn 628-0648 .sc/uinn43@a(}l.con} M e n ' s M a s t e r s T e a m Scott Abercrombie 245-9629 aberken @ /.v. neicom. com Men's Open Tcam/MAC Ken Martin 737-8784 teaman 100@a()l.com Women's Open Team Maria Calidonna 278-6036 M e n ' s V e t e r a n s Te a m Richard Nash 248-6666 [email protected] Women's Veterans Team Lee Saroken 1 S544 It tc Iks Rates tor Advertising in Taconic RunniniJ Life: TRRC TAC Number; ()799/TRRC Hotline: (914) 92.^-4665 Business Card: SIO per Issue/S60 per Year Quarter Page: S4()/S!62 Half Page: $6.5/S300 Full Page: S120/$5n 1999 Children's Columbus Day Race by Scott Abercrombie For several years, the number of participants in the Columbus Day Race has been in the high 400's, never quite reaching 500. Well, this year, during the 14"" annual running races for children on Columbus Day, 571 children participated! The race is set up as a competition between elementary schools. Historically, the majority of kids have represented the Lakeland and Peekskill schools. This year there was strong participation from Peekskill has always been very supportive of our running events, and we Mahopac and other districts, which means the potential is there for even arc very fortunate to have access to such a great location as Depew Park.
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